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Here are the pics I snapped of 2005 Clutch # 2 ( all of them LOL )........these are all "pre-shed" right out of the egg...........I'll be taking more pics after they shed and of course as they mature. I'm major stoked about this clutch..........I can't believe that these two females can even stand up against a baby "Platty".........enjoy the pics and Rock On!!

2.1 Lucy, 1.1 Lesser, 1.1 Phantom and 0.2 "Super Phantom?" - 05 clutch # 2 - 06/04/05

There are 29 pics on this page........if you do not see them all.........try refreshing the page..;)

The blue eyed lucys from 05 clutch # 2 - 2.1 produced 05 clutch # 2 - 2.1 lucy, 1.1 lesser, 1.1 phantom and 0.2 "mystery?" What a "Dream Clutch" My two new little "Stars" A worthy little "pile"
Move over lucy!!.......hehehe The color and pattern of the new snakes is wayyyyy mutated........WOW!! I love the little "dough-nuts" on the sides A Lesser Platty for comparison These two are so pale and pretty...;)
The Lesser really stands out in this crowd The "twins" have blue eyes Yes they have a lavender hue to them with clear sides I can't wait to see these gals grow up..;) Thee Clutch!!!
Check out those lines....;) Why is it that RDR always produces the "girlie snakes"? I'm luvin' this color combo..;) Ahhhhhh.......... What am I?
Two Phantoms, a Lesser and one of the twins I'm dead sexy.......and I know it!! The twins........ The twins with the pair of Platties from clutch # 5 Yeah...that's what I'm thinkin'
A Lesser, the twins and the pair of Platties..... Just when you think you can't go any lighter? Could all this good luck be from worshiping lather?......AMY!!!! The end............for now........hehehe That's it....for now..:)

Link's name lives on!!!!!.........

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