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Granite Albino Morph: Granite Albino , Yellow Head
Status: Unproven
When: ?
By Whom:
VPI and Ralph Davis have produced " hets" for this trait ( Christy Talbert and Kathy Shaw share the Granite Albino Project with RDR )

The "Granite Albino" or "Yellow Head" ( VPI calls their's ) is a stunning "new" Albino...........it looks like an Albino Burm or Retic.....the color and pattern are way different than a "normal Albino".....three tones of yellow / peach coloration with "speckling" throughout the body. I have produced hets from the female pictured in 2003 and 2004. I did breed this female in 04 to an Albino male............all the offspring were Albino, none of them expressed Mom's "Granite Trait".........so if this is genetic.............I would hope it is simple recessive. Producing two years in a row from her and not seeing any visual "Granites" ( not albino ) tells me that the "Granite part" is not dominant. Time will tell...........;)

As of 2005 I have noticed that the Albinos produced in 04 from the female pictured above have matured into stunning sub-adults. They show about 30% of Mom's color and pattern with beautiful bright yellow heads. So I'm sure that there is "something" to this?.............just gotta do more breeding........Rock On Christy and Kathy!!!

Text by Ralph Davis

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