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This is a small series of pics of me slitting ball python eggs at day 56..........I use small suture scissors to do all of my egg cutting .......other devices will work just as well.........
Usually when cutting eggs.......the egg will have already started to "dimple" and it is easy to find a "fold" and start your cut there............but sometimes the eggs are still plump and you will just have to carefully start a small hole at the top of the egg.........as long as you keep your scissors "just under" the egg's inside wall.......you will not injure the baby inside...........this is very important.........you can not let your blades travel deep into the egg........they need to just skim the egg's shell .........I like to make a slit about 2 inches long .....enough to see the snake and know the baby's head will pass through easily ........I will also make a slit that the baby has started itself "bigger" with the scissors so the head can pass easily ........Inever pull a snake from the egg ........I allow it to come out on it's own.......this can take a few hours.......or a few days ....depending on the amount of yolk left to be absorbrd......Dont be alarmed if you see some blood ........sometimes this happens ........usually the blood vessels will drop down from the egg's walls close to hatching time ( day 55 to day 60 ).........when this happens.......you will not get blood.........but if the vessels are still attached to the egg wall.......you will get some blood..........this is not a problem.........just be careful..........

I enjoy cutting eggs ..........I do not do it on all of my clutches.........your babies will hatch out on their own just fine without needing to be slit .........I just can not help myself at day 55!!!

Enjoy!!!!!!!!!.......I always do!!!

"Mouse Over" each pic to read it's description......

Making the first snip into the egg.......

All the eggs have slits started in them now.......

Carefully  skinning back the egg with-out disturbing the blood vessels

All done..........you can see that the snake is not disturbed and perfect!!

A very nicely cut egg for the Jolliff Snow Ball

Notice the sac membrane.....


Everyone is slit and resting in their eggs......

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