Morph: Coral Glow, White Smoke,
Status: Proven Dominant
When: 2002
By Whom: NERD
weapons in the NERD arsenal, the Coral Glows
were first produced in November 2002 from
our beautiful Whitesmoke Albino male. Several
names were batted around for these lavender-and-tangerine
gems, but with their sunset coloration the
term Coral Glow was soon established. This
morph MUST be seen in person to truly be
appreciated, as both animals possess an
entire spectrum of orange and purple pigments
impossible to capture with a camera. To
further ice the cake, these vibrant serpents
exhibit a random sprinkling of darker scales
throughout their patterns. Needless to say,
the future for this new mutation is as bright
as the mutation itself!
text by NERD
of 2005 NERD and Will Slough are the only
two breeders who have produced Bananas (
Will ) aka Coral Glows and White Smoke (
NERD)..........crosses have been made too!..........we
now have the "Banana Clown" (
Will )..........."Banana Pastel"
( Will and NERD )........and the "Banana-Pastel-Spider"
( NERD ) aka Banana Bumble Bee
yeah..........both the original male "White
Smoke" and the female Banana were both
offered to me at different times while in
Africa...........I was sent pics and thought
that the snakes pictured where old "ragged
out" Caramel Albinos with lots of ticks
on them.............both were offered at
$25,000.00 each..........and to think I
passed on them just KILLS ME!!!!....;P
original White Smoke male was very pale
and not very pretty at all..........with
all kinds of black specs on it..........the
specs I figured were ticks.............the
Banana female looked much better in the
pics........but again..........she looked
to be a tick infested Caramel.......I passed.......SHIT!!!!
will interesting to see how the Bananas
and Coral Glows mature........from what
adults I have seen, they loose most of that
bright color and the little black specs
come in more noticeably as they age...........who
would have ever thought that we would see
a dominant albino?? ( RDR blurp )