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~~NOTE ~~ I will update each "clutch entry" as clutches hatch............. In the "Status Section" of each individual clutch entry you will see the sex ratio of the hatchlings, their ID #'s and a group photo of the clutch.............each clutch entry will tell you what is expected to be produced..........if you see a clutch you would like to buy from.............just email me............ALL that is for sale will end up on "The Big List"

Enjoy.............and THANKS!!!...........Ralph

1   pic > 6 Eggs   04/04/04

From Breeding a Pastel male to a normal female............this clutch should produce on average 3 normals and 3 Pastels ( 99 jungle f # 4 )

Pic of Mom on her eggs


Hatched *

0.2 Pastel and 1.1 Pastel "sibs" hatched out on 05/31/04...........1 egg went bad during incubation and 1 baby was dead in the egg.........it was a normal, it's head was badly deformed. The Mom of this clutch was a female that I bought as a "jungle-ish" looking baby from Africa in 1999.........her babies do resemble her as she looked as a baby..........one of the Pastels looks just like her pattern with the "Pastel Paint"...........:)

04 clutch # 1This one looks like Momma!!The gorgeous little female from this clutch shed out...;)

2004 ID # s for this clutch are below :
04 pastel female # 1, 2
04 pastle "sib" male # 1
04 pastel "sib" female # 1

If you would like to inquire about 04 clutch # 1 please - click here - use " 04 clutch # 1" in subject line.

2   pic > 9 Eggs   04/08/04

From Breeding a Pastel male to a normal female ( n f # 25 )

Pic of Mom on her eggs


Hatched *

1.1 Pastel and 2.5 Pastel"sibs" hatched on 06/04/04..........talk about getting your ass kicked in "odds".........:)

04 clutch # 2

2004 ID # s for this clutch are below :
04 pastel male # 1
04 pastel female # 3
04 pastle "sib" male # 2,3
04 Pastel "sib" female # 2,3,4,5,6

If you would like to inquire about 04 clutch # 2 please - click here - use " 04 clutch # 2 " in subject line.

3   pic > 7 Eggs   04/10/04

From breeding a Caramel Albino male to a het Caramel Albino female..........this is the only het Caramel Albino female I have..........she produces eggs every year!!...........she has yet to produce a Caramel baby for me from a het x het breeding...........this year she was bred to the "real deal"........:) ( het carm alb f # 1 )..........please let the "ODDS GODS" be with Ralphie on this clutch!!!!

Pic of Mom on her eggs


Hatched *

3.2 Caramel Albino and 1.0 het Caramel Albino hatched on 06/05/04.......1 egg went bad in this clutch...............now this is GOOD ODDS!!......;)......and man ole' man are they PURPLE!!!......some pics are below.

04 clutch # 3Caramel close up

2004 ID # s for this clutch are below :
04 caramel albino male # 1,2,3
04 caramel albino female # 1,2
04 het caramel albino male # 1

If you would like to inquire about 04 clutch # 3 please - click here - use " 04 clutch # 3 " in subject line.

4   pic > 7 Eggs   04/11/04

From breeding "Platty Daddy" to one of his 01 Lesser Platty daughters............this will be the first of three clutches of Platty Daddy x Lesser produced this year.......:).............I would expect Lessers, Platty Daddies, normal looking sibs............maybe that crazy hypo trait will show up?..............maybe there will be a "Super Lesser".............maybe there will be a "Super Platty Daddy"............maybe more Lucys??????............55 days and counting.............mark your calendar....:)....what a great Easter present!!!......( 01 lesser f # 1 )

Pic of Mom on her eggs


Hatched *

0.2 Blue Eyed Leucistic and 2.1lucy/platty sibs hatched on 06/07/04.......2 eggs went bad during incubation.............HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!............I had serious doubts that the "Lucy" would turn up within the Platty bloodline itself?................maybe it is simple recessive and both my Original Phantom female and Platty Daddy are "het Lucys" right out of the wild?........that would mean that all of their offspring are 50% poss het for Lucy.........this is a long shot theory I know, but it makes sense for now...... I have more clutches coming that will help shed more light on to what is going on here..........it's just hard to swallow right now............I know I get Lucys from breeding Lesser X Phantom ( twice in 2003 producing 2.1 lucy )...........and now I get more Lucys breeding Platty Daddy x Lesser Platty.............Phantoms look nothing like Lessers????.............I'm very curious to see what pops out of my normal looking Lesser Sib clutches, not to mention two more clutches of Platty Daddy X Lesser, one small clutch of Lesser x Lesser, that 9 egg clutch from Platty Daddy x the original Phantom Mom and the four clutches of Lesser sib x Lesser sib..........are the white snakes "Super Lessers".........where were the Lessers and "Supers" from this clutch??.......where were the "Platty Daddys"???........ what the heck are the white snakes from Lesser X Phantom??........remember I produced that Lesser/Phantom Cross???........ain't this the BEST!!!!...........it's a DREAM!!!!.........and fun as all hell putting the puzzle together........so to all the people out there who are lucky enough to be working with the Platty gene...............Rock On!!!........we can kiss those low prices of $25,000.00 each good-bye......Platty stock couldn't go any higher unless they laid golden eggs!!!.............feel free to contact me once you pick yourself up off the floor to discuss future pricing and how Ralphie is gonna proceed........:)............KEEP EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Remember folks...........only two people in the world have hatched out white snakes with blue eyes............that would be Vin Russo and myself..........Eric Daves from England hatched out the only white snake with black eyes.........The Snake Keeper hatched out Ivory balls and NERD hatched out Super Woma Tigers............that's it!!..........I don't care what the ads say..........it's a short list........we all know that there are some breeders promoting white snakes with pictures..........now ask them how many they have hatched or better yet...........where is their white snake?..........Rock On!!!

