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Black Eyed LeucisticGenetic Morph: Leucistic " Black Eye", Super Fire Ball
Status: Proven Co-Dominant
By Whom:
Eric Davies aka Rick Page

The Black Eyed Leucistic ball python..............what else is there to say.........this gorgeous White Snake was produced In England from breeding two "aberrant" African Imports together........the genetics are not "in stone" as of yet ( 2004). The "aberrant" parents when bred together produce normals, aberrants ( like the parents ) and Black Eyed Lucys...........the "aberrant" snakes have been called "Fire Balls".............The "Fire Ball" is what is believed to be the heterozygous form of the Black Eyed Lucy ...........basically saying that "Fire x Fire" will produce in four eggs............1 normal..........2 Fires ( heteros ) and one Lucy ( homo ).........Eric and Mike over in England will be ironing out the possibilities of this mutation in the years to come........does "Fire x Fire" produce Lucys consistently across the board?

As of 2005..........the Black Eyed Lucy is the actual "Super Fire"............the Fires being the "hetero form".

Several "Black Eyes" have been produced as of 2005........" Super Fires".............all have some degree of random light yellow spots / patches on their bodies...........it will be interesting to see if in the future a "pure white" Super Fire can be produced.............or if the "yellow spots / patches" are part of the Super Fire make-up?

Text by Ralph Davis




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