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~~NOTE ~~ I will update each "clutch entry" as clutches hatch............. In the "Status Section" of each individual clutch entry you will see the sex ratio of the hatchlings, their ID #'s and a group photo of the clutch.............each clutch entry will tell you what is expected to be produced..........if you see a clutch you would like to buy from.............just email me............ALL that is for sale will end up on "The Big List"

Enjoy.............and THANKS!!!...........Ralph

1   pic > 7 Eggs   04/04/05 06/01/05

From breeding a "Goblin "Marker" male to a normal female............this clutch should produce some more "Markers"........hopefully this season I will figure out if my "Goblin Markers" are actually Yellow Bellies aka "Het Ivories".....( spec f # 2 )

You can view my first Goblin "Marker" clutch from 2004 on the 2004 BR page clutch # 5

Pic of Mom on her eggs



3.1 "Gob Marker" and 1.2 "sib" hatched out on 06/01/05.......these "Gob Markers" are getting prettier each season I produce them........)

05 clutch # 1....3.1 "gob markers" all on left 05 "Gob Marker"

2005 ID # s for this clutch are below :
05 gob marker male # 1, 2, 3
05 gob marker female # 1
05 gob marker sib male # 1
05 gob marker sib female # 1, 2

If you would like to inquire about 05 clutch # 1 please - click here - use " 05 clutch # 1" in subject line.


2    pic > 9 Eggs    04/08/05 06/04/05

From breeding a "Karma" male ( Cuff and Link ) to my "Original Phantom" female............this is her 5th year in a row producing eggs for me. "Cuff and Link" are her "Blue Eyed " sons from the 2003 breeding of Lesser x Phantom. I'm very excited to see what hatches from this clutch.....this MOM is a "tank".....( orig phantom f # 1 )

2001 - sire Goblin male - 7eggs - clutch # 4
2002 - sire Goblin male - 6 eggs - clutch # 12
2003 - sire Lesser and Pastel male - 7 eggs - clutch # 14
2004 - sire "Platty Daddy" - 9 eggs - clutch # 10
2005 - sire "Karma" male - 9 eggs - clutch # 2

Pic of Mom on her eggs



What a clutch!!.........2.1 Lesser / Phantom lucys ( lucys that are actually the "Phantom Lesser Cross"), 1.1 Lesser Platty, 1.1 Phantom and 0.2 "mystery ball" hatched out on 06/04/05......I could barely wait for this clutch to pip.

When I started thinking about this clutch more............I had to keep reminding myself that "Cuff , Link and Karma" are white snakes yes...........but they are actually Phantom/ Lesser Crosses............a "Phantom Lesser" is WHITE.............so the white snakes with blue eyes are Phantoms just as much as they are Lessers.....

With that being said..........I tried to figure out "what" this clutch could produce.......the Blue Eyed Lucys were the most obvious ( Phantom Lesser Cross ).........then there would be Lessers, Phantoms and Normals...........why?.............because that is what you get when you breed Lessers and Phantoms to normals.

I also prepared myself for the possibility that the "Super Phantom" was not going to be white ( wishful thinking )..........this clutch was more about "Phantom X Phantom" to me than anything else............so I figured that I would produce two "types" of white snakes.............the "Phantom Lesser" ( white with blue eyes, some yellow striping and cheek marks ) and the "Super Phantom".........MKR produced the Super Mojave last season ...........everyone insisted that Phantoms and Mojaves are the same mutation..........so it was settled in most people's minds that "if" there was a Super Phantom..........it would look like the white snake that MKR produced from Mojave x Mojave.

That was good enough for me to beleive........but I didn't want it to be true.........I didn't want another white super or cross on my hands..........that horse has been beat to death.........and yes I still value and love the white snakes I produce from all my various bloodlines like no other mutation ...........especially the white snakes from my Platty bloodline only.............they are WHITE and perfect!!

Well this clutch has hatched and I have yet another "surprise" from the original Phantom Mother.........I believe that the two female "mystery" snakes are "Super Phantoms"........the 2.1 Blue Eyed Lucys in this clutch look exactly like Karma, Cuff and Link..........( Phantom Lesser Crosses ) .........there is no white snake that looks like MKR's "Super Mojave".........I'm not sayin' that one of the white snakes is not a "Super Phantom".........but in my professional ( yeah right ) observation..........the 2.1 white snakes are the result of the "Lesser side" of the white male ( Cuff or Link ) crossing with the Phantom Mom ...........resulting in the 2.1 white snakes ( Phantom Lesser Cross )

So now you know what I know........I have a clutch from Phantom x Phantom in the incubator ( 05 clutch # 91 )....if the eggs do well and I get lucky........it may be possible to produce another "Super Phantom" like the two females from this clutch........if I do........then I will but this thing to bed and say that there is a "Super Phantom", it ain't white...........and it ROCKS!!!

