pythons (Python regius) are found at the
edges of the forestlands of Central and
Africa. They are equally comfortable on
the ground and in trees. They are crepuscular,
around dawn and dusk. Called royal pythons
in Europe, here in the United States we
call them
"balls" due to their habit of
curling themselves up into a tight ball
when they are nervous, their
heads pulled firmly into the center. Like
most pythons, ball pythons are curious and
Ball pythons typically reach 4 feet (1.2
m) in length; occasionally there are specimens
that reach
5 feet (1.5 m). When properly fed, their
bodies become nicely rounded. Like all pythons
and boas,
ball pythons have anal spurs. These single
claws appearing on either side of the vent
are the
vestigial remains of the hind legs snakes
lost during their evolution from lizard
to snake millions of
years ago. Males have longer spurs than
do the females; males also have smaller
heads than the
Ball pythons, like all pythons and boas,
devour a variety of prey in the wild - amphibians,
other snakes, birds and small mammals. They
do not eat mice in the wild, however, and
do not
recognize the mice we offer them as being
something edible. Thus, imported wild-caught
pythons tend to be very picky eaters, at
least initially, and drive their owners
to distraction in their
attempts to get them to eat something.
Ball pythons are reputed to be able to go
for extended periods of time without food;
ball pythons have gone for a year or more
without food until finally enticed to eat
lizards and other
snakes. This is not a healthy trait and
must not be a reason for selecting this
species. This should
also make you suspicious when a pet store
tells you that their ball pythons are eating
Buying captive-born ball pythons reduces
the stress on the threatened populations
in the wild and
helps ensure you will get a healthy, established
eater and a snake already used to contact
humans. Buying from a reputable breeder
will ensure that you will get the help and
advice you
need to assure that your ball feels comfortable
and secure enough to eat after you bring
it home
and let it get settled for a week or so.
With the increased popularity of reptiles
as pets there is increased pressure on wild
In addition to the more than 60,000 ball
pythons that are imported annually, ball
pythons are killed
for food and their skin is used for leather
in their native land. For some reason, despite
their low
reproduction rate, wild ball pythons are
the least expensive pythons on the market,
wholesaling for under ten dollars. Imported
ball pythons also harbor several different
types of
parasites which may go unnoticed by the
novice snake owner. All around, it is better
to buy a
captive-born hatchling or an established,
well-feeding juvenile, sub-adult or adult
than an
imported ball of any age.
In captivity, young ball pythons will grow
about a foot a year during the first three
years. They will
reach sexual maturity in three to five years.
The longest living ball python on record
was over 48
years old when it died. Egg-layers, female
ball pythons encircle their four to ten
eggs, remaining
with then from the time they are laid until
they hatch. During this three-month period,
they will not
leave the eggs and will not eat. |
Your Ball Python
an animal that has clear firm skin, rounded
body shape, clean vent, clear eyes, and
actively flicks its tongue around when handled.
All ball pythons are naturally shy about
having Ball
their heads touched or handled by strangers;
a normal reaction is for the ball to pull
its head and
neck sharply away from such contact. When
held, the snake should grip you gently but
when moving around. It should be alert to
its surroundings. All young snakes are food
for other,
larger snakes, birds, lizards and mammalian
predators so your hatchling may be a bit
nervous at
first but should settle down quickly.
Selecting an Escape-proof Enclosure
Select an enclosure especially designed
for housing snakes, such as the glass tanks
with the
combination fixed screen/hinged glass top.
All snakes are escape artists; ball pythons
especially powerful and cunning when it
comes to breaking out. A good starter tank
for a
hatchling is a 10-gallon tank (approximately
20"L x 10"W [50 x 25 cm]). A young
adult requires a
20-gallon tank, and full adult may require
a 30-gallon tank (36" x 12"W [91
x 35 cm]).
Select a Suitable Substrate
Use paper towels at first. These are easily
and quickly removed and replaced when soiled
with an import, will allow you to better
monitor for the presence of mites and the
condition of the
feces. Once the animal is established, you
can use more decorative ground cover such
commercially prepared shredded cypress or
fir bark. Pine and aspen shavings should
not be
used as they can become lodged in the mouth
while eating, causing respiratory and other
problems. The shavings must be monitored
closely and all soiled and wet shavings
pulled out
immediately to prevent bacteria and fungus
growths. The utilitarian approach is to
inexpensive Astroturf. Extra pieces can
be kept in reserve and used when the soiled
piece is
removed for cleaning and drying (soak in
one gallon of water to which you have added
tablespoon of household bleach; rinse thoroughly,
and dry completely before reuse). Remember:
the easier it is to clean, the faster you'll
do it!
Provide a Hiding Place
A half-log is available at pet stores. An
empty cardboard box or upside-down opaque
container, both with an access doorway cut
into one end, can also be used. The plastic
is easily
cleaned when necessary; the box can be tossed
out when soiled and replaced with a new
The box or log must be big enough for the
snake to hide its entire body inside; you
will need to
eventually replace it as your snake grows.
