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You are reading the first journal of it's kind anywhere in the herp world!!.............no bone-heads were killed or injured while testing this product............make no mistake............what you are about to read is "the original"...............anything else is a fake...............Ralphie......:)

*When you "Mouse Over" the pics the descriptions will pop up*.............also "refresh" this page often.......and don't forget that all past month's journal entries are in the archives*

  Robbie and I fed the snakes today............this is the month I start breeding .........These are the four legs............I lay out where each  level will be.........the levels are 11" on center starting from the top and working down............the legs are 66" long.........6 levels per rack......usually around the tenth of the month..............but I think I'm going to be later than that this season..............I may not start until sometime in November??...........I need to get more meals in some of my females before I start dropping the temps. I went to see the oral surgeon today about my wisdom teeth...........he said that he didn't want to mess with my lower wisdoms...legs again..........marks are where the levels go........11" on center.....looking at the X-rays he said that removing them would be more trouble than its worth............they are under skin.............so he said they are not a problem,,,,,,,,,,,,,but the top wisdoms he said have to come out because of decay ( nothing hurts )...............so I guess I lucked out..........now I have to set up a time to get them "yanked".............he said that the top wisdoms are much easier to deal with having removed than the bottom wisdoms............I'm the kind of guy that when I decide I 4 legs laid out and ready for wheels........want to do something ...........I do it to the max...........and I was hoping to have all four teeth removed and to get it over with...........but he said that if it were "his mouth", he would leave the bottom wisdoms alone.........he said that they are down deep near the nerves in my jaw.............he said that if he starts hacking them out, that he could damage that nerve and I could end up with a numb jaw and / or tongue!!............what the hell!!??..........so it looks like two wwheels or casters for the legsisdoms are coming out.............aghhhhhhhhh!!...........it will cost a thousand bucks to get this done............damn!...............after the dentist appointment, I came back home and helped Robbie finish up all the feeding and "doubling up"...............then I went up to the volley ball court where a bunch of the "Big Rock Regulars" entered a tournament for this coming week-end.................some of them went up to practice today, to get a feel for the new court..........they asked me to help them practice.............so we all met up there at 6:00 pm...............there was one complete team there with 2 guys and 2 Wheels are screwed onto the bottom of each leg..........the legs are done nowgirls..............they played against me and two other guys................we beat them 3 games out of 5.............LOL............I told them that they better get more practice if they wanted to even "place" in the tournament...............my three man team was just goofing off and beat them.......:P..........it was damn cold too!.............the sand felt like you were walking in snow.........These are the front and back rails to the levels...........I have laid out where the T rails will go...........the levels are made out of 2" x 4"s ripped down the middle...this weekend's tournament will be chilly for sure..............I wish I could play.............but the 3rd Annual Baltimore Kiss Convention is more important ........I can't wait!!.............after we finished the practice games I called Fat Ass and we met at the Halloween Shop to buy more stuff for Fatty's party on the 25th..........I think Fatty wants one of everything they have in stock.........LOL................Its a really cool horror shop.....;)
  Robot is cleaning today............I'm working on updates to The Big List and the These are the side rails to each level.........I have laid out where each hopper will be............these are 2" x 4"s ripped down the middleBirthing Record page..............I have tons of pics to size and get ready for the net............I snapped forty pics of the process of building a rat breeder rack ( step by step ) I took the pics last weekend when Phil and I were building one.........I will either put those pics and info in the journal or just do a separate page in the Matrix section under "Ralph's Words"..............it is a lot of pics andHere is a level constructed............a front and rear rail.........2 side rails and a food hopper.........6 levels are in each rack I want to try and explain each pic a little.......so it will more than likely go on it's own page ...................tonight is our first night of the season to play "wally-ball"...............Big Lou, Fatty, Rick and his two brothers ( Matt and Keith ) and I play volley ball in a racquet ball court..............so it's called "Wally-Ball"............it's a super fast game and yes the walls come into play...............we love it!!.............we play every Thursday night from 8 till 10...............and yes I have T taping Surv1/2" wire mesh is stapled onto the bottom of each level.............make sure you "square" each level before attaching the 1/2" mesh...........we use an air staplerivor and CSI for me, I watch the tape when I get home.........;)................we used to play on Wednesday nights ( many moons ago )..............but now that we all have kiddies to take care of, Thursday night turned out to work better for all of us...............we play for two hours..............it is usually two 3 man teams .............sometimes its 4 on 3 or 3 on 2...........it depends on what LOOSER don't show up!!...........it is awesome exercise ........1/2" wire mesh stapled to the frame..........you can see my T bar lay off mark too.............especially for Big Lou!!.............sorry Lou..............:P...................T told me today that the volley ball tournament for this weekend was canceled??.............people were dropping out because it was too cold??.................PUSSYS!!!............what a bunch of Goobs.............oh well........now I won't have to be jealous while I'm at the KISS Convention, because I really wanted to Kick Ass at the tournament...........that's right " Fat Ralphie" Kicks Ass at volley ball!!...............they will still be playing down at "BAttaching the spacers for the T bars..........they are 5/8" x 3/4" ........the thickness of your tub rail determins the thickness of the spacers...........these are ripped out of 1" x 2"sig Rock" anyway..............so they will all get "their fix"................I'm getting excited..............the weekend is getting closer..............Kyle will turn three years old tomorrow..............we will have a little party at the house for him............nothing too crazy............just a few people over and some food and ice cream cake...............:)............then Friday night we all go to Thunder Dome and see KISS NATION, they are a KISS Tribute Band from New York.............people say that they are the BEST!!..............I can't wait!!............Want some credit?............I feel up tight on a Saturday night..........what time is it?
  Well Fatty, Lou and I showed up to play wally-ball last night..........and that's it!!............the other tThe T rails are glued and nailed to the 5/8" x 3/4" spacers..........they are 3" shorter than the spacers to allow for the tub to slide out and not get hung up on the sipper.............these T bars are what the tubs slide on.........they are 1" x 2"shree boners bailed on us??.................we were pissed!............one was buying a new car...........one was up in a tree stand hunting for deer ( yuck )............and the other one was at "Anger Management" classes..........LOL..............what a group we have!!............we made the best of it.............there were guys that we didn't know already playing in a court when we got there.............they were playing 2 on 2................we asked them if they would play against us.............and they did!!.Close up of a finished T bar.......................so we got to play them 3 on 3............we beat them 2 out of 3 games...............Big Lou surprised me too!!..............it has been quite awhile since we have played............and Lou's serves were Killer!!..............so we at least got to play a half hour or so ...........three games................we were huffin' and puffin' afterwards too............LOL.......Big Lou and I went and ate at Burger King afterwardThis is a finished level............it will be the very top level............the two 1" x 2"s on the top are for setting the water bucket ons.............that's kinda defeating the purpose don't you think?..............LOL .............SURVIVOR was great last night.............Rupert Rules!!...........if there was ever a SURVIVOR MVP..........it would be Rupert!!............I know that the Drake Tribe has not felt a defeat yet...........that's the only thing that worries me .............hopefully they can keep it together when they do finally loose a challenge...............and I think they actually want to looThe levels are all done and ready to be attached to the legs...........they are air nailed and screwed to the legs......se one soon just so that they can get rid of Jon................so we shall see..............whooooopppppppppie!!!!!.........CSI was lame............that sure didn't have to be a two part episode...........but I give it two thumbs up anyway just for the GORE!!........today I worked on paper-work and more paper-work..............the Journal sometimes puts me in a bind when I'm very busy .............you'll notice that I will probably not post the new October Journal 3" screws are used to attach each level to the legs..............pre-drill a pilot hole first for the screws.......and make sure you "square" the rack before you screw.......;)until next week sometime ............I'm loaded with work and this weekend I will be away...............you Die Hards will have to wait!!...........I'm gonna start posting some of the goob emails I get from you guys too..........." Ralph, when will you update the journal?"......" Is it over?"..........."Ralph, I can't make it through the week-end with out a RDR Journal Fix".............you guys are demented!!!................BIGTIME!!.............but I love it!!.............;)......so yes, I have been as busy as a bee...............nothing went as planned this week...............work just keeps piling up...............but I'm in good shape.........just a Square the rack before you drive the screws home!!.............pull your corners with a tape and make sure they matchlittle behind is all................I have to continue the journal, more so now than ever.............it seems that I'm so damn "cutting edge" that nobody can have an idea for their web-site that they though up all by themselves??............so copy the journal all you like folks........it stimulates my creativity and pushes me to be BETTER!!!...........so anyway...........we had some family and friends over tonight for Gump's Birthday..............the little dude turned three today!One side is done..........the rack gets flipped over and the process is done again..........screwing the levels to the legs!...............Happy Birthday Kyle!!................who loves ya baby boy!?..............the future "BOSS"..............no doubt about it............this kid is already trying to tell Robot how to do his job..........LMAO!!.........T ordered a bushel of steamed crabs, I steamed a couple pounds of shrimp and we had a small feast............after that, Kyle opened up his presents and then we had ice cream cake........after the festivities Fatty, Phil and I went down in the snake room armed with flash lights............yepper............I lost a baby snake from clutch # 69..........a normal sibling female in a Lesser Platty clutch...........there werThe end boxes need a 1" x 2" attached to the legs to act as a slide for the tubs..........the gap is 5/8"................so each level will have two of these 1" x 2"s.............one on each ende seven babies in the tub set up to shed out............I cleaned them this morning ( new moist paper towels for shedding ).........well one of the little girls must have snuck out while I was at the sink cleaning the water bowl.........yes the tub was wide open...........I've done it a thousand times.............well this time one got out..........I didn't notice it for a couple hours.............I went to snap a pic This shows all the levels attached, the T bars and slides in place............the rack is on it's side......of the clutch and seen that one was gone??................so I looked everywhere for an hour or better.............the snake was gone??.............and I knew she could not have gone very far.............when snakes escape they always show up eventually............but this was a baby that had just shed and has not had a meal yet............that worried me.........anywho..........we came down after Kyle's party and looked for the snake again...........all three of us looked through the rack she escaped from and the entire snake room.............no luck??..............so I went back to her The T bar that the tubs slide on..... rack..............which was checked ten times at least today.............I shined the flash light on every level and paid close attention to under the heat panels.............and there she was!!..............she squeezed under a heat panel and I could just barely see her belly.............so that made my night!!..........she had moved just enough under the heat panel to expose herseThe back of the rack is facing up now..........1"x2"'s are nailed to the back of each level to act as "stoppers" for the tubs......lf ............I looked in the same spot several times earlier today............damn little stinkers!!!..........Fatty, Big Lou, Phil, Robbin and I are leaving for the THUNDER DOME tonight to see an Ace Frehley tribute band called "Loaded Deck" and KISS NATION..........have a great weekend PEOPLE and ROCK ON!!............I know I will be!!..........damn right!!

