page will hopefully help out any of you who are
not exactly sure how the Punnett Square works?........There
are so many different combos to write up.......that
it seems endless!!..........Inside of each "solution"
page........I will have the "genetics master"
version/outcome of what the square is telling
us............and I also will do a little write-up
for each one in more easy to understand terms........once
you figure out that all simple recessive traits
work the same...........you can replace what ever
simple trait you want to in the square...........meaning
that any simple recessive trait like Albino or
Piebald will show the same results in the square............your
just using a different mutation........real simple
example..........HET X HET......no matter what
simple recessive gene is involved, will produce
in 4 eggs...........1 homozygous ( example: albino
that is yellow and white with pink eyes)............2
heterozygous ( example: het albino which are completely
normal looking, but carry the albino gene ).........and
1 normal ( example: this snake looks normal like
the 2 heterozygous clutch mates ).........so HET
X HET will always produce homozygous offspring
and normal looking offspring that is 66% possible
het for the trait...........why 66%???..........because
1 of the 3 normal looking babies is not carrying
the gene............that normal baby is the 33%
that makes this so much fun!!!!!!!!!!!!
Some of these squares are going to be harder to
understand than others..........it takes a while
for it all to sink in...........but once you start
to understand the "rules"........you will be doing
the "results" in your head.....:)........I still
get confused and have to see it on paper sometimes...........and
now that we are working with double hets, triple
hets, dominant and co-dominant mutations........and
mixing them all up............who knows if there
is really an answer that the square can even give
us??............"odds are odds".........there
is good luck..........and there is bad luck.........I
for one have proved the square wrong each and
every year I breed...........so lets all have
fun with it........and not worry too much about
"what we should produce because the square tells
us so"..........and just enjoy the breeding and
the "not knowing everything all of the time"..........Mother
Nature knows no boundaries..........especially
when we are fortunate enough in the ball python
hobby to give her so many colors to work with.........the
possibilities are endless!!!!!!!!
I will explain in better "dummy"detail on each
"solution" page..........also, I do have some
good "rants" on the "Ralph's Words" page about
Hets and Possible Hets........that really dig
deep into the subject...
notice to the first entry ( Heterozygous X Heterozygous
)........inside that link is a WORLD of information
on how a square works..........it is going to
be the most in depth example of how the square
works, it is the simplest square to learn on...........so
you can refer back to it for other solutions as
you get hooked on genetics..........and eventually
turn pro.....:)
links in "Yellow" are active........I
will slowly but surely get the rest of the links
done and then some................
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