Morph: Black Backed
Status: "Could Be"
Dominant or Simple Recessive
When: 1999 to present
By Whom: Several breeders and hobbyists
working on refining the trait.
Black Back is very variable in ball pythons..........I
don't think that any breeder has actually
figured out what the actual "genetics"
of this trait is?.........I know I and others
have produced them through selective breeding
and line breeding.........some have produced
clutches of half Black Backs and half normals
from just breeding a nice Black Back to
a normal...............others have produced
Black Backs from breeding two Black Backs
together that were
this trait seems to be very "forgiving"......but
not what I would say "predictable"...........we
all have our "Black Back" projects
hiding in our snake rooms.........:)
of now the only person who has consistently
produced Black Backs is Corey Woods............these
Black Backs are what we call the "hets"
for the Red Axanthic...........when breeding
a Red Axanthic to a normal............all
the babies produced are Black Backs of some I have it listed in the
proven section because they can be reproduced........
I produced 25 "het red axanthics"
in 2003......all were some degree of a Black
Back. The snake pictured on this page is
not from Corey Wood's line of Red
is a pic of your "standard" African
hatched baby Black Back.
by Ralph Davis