KISS NATION RULED!!...............they are by far the best KISS tribute band I haveThe back of the rack is up..........this shows the stoppers and the T bars at the rear of the level.............the stoppers are nailed to the T bars....... ever seen!.............they were on stage for an hour and a half .............dressed in the KISS Dynasty costumes.............and these costumes were flawless...............most tribute bands kinda skimp on the costumes ............I guess it depends on each band's budget?............but KISS NATION'S costumes were unreal.............they looked like the real thing...........The rack is "squared"............each side should be squared and the back as well..........I was totally impressed..............The dude playing Paul Stanley ( Paulie Z ) sounded exactly like Paul..............he was a terrific "front man"...............he even sang better than Paul..............LOL.............he was hitting the high notes that Paul can barely hit in concert anymore............and the dude playing Gene Simmons ( Carlos ) was a carbon coA 1"x2" is nailed across the back once the rack is square............this holds it square for lifepy of Gene............his costume was the very best............he sang like Gene ..............moved like Gene and had real hair ( no wig ) exactly like Gene's..............it was scary how closely he resembled the "Real Gene"................The drummer ( Joey ) played a killer Eric Car and Space Ace was played by Ruby...........these guys were totally unbeleivable...........if I had just walked in to the Thunder Dome off the street and seen these guys out of the clear blue I would have thought it was 2" x 4" braces on the sides to keep the rack from twisting when it is rolledKISS............her is the link to KISS NATION'S website.............www.kissnation.com..............check out their site and see what they have accomplished through the years.............very impressive!!..............The guy who is running the Baltimore KISS Convention is George Decampo..............Fatty, Lou and I are good friends with George.............he used to play Ace in a Baltimore based KISS tribute band called "Love Gun"...............we used to roadie for them............. George has to be one of the biggest KISS fans on the planet.............he has a KISS collectioThe rack is done.......n at his home to rival most any other KISS collector's collection...............he lives KISS...............and he can play guitar and sing too!!...........well his Ace Tribute band is called "Loaded Deck"..............they went on stage before KISS NATION at Thunder Dome last night..............so we got a double whammy of KISS and it was the best!!!..............I got to go behind the stage and take This shows the T bars and the 1"x2"s on the sides to support the tubssome close up pics of Gene's boots............they were unbelievable??................all I can say is if you get the chance to see these guys..............you better do it!!............if you love KISS...........then you will be totally blown away by these guys!!................we rolled out of the place at 2:00 am............we stopped by Big Lou's place to drop him off..............he asked us if we wanted to see him feed his owl..............I don't The tubs are slid in...........they should slide easily with a 1/8" gap between the tub and the wire meshknow if you guys remember or not............but way back I wrote about how Big Lou rescued and injured owl............Lou lives near the water shed property ............which is hundreds of acres of forest............anyway.............Lou's owl comes to his house each and every night for a meal................Big Lou actually raises rats just to feed his owl...............so we all went into Lou's place.............he went and got a live rat..............he walked out back onto his deck and put the rat on the deck railing................we could see thaThis shows the T bar holding the tubs in place...........t the owl was up in the tree waiting for Big Lou to get home...............Lou was talking to the owl........LOL..........so the rat is walking along the railing and BAM!!..............the owl swooped down and grabbed the rat...........it swooped down in one silent motion ................grabbed the rat and flew off to it's tree to eat it...............if you were not watching for it, you could have easily missed it.............the owl was in "stealth mode".....................so Big Lou has himself a friend for life with this owl it looks like............This shows the sipper attached to the wire mesh with a special clip just for 1/2" wire mesh.........all the sippers are plumbed into the main water line that runs across the front of each level with T's.............all because he saved it's life when it had a broken wing...............Nice work LOU!!!............after we watched the owl, Robbie showed up at around 3:00 am..............he just got off of work from delivering subs and pizza for an Italian restaurant ( his other job )..............Robbie lives with Big Lou................we were all starved.............and Robbie had a bag full of goodies...............he had steak subs and pizza!!..........and man were they good!!.......plenty of HOTS!!...........just before we left, Lou showed us a baby Copperhead that a neighbor fThis shows the sipper poking through the wire mesh..........it is attached to a clip which keeps it in place.........this is why the T bar rails are cut back 3"s...........the tub has to be able to drop down out of the T bar before it hits the sipper.ound in their wood pile.............Lou was going to take it way back in the woods and release it..........Dr. Do Little LOU!!.................LOL...............so anyway..............the concert was totally awesome!!..............I snapped tons of pics...............I will get them up on the journal when I get them all sized and ready for the web!!..................what a great night!!......

Today I was tired as all hell..............I got to bed this morning at 5:00 am...............lets just say that those subs I had with the "hots" were "Hooking up the main water lines to all of the water sippers talking to me on the ride home".............and most of the night too............how I didn't crap myself on the ride home after Lou's is a mystery?? ............I had those terrible belly pains that keep you close to a crapper at all times...........damn Robbie!!.............what the hell was on those subs??....................LOL..........I feel better today..............but last night I wanted to just die.............I got it "all worked out"............:P..............I got up at 9:30 am because I had a friend who was meeting me at my place from New York this morning....This shows the water lines going to each tub...........the water sippers poke down inside of the food hopper..........he produced two Lesser Platty males this year and sold them both.............he asked me to ship them to his customers for him.............so I obliged ( what a guy huh?.............I ship my competitors snakes for him..............Lessers no less!! ) ......;)...........so he came down with his girlfreind..........I showed them around and checked out the two Lesser Plattys that he brought down...........they were really pretty..........they had to get going and head back home shortly after they got here.............Phil showed up after that, he and I spent the day taking care of all my errands...........weThe main water line comes down one of the legs from the water bucket..........it branches off to each level went up to the rat barn to close off the swamp coolers for the winter..............I cover the inside hole where the air comes into the building through the swamp cooler for the winter months.............that way the ice cold air from outside can not get into the rat room...............so we did that, we shut off all the water lines to the swamp coolers and made sure that they were ready for winter...............then we took my Sea Doos to the car wash and washed them AGAIN!!..The water system is complete.............yepper.............I had them all washed and waxed a few weeks ago..............then hurricane Issy hit us and knocked the crap out of the garage that I keep the boats in up at Mr. John's..............the wind was so bad that it lifted the tin up on the roof and let water inside of the garage ...............naturally it all dumped down on my nice clean boats..............the water traveled under the tin and over all the oak framing.............this made the water a dark brown color................which laid on my boats and stained them!!..............damn!!..............but we got them all cleaned up and put baThe rack is completeck away..........we had some lunch and then we called Fat Ass to let him know we were ready to meet him at the Halloween shop...............yepper...............back to the damn Halloween shop.............LOL..................Fatty never misses a chance to go there.........we bought even MORE stuff for the party.......;)..............I kinda had a weird moment at the counter..........we bought a bunch of stuff and we were checking out..........the guy behind the counter that was ringing us up was talking about the KISS convention on Sunday with some co-workerPouring block food into the food hopperss..........saying that he couldn't wait to go..........we heard him talking about it and said that we would be there doing "Security".............he told us that he painted his nails "just for Gene".......he had his nails painted black...........so I just made a smart ass remark to him...........I said............"what are you.....a fag?"............I was just goofing around, I didn't mean any harm..........it's a "guy thing"...............well it turns out that he was gay????...............LOL...........unreal.............he said "yes I aFeeding the rack.......m............but I don't use that term".............by this time Fat Ass was turning red.............Fatty thanked me for embarrassing him at the counter..................LOL............it was just a " dude to dude remark"...........I meant nothing by it...........the guy seemed OK with it ( I think he liked Fatty ).............but man was it uncomfortable for a second or two..........LMAO.............and no I have nothing against gay people!!.The rack is complete and in place with the others...............I absolutely love lesbians!!!.............what ever floats your boat is fine by me..............I know how hard it is to change what you are...............That's why I will always be a Boner...........it's just me.......;)..............LOL...........I can't wait to see this dude at the Convention .........I'll let Big Lou "pat him down"..............LMAO!!............after we shopped Fatty went home...............Phil and I went and got showered and we all met up again to go to the hotel where the Convention will be.................Just add rats!!.........;)KISS NATION is doing KISS Karaoke tonight in the hotel lounge...............I doubt I will sing ( my throat hurts from the show at Thunder Dome last night )............I put my "Wolf Man Contacts" in and Fatty put his "Evil Contacts" in.........it will be Fatty, Big Lou, Phil, Robbin and I..............it gonna be fun!!......and I can't wait to see KISS NATION "Unmasked".......You wanted the BEST!!.........you got the BEST!!

  Fat Ass, Big Lou, Phil and I are at the Third Annual Baltimore KISS Convention in charge of all of your "Security Needs"............ROCK ON BONERS!!!...........The perks are sweet!!

Well we all survived the long weekend................I know we are all tired from all the Kiss'n this weekend..............what a great weekend it was too!!..............Saturday night was the KISS Karaoke at the hotel lounge............it was really cool...............KISS NATION had a list of songs that they could play while "YOU" sang the words to it .............plenty of people signed up to sing songs............it was a riot!!.............No I did not sing............I pussed out!!.............I wanted to do "I love it loud" with Fatty and Big Lou.............but they pusMr. Jaggy showing offsed out too!!........;P.............damn it!!...........but it was fun watching everyone sing............some of the people were actually very good.............some sucked BIG TIME...........KISS NATION did a fine job............I'm sure they had better things to do than hear the songs that they love, being mutilated by all of us "green horns"...............they played for a couple hours..............after that we met with George to see what time we had to be at the convention in the morning and what he wanted us to do?..........so we rolled out and ate a "late breakfast" at a local diner ................I love eating breakfast food at night!!.