Also I would like to say that the white snake that MKR produced ( Super Mojave ) was from a very limited number of eggs.........I'm not sure how many Mojave x Mojave clutches have been produced or hatched.........or what the results were?........so maybe there will be a "Super Mojave" that is not white??

I have never sold a Phantom.........I have kept every single one I have produced since 2001...........I'm a "see the project thru to the end" type of Boner...........plus it makes for some serious Dinkin'.........these "Supers" look to me like what a Super Phantom should look like..........they are "Phantom Daddy's"..........who would have ever thought that a snake "more hypo" than a Platty could be produced?......or maybe there is just too many traits duking it out in this clutch and it was a roll of the dice?.........more breeding will help figure out what is going on........blah, blah, blah........

For now.....I'm going with "Super Phantom"...........

I'm hoping that this is "easy stuff" and that these two incredible little girls I produced are "Super Phantoms".........if they ain't?..........then it's back to the drawing board............more fun and more excitement for all of you DIE HARD Ball Python Nuts!!

NOTHING surprises me anymore with Ball Python mutations...........anything is possible if you ask me........just when you think "you have seen it all" or "no way can another mutation be produced".........Bam!!.........there it is............it boggles the mind!!......the BP market is going no where but UP!!!

I want to thank everyone of you who support RDR and the people who don't ( good motivation )...........I greatly appreciate it and know WHO all of you are..........I ain't the "bad guy"..........sometimes I have to look like the "bad guy" to keep the juices pumpin'......gotta "rock the boat sometimes"........it's all good!!...........and it just keeps gettin' better every year!!

Rock On!!! .............Ralphie...;)

Here is the link to the page of pics from 2005 ball python clutch # 2...........impatient bastages!!!!! .........ROCK ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2005 Ball Python Clutch # 2

2005 ID # s for this clutch are below :
05 super phantom female # 1,2
05 lesser male # 1
05 lesser female # 1

05 phantom male # 1
05 phantom female # 1
05 phantom/lesser/lucy male # 1,2
05 phantom/lesser/lucy female # 1


If you would like to inquire about 05 clutch # 2 please - click here - use " 05 clutch # 2 " in subject line.


3   pic > 6 Eggs    04/09/05 06/06/05

From breeding a Caramel Albino male to a Lavender Albino female........all of the babies from this clutch will look normal and be Double Het for "Caramel / Lavender".......I'm thinking since both the Caramel and the Lavender traits express / share the "purple-ish" coloration............this could end up making a very cool "1 in 16 snake"........DINKIN'!!......( 01 lav alb f # 4 )

Pic of Mom on her eggs



5.1 DH for Lavender Albino x Caramel Albino hatched out on 06/06/05.......I could have used a couple more girls in this clutch..;).........I guess I answered the question of "will there be a new type of albino from this cross first generation"........so now I raise these puppies up and work on producing my "1 in 16 snake".........the "Caramel Lavender".

05 clutch # 3 - 5.1 DH Lavender Albino X Caramel Albino

2005 ID # s for this clutch are below :
05 dh lav alb x carm alb male # 1,2,3,4,5
05 dh lav alb x carm alb female # 1


If you would like to inquire about 05 clutch # 3 please - click here - use " 05 clutch # 3 " in subject line.

PROJECTED PRICE : I will sell two of these DH males - $15,000.00 each

4   pic > 7 Eggs   04/10/05  06/05/05

From breeding a Spider male to a Lavender Albino female.......this should produce a couple Spiders het for Lavender Albino and the normal offspring will be het for Lavender Albino.........we all know how awesome NERD's "Albino Spider" looks.............now let's kick it up a notch!!.....( org lav alb f # 1 )

Pic of Mom on her eggs



1.1 Spider het for Lavender Albino and 3.1 het Lavender Albino hatched out on 06/05/05.........I'm thrilled to have the pair of Spiders hatch from this clutch...;)....breeding a male Spider het Lav Alb to a homo or het Lav Alb female could / should produce a "Lavender Albino Spider "......one ( 1 ) egg went bad during incubation.

05 clutch # 4 - 1.1 Spider het Lav Alb - 3.1 het Lav Alb

2005 ID # s for this clutch are below :
05 spider het lav alb male # 1
05 spider het lav alb female # 1
05 het lav alb male # 1,2,3
05 het lav alb female # 1


If you would like to inquire about 05 clutch # 4 please - click here - use " 05 clutch # 4 " in subject line.