Ball pythons prefer dark places for sleeping
and, as
they are nocturnal, they like the dark place
during our daylight hours; they also like
to sleep in
something that is close around them, so
do not buy or make too big of a cave for
its size. Place a
nice climbing branch or two in the tank
with some fake greenery-screening part of
it; your ball will
enjoy hanging out in the "tree."
Keeping It Warm
Proper temperature range is essential to
keeping your snake healthy. The ambient
temperature throughout the enclosure must
be maintained between 80-85F (27-29 C) during
day, with a basking area kept at 90F (32.5
C). At night, the ambient air temperature
on the
coolest side may be allowed to drop down
no lower than 73-75F (23-24 C) only if a
basking area
of at least 80F (27 C) remains available.
Special reptile heating pads that are manufactured
maintain a temperature about 20 degrees
higher than the air temperature may be used
inside the
enclosure. There are adhesive pads that
can be stuck to the underside of a glass
Heating pads made for people, available
at all drug stores, are also available;
these have built-in
hi-med-lo switches and can be used under
a glass enclosure. You can also use incandescent
light bulbs in porcelain and metal reflector
hoods to provide the additional heat required
for the
basking area. All lights must be screened
off to prevent the snake from burning itself.
All pythons,
especially ball pythons, are very susceptible
to thermal burns. For this same reason do
not use a
hot rock. New on the market are ceramic
heating elements. They radiate heat downwards,
do not emit light, and are reported to be
long lasting. Plugged into a thermostat
will enable you to adjust
the temperature inside the tank as the ambient
room temperature changes with the seasons.
Buy at least two thermometers - one to use
in the overall area 1" (2.5 cm) above
the enclosure
floor, and the other 1" (2.5 cm) above
the floor in the basking area. Don't try
to guess the
temperature - you will either end up with
a snake that will be too cold to eat and
digest its food or
one ill or dead from overheating.
No special lighting is needed. Ball pythons
are nocturnal snakes, spending their days
in the wild
securely hidden away from possible predators.
To make it easier to see your ball during
the day,
you can use a full-spectrum light or low
wattage incandescent bulb in the enclosure
during the
day. Make sure the snake cannot get into
direct contact with the light bulbs as ball
pythons are
very prone to getting seriously burned.
Respect your ball's needs, however, and
be sure to
provide a hide box, and expect them to use
Allow your snake to acclimate to its new
home for a couple of weeks. Start your hatchling
15" in length) off with a single pre-killed
one week to 10-day old "fuzzy"
mouse. A smaller sized
hatchling may require a smaller mouse; try
a pre-killed 5-day old. Older ball pythons
may be fed
larger pre-killed mice or pinkie rats. If
you have not had any experience force feeding
a snake,
you may not want to try it yourself until
you have seen someone do it. Force-feeding,
whether of a
mouse or with a formula inserted by catheter
and syringe, is very stressful for the snake
(and it
isn't much fun for the owner!). If your
new ball has gone several months without
eating and is
beginning to noticeably lose weight, take
it to a reptile vet or contact your local
society and ask to speak to someone who
is knowledgeable about ball pythons and
problems. A good inexpensive book that covers
some of the tricks to enticing reluctant
pythons to feed is The Care and Maintenance
of Ball Pythons by Philippe de Vosjoli,
or the new
edition, The Ball Python Manual, by de Vosjoli,
Dave and Tracy Barker and Roger Klingenberg.
Provide a bowl of fresh water at all times.
Your snake will both drink and soak, and
may defecate,
in it. Check it daily and change when soiled.
Soaking is especially good just before a
shed. When
they eyes clear from their milky opaque,
or "blue" state, soak the snake
in a tub of warm water for
ten minutes or so, then lightly dry it off,
and return it immediately to its tank; it
should shed cleanly
within twenty-four hours.
Health Problems
Routine veterinary care for newly acquired
snakes is essential. Many of the parasites
ball pythons and other reptiles can be transmitted
to humans and other reptiles. Left untreated,
such infestations can ultimately kill your
snake. When your snake first defecates,
collect the feces
in a clean plastic bag, seal it, label it
with the date, your name and phone number
and the snake's
name, then take it and your snake to a vet
who is experienced with reptiles. There
it will be tested
and the proper medication given if worms
or protozoan infestations are found.
Common problems encountered in captivity
include retained eye shed (spectacles) and
When snakes shed their skin, the layer of
skin over their eye is also shed, and can
be clearly
seen when looking at a piece of head shed.
Always check your ball's head shed to assure
it has
shed the spectacles. If one or both spectacles
have been retained, bathe the snake again
warmish water for about ten minutes. Before
returning it to the enclosure, place a dab
of mineral
oil on that eye with a cotton-tipped swab.