Sunday we all met up and got to the convention at 8:30 am................George told he needed us t to do and that was that..............we were basically there to guard the "famous people" from any deranged groupies..........we had to keep an eye on people to make sure that they bought tickets to get in..........I was at the main entrance where everyone came to buy tickets..............Fatty, Lou and Phil walked the inside where all the vendors and "special guests" were...............we had our Nextel phones with us so that we could stay in contact if there were any problems..................the show was great..............there were no problems at all with anyoJaggy has a very cool head with four spots on itne ................George had it very well organized and it basically "ran itself"............the doors opened to the people with VIP passes at 10:00 am...........people who paid extra for a VIP pass got in one hour earlier than everyone else...............the doors opened to the public at 11:00 am................the place filled up quick and it was actually a lot more crowded than I expected it to be............there were all the usual vendors there selling KISS merchandise,,,,,,,,,,toys, shirts, paintings, videos.............the list goes on and on............KISS has to be featured on more merchandise than any other band on the planet...........you name it and KISS has something to do with it..............these guys are geniuses!!.............kind of like a dude who owns and runs a Construction Company, breeds snakes and writes this off the wall journal................YEP!!......( bite me )............the guys and I were feeling pretty damn tired by the end of the day too.............there was not much time to sleep this weekend...............but it was well worth it................I was damn entertained!!...........there were a few people dressed up in KISS costumes walking around............KISS NATION dressed up and walked around the convention in full make up..............the people went nuts............they also had a booth where they were selling T-shirts and talking with fans.............I can't say enough about these guys..........they were fantastic people on and off stage...........the guys and I got to spend a lot of time with KISS NATION during the convention,,,,,,,,,,the best part was meeting their girlfriends......:)........Paulie Z's ( Paul Stanley ) girlfriend was a dental hygienist who also was a professional belly dancer and jazz dancer I believe...........this girl was gorgeous and had an ass that was made for dancing...............and that she did very well.........she was SOLID!!..........she even talked with me about my wisdom teeth ..........LOL........Carlos' ( Gene Simmons ) girlfriend was a real cutie too.............I bought a T-shirt from her when they first set up the table................she told me that out off all four girlfreinds...........that she is the only one that really likes KISS..............Ruby's ( Ace Frehley) and Joey's ( Eric Carr ) girlfriends were sweet too............but they didn't talk much...........it's funny, because at the Thunder A gorgeous 2003 Lesser Platty PastelDome..............all four of these hot girls were up on stage dancing during the song "Strutter"..........and we were not sure if they were "with the band"............or just some hot babes that the band invited up on stage to dance?...........so at the convention it was neat to see "who was with who"............this band has a lot going for it...........they seemed to be very happy............and they are kinda like the real band KISS...........Carlos and Ruby are the oldest and they pretty much act more mature and seem more down to earth..............Paulie Z and Joey are younger and more "happy go lucky"............more boy-ish...........you could just tell that the guys in this band liked each other.........even the girlfriends got along well...............I'm saying this because I know the trouble that " Love Gun" had............they just could not see eye to eye and they were always bickering about something stupid...............you could always feel tension in the air while they were together..............that's why Fatty and I stopped roadying for them...........and I'm sure why George quit doing "Ace"............I think that has to be the number one reason why bands break up..............they just start fighting with each other over stupid shit...............so anywho............theres my "Dr. Phil Moment" for the day...............( Dr. Phil is an ASS )...........we got there at 8:30 am and left around 9:00 pm...............there were three bands that played live................George's band "Loaded Deck" played again...............and a KISS tribute band called "Shock Me" played at the end.............Love Gun was supposed to play at the convention................but they canceled...............why??...............because the dude who plays Gene.......his wife..............yepper..............she made him quit the band................so they had nobody to play "Gene".................George was lucky that he could get "Shock Me" to fill in on such short notice................Shock Me wasn't bad................their Gene was great...............he looked great and had all of Gene's moves ( back in the old days )..............he wasn't the best singer but that was OK..........he made up for it with his moves and blood spitting................now their Paul looked perfect..............his body was sculpted just like Paul's.................but he did not sing well either................he did not control the crowd like Paul does, he was rather quiet??..........he just wasn't a good front man...........Paulie Z controlled the show at Thunder Dome.............that's Paul's Job................the guy playing Peter Criss and the guy playing Ace looked really good and sounded good too..........I guess it's hard to get four people who ALL fit the part perfectly..............they played their best I'm sure..............but after seeing KISS NATION............any tribute band would have had trouble topping My Patternless ball python growing like a weed!! them....................I give anybody credit to get up on that stage and do what they are doing...........and I would do it in a heart beat................come on Big Lou.............you can be Ace.................LOL............which reminds me...............when Paulie Z introduced the band at Thunder Dome................he introduced Ruby as "Rice Frehley"................LOL..............it was a joke because Ruby is Vietnamese I believe.......... he looked great in the make-up.........I bought a bunch of T-shirts for the kids and T..............I even got T a KISS Thong..............then I "went for it" and bought a leather "KISS Army" jacket ............I have always wanted one.............this guy from KISS Online had one there in my size for $500.00.....that was cheap!!................he even gave me a free baby doll KISS shirt for T with the jacket...............I had to buy it!!..............it's awesome............and very heavy...............not sure if I will wear it or hang it on the wall yet?...........LOL................as for the "famous people"................Anton Fig was there.....he is a very famous drummer...............he has played on hundreds of albums for other Rock Acts in the studio.............he played on two KISS albums in the early 80's because Peter was too "wasted" to drum in the studio..............he plays drums for David Letterman right now..............he was there doing a "Q and A" and signing autographs...............he also played the drums for one song while "Loaded Deck" was on stage.............he was awesome!!...........you can't appreciate a really good drummer until you actually hear one...........and he was better than any drummer that I heard the whole weekend...............super clean sound and very powerful...........so he was there...............and the 80's band Stryper was there..............I never listened to them very much in the 80's.............I believe they were some type of "Christian Rock" group??............but it was cool to see them.............I recognized them from MTV..............they signed autographs and let people shot pictures of them................long live the 80's!!..............Now if Axel Rose would just get his head out of his ass and re-unite Guns and Roses!!..............what a disaster ..............these guys could be ruling the world right now!!!...............so there ya have it folks..............this weekend totally rocked...............I loved it!!!.............I willPatternless Ball Python get some pics up on the journal soon of all the crazy things I seen at the convention and KISS NATION!!.............why not plan your visit to see the show next year??....................the first weekend in October 2004................rumor has it that Paul Stanley may be there.................yepper..............tell me that that won't be a sweet job for the boys and me!!.

Anywhooooooooo..................today was "recover day".................T had to go into work because one of the girls was sick.............she is usually off on Mondays...............so I took Gump to school.................I answered tons of emails that I did not get to reply to over the weekend...............that was pretty much all I did today.............."Correspondence".................Robot is up at the rat barn cleaning............Fear Factor tonight!!................who's gonna win the Mazda?????????..............The little cutie??