PROJECTED PRICE : Het Lavender Albino males - $5,000.00 each - Het Lavender Albino females - $6,000.00 each

5   pic > 7 Eggs    04/10/05 06/06/05

From breeding "Platty Daddy" to one of his Lesser Daughters.........this same female produced 0.2 PURE WHITE Blue Eyed Lucys last season from being bred to "Platty Daddy".......04 clutch # 4.......( 01 lesser f # 1 )

Pic of Mom on her eggs



1.1 "Platty Daddy" and 0.1 Platty "sib" hatched out on 06/06/05........the rest of the clutch went bad ( 4 eggs )...........this Mom had bad eggs last season as well.........she produced pure white Lucys last season.........this season she produced a pair of little "Platties"..........I'm happy as all hell to have produced another male Platty..........you ain't gonna produce a Platty with a Mojave People!!!!............Platties Rock!!!......and are RARE!!!

So far I have produced "Platties" from breeding Lesser x sib and Platty Daddy x Lesser

05 clutch # 5 - 1.1 "Platty" - 0.1 Platty "sib" 1.1 2005 Platty 2005 Platty 2005 1.1 Platty.........ROCK ON!!
2005 Platty 2005 Lesser Platty ( left ) with 1.1 Platty ( top and right )......Lesser was from 05 clutch # 2

2005 ID # s for this clutch are below :
05 platty male # 1
05 platty female # 1
05 platty "sib" female # 1

If you would like to inquire about 05 clutch # 5 please - click here - use " 05 clutch # 5 " in subject line.


6   pic > 4 Eggs    04/11/05  06/06/05

From breeding a Black Head male to a Hypermelanistic female..........I did the exact same breeding with this female in 2003 with my "Original Black Head male".......this season I bred one of his Son's to the Mom of this clutch........she produced 0.3 very KILLER Black Heads..........03 clutch # 4........let's see how she does this season...;)......( black f 2a )

Pic of Mom on her eggs



1.1 Black Head and 2.0 normal looking ( which I will call "het Black" because Mom is a Hypermel ) hatched out on 06/06/05..........I love this mutation ......I wonder if there is a Super?............and will it be totally JET BLACK ......hopefully I will be able to breed BH x BH next season....;)

05 clutch # 6 - 1.1 Black Head - 2.0 "het" Black 2005 - 1.1 Black Head 2005 Black Head 2005 Black Head
05 Black Head after first shed 05 Black Head after first shed 05 Black Head after first shed

2005 ID # s for this clutch are below :
05 black head male # 1
05 black head female # 1
05 het black male # 1,2


If you would like to inquire about 05 clutch # 6 please - click here - use " 05 clutch # 6 " in subject line.

PROJECTED PRICE : Please Inquire

7    pic > 6 Eggs    04/13/05  06/10/05

From breeding a "het son Jungle Stripe" back to his "Jungle Stripe" Mother.......this project has not produced any "visuals" so far........I started off breeding what were supposed to be 1.2 sibs from Africa.........I have produced several clutches between the 1.2 group and only produced normal looking offspring..........so I line bred a "het son" back to his Mom this season...........if I don't see any results this year, then it's a big ZIP on a new morph.........I will produce two clutches this way this season ( het son to Mom )...........so hopefully I'll see some very cool striped babies this season...........I got my doubts that this "trait" is simple recessive?? ( real stripe f # 2 )

Previous clutches from this female........04 clutch # 19 and 03 clutch # 9

Pic of Mom on her eggs



2.1 "very pretty" normals and 0.1 "Stripe" hatched out on 6/10/05.......2 eggs in this clutch went bad. I'll say this..........the three "normals" are gorgeous..........very pretty "plump" babies ( maybe because this is the first actual line breeding? )..........and then there is the RUNT........yep......the little striped female is a tiny little thing........she did not absorb 50% of her yolk. She hatched with the rest of them...........but she is small. She seems strong and has gone into shed...........so maybe with some TLC she will start to feed and "catch up" to her clutch mates. She is striped for sure.........but not nearly as "wacky" patterned as her MOM and Aunt........I have another clutch to hatch this season, maybe with better results ............right now I'd say "yes" I can produce striped animals out of this line........BUT, I can produce aberrant stripes consistently out of many of my Striped females. Maybe I'll "dink" some more on this?.........the next clutch will hopefully show me a little more.