The spectacle should come off within twenty-four
If it does not come off, wrap your four
fingers with transparent tape, sticky side
out. Gently rock your fingers from left
to right (or, from nose to neck) across
the eye; the spectacle should come
off. If this does not removed the spectacle,
then seek veterinary assistance.
Mites are a sign of poor environmental conditions.
Adult mites are tiny reddish brown dots
bigger than the period at the end of this
sentence. You may first notice them swarming
over your
hand and arm after you have handled your
snake (don't worry--they are harmless to
humans) or
see them moving around your snake's body
or clustered around the eyes. Mites are
harmful to
snakes, especially ones that have not been
kept properly. On the positive side, they
are easy and
relatively inexpensive to get rid of, although
the process is time-consuming. Read the
Getting Rid of Reptile Mites to find out
the best ways to eradicate them.
Snakes, including ball pythons, should routinely
shed is one piece, from snout (including
spectacles) to tail tip. If a snake does
not shed cleanly, it is a sign that something
is not right,
either with the snake or with its environment.
Newly acquired snakes may not shed properly
the first month or two as they are getting
acclimated to their new surroundings. This
is a sign of
transient stress. If it continues, or begins
to occur in a long established snake, the
snake must be
evaluated for possible health problems,
and the snake's environment must be evaluated
humidity problems.
Humidity and Ball Pythons
Ball pythons are native to very warm, but
not hot, dry areas in Africa. Many people
make the
mistake of trying to keep them in a too
humid overall environment, using damp sphagnum
or misting them frequently throughout the
day. The problem with this is that keeping
the overall
environment damp leads to conditions such
as blister disease where in the skin, usually
of the
belly, becomes covered with blisters, leading
to bacterial infections of the skin, which
in turn leads
to overall health problems.
In fact, all a ball python needs is an area
within its dry enclosure to which to retreat
when it
requires higher humidity. One way to accomplish
this is to provide a water bowl large enough
the snake to soak in when it wants. Depending
on the ambient room (and thus enclosure)
humidity, this may be enough, or may be
enough during part of the year. Another
good, safe
option for a ball python is a humidity retreat
Handling Your New Snake
After giving your ball a couple of days
to settle in, begin picking it up and handling
it gently. It may
move away from you, and may threaten you
by lashing it's tail and hissing; don't
be put off - it is
usually just a bluff, and snakes, like most
reptiles, are very good at bluffing! Be
gentle but
persistent. Daily contact with each other
will begin to establish a level of trust
and confidence
between you and your snake. When it is comfortable
with you, you can begin taking it around
house. Don't get over-confident! Given a
chance and close proximity to seat cushions,
your ball
will make a run (well, a slither) for it,
easing down between the cushions and from
there, to points
possibly unknown. Always be gentle, and
try to avoid sudden movements. If the snake
around your arm or neck, you can unwind
it by gently grasping it's tail and gently
unwrapping it
from around your neck or arm - do not try
to unwrap it by moving the head. Some snakes
are a bit
sensitive about being handled soon after
they have eaten. If you feed your snake
out of its
enclosure, go ahead and replace it back
into it's enclosure after it has finished
eating. Then leave
it be for a couple of days. As the snake
gets more comfortable with you, it will
be less nervous
and less likely to give you back your mouse.
Inclusion Body Disease / Quarantine
Inclusion body disease (IBD) is a virus
that affects boas and pythons (boids). It
is always fatal in
pythons. Unfortunately, the lust to sell
has overcome common sense in private breeders
as well as pet stores and wholesalers, and
an increasing number of boas and pythons
are being sold
who are infected with this virus.
Always spend a considerable amount of time
observing boids before you buy them, especially
pet stores. Even reptile specialty stores
have been selling infected stock so buying
from such
stores is no guarantee that you are buying
an uninfected/unexposed snake. Don't buy
a boid
because you feel sorry for it, because it
looks sick and the store isn't providing
proper care for it -
you may lose every boid you own.
Always observe strict quarantine procedures
when bringing in a new boid into your house
if you
already have other boids. IBD may take several
months to manifest itself. Owners have reported
their new snakes showing signs as little
as one month after acquiring hatchlings
to well over one
year after acquiring a new boid.
Always have boids who are not acting well
(loss of appetite, regurgitating meals,
mouth rot,
respiratory infection, contorted body positions,
stargazing) seen by a reptile vet as soon
possibly after symptoms are noticed. Warn
the vet before coming in that it may be
IBD so they
may take precautions to reduce exposure
to other boids who may be in their office
at that time.
Remember that it doesn't require snake-to-snake
contact to spread the disease. You may
unwittingly spread it by handling other
snakes without first thoroughly washing
your hands.
Viruses are airborne - think twice about
taking your snakes to places where they
will encounter
snakes belonging to people who may not be
taking proper precautions.
Caresheet by Melissa Kaplan. |