  Today is Kim Bell's Birthday!!................Happy Birthday Kimmi!!..........what a hottie she is!!.............I packed snakes most of the day for shipping out..............Robbie is up at the rat barn finishing up " day # 2 "............our Swiss Webster mice are doing great so far.............but I don't want to jinx them............so i'll shut up about that right now.....;).........George called me to thank me and the guys for helping him out at the convention this past weekend............I told him that it was "our pleasure" I that I consider it a honor to able to be part of it.............George has met all the members of KISS...........KISS know who George is.............he actually is in contact with them..............I'm just hoping for a chance to actually meet the band in person one day ...............sooner or later at one of these conventions they will show up............they just have too!!.............:)............I pretty much caught up on all the stuff I fell behind on over the weekend today..............now I gotta start this week's work...........I have been writing the journal "here and there".............I know I'm slacking......;)...............I don't like to post it until I get all the pics placed and proof the spelling .............I know my spelling and grammar suck!!.Here is a pic of Lilly..........she is an OX!!............I'm sure you guys are used to that by now..............Fear factor was great last night............the dude that won the Mazda deserved it................eating all those live cave spiders was worth the car...............that was just WRONG!!...............I think I could eat nasty things for money...........but not live spiders...........the dude that won the show deserved it..........and that last hand of Black Jack was insane??................I though for sure he was gonna loose to the dealer like the last " Vegas Episode"...............but he won!!...............I'm off to go pick Brookie up from church................zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..............damn spiders........eeekkkkkkkkk!!
  I got up early to go to the airport and ship this morning.............Robbie and I fed the snakes when I got back..........what a job that is now that all the 03's are set up and eating.............I set up my last clutch for 2003 this morning ..............clutch # 69............there were three Lesser Platty males hatched in this clutch.....;)...............so I'm finally done for the year!!..............just in time to start all over again ehh?...............hmmmmmmm??............not sure what I'm going to do this season coming up??..............I know I do not want the numbers that I produced this year...........maybe I should just breed like 30 girls??...........time will tell.............it all depends on what kind of "vibe" I get going into the breeding season...........as of now I have not thought much about breeding at all..............I'm just keeping up with what I got now.............."Shut Up Ralph!!"..............you big WUSS!!...............T went to the oral surgeon today for him to look at her wisdoms............man?...........what is it with these damn wisdoms?.............she went to the dentist for a routine cleaning and was told the same thing as me............."get your wisdoms pulled"................LOL..............the surgeon told her that all four of her's have to come out.............so I'm thinking of asking him if we can come in together and get a "group discount" .......LOL.............I'll let her go first of course............:P...............after Robbie and I finished feeding I decided to clean up all the crap here in the office and the snake room and take it to the dump...............I'm usually not the kind of person who lets stuff just keep "stacking up"............I was just in the mood today to get rid of stuff..............and that I did................I filled the back of my truck with all kinds of junk that I will never use...........I got rid of that load and then I went up to the rat barn to load up all the trash there.............I met Paul up there to sell him some mice and rats.....Cuff, Link and Karma..............:)........he helped me load up the trash into my truck..............he even let me use this cool "spider web" looking thing that holds stuff down in the back of the truck..............it was really cool and worked great..............most of the trash from the rat barn is paper bags...........and I have to get in the back of the truck and stomp it all down really good before I get out on the road...............with this spider web thing I didn't have to worry about it blowing out of the truck.................why didn't I think of that?..................so I did the second dump trip and then Paul and I went to my place.............he bought some snakes from me earlier in the season, and was picking them up today.............Paul rolled out and I checked on the snakes that we fed today...............then I went upstairs and fixed all the towel bars and toilet paper holders that Gump has ripped off the wall!!..............yepper..............Little Gump thinks they are for climbing on!!...............he ripped them right out of the damn drywall............I got them all fixed...............then I went up to the third floor game room to clean it up for the Halloween Party.............it wasn't too bad..............but I forgot to check on the small refrigerator up there when hurricane Issy knocked out our electric for thirteen hours.............it defrosted!!..............and yes it made one hell of a mess up there ..............luckily it is on a vinyl floor in the powder room or it would have been even worse ................I'm just a cleaning machine today ain't I?.................am I a good guy to have around or what??.............LMAO!!..............A guy that I sold 2.3, year 2000 50% possible het for Caramel Albinos hit it big!!............he emailed me and posted on Kingsnake that he bred two 50% poss hets together .........five eggs were produced.................two of the five eggs produced baby Caramel Albinos!!............totally unbelievable??.............There are not many people out there that can say that they "hit" on breeding poss hets together.............so huge congrats to you Johnny!!!............you beat me damn it!!..............I've been breeding hets together for two years and have yet to hatch a Caramel......;(..............Rock On Man!!..............Ya gotta love possible hets!!
  Robbie is cleaning the snakes today............I'm writing like a mad man playing "catch up on the journal"..............damn did I fall way behind ..............I had stuff written but none of it was in place............I stopped last Tuesday!!...........ten days to get done!!...........yepper.........;).........I got all my paper work, payroll and emails done first thing............then I just started writing..............I took some breaks in between entries ...............Fatty and Dougie stopped by after work and we shot the poop for awhile.........Fatty went upstairs and did some measuring and "figuring" for the Halloween party..........he will be setting up most of his "props" outside on my covered deck..............he will be enclosing it and covering the walls with black fabric..............it's gonna be killer!!...........after they left I started pluggin' away on more journal.............there is no wally-ball tonight...........they are having some kind of a racquet ball tournament tonight?..............oh well...........starting next week our gym will beKarma baby!!! opened 24 hours a day.............thats nuts!!.............but it means that we will be able to play wally-ball later and longer if we like......;)............George and his wife Mel called me and asked if they could come over to visit.............George is the " Kiss Fanatic" who just put on the convention over the week-end.............it seems that he and Mel want to start "coming around" again..............I used to live close to them when we roadied for the band Love Gun...............but then I moved to the house I'm in now on the other end of town..........we kinda drifted apart after that?...............it was so easy to visit them back in the day because I had to drive past their house to go home..............now it seems that they are on the other side of the world..............and they are only 10 miles away.............if that?............I guess we just got busy..............so anyway it's nice to be talking to them again............and it's all because of the convention.............it brought us back together again.............damn Ralph!!......are you a "sap" or what?.............yuck!!............so they called and asked to come over.......yada,yada..............I said "come on over"........"but get your asses outa here before Survivor comes on"............LOL ............they came over with a thermos of Mel's coffee.............she makes the best coffee I have ever tasted...........that is one thing I missed when I stopped visiting them.............just hanging out while George's band practiced in his basement and drinking coffee...............they got here tonight and I stopped writing............I needed a break anyway................I showed George all my new KISS stuff and all the snakes............showed them around my house............George actually helped me do some of the painting prep work when I was building the house way back when...........yes they stayed while Survivor was on..............T taped it for me............:)...........so we were talking and catching up on old times.............we talked about KISS coming back in the area with Aerosmith...............AGAIN.............they are coming to DC............and I asked George if he was going?.............he said he had not thought about it..............I told him I didn't want to go unless I could get back stage and meet the band ( joking )...........I asked him if he could pull any strings to get us back stage ( joking ).............he said that all I had to do was buy a "Platinum Ticket Package " for the show...............I was like.............what??..........he said that they sell ten tickets at each show.............they cost a thousand dollars each.............these tickets get you front row seats and also get you back stage after the show to meet KISS and get your picture taken with them..............I had no idea at all about this package?..................so I told George I wanted to do it..............he thought I was nuts...............I told him that if he gets me a ticket that gets me back stage with KISS that I would buy his ticket as well...............he thought I was crazy.............so we got on line and found the tickets, and some were available.............we used my credit card to order them...............we wanted three tickets.............one for George..............one for me..............and one for Fat Ass.............yeah, I called Fat Ass and told him what I was doing and that HE WAS GOING!!............LOL............then I hung up the phone..............so we got to the page where we could purchase the tickets..........we filled out all the info for the credit card and stuff..............and it wouldn't let us buy them??...............it kept saying to "check back later"..............the whole site was being a major pain in the ass!!..............so we went through this several times..............refresh, refresh,refresh..........zzzzzzzzzzz............getting all the way to the end where you give the credit card info and then it just crapped out on us??.............we kept going back and refreshing the page and it would say tickets were available one time..............and to check back later the next!!............it was very frustrating!.............you enter the number of tickets that you want to buy right into the order form............we kept requesting three tickets...........no dice................two tickets...............no dice...............so we finally got it to accept one ticket ..............great!!.............we figured that we would just do it three separate times to get the three tickets that we needed...............so we have it all set up to buy one ticket.........I was stoked!!................we entered all my credit card info and it was DECLINED!!.........we were lucky enough to get right back in and try it again...............and again............I was DECLINED!!.............I know what kind of limit I have on my VISA............and there should have been zero problems with charging three grand on it................so I called VISA and was on hold for 20 mins................finally I got a "real person"...............I asked him what was wrong with my credit card?................he said that they "Froze It"..............I asked why??..............he said that it was a precaution because I have used it several times in the past week to order stuff off of the net............he had all my recent charges right in front of him.............so he starts reading them off and I said thatYes I'm still stoked about all this!!! all of the charges were correct............that they were all charges I made to get T and my Halloween costumes and accessories for Fatty's party..............the credit card dude said that since I do not buy online very often that they thought my card could have possibly been stolen ..............I said " well why didn't you just call me and ask?".............they just froze my card and that was that................who cares if I need to by "Once In A Lifetime KISS Tickets!!"............DAMN!!.........so the credit card dude says that he will have my card activated again in a few minutes.............I've had this card since 1986............never had a problem one time with it.............he told us to go back online and try to buy the tickets again ............which we did..............the whole time we had him on speaker phone..............he wanted to see the charges go through while I was available by phone.................so we got to the page again and tried to buy the tickets.............tried three tickets............nadda...............two tickets..............nadda...............one ticket................it allowed us to buy one ticket.............the credit card guy seen the charge go through and said that everything was OK with the card...........he was a really cool cat to..............he also liked KISS........and said that he would love to be able to meet them..........what are the odds of calling MBNA and getting a representative that is a thirty year old dude who loves KISS??................he was really cool!!................so we got one ticket for sure............we went back to the page to start all over again and order a second ticket..............and guess what?................it said SOLD OUT..............can you believe it??................I got the last damn one!!...............I was bummed .................George was shocked..........that is why it would not allow us to buy three or two tickets at a time.............there was only one left...............MINE!!!..........LMAO!!............George said that he had one shot at calling the dude that runs Kiss Online and asking him to pull some strings for two more tickets...............he had to go home to call him................so that's where we left it..............I was finally able to get online to purchase the very last Platinum Ticket .................George and Mel went home to make a phone call.............I called Fatty and told him what was up?..............and that George was going to try to get two more tickets..........I figured he would be able to get it done............after all............the Kiss Online dude was just at George's convention this past weekend,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and I bought that leather KISS jacket from him!!..............not even an hour later George called me up and told me that the guy from Kiss Online COULD get him two more tickets!!...............its great to know people in high places!!............so after all this crap.................we got three tickets..............it cost us $3,054.00 for three of us to sit FRONT ROW and meet KISS back stage in DC on November 20th!!....................can I get a "HELL YES"!!.................I called Fatty and told him the good news, he and I were acting like two pansy ass school kids...............I'm scared to death now that I did it................I feel like I'm going to meet GOD or something..............I'm a wreck!!...............what a night...............it's 11:20 pm right now...............I'm writing at this moment..............I didn't get to watch Survivor or CSI yet................T taped it for me..............so I'm heading upstairs now to go watch it.........Fatty told me that Survivor was great...............so did T..............but they won't tell me what happened??...................LOL...................so I'm going to end it here folks................I still can't believe that after 30 years of listening to and loving KISS, always wondering what it would be like to meet them...............and its going to happen!!.................meeting KISS in full make up at this point in their careers is a blessing...............they can't possibly do this much longer!!.............a picture "with KISS" at a time where their make up will soon be coming off "for good" will be priceless!!...........because once the make up comes off this time.............it will stay off!!............me and Fatty are already talking about how we are going to get our VIP passes, Special Issue Platinum shirts and all the other goodies that come with this package framed or maybe even have a glass case built for it?...................I'm just a total GOOB right now...............KISS RULES!!!!!.............Am I dreaming??.................
  I was so stoked last night about meeting KISS that I couldn't sleep.............I did watch the Survivor and CSI tape ................Survivor was great!!............what in the hell is wrong with Osten???.................is this guy the most embarrassing excuse for a man you have ever seen on TV or what??.............."I need HELP" he says............"I'm drowning"..............totally unbelievable..............Im glad I'm not on the show because I would definitely kick his ass if he were on my team...............his ass would have been voted off when "he asked to be"............he has to be the "WORST Survivor" ever!!.............unreal!!............Drake won another reward challenge...............they found their treasure finally................and they "threw" the immunity challenge ...............I knew they would..............it was pretty damn obvious leaving Rupert and Burton in the boat..............I sure hope that the Morgan tribe knows that Drake " threw" the challenge................and what a "twist" allowing Morgan to take Rupert to their Tribe..............I have a feeling he may want to stay??.............I bet he gets the "option" to stay next week............we shall see??.................Morgan needs Rupert bad.............and that may go to Rupert's head.................I never seen Burton's vote coming last night??...............why get rid of him so soon??..............oh well...............its good stuff!!..................CSI broke my heart.....Cuff.........;).....what a sad ending ................and the dude who capped himself in the head and let the gun fly away on four balloons..............WOW!!..............where do they come up with this stuff??................I had an interesting message on my machine this morning..............my "other" VISA card company called me and left a message saying that my card was FROZE.............I'm like......" not again"..............this is a different card..............so that's two VISA cards froze in two days..................so I called them up to get it re-activated.............they said the same thing that the other company said.............they noticed "internet sales" on the card and thought that my card had been stolen...............I mean it's great that they are so cautious and that they are "watching me like a hawk"...............but I think they could at least call me and ask me what is going on before they just freeze the card............I got it all straightened out............I guess it's good that they are looking out for their customers...........it's almost lunch time..............I'm done all the writing that I'm going to do for this week..............Christy and Kathy are on their way out to see me from Ohio..............I'm sure we will find something to get into this weekend??................I'm on cloud nine, just counting the days until I get to meet Gene Simmons!!!..................Holy Shit!!...............Have a great weekend everyone!!...............and Rock On!!..................Later!!

Fatty and I went fishing at Mr. John's pond for a couple hours yesterday after woA cool "Ace" banner for the band "Loaded Deck"rk..........it has already begun to get cold here in Maryland............the fish are sluggish now............I caught one nice sized bass...............Fatty felt a few but didn't hook em'..........after we finished fishing, we stopped by Mr. John's place on the way up from the pond and moved my Sea Doos into another building on Mr. John's property.............my boats are in the same building as John's farm tractor............which he uses all winter to push snow...........so while we had thThunder Dome's bannere help ( Fatty ) we moved the boats out of the way of his tractor into another building.............he has too many buildings!!........;)...........watch it snow this week........LOL...........my styro boxes showed up yesterday too.............120 styro boxes for shipping snakes in..............Fatty helped me get them all broken down and put away before we went fishing..........Christy and Kathy showed up last night around dinner time.............they treated me to dinner at a local Mexican restaurant..............thanks girls!!.............Christy brought her son Josh too...........Kiss Nation's banner.he is a really good kid...........after dinner we came home and looked at some of my snakes...........

