1.0 "Piebald Lesser Platty" and 1.1 Piebald hatched out on 8/31/07. Yepper!!.........yet " another white snake....blahhhhhhhh"........
I'm not positive.........but I would think that the little white worm in this clutch is indeed the "Piebald Lesser Platty".........I always had a feeling that the Lesser did not have the color a Piebald needs to be a "PIED"...........meaning that the Lessers just lack all the color that makes up a classic Pied ( dark tones )....so all that could be left would be WHITE.
So is this the first ever pure WHITE Piebald??.......if it is .........imagine the powerful clutches that this little stud can produce when bred to het Piebald and Piebald females ..........yes.........clutches would hatch with a mix of Pieds and "White Pieds"..........as you can see.........both compliment each other quite nicely...;)
For now this is what we know from the Lesser side........I'm curious to see what the other "Platinum Complex" morphs do when crossed into the Pied......I was told to keep this one "quiet".........and I actually thought about doing so........but it really makes no difference...........it just goes to show you all how stupid most people have been with pricing......
So many mutations are being undersold before any of their real potential is even figured out .........doesn't everyone want a little "Lucy" in their Pied clutches??
Ha!!...........I'm lovin' it!!...........this little guy has had his first meal and shed.....and I will say this..........and I should know...........the white snake from this clutch is 100% hands down the "WHITEST" absolute ZERO patterned ball python on this planet..........it is a "White Piebald"..........
I was gonna name the "Pied Lesser"........"Cookies and Cream"..........but there are no cookies?...........call it a "White Lesser Platty" or a "White Piebald"........I really won't know until I breed him........this is gonna be fun!!!
For the record...........the sire Lesser het Pied male to this clutch was produced from 05 clutch # 70.........his father was "Platty Daddy" and his Mom was a Piebald. The Mom of this clutch was produced from 04 clutch # 49......Piebald x het Piebald.........yes it is possible that Platty Daddy being the Pop to the Lesser het Pied "could" have something to do with the results of this clutch.......more breeding needs to be done........:)

ID # s for this clutch are below :
07 pied lesser male # 1
07 pied male # 1
07 pied female # 3