Pics of two little Karma 04's below!!!

04 clutch # 4 Two brand new "Karmas" for 2004 Rock On!!!!! 04 Karma female all shed out........with a meal in her belly too.....;)

2004 ID # s for this clutch are below :
04 lucy female # 1,2
04 lucy/platty sib male # 1,2
04 lucy/platty sib female # 1

If you would like to inquire about 04 clutch # 4 please - click here - use " 04 clutch # 4 " in subject line.

5   pic > 5 Eggs   04/12/04

From breeding one of my "Goblin Marker" males to a normal female..........these "markers" are what some are calling "yellow-bellies"............my Goblin male has been throwing out these "markers" in every clutch he has sired..........the first two years the "Goblin" was bred to my original "Phantom" female ( the one who produced Karma ).............so the first two years produced clutches with normals, "markers", phantoms and "phantom / markers".............very confusing stuff...........so anyway...........I want to see if these "marker" males when bred to a normal female will produce more of the same???...........the Goblin has something to offer............I just ain't hit it yet.....;) ( norm f # 1 nuzz )

You can see pics of the "fire orange" "markers" on the Goblin's page as well as the Phantoms.

Pic of Mom on her eggs


Hatched *

1.0 "Goblin Marker", 2.1"Goblin Marker Sibs" and 0.1 very pretty "who knows what"?? hatched on 06/06/04........there is no doubt that the offspring that I have been calling "Goblin Markers" are indeed genetic........the little male "marker" in this clutch is "Fire-Orange" the belly is clear with splashes of white and orange.......aka YELLOW BELLYS.............the "Yellow Bellys" are supposedly what you need to breed together to produce an "Ivory Ball"??????????.............I'm all over it............:)

04 clutch # 5The cool little "Goblin Marker" male that was producedThe Goblin Markers look like "fire"Goblin Marker before first shed
A very cool little female that was in the clutch?

2004 ID # s for this clutch are below :
04 goblin marker male # 1
04 weird gob marker sib female # 1
04 gob marker "sib" male # 1,2
04 gob marker "sib" female # 1

If you would like to inquire about 04 clutch # 5 please - click here - use " 04 clutch # 5 " in subject line.

6   pic > 10 Eggs   04/16/04

From breeding my "Butter Ball" male to a normal female.........this clutch should produce on average.........5 Butters and 5 normals...........the "Butter" is a brand new project here at RDR...........I produced my first baby Butters last year!!.......( n f # 9 )

Pic of Mom on her eggs


Hatched *

1.4 Butter and 2.2 "Butter Sibs" hatched out on 06/12/04............I egg went bad in thic clutch.

One of the baby Butters hatching from 04 clutch # 6 04 clutch # 6

2004 ID # s for this clutch are below :
04 butter male # 1
04 butter female # 1,2,3,4
04 butter "sib" male # 1,2
04 butter "sib" female # 1,2

If you would like to inquire about 04 clutch # 6 please - click here - use " 04 clutch # 6 " in subject line.

7   pic > 6 Eggs   04/20/04

From breeding a pair of "High Golds" together that I raised from babies........they were both imports from Africa. ( high gold f # 1 ) "Dinkin"

Pic of Mom on her eggs


Hatched *

4.2 normal looking babies hatched out on 6/17/04...........I will keep one of these males back to breed to his Mom........this "Dinker" didn't pan out....;)..........the babies are very pretty though.........normals are hard to come by!!

04 clutch # 704 clutch # 7

2004 ID # s for this clutch are below :
04 het high gold type 1 male # 1,2,3,4
04 het high gold female type 1 # 1,2

If you would like to inquire about 04 clutch # 7 please - click here - use " 04 clutch # 7 " in subject line.

8   pic > 7 Eggs   04/20/04

From breeding "Platty Daddy" to one of his 01 Lesser Platty daughters............this is the second of three clutches from Platty Daddy x Lesser this year.......:).............I would expect Lessers, Platty Daddies, normal looking sibs............maybe that crazy hypo trait will show up?..............maybe there will be a "Super Lesser".............maybe there will be a "Super Platty Daddy"............maybe more Lucys??????....( 01 lesser f # 2 )

Pic of Mom on her eggs


Hatched *

0.2 "Platty Daddies" aka PLATINUM hatched out on 06/15/04..........3 eggs in this clutch went bad right away...... ....the other two eggs that did not hatch had one "Lesser" and one "Platty Daddy" in the egg DEAD.........this SUX..........but what can you do......:(......so the first clutch ( # 4 ) from Platty x Lesser was two lucys and three normal looking...........the second clutch ( # 8 ) from Platty x Lesser was 3 Platties and a Lesser.