Last night was a weird night to say the least...........we found a deer tick on the back of Gump's leg on October 1st...........he must have picked it up while playiKiss Nation's Carlos as "Gene"..........ng down at Big Rock?..........I removed the tick and flushed it............T called the doctor and told him about the tick..........deer ticks can carry Lime Disease...........so she took him in and had the doctor take a look at the bite.............he said that it looked fine and to just keep an eye on the bite to see if it changes color or gets "funky looking"............he also said to watch Kyle to see if he gets any head aches or fevers...............Kyle seemed fine and the bite mark disappeared.........well last night ( Fri Night ) Kyle comes into our bed room and climbs into bed...........he was burning up with aCarlos as Gene fever............and he has been saying that his head hurt the past couple days.........so T gave him some medicine to see if the fever would come down..........so Kyle is just laying in the bed between us........with his blanky.................yep!!.............all of the sudden he starts spazzing out and saying that bugs are crawling all over him??..........he said that they were on the bed and on his body and climbing on the walls........Carlos is awesome!!........Bugs?...........T and I were right beside him...........there were no bugs?..............he was shaking his legs and actually trying to knock "the bugs" off of his legs with his hands...........if I did not see this, I would have never believed it...........Kyle is three years old.............he couldn't have been acting...........so T called the doctor at 12:30 pm..........we were going to take Kyle to the ER because he was freaking us out............the doctor said to give Kyle some medicine and if the fever did not break in a half hour, to take hCarlos as Gene.........Paulie Z as Paul......im to the hospital.............the doctor said that three other families called in and were dealing with young children "hallucinating" from high fevers................I couldn't believe my ears............I never in my life heard of a toddler hallucinating??..................and now Kyle is one of four kids doing it in the same night??...............so we watched him to see if he was getting any worse...........the whole time we are thinking about the tick and Lime Disease...............well his fever went down with in 15 mins or so after taking more medicine...Paulie Z was a killer "front man".........we felt better..............and so did Kyle............he stopped "seeing bugs"...........and what is weird is that "bugs" are really the only thing that really "creeps" Kyle out.............he can handle working with the snakes and rodents...........but let him see a bug and he's gone!!.........LOL..........so I guess that's why he was "seeing bugs" last night??...............it was very freaky stuff.........T and I were very scared .............after his fever broke..........he fell asleep and he was fine...............the whole "hallucinating thing" lasted about 30 minutes???????The Demon

Today ( Saturday ) he went to the doctor in the moring.............the doctor said Kyle more than likely had a virus that is going around.............he took blood to do a test for Lime Disease..........he just told us to keep him on his medicine and keep and eye on him............he said that the virus would run it's course and be gone............Kyle is acting fine today...........so hopefully the virus is leaving his body............Christy and Kathy went to a dog show in the morningCan you tell I like Gene?..............I got some office work done before they came to my house...........they showed up around lunch time............they hung out with me while I ran some errands that needed to be done..........we went up to the rat barn to look around...........then we had some lunch.............I was telling them about how I was going to meet KISS in November...........and that I needed a pen that could write on fabric .............I want to gRuby.........as "Space Ace"et the band to sign my T- shirt..............the girls knew right where to go LOL...............we went to JoAnn's Fabrics.......the girls went and and bought three different color pens that are made specifically for writing on fabric............so I'm set!!............I think?.................the Halloween Shop was right next door............so we went in there and checked out all the cool stuff..............it was my hundredth time I think?................LOL.........we came home anThe intro to "God Of Thunder".........here comes the blood!!d looked at more snakes...............the girls brought me some poss het Piebald babies that they produced, to look at..........they wanted me to pick through them and see which ones I though would "prove out"..........so I picked them out a couple.....:)...........after that we went and had dinner............my treat this time. ............then we came back to my place and I showed Josh all my cool Halloween stuff that I bought I love this part.......:)for Fatty's party...............it was getting late so they headed back to their hotel...........I watched the re-run of Holyfield vs. Toney...............what a shame that was to watch..............Holyfield is done............it's that simple...............why stay in the game and get the shit beat out of you by fighters that are not that good?...............Toney beat on Holyfield pretty good ................remember Holyfield?...............the dude that kicked Tyson's ass.............yeah...........that guy...............well I think he should get out before he looks any worse...............go out on top..............not humiliated and at the bottom.....Carlos is the DEMON!!.......the heavy weight division is such a joke anymore................there is nobody to fight in it??..............the fight was entertaining.............but you gotta feel bad watching a warrior like Holyfield at the end of his carrer..........just stop man!!!...........Kyle was fine all day...........so hopefully he is getting back to normal...........BUGS!


I talked to Fatty today and he tells me that his youngest daughter Holly had a "spell" similar to Gump's last night.............she was not hallucinating......but she was very sick aGod Of Thundernd had a fever........Sandy did take her into the hospital to get checked out...........they said the same thing...........it is a "bug" that's going around??.............Fatty's wife Sandy was sick for awhile a couple weeks ago..............maybe she passed it on to the kids and then Kyle picked it up at his birthday party when all the kids were all together??................who knows??.....Yeah baby!!!.............Kyle is in school three days a week, he could have picked it up there?................Holly is not in school yet..............darn little dirty, germy, stinky kids!!............yuck!!!........The girls are leaving today........so we bagged up a bunch of snakes that they came to pick up, packed up some supplies and they headed back home to Ohio..............I had fun girls..............and Josh..............don't forget about what I told you...............right!!.............the family and I rolled out to go down to Big Rock...........it is a beautiful day...........warm and sunny!!His costume was flawless

We had some great games today................we didn't play as long as we usually do..........we picked up some food on the way home..............as we were driving through town, down main street.......it's a small historical town with lots of cool little shops and stuff.............well anyway as we are driving down the street I see this dude jump up and knock a security camera right of the wall Joey on the drums playing Eric Carr.......the FOXin front of a bank, where the money machine is.............he hit it hard enough to pull the bolts that were holding it on to the wall right out of the concrete.............it came swinging down buy it's power cable...............the cable is the only thing that kept it from crashing to the side walk............so I slowed down to get a better look at the guy...............he seen me and started bookin' through an alley to the back of the bank..............I asked T if I should call the cops?...........she was like....." yeah............maybe the guy wants to rob somebody at the money machine later"...........just as I was about tThe Kiss Nation "chicks" dancing on stage during the song "Strutter"............sweet!!o call 911, I look in the rear view mirror and a cop is coming down the street right behind me.............I hopped out of the truck and told the cop what happened .............I told him where the dude ran and what he looked like..............the cop went haulin' ass around the back of the bank..............I was right behind him...........a little further back...........as soon as I went around the back of the bank I seen the dude standing in the back taking a leak........LOThis babe kept getting in the way of my "shots"..............LOL............she is a professional belly dancer,,,,,,,,,,,have you ever seen a better hiney?.........she is with Paulie ZL..............he was trying to hide behind a wall..............but I could see him easily............so I flashed my lights at the cop who was futher up in front of me............the cop did not see the dude when he went around back............the dude finished taking his leak and started to walk away like nothing ever happened.......the cop must have seen my signal and went around the bank again.............when he came back around he was able to head the guy off and stop him...............he cuffed the guy..............the cop flaggePaulie Z.............he sang better than Paul...........he was unreal!d me down and told me that the guy said he did not do it??.............the cop said that the guy was a "bad liar" and he was pretty drunk.............so he took some info from me and that was that...........I kinda felt bad after it all went down............I seen the guy do it............finding out that he was drunk means to me that he probably was just goofing off jumping up in the air and hitting things on the store fronts............LOL..............the camera was very large............he's lucky it did not come down and bonk him on the head............so that's my big thrill for the day.............The poor bastard..........

  Robbie is up at the rat barn cleaning ..........I'm packing snakes up to ship out today.....Ruby as "Space Ace"...........the Dynasty Era costumes were awesome!!.......after shipping out, I spent most of the day getting my "2004 breeding game plan" figured out?............I marked every female that I potentially want to breed this season and to what male etc...................it turns out that I marked 113 females!!............now there is no way that I'm going to do that.......I'm not sure I even want to do half of that?...............but I did get everything figured out as to what I want to produce for 2004...............so now all I have to do is stick to the plan and "do it"..........I figure I can't produce a hundI went behind the stage to get this shot of Carlos........red clutches if I don't breed a hundred females...............LOL..........I never thought it would be that many females on line...........the kicker is, that a third of these females are all "hets" for "dinking around projects"..........these are all girls that I will be able to breed back to their fathers and see if the "dinking traits" are genetic or not??................and I'm not really in a hurry to prove this stuff out...........so I figure I will pick the ones that I'm the most excited aboThis little hottie was Joey's girl............she must like drummers?...............wow she was sexy!!ut and go from there................I imported in a lot of really cool stuff three years ago ...........mostly cool aberrant males..............like the "Goblin","The Killer Bee" and some others...........I was able to produce hets from all of these cool males............and now all of their daughters are up to breeding size............so that's where I'm at right now.............I'm breeding all the obvious stuff..............Pieds, Albinos, Stripes, Platty yada, yada, yada..........and I will always be making more double hets for cool crosses ..............BUT............I do want to take it easier this year, and not make as much Robbin, Big Lou and Phil in the crowd...........work for myself.............so it will be interesting to see if I can "stick to my guns" and have a "moderate year".................LOL..............what an ass!!.............I finally got to see " Bourne Identity".............the movie has been on cable for sometime.........I just kept missing it?................it was awesome!!..............I really liked it............it was a great Spy / Assassin movie................two thumbs up from me..............it was almost as good as "House of a ThousandGene's boot........this band had some major bucks in costumes...........they were perfect!! Corpses".............LMAO!!..........T has volley ball tonight..............the kiddies and I are cleaning the third floor game room for the last time before the Halloween party..............it wasn't really to bad..............just dusty!!..............Kyle just loves to clean things............Brooke could care less...................Kyle used a half bottle of Windex on the bathroom floor and mini-frig..........LOL.............then he was headed for the pool table..............OH NO!!.........Kyle is feeling much better and so is Fatty's daughter Holly............. ..Fatty's Halloween party is going to be sweet this year.............we hSee Fatty back there?ave plenty of people coming............close to 40 people so far??..................Rene is flying in and helping us set up............he will be staying the week-end and partying with us..................cool!!..............wonder what he will dress up as??.................an Injun maybe?...............Fear Factor tonight................I'm out...........Injun Hung High

