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Hypermelanistic BallMorph: Hypermelanistic
Status: Unproven
When: ?
By Whom:
Many breeders are "dinking" with the "Hypermels"

"Hyper Mels" are called this because of the increased melanin ( dark colors / black ), they seem to be a normal patterned snake with a dark over-lay........like they have been spray painted black.........but the black paint is still slightly "see through". All that I have seen, seem to have a normal pattern underneath a dark black / brown overcast. As they mature some even get more yellow and brown coloration creeping through the dark black. Their bellies look as if they have been crawling through coal dust. It will be interesting to see if this has any affect on the albino and axanthic breeding projects if it ever proves to be genetic.

As of 2005 I know of no breeders being able to reproduce this "look"...........I myself have done Hyper x Hyper and Hyper x het. There were a few babies produced that "looked" dark...........I guess we gotta keep tryin' with this one........zzzzzzzzz

Text by Ralph Davis

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