05 clutch # 7 - 2.1 sibs I love how clean this ball python is..;) Perfect Is this a "Jungle Stripe"?????....porr little runt girlie...;)

2005 ID # s for this clutch are below :
05 jg str female # 1
05 het jg str male # 1,2
05 het jg str female # 1

If you would like to inquire about 05 clutch # 7 please - click here - use " 05 clutch # 7 " in subject line.


8   pic > 5 Eggs   04/13/05   06/13/05

From breeding a Jolliff Snow Ball male to a Double Het for Jolliff Snow female........this female has one heck of a history.........she was produced in 2000 from breeding a DH Jolliff Snow male to a normal female...........so I called her a "25% possible double het snow"...........her first clutch was four eggs in 2002 from being bred back to her DH Snow Father...........1.1 Albino was produced...........the male Albino was a "Paradox Albino", you can visit that clutch entry on the 2002 BR page clutch # 35 ........so she proved to be het Albino in 02......then in 2003 she was bred to her DH Snow Father again...........four eggs again.....this time 1.1 Axanthic and 1.1 pdhsn were produced...........so I proved her out to be a DOUBLE HET for SNOW in two breedings.........2003 clutch # 22........in 2004 I bred her "Paradox Albino" Son ( also poss het for snow ) back to her to see if I could produce a Snow or maybe another "Paradox"......again four eggs, 2.0 Albino and 2.0 sibs were produced.......2004 clutch # 9.....so now it's 2005 and this female has come "full circle" in four years...........she was produced from breeding a DH Snow male to a normal female ( poor man's way )..............proved out to be a Double Het..........and now finally being bred to a Snow Ball male..........WOW!!!........I love this stuff!!! .........and you know I gotta say it......."Possibles RULE!!!"........( 00 pdhsn joll f # 3 )

Pic of Mom on her eggs



1.1 Jolliff Snow Ball, 1.1 Albino het Jolliff Snow and 1.0 Jolliff Axanthic het Jolliff Snow hatched out on 6/13/05..........did this female KICK SOME ASS or what??........she's done it all!!.............FULL CIRCLE!!............I was thrilled to see this little clutch crawling around in the egg box......I new I was due for some SNOW!!!............Rock On!!!

05 clutch # 8..........1.1 Snow Ball!!!....;)

2005 ID # s for this clutch are below :
05 joll snow male # 1
05 joll snow female # 1
05 joll ax het snow male # 1
05 alb het joll snow male # 1
05 alb het joll snow female # 1

If you would like to inquire about 05 clutch # 8 please - click here - use " 05 clutch # 8 " in subject line.


9   pic > 10 Eggs - slug    04/13/05   06/11/05

From breeding a "Goblin "Marker" male to a normal female............this clutch should produce some more "Markers"........hopefully this season I will figure out if my "Goblin Markers" are actually Yellow Bellies aka "Het Ivories".....( 01 granite f am ).....this is the second clutch from "Gob Marker x Normal "

Pic of Mom on her eggs



1.4 Goblin Marker and 2.1 "sib" hatched out on 6/11/05.......1 egg went bad and 1 egg had a dead baby in it ( 3/4 term )

05 clutch # 9 1.4 Gob Markers from 05 clutch # 9 05 Gob Marker 05 Gob Marker
05 Gob Marker - white scales on the sides in the dark areas

2005 ID # s for this clutch are below :
05 gob marker male # 4
05 gob marker female # 2,3,4,5
05 gob marker sib male # 2,3
05 gob marker sib female # 3


If you would like to inquire about 05 clutch # 9 please - click here - use " 05 clutch # 9 " in subject line.


10   pic > 10 Eggs    04/14/05   06/11/05

From breeding a Piebald male to a het Piebald female.........this clutch should produce a 50/50 split between Pieds and hets.......( het pied f # 3 )

Pic of Mom on her eggs



1.3 Piebald and 4.1 het Piebald hatched out on 6/11/05....1 egg went bad in this clutch. You never get "used" to hatching out Piebalds.....;)

05 clutch # 10 1.3 Piebald from 05 clutch # 10

2005 ID # s for this clutch are below :
05 pied male # 1
05 pied female # 1,2,3
05 het pied male # 1,2,3,4
05 het pied female # 1

If you would like to inquire about 05 clutch # 10 please - click here - use " 05 clutch # 10 " in subject line.

PROJECTED PRICE : Pied males - $7,500.00 to $12,500.00 each , Piebald females - $6,500.00 to $10,000.00 each , het Piebald males - $350.00 each , het Piebald females - $1,750.00 each

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