Robbie is "still" up at the rat barn cleaning........;).............he makes two shorter days of it instead of one long day.............I pretty much let him do " his thing" in the rat barn now.........I snapped this shot in between sets........he knows exactly the way I want things done..............he knows "the plan".............and he does a great job............I go up and check on things to make sure that everything is being done the way I want it to be done.............Robbie takes care of the week days and I take care of the weekends..............it works out well...............today I officially stOne of the bouncers at Thunder Dome..........I kicked his ass.......:Parted putting males in with females...............so yes...........2004 breeding season begins today!!................I have everything planned out.............I got all the Helix and timers set for breeding temperatures.......I have the lights set to go off when I need them to.............so here we go!!...........I put some Pied males in with some fat het Pied females..............I put a Super Pastel male on a Cinnamon Pastel female...............to make Pewters...............I put a Stripe male on a het Stripe female........"The set list"...............and I put "Platty Daddy" on one of his FAT 01 daughters.................five males got to start breeding today..............five out of what?..................fifty-five..........LOL..............I'm not sure how I will do the night time drop this season?...............I usually just let the Helix shut off, and what ever the temp is in the room is what they get...........in 2003 I used the night time drop..........and never let the heat tape temps go below 85 degrees.................from a day time temp of 95 degrees on the tape.............I've hGeorge setting up the confetti canon!!ad almost perfect results either way................with a little heat at night or ZERO heat at night...............now the boas will get chilled this season during the night............that's where I screwed up last season...............too hot!!...............I was lazy!!.........my boas need chilly nights to do well...............I've kicked ass with the boas each and every year until I got a hair brained idea and did not cool them at night in 2003??................yepper..................SLUG CITY!...........I updated the Big List today...........it is totally cuConfetti!!!.....the last song!!rrent as of now............sales are great...............some stuff just does not sell as quickly as I would like it to..............so that's the stuff I plaster up on Kingsnake and beg you guys to buy...............I'll start out with a set price and then I will drop it down each week...............maybe even every other day.............the more desperate I look the more you guys buy from me..............Right??................NOT!!..........Here is what I have to say about that kind of advertising...............IT LOOKS WEAK PEOPLE!!...........any moron watching the classifieds can see that you are obviously just trying to "dump A cool shirt at the conventionsnakes"...........this is a selfish irresponsible attack on the market..............you may not know that..............but it is...........How many times do I have to tell people to STOP publicly advertising low prices on classified pages.........some enthusiasts look at the classifieds as the "Pricing Bible"..............they only remember one thing.............the lowest advertised price that they seen..............and they don't forget it..............lucky for me, these enthusiasts know which bone-headed breeder is the one shitting all over theAnother cool shirt price and they decide to stay away from that breeder's stock in the future........sure I have het Pied males here form 2001 sitting on the shelf................sure I have DH snow males from the VPI line sitting on the shelf.............all of this stuff is for sale and will stay for sale...........these are valuable snakes!!.................somebody will buy them............you can't sell a snake if you don't have any inventory................so what's the big deal about holding on to some slow selling snakes?...................This business isn't perfect.............your not going to sell every snake you produce before you have to feeFeel lucky?d it and clean it.............and OH MY GOD.............how dare the snake not sell and actually start to grow.............HOLY SHIT.............lets all PANIC!!!...............YOU got yourself in the position to have so many snakes.................so deal with it..................be strong............and most importantly.............LOOK STRONG................make yourself attractive to customers..............be "worth investing in".................don't be a BONER!A convention ticket.............my lucky numbers too!!!..............The number one biggest problem in the snake biz ain't the prices..............it's the fact that the majority of the people in it want to make too much money doing it right off the bat..............."think small" and grow..............if you build it like a real business ( which it is to me ).............you have to know that it is slow.......it takes time..........any business takes time to build..............and the most important part is building a great cliental............clients come back when you have a great product and an attractive business...........you have to have the "Total Package"...............get your name out tThe banner for the convention..........kinda lamehere and keep it a "good name"................be honest and sell your snakes.............if you have to compete with other breeders, so be it...............that's business............in the years that I have been doing this...............I have not had to compete with any breeders to build my cleintel................all the Big Breeders seem to have their "own people" buying from them..............why?...............because these people like that breeder and feel comfGeorge DeCampo..........the man of the hour!!ortable with them................this industry is so huge that a successful breeder can easily have a thousand customers that potentially buy something new each year from them............what's not to like about that?..............this rant all boils down to one thing..........I rarely advertise on Kingsnake's classified section................and I never look at it.............but I'm constantly sent emails to go check out what a "Boner" is selling or how pathetic it looks...........what kills me about all this is when it is a well know breeder with a good "following", discounting the crap out of his/her snakes................DUHHHHHHH.................HELLO!!.............why would you discount your snakes to Joe Schmoe on Kingsnake?..................are you too lazy to offer your Paulie Z ( Left ) and Joey ( Right ) of KISS NATION.............Paulie Z plays Paul..............Joey plays Eric Carr.........UNMASKED!!.....low price to your loyal customers with a nice private email??.............is that so damn hard?............Kingsnake is good and very bad at the same time for the Ball Python Market..............so there ya have it................sure I sell stuff cheaper than it is advertised on my website.................the vast majority of you will never know what deals I have given..............but I can promise you this.............Paul Stanley's hat he wore while singing the song "Fire House" during KISS tours............it was for sale...........and BIG BUCKS!!..you won't see the price plastered on Kingsnake in some pathetic "cry for help, or "need room" post on Kingsnake.............where it will literally be taken as "Gospel"................come on people.................smarten up and work together!!...............hell..............just wholesale all your stuff cheap to another successful breeder to re-sell it at retail............if your willing to look like a Boner on Kingsnake.......I would think that it would be much easier to sell you snakes in one big package at a third of what you want to a breeder who will re-sell the snakes at retail...........as long as the final price pAce's real outfit during the Dynasty tour..............huge money!!aid for the snake is close to re-tail.......who cares?..................The Big Breeders want all the respect and props for all of these magnificent creations each season................like we are stars or something..............you guys see us as "larger than life"..........we can do no wrong..............we must be Super Human?..............well this may be true for some..............but when you start really believing that shit............just pop open the classified adds and you'll come back to reality pretty fast!!..........some may want $65,000.00 for one morph and they shit all over thCarlos' girl behind KISS Nation's T-Shirt table............I liked her the best!!.......;)e next morph??................yep...............we are all Boners!!................that's it...........were all normal people!!...............I say when a morph don't sell................just stop making it.............let the interest come back............there is not one morph in the market today that can't make even the " Average Joe" and extra twenty grand a year...............yepper..............how does an extra twenty grand each year sound to you?..............sweet huh!!................even if you whole-saled the stuff out to other breeders you'll make good money back and have ZERO head A loyal fan.........;)aches..............and that's the problem with a lot of the newbies..............they can't take the heat.............they don't like "shelving their animals"...............they don't like feeding and cleaning their animals..............they don't like to ship...............HELLO!!............that's all part of the business.............in fact............that is the business!!..............and that's the easy part..............the hard part is selling your snakes.............LOL..............and to do that you have to climb up the ladder and make people hapKISS paintings for sale...........they were unreal?py along the way...............no questions asked..............just make your customers happy.............and be fair......................you know what's interesting about this little rant?................I have always been the "asshole big mouth"............."watch out for Ralph..............he will chop you up and spit you out"...........who says this kind of stuff?....................my competition does and has..............and that's totally cool with me..............I'm still making an "extra five hundred grand" a year on snakes................yepper...............a " stupid hobby"................not bad huh?.................and you can do it too............at what ever level you want to make money GOD............thank you for creating belly dancers!!at................how?................" Be Real" and don't take it too seriously..............I guess I'm just lucky that people love me so much!!.....................Thank you all!!..................LMAO!!...............but really..............this is a business ..............I want the most money that I can get for my snakes..............I have plenty of time invested in my snakes.............and my time is very expensive ............you'll never see me beg...............Big Lou with another crazed KISS fan...........his outfit was done very well.......I make a crap load of money................and that's what makes this business so attractive ...............I'm not afraid to tell you guys all of this............and that is what makes RDR so attractive............why lie about the business?....................why tell anyone that I need money bad and I'm always behind the eight ball?..................I'm not.................I'm kicking ass!!..............I have been kicking ass ever since I started................it's way cool!!..............and to all my customers that I have had the pleasure of doing business with.............you have my promise that I will continue to be a Boner for as long as I can stand to stay in this industry.........I will lead it!!.............The dude that runs KISS ONLINE...........this is his girl!!..............talk about a beauty!!...........I got my KISS leather jacket from her.......;)...this is great stuff!!..............and to all my competition of whom I do not compete with...................Rock On!! and good luck on all your projects this year!!!.............you guys are the BEST!!

Wow!!.............what a rant..............LOL............I couldn't take all the emails anymore.............so I figured I would write about it............I swear I would love to bThe "Gene" from the band "Shock Me"...........he wasn't bad at all.......e the "Governor of Ball Pythons"...................anyway if you guys reading the journal ever want me to "rant" about a particular subject.............by all means please shoot me an email and I will decide whether or not it is "worthy of a rant"..............can't ya tell that my journal is dying and becoming un-interesting?...............I need new material.................yeah right............Ralph's life has plenty of "material".................I get a lot of emails from people who say how nice it is to read the journal and not read about "Snakes"...........that is exactly what I was aiming for.............sure the snakeThis was during the song  " God Of Thunder"s are a part of it..............but I'm not "just snakes"................I'm a lot more than that................and my web-site is not "just snakes"...............anyone who visits this site can easily see that it's about people..................and that is what the journal is for............I appreciate all the kind words from you guys through email..............and I love it when you guys are afraid to admit that you read this crap.........LOL................well if it makes you feel any better.................I love reading good gossip and dirt................and I always have..............it's human!!................how much can you write about snakes really............man can not live on snakes alone..............:)

So Phil came over later today...........he and I went up and helped Robbie get the rat barn finished up............after that we ran some errands ..............smelling awful I must add......He really "did it up" with the blood......;)..........LOL.............I love it when I have been in the rat barn on cleaning day and then I go shopping in some store...............LMAO.............you can tell that the people can smell you...........shhhewwwwwwwwwwieeeeeeeeeeee!!.............we ended up at the damn Halloween shop AGIAN!...............I bought this really cool bat ( with all the millions I'm making off of these snakes ) that you hang from the ceiling............it has a seven foot wing span!!..............and the eyes light up..............it is really cool!!.............I just bought it to hang over Boba Fett..............after that I took my Nikon 5700 that "just got out of the repair shop" back to the camera shop.................theyRock On!!!! had it for a couple months.......actually they sent it out to Nikon.............well they got it back and told me that it was fixed and that I could pick it up............so I did..............I shot some pics with it..........and the pics sucked...........they were mostly out of focus..........so I took it back to the shop so that they can send it back out to Nikon again!.............the problem in the first place was with the lens..............it got stuck in the "out position".................so I'm sure they replaced it at Nikon.............so the new lens ain't worth a crap either .............I'm in good shape because I have two Nikon 5700s................:)..........one for shooting pics with........and one for keeping in the repair shop........LOL............after leaving the camera shop I went and picked Brooke up from Church................that be that...............WOW!!

