(Part 2)
Het………..as stated earlier………….many
people consider a 66% poss het to be probable…………probable
means "yes" to some people……………….bottom
line is this………..you still have
a 33% chance that you will probably NOT get the
for dollar though…………..the
poss hets are the way to go………..I
have produced homos from many poss hets and still
do……………..they are
cheaper than hets…………..and
fun to "Prove" out………..and
if bought from a reputable breeder……….they
should be just what they say they are…………..I
suggest getting all the girls you can get when
buying poss hets…..50% and 66% alike……………
Poss het……………….LOL………..this
means that the snake is "possibly" a
possible het……………..this
comes from breeding a 50% poss het or a 66% poss
het to a normal………..or even
other poss hets…………………this
a gene……………and you
may never hit it!!!!!………..But
it can be done………..and will
be done………….. This is
the poor man's way to a homo……………….example……………
buy a 50% or 66% poss het male of some gene for
$350.00………..cheap right?……………So
this snake is just a poss het……….but
in your mind………you will breed
it like it was a TRUE REAL DEAL HET!!!!!( it very
well may be )……………that's
the way to do it!!!……………….keep
that mind set through out the project and do not
get cold feet ………this is the
you breed this male…or males………….to
some normal girls…………….ALL
the baby "daughters" produced will be
considered possible possible hets………..meaning
it is possible that they are 50% possible hets…………the
only way this could be true is if the father is
a het…………but you bought
him as a possible het………….so
here you have this huge mud pile of potentially
het animals to prove out……………..this
is what it is all about……….imagine
producing a piebald from an investment on $350.00……one
50% poss het pied male………………it
can be done!!!!!…………..I
would suggest getting a definite het male at sometime
during this project………..but
hey………..I'm impatient sometimes………………..so
that is what a possible possible het is………………..NOTHING……..unless
you made them yourself from trusted stock…………….this
is fun people………….but
don't waist your time on bargains and liars……………know
that the GENE was and is present in the BREEDERS
be fooled into a bargain of NORMAL snakes ……………
for short…………this is the
cream of the crop…………what
your looking for……………..the
trait is clear and present………..and
in your face……………you
produced a baby albino………….or
pied………..or what ever you long
for in this crazy mutation market…………………
het x het = 25% homo het x homo = 50% homo homo
x homo = ALL HOMOS………..
lesson has nothing to do with the Dominant and
Co-Dominant mutations……………that
will be another day…………..
now hopefully some of you who have emailed me
about what all the het stuff means will read this
and understand it better…………it
is very simple stuff to understand once it is
explained to you out of the clinical realm…………I
myself like things explained easy…………and
this should be just that………
tired now………..and delirious
from genetics………bad grammar
and misspelled words……………..but
you get it now I bet……………enjoy
your projects at what ever level you can afford!!!!!!!!!!!
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