Pics below of my very first 2004 Platinums!!

04 Platinum04 Platinums 0.204 Platinum04 Platinums 0.2

2004 ID # s for this clutch are below :
04 platinum female # 1,2

If you would like to inquire about 04 clutch # 8 please - click here - use " 04 clutch # 8 " in subject line.

9   pic > 4 Eggs   04/21/04

From breeding a Paradox Albino male poss het for Jolliff Snow to his Mother, who is a Double Het for Jolliff Snow.........his Mom took two season to prove out that she was a a Double het........her first season ( 02 ) she produced Albinos and her second year ( 03 ) she produced Axanthics.............never any Snows........the Paradox Albino male was produced from her first clutch ( 02 )......all three clutches from her have been 4 eggs..........maybe she is trying to tell me something??............anyway........this clutch is pretty exciting.......if the Paradox Albino male is het Snow............I should see a Snow.............and maybe.........."just maybe"..........this "paradox gene" will pop out again??.............I got my fingers crossed.......this female started out as a 25% possible double het snow........her Father was a DH Snow male and her Mom was a normal.............and look at her now!!.........POSS HETS RULE!!!! ( 00 pdhsn joll f # 3 )

Pic of Mom on her eggs


Hatched *

2.0 Albino possible het for Jolliff Snow ( axanthic ) and 2.0 100% het Albino possible het Jolliff Snow ( axanthic ) hatched out on 06/18/04............no "Paradox"........:(.............that's OK .........hopefully I will be able to breed the Paradox Albino male to his sister next season and get better results?............I was hoping for a Paradox in this clutch...........or at least ALL GIRLS to breed back to their "Paradox Papa"............if it's "genetic".........I'll hit on it sooner or later...........I hope somebody proves that it is this year!!............:)

04 clutch # 9

2004 ID # s for this clutch are below :
04 albino phsn "jolliff snow" male # 1,2 ( het paradox albino )
04 het albino phsn "jolliff snow" male # 1,2 ( het paradox albino )

If you would like to inquire about 04 clutch # 9 please - click here - use " 04 clutch # 9 " in subject line.

10   pic > 9 Eggs   04/22/04

From breeding "Platty Daddy" to my "Original Phantom" mother...........this female has produced for me four years in a row...........2001 and 2002 she was bred to my "Goblin" male...........these clutches produced Phantoms, Goblin "markers", Phantom / Goblin "markers" and normals both years..............her third year ( 2003 ) she was bred to a Lesser Platty male and produced Lessers, Phantoms, a Lesser / Phantom Cross, KARMA and normals.............the 2004 clutch should be the best yet!!.........LORD knows what is gonna pop out of this clutch??............and NINE EGGSS!!............I got my fingers wayyyyyyyy crossed on this clutch!!............this is what it's all about folks!!!!............you can look at the archived BR pages to see some of this "Phantom" Mom's history ( 03 clutch # 14 ).............what a project!!!!( orig phantom f # 1 )

Pic of Mom on her eggs


Hatched *

What a clutch!!!.........0.2 Blue Eyed Leucistic, 2.0 Lesser Platty, 0.1 Phantom, 0.1 "Cross Phantom/Lesser ??"and 0.3 normal looking "sibs" hatched out on 06/18/04.....the "cross" this year is different than the "cross" of 2003??.......2004's "cross" looks more like a mixture of the two traits ( Lesser Platty and Phantom ).........last year's "cross" ( 2003 ) could have been from having that Pastel male is with the original Phantom Mom for a day, making it a "Pastel Phantom"........Damn this is confusing stuff!!!...........I thought her clutch last year was colorful.............WOW!!!.........this is what it's all about people ( eat your heart out RDR haters )......0.4 Lucys out so far for 2004!!.............ROCK ON!!!!

2003 info on clutch # 14 take a look at the "cross" in that clutch...look at the color of her head ( bottom right in pic )

Pics below of 2004 clutch # 10

This is what I "think" is the "real" Phantom/Lesser cross from 04 clutch # 10 One of the little "lady lucys" from 04 clutch # 10 A gorgeous Phantom female from 04 clutch # 10 Lesser Platty male from 04 clutch # 10
# 3 and # 4 baby!!!........04 clutch # 10 "The Pile" 04 clutch # 10 A close up of "The Pile" 04 clutch # 10

2004 ID # s for this clutch are below :
04 lucy female # 3,4 ( phantom x platty )
04 lesser platty ph lucy male # 1,2
04 phantom ph lucy female # 1
04 "cross" phanton/lesser ph lucy female # 1
ph lucy female # 1,2,3 ( phantom x platty )

If you would like to inquire about 04 clutch # 10 please - click here - use " 04 clutch # 10 " in subject line.

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