  This morning George and Mel ( George's wife ) picked me up to take me out for breakfast .............George is the dude who runs the Baltimore KISS Convention ............I bought him a ticket to fulfil his dream to meet KISS in full make-up............so I guess he figures he should feed me..A "classic" Gene pose..................LOL.............It's nice to have George and Mel back around..............we all just stopped hanging out for the longest time.............I missed them............after breakfast we went back to George's house..........I gave him a baby ball python and he wanted me to check out the set up he was keeping it in to make sure everything was right..............it was perfect.............he has it in a ten gallon tank with a screen top and clips..............the clips keep the screen top secured..............he has an under the tank heater under the side of the tank where the snake's hide box is...This was a good shot...................he has a 50 watt red bulb at the other end of the tank where the water bowl is.............and about an inch of shredded cypress mulch for the substrate.............it's a perfect set up for a baby ball python..............this is how I recommend keeping one pet ball python............it's simple and the snake will do well in it...............so I gave him the "thumbs up" on his tank...............then we went into his "Kiss Room"..............where he keeps all of his Kiss Collectables.............he has to have one of the best KISS collections on the east coast..............anyway............he gave me a really cool Kiss Poster mounted on a solid wood frame...........it's a US tour poster from the "Destroyer Era"............it is really nice..........he also had some rarHe had to rest after all that blood spitting..............LOLe posters there that he was selling for his younger brother.............I bought one that I had been looking for............so I was stoked!!..............I get to go home and re-decorate!..........;)............after that we went back to my place.............I told George that I had a bunch of stuff to do today..........and that he was welcome to hang out with me.............so he did.............Mel went home and George and I went down to Pete Kahl's place to pick up 25 bags of shredded cypress mulch.............then we drove to the airport to pick up an adult Caramel Albino male that I bought from a guy in Florida............yepper.....Big Lou..........he had the band KISS Nation sign his shirt.........we all did......;).........I finally have a Caramel Albino in my collection ............I've been trying to produce my own from some hets for two years..............with no luck............so I broke down and bought a breeder male......;)...........the snake arrived right on time and he was perfect!!.........much bigger than I expected him to be.............he is a great breeding size..........my ball python collection is pretty complete now...........:)............Robbie fed all the baby snakeThis is the back of the Baltimore Expo T-shirt............the front has all four members of KISS on it........of courses today............I did not feed the adults because of starting the breeding season............but I will feed them next week.............I feed all year ............if they eat great............if they don't...........that's just them being "Ball Pythons".............my males slow down with feeding in the winter............but most of my females keep eating............so I feed them!!............We got home from the airport ...........I set the Caramel male up in quarantine............Mel came over to pick George up...........she brought some coffee too!!............she makes the best coffee!!..............I know I say that all the time...........but she really does make kick ass coffee!!............So they headed back home The back of my KISS leather jacket..........damn right!!and I worked on some paper work and emails for the rest of the night............I was asked to go check out Kingsnake's Ball python Forum today...............there was a thread there about a breeder selling a snake to a person...........well it turns out that the breeder said that they produced the snake themselves...............when in fact they bought it from another breeder to "re-sell".............there really is nothing wrong with this when your selling homozygous snakes...........but the buyer should always know that the snake was not actually produced byA Killer vintage poster I picked up from George............I'm gonna get it framed.....;) you............this practice goes on quite a bit in the industry ...........a breeder can't fill an order............so they have to buy the snake from another breeder to fill the order...........I see nothing wrong with this as long as the customer knows what the deal is.............this goes back to the rant above..............some people will produce snakes only to whole-sale to other breeders.............then these breeders sell them at retail ...............I do not do this............I have sold only a handful of other peoples snakes that I did not produce myself.............and these snakes were acquired through trade ..........sometimes if a customer wants to do a trade for some snakes............I will consider it only if I want the snakes in my collection............or if I know that the snakes will be A gift from George............I love this poster!!"sellable"............homozygous is the safest bet............buying and trading "hets" is a risky business anymore...............there are just too many asswipes out there trying to rip people off with hets and possible hets............I know who I can trust in this business...........so anyway............it's been a long day..............I can't wait to watch Survivor tomorrow..............go RUPERT!!!!................ I want him to win the million
  Robbie is here cleaning the babies and sub-adults today........I'm working on sizing a bunch of pics for the journal...............I finally picked through all the KISS Convention pics and found the best ones to post up on the journal...............it's like 59 of them...............damn!!............I took a break tLittle Gump's birthday cakeo do pay-roll and print out some bills so I can get PAID for some of my construction jobs...............I heard that the Chicago Show was really great............I seen on the web some pics that people took of all the cool ball pythons there of NERD's, BHB's and The Bell's.............I was all screwed up on what I wrote in the journal a few weeks back..............I thought the Chicago show was the same weekend as my KISS Convention.............but it was not..............it was last weekend............I wasn't going anyway..............and I had Christy and Kathy visiting that weekend.............I just wanted to clear that up..............even though it doesn't matter..........LOL............I just had my dates mixed up............but yeah..........everyone I heard from said that the show was reallyBlowing out the lights!! nice and "relaxed".................I was asked by Brian Potter...........the dude that runs the whole show, to do a talk on the "Ball Python Market"...............I would have loved to do it...........but I just didn't feel like schlepping all my stuff to the show...............the drive there totally sucks for me.............600 miles and it takes us 13 hours or more...................we can drive 900 miles to Daytona in 13 hours...........it's just a shitty drive to Chicago............and I'm a whinny little wuss........;).............I also heard that Tracy Barker had a snake stolen right off of the table"The Gump"...........:)..............I believe she was at NERD's table when this all went down...............Tracy told me that it was a Double Het for Albino X Piebald..............a very expensive and "rare" snake............so keep your eyes and ears open people............there is no way that who ever did this will not get caught ............I hope Tracy has a picture of the snake?...........so hearing about that really sucked..............who-ever took the snake took the whole damn display box with it!!..............that takes some balls!!........somebody knows something for sure...............so please.............if any of you have any info about this..............make sure you contact Tracy and let her know............if we can catch the person who did this, Big Lou will take it from there.................LOL...............we are all playing wally-ball tonight..............from 9 to 11..............Phil is even going to start plaKyle..........Fatty's daughter Holly is in the back..........and that's Brookie on the sideying!.............it will be great to get back into the groove again.............I really missed playing when we all quit..........but it looks like the "old gang" is back together again.................Big Lou leaves for China for thirty days a week from today...............yepper...............Big Lou is going back to be with his girl Xulin..............he has already filed all the papers to get her into the US.............now he just has to wait.........he misses her, and he is not sure how long this paper-work will take?.............so he figured he would go see her..............the man will travel at the drop of a hat...............I'd be freaking out about leaving my home for a month...........not Big Lou.............he just packs a bag and rolls out.................LMAO!!..........and that is "Classic Lou"...............not a care in the world.....These are Maryland steamed crabs baby!!...hopefully he will get some more pics while he is over there............I asked him to take some pics of " the sites" while he is there.............he says it is very crowded...........Kyle's Lime Disease test came back "Negative" today.......so we don't have to worry about that anymore.............he is acting totally fine now..........he must of just caught one of those 24 hour bugs?...............well I'm outa here...............Phil just showed up and we are off to go play wally-ball.................T is taping Survivor for me...............I can't wait to come home and watch it.................will Rupert help Morgan win a challenge?...................I'm sure he will

Wally -ball was way fun last night............we had two teams of three...............we had a blast!!.........we played for two hours and sweated our asses off!!.............the games were pretty close too...............even though we are all way out of practice...........but thThis is the baby copperhead that Lou rescued...........he released it way back in the woods near his home where it will be safe.....;)at's good for Phil.............now he can learn while we are still getting back into the groove......;) ...............we played from 9 till 11.............after that we all went out to the parking lot to shoot the poop for awhile............three of the guys that play are brothers..............Rick, Matt and Keith...........well Matt and Keith practically live at the gym............anyway............the gym is up on a hill..........the parking lot of the gym is sloped like a ramp.............you have to drive up a " ramp like" incline to get to the main parking lot in front of the gym............well Keith has Holy Shit!!.........a snake pic............can you beleive it??.............this is an 03 "Platty Daddy".......;)been having some fun in the parking lot.............I'll tell ya what I mean...........

Keith has a little Neon car...............it's a fast little bugger too...............well Keith wanted to show us all last night how he "Jumps" the hill in the parking lot.............so he drives his car to the farthest end of the lot and turns around...............then he started haulin' ass up the hill towards us...............he hit the "little ramp" in second gear.............he had to be doing 40 mph...............he caught major air!!..............I ain't never seen a car jump something right in front of me..............it was hilarious!!................he did it twice............both times he got his car a couple feet off of the ground........LMAO!!...........now I know this is stupid stuff............but it was pretty entertaining..........."It's a guy thing"...................I camA very cool pumpkin I carved for the kiddies this yeare home and answered a few enails................then I went up to watch my Survivor tape!!...............:)

All I can say after watching Survivor is that Rupert is "REAL"...............this man is controlling both tribes now??...............I knew he would help Morgan kick Drake's ass at the reward challenge..............this is good .............because now both tribes see how valuable he is.............yes this makes him dangerThe cool bat that I picked up at the Halloween shopous............but I really think he is well liked among both tribes...............I want him to win the million dollars so bad.............he will be the most famous Survivor to date after this show................win or loose ........Rupert will be a millionaire from doing this show..............he is totally marketable.............and you can bet that the "higher ups" are looking at him thinking of ways to "cash in" on his personality!!..........now as far as Michelle goes..............I say she deserved what she got............she "toots her horn" and says that she will have no problem eating or drinking what ever it may be for the challenge.........they all agreed that she should be "the one" to "act" like it was the most disgusting This sucker has a seven foot wing span!!.............poor Boba Fett........:(thing in the world...........and to make it look "real"..............there was no time limit on her part of the challenge.............so she could have easily "played it up" and acted like she was not going to be able to complete the challenge...........but no.........what does she do?...............she lets her pride get the best of her and she just gulps the stuff down??.........the Morgan tribe would have never picked her to do the final challenge after seeing that arrogant display.............so she basically screwed Drake and cost herself the game...............so bye bye Michelle..............try doing what you say your going to do next time...............it was a total no brainA cool prop for Fatty's party...........the smoking skull.........er.............it would have been "a classic moment"...............but she screwed up..............

Rupert Rules..............I liked him from day one..............I like him more every episode ............I hope he stays real until the final three..............I love this stuff!!.................CSI was a repeat.........why?.............it's a brand new season?.............anywhoo............today Robbie finished up the cleaning of the adult snakes...............I have a few males breeding for me at the moment.............the Pied males hooked up right away.......the Platty Daddy is in shed and acting lazy..............my Stripe male is hooked up right now with a het female...............so things are looking normal.............I'm about Jason vs. Freddie poster.............I'm ate up with it ain't I?a week behind normal schedule..............but that's Ok..............we are all going to The Colonial tonight to play shuffle board ..............can't you tell the weather is getting colder?.................The Colonial on Friday nights to play shuffle board is a winter time sport..........LOL...............so that's about it for the week.................Fatty, Phil and I will be working on the Halloween set-up tomorrow, it's only a week away!!.................Have a Great Weekend Everyone!...............and Rock On!!............... Damn Right!!


We had fun at the Colonial last night..............the owners had an addition built onto the bar to be "The new game room"..............they have four new pool tables and the shuffle board set up in this room nMy Koi pond all ready for winter.....;)ow...........I was partners with T's mom..............we came in second place for the night............T's team didn't win one game!!...........:P..............Philly showed up this morning pretty early so that he could help me get some of " my stuff" done before Fatty came over to work on closing in the deck for the Halloween party...........we cleaned all the filters in my Koi pond outside for the last time this season............we cropped back all the plants, then we covered the whole thing with pond screen............the screen keeps all the leaves and junk out of the pond during the fall..............it's a real life saver too..............there is nothing worse than a bunch of leaves settling down to the bottom of the pond..............it just gunks it all up............so we got the pond all done just as FattThe torture wall..........:)y showed up............we all hopped into my rig and went to get the supplies we needed to close in my deck..............we are putting styro board up as walls...............then we are covering it with black fabric..............this will make for a nice warm room and very dark!!..............so that was the plan................we stopped by the rat barn first ............checked for floods and watered the buckets............then we went to Lowe's and picked up all the supplies we needed.........

We started working on the deck as soon as we came home.............we strapped thYep.............the poor bastarde styro board to the existing railings that are on my deck now..............it was a pretty easy job...........once all the styro board was up, we covered the inside with Fatty's black fabric.............this all took a couple hours...............Phil went out and grabbed us some lunch.............Fatty and I were finished the fabric hanging by the time Phil got back with subs.............from Subway!!................turkey and bacon for me!!............after lunch Phil had to roll out.................his dad had to get an emergency operation on his knee this week.............so Phil and his family have been going to the hospital to be with him.............The black light section..........Fatty and I decided to start setting up his "ghoulish props".................and let me tell you...............Fatty has some bad ass Halloween props............I snapped a few pics as we were working.........we worked on the room for a couple hours after Phil left............then we got burnt out on it............we had to go get cleaned up because Fatty, Big Lou and I are going to see Texas Chainsaw Massacre tonight!!................I can't wait!!.............we are going to the late show..........10:25..............oohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!............it's been a spooky kinda day for sure...............:)ch...ch......ch..........pa.......pa.....pa.............


