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Welcome to the RDR Podcast – your free downloadable broadcast of the latest and greatest happenings in the RDR Community, presented to you "Ralphie Style"......

The Best Part of Podcasting – It’s Free!........and RDR as always, is the front runner setting the pace for this industy's marketing and promotion.

Click on the RDR Podcast banner below to start downloading and listening to podcasts......."Ralphie Style"...........check out the RDR YouTube page and get to "see" what Ralphie's cookin!!

Click here to subscribe.

What is Podcasting?
Podcasting makes an audio file, typically an MP3 file, available online for downloading via an automatic "feed." You can then hear the podcast whenever you want from your computer or a portable media player.

What do I need to hear Podcasts?
The first thing you need is podcast subscription software. Your options include the latest version of Apple's iTunes (which has the software built in), or other services such as Odeo or iPodder, to manage your podcast subscriptions. Remember, you will already be able to listen to podcast audio from your computer (provided your computer has a sound card and can play MP3 audio files). If you want to make your podcasts portable, you will need to transfer them from your computer to a portable media device.

How do I Subscribe?
First you’ll need to download and install podcasting software (iTunes, Odeo, or iPodder) onto your computer, if you do not already have it. To subscribe to the RDR Podcast, click on the banner above to view the Podcast link and description, agree to the user agreement, you may then paste the link into your podcasting software.

You can subscribe to as many podcasts as you want, once you subscribe to it in your podcast software, the audio will come to you automatically. Although podcast software applications vary, each should provide instructions on how to add podcast feeds to your list. Then, just check your computer, or MP3 player if it is synched for the updated podcasts and MP3s of your selected programs.

I subscribed to a podcast. Why don't I hear anything?
First, be sure that you have audio player software; then, verify that the correct audio file was downloaded to your computer. You may need to modify the update settings in your podcasting software to ensure that this process occurs automatically. Next, check the update times in the description and make sure that a new edition has been posted.

RDR would like to thank National Public Radio, npr.org, for the use of their helpful Podcasting definitions above.

Software Download Links

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