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Woma  ball pythonGenetic Morph: Woma Ball, Woma Morph
Status: Proven Co-Dominant
By Whom:

This pattern and color mutation is defined by thin brown/gold banding on a gold/platinum-yellow body with pale eyes and tongue. Some animals exhibit orange hues on their head and sides. There is an absence of brown saddling altogether and little to NO black on this hypomelanistic animal. Woma balls posses a drastically reduced belly pattern, often to the point of being patternless. This morph must be seen in person to fully appreciate the myriad subtle variations in both color and pattern. Woma balls share many similarities with the Spider ball python.

Upper text by NERD

NERD first produced Woma balls in 1998, he later bred them to each other and produced the "Super Woma Ball " or the "Pearl" in 2000 proving this trait to be co-dominant..........the Pearl is the homozygous ( super ) form of the Woma ball python.( RDR blurp )


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