Big Rock today................we raked leaves off of the court for an hour before we could play!............I'm taking the blower next week.......;)........we had some great games.........we left earlier thanMore props........the skull is fiber optic...........it changes colors....... we usually do, so that we could take the kids to a "Fall Fest Thingy" at one of the local produce places ................there is this place that sells all kinds of food and produce ............basically all the down home farming kinda stuff...........fruit, veggies, pies etc.............they always do it up nice for Halloween.............they have a "haunted hay ride" where they pull you in the hay wagon down through the woods and try to scare the crap out of ya...........monsters and ghouls jump out at ya............it's cool..........and cool little mazes built out of hay bales for the kids to run around in.............I love the petting zoo.............they have the cutest little goats and pot belly piggies there.....;)...............and naturally they have a little machine outside of the pens so that you can buy twenty five cents worth of feeFatty's creation.......d to feed your favorite little farm animal..............we got there kinda late.............but the kids had fun.............they did "the maze" a couple hundred times...............got to see all the farm critters .............there were two brand new baby vietnamese pot belly pigs there ................these little cuties were no bigger than a football.......they were running around with the goats...........I remember when my three piggies were that small...............that was a long time ago...................baby animals are just the cutest!!..............I wish I could say that about baby people............yepper.................have you ever seen an ugly baby animal??..............now tell me you haven't seen some butt ugly baby people?..................LMAO!!..............I know I was an ugly little dude..............I looked like a little fat Fatty in the "Hell Raiser" section........troll...............and I still do!!.................Damn!.......anyway..............Fall is here folks...............it's in the air.............the leaves are on the ground........the nights are brisk and cold ...........Halloween is coming!!............This is my time of the year!!...............now if it will just hurry up and be dark at 4:30 pm..............I'll be in heaven.....;)..............I haven't really paid any attention to breeding the ball pythons yet..............I had a few pairs together for a couple days...............seen some breeding...........I'm just not in the mood yet............but it will come.............I'm just running behind.............get'er done........


Today I ran errands most of the day .............picking up supplies and stuff that I have ordered that needed to be picked up..............I stopped my the Halloween Shop..............yes......AGAIN!!............I had to exchange a black light for one that works............Fatty picked up a nice four foot tall black light on a stand last wHalloween stuff........eek...........well it doesn't work................so I exchanged it today............and picked up another strobe light too..........LOL...........and that's all I bought!!.................Fatty and I will be going back to the store after Halloween to buy a bunch of stuff when it's 50% off...........that will be scary....;)..............Fatty worked on setting up some more props on the deck yesterday while we were at Big Rock.............it's starting to come together............I can't wait to see it when it's all done!.............T got some bad news today.............she has been having major problems with her vision.............she has been wearing contact lenses for 17 years..............I fell in love with her while she wore glasses though.......;)...............I'm a big sucker for glasses..............I love them!!........must be "the secretary thing"........:P.....anyway...............she went to her regular eye doctor and he told her that she should not be sleeping in the contacts that she wears now anymore................so he soldThe Bat........... her more expensive contacts that are "for sleeping in"........well these new contacts she is wearing are driving her nuts!!..............her vision is the worst it has ever been now...............so she went today for a "second opinion"...............this doctor told her to take her contacts out and never put them back in?..............he said her eyes were in very bad shape..........the doctor said that she should have never been sleeping in them for all these years.............he said that her eyes were severely damaged and she has basically been suffocating them for 17 years...........so now she has to wear glasses again................she will probably never be able to go back to contacts...........she even asked about the corrective laser surgery for her eyes.............the doctor told her that her eyes were in such bad shape that no doctor would want to do the surgery...............so now she is back to wearing glasses and hopefully her eyes will start to heal themselve's..............if they do.............then she may be able to get the surgery OR go back to wearing contacts during the day..............but she will never be allowed to sleep in them again............the bad part is..............she was never told that she should not be sleeping in her contacts?,,,,,,,,she had regular eye check-ups..............the doctor never said a word about her eyesGrim Reaper..........we are just getting started here...... being in bad shape? ...............the second doctor is the one who told her that she was in bad shape............so now she is pissed at her regular doctor..............especially since he just prescribed her new " very expensive" contacts that she can't use...................so she will be settling up with him soon.......;).................so now she's back to glasses!!..............the way I met here back when she was 14 years old..................I love it!!...............It's like a got a brand new wife.........LMAO!!........I know I'm a PIG..............I hardly recognize her............LOL...........we went to the mall today to grab some food..................she went into the eye glass place and ordered her new "sexy glasses"...............I'm stoked............but she ain't!...............Fatty came over today after work to do more stuff out on the "Porch of Horror"...............it looks like there will be close to 50 people coming to the party..............I'll get plenty of pics for you guys!!............T is going to play volley ball tonight..............yepper..............in her new glasses!!.............Fear factor , Las Vegas and CSI tonight!!................Las Vegas is a great new show


Big Lou was here bright and early this morning.............he is running a cable line to Gump's bedroom so that he can watch cable TV...........yepper...................24/7 cartoons to keep Gump ocPROPS are cool!!cupied..........:)...........Lou is leaving for China early Thursday morning to see Xulin.............he wants to get the work that he has to do with the cable and the alarm wiring done before he goes.............Fear Factor was nasty last night...........just hearing those cow eye balls pop was enough to make ya sick.............the stuff people will do for 50 grand??.............don't forget you have to pay taxes on that 50 grand people!!..............Damn!!............Lou finished up and then went to Washington DC to get all his paper work in order to leave the country ............after I got all my phone calls and emails done, I headed up to the rat barn to help Robbie finish up...............our Swiss Webster mice are doing so well that I have been able to set up new groups with the ones we are producing..............we haven't been able to do that for some time...............I hate even talking about the mice because they have been doing so poorly for us................but these Swiss mice seem to be abLeather Face rules!!!le to "handle" being in the rat room.............and I think that was our biggest problem............the strain of mice we used to work with could not handle being in the same room as the rats..............time will tell I guess..............so we got the barn done ..........swept up and blew the place out.............we had 300 pinky rats that were all collected while we were cleaning the rat breeder boxes.................we usually catch the pregos before they have their babies.........but sometimes you miss a few.........or you see some that are fat and leave them in the system "thinking" they won't "pop" for another week................well this week we found plenty............so rather than "fostering" them out to other rat moms, we brought them to my place and fed all the 03 babies tonight............I fed all the snakes and Robbie marked the feeding cards.........I got done just in time to go get Brookie from church................I talked to Pete Kahl today..........he told me that he spent the weekend in the hospital ..................somehow he was bitten by a spider..............he had a terrible reaction to it that laid him up in the hospital for the weekend..............he is fine now.............The back of the DVD..........looks real don't it?...but he said that it was a bad time..............he got bit on the arm.............he said his arm swelled up like a balloon............he is building a new home right now out in the woods.........and he says that the property where he is building is loaded with spiders...........so I guess one must have bitten him while he was working..............anyway...........Pete doesn't have any special powers..............he can't climb walls or shoot webs from his wrist yet................wouldn't that just be the best!!...........it would be way cool to have some kind of special power wouldn't it?.................If I could have one power.............it would be to be invisible when ever I wanted to disapear..............think of the potential of that!!.............LOL...............I'm out............ Good for spy'in........


I met up with George and Mel to have breakfast again...............this may turn out to be a "Wednesday morning thing"?...........Robbie is feeding all the adult ball pythons today...........I'm still pumping up my females for this coming season............My deck all closed in.............I know that what ever females I do not breed this season will be HOGS next season...............they are just pounding food so well that I'm afraid to even start the breeding temps ...............females that have been finicky all year are just destroying food now................but that's how it goes.............ball Pythons never do what you want them to do......;)...........I think I work for them, more than they work for me?..............I spent most of the day in court..........I was asked to come testify as a character reference for a friend who is trying to get out of jail 6 months early...............he is due out in April of 2004..............he's hoping that he can get out today!!...............it's a long story............lets just say that he got addicted to a bad drug and that led to him going to jail.............and this is a guy who is a super talented landscaper who had a family, his own business...............he was doing great..............he got hooked on a very addictive drug and lost it all..................totally............it's all gone!!..............he has to start all over again............

Bob was able to convince the judge that he was ready to be released from jail today.............I was shocked!!..............so now he has to take it day by day and get his life back together................22 months in jail..............Big Lou was here today working on the final "tweaks" of my new alarm system..................he has most of the work done...............he will finish "Hell Raiser"up when........or "IF" he comes back from China ..............I have a feeling he is going to stay over there for awhile this time............poor Xulin!!.................:)....I was in court from 10:00 am until 4:00 pm...............with an hour break for lunch.............it sucked!!.............we had no way of knowing when Bob would be up?.............and sure enough............he was the very last trail..............it was a success...............so that was worth the wait..............after court I came home and got all my paper work done.............I want to have all my office work done a day early so that we can work on the Halloween props on Friday................Friday Fatty, Philly and I will take the day off from "real work" and be setting up the place for the party on Saturday............Rene is flying in for the party................and maybe some others too??...............you'll have to wait and see the pictures......:P............Philly came over last night as I was finishing up my paper work...............we got his "demon teeth" fitting and made sure that he could handle wearing his "demon contacts"...............the teeth went pretty smoothly..............they have to be heated up and molded to your own teeth,,,,,,,,,,,,they are really cool and they LOOK REAL................I have the "upper" set of teeth for my Halloween costume ..............Fatty and Philly have both upper and lower sets of teeth..............they got a full set of nasty teeth!!........More props.....so we got the teeth done...........I helped him put his contacts in.............it wasn't too bad................he wore them for the rest of the night to get used to them...............Fatty stopped by the store and bought the original "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" today...............he dropped it off at my house on the way home................Phil and I watched it last night while he was "killing time" getting used to his " new eyes"...............and he hates horror movies!!........LOL................It was good to see the "original version" of the movie just after seeing the "re-make".................I like them both...............the re-make left some parts out............and added some new parts..........both were pretty damn scary if you ask me..............just thinking that there really could be a goofy family out in the boonies killing people and eating them scares the hell out of me......;)....................so after the movie we took his contacts out and called it a night.................I snapped a pic of him with his teeth and contacts in.............his eyes are wild looking..............they are called "Darth"...............they are "Darth Maul's" eyes from Star Wars part one...............they are bad ass!!................ The party is gonna be way cool!!


Big Lou left for China this morning!!.............yepper...............Big Lou is airborne...........that's scary!!..................LOL...........Robbie is here cleaning the snakes today..............I cleaned all the rodeand more props........nt cages that we keep here................yep...........I keep a few breeding groups of the Swiss Webster mice here............I'm doing an experiment kinda?..............My snake facility is pretty warm..........I want to see if "being warm" affects how the mice breed...............and so far it has been a few months...............the Swiss mice are breeding and reproducing just as well as they are doing at the rat barn..............the rat barn is much cooler too...........so I guess these little mice are hardy as hell................so I cleaned the mice and "thinned out" some of the tubs that had a bunch of "weiners"...............then I cleaned all the turtle filters................which is a total breeze.............all my turtle tanks and ponds are "