is a pic of the record/feeding cards that I use
for every snake I have. This card is filled out
and started on each snake as soon at it is hatched
or acquired also use the same cards each year
as a breeding record card for the females that
are being bred.......I mark down important breeding
info like cops, follicles ( size and growth noticed
) etc. on this card with the dates. These cards
are the entire life of my snakes.......I can look
back on them and see exactly what is going on......when
they eat, don't eat, shed, funky poops.............or
anything else worthy of keeping track of.......I
insert each one into a plastic sleeve to protect
it from water and dirt.....as one gets full......I
just make a new one and transfer all the "top"
info over to the next card...........the cards
are numbered starting with # 1.
No.: This is the number or ID
the snake will have for the rest of it's life......like
99_1.0dhsn#1...............this means it is a
male double het for snow that was born in 1999..........he
is male number one his brother or any other would
be male number two.............and so on.......
Sex : male or female
# : This is the number of the snake's
cage.......it may change through the years because
of moving up in cage sizes......this helps misplaced
cards to get put back where they belong....
# : This starts out with #1 and goes
on through out the snakes life.............# 2,
# 3 and so on.............
name : ball python........and maybe exactly
what it is.......like "het" this or
In : This is the date it hatched or the
date I acquired it and from who?.............like
09/16/99 Pete Kahl.......the snake was acquired
on that date from Pete.........
name : python regius or sometimes "code"
names........my own lingo...lmao!!
out/ Died : This is the date it died
or the date it was sold or traded etc.....
Column : This is where the date goes
for any activities.......like feeding,shedding,
adm. meds or anything else I feel is important.
Column : This is where I write what they
ate or did on that date.....it has things on it
like "p" for pinky mouse, "rp"
for rat pup, "m" for mouse, "fm"
for fuzzie mouse, "fr" for fuzzie rat,
"sr" for small rat, "r" for
medium rat and "lr" for large rat. If
I feed 2 prey items, then it will say something
like "sr x 2"........and if the prey
is offered and not eaten........it will be crossed
out with one line through the center.......this
tells me when they refuse meals and what the meals
were and shows the pattern of it very well...........
very first entries for my hatchlings I record
is the "sire" ( Daddy ).......and the
"dame" ( mommy ).......that way I can
track the bloodlines and know the genetics history.
the back of each card I draw a picture of the
snake.........I try to find some distinguishing
marks on the snake .......usually around the head
and neck........or the tail.......I like counting
spots etc........this pic will be on the back
of the first card and the snake will NOT change........I'm
a master at drawing each snake.......:)
Hope you liked the info..........any card will
work.......file cards are fine.......I just like
these and have been using them ever since I got
my first one from Peter Kahl.........I just took
one to my printer and he made me a batch of 500.........I
just get more printed when I start running low
on them.
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