RDR Journal Contest" - on RDR Forum on 11/9/03
was feeling "extra spunky" one Sunday
night.........I was having some fun over at Kingsnake
bustin' on some people and having fun..........as
usual, some posts were removed............all
you have to do is complain to Kingsnake about
a post "rubbing you the wrong way".............and
IT"S GONE!!............so after some of the
posts were removed ( Lame )............I decided
to put a "generic password" up on the
Kingsnake Ball Python Forum and allow some of
the Kingsnake people to visit my pass-worded forum...............the
place was packed after I did that.......tons of
HITS!!..........it was fun........
guess I wanted everyone at Kingsnake to see how
well I treat all my dear friends at the RDR Forum...........so
I posted a "Contest"...........the winner
gets a thousand bucks!!............Real Green
Backs if they want.............or credit towards
snakes if they liked...........
is the post that "started the ball rolling"..........
Posted by Ralphie on 11/9/2003, 9:56 pm
Message modified by board administrator 11/10/2003,
3:45 pm
gonna give somebody a thousand bucks and make
them famous!!
All you have to do is write down in 100,000 words
or less why I should continue the RDR Journal
for all you Boners?........TELL ME WHY!!
contest will run for three days........10th through
the 12th.........midnight on Wednesday the 12th..........we
go to the judges...........the winner will be
announced on my Journal at the end of the week.
have to post it right here under this heading
for everyone to see!!
much ass kissing is a plus!!!
I never had any intentions of
"Stopping the RDR Journal".............I
just wanted to see what people had to say about
it............and boy did I get some great responses..........
You can see who the winners were on the Journal
November 14th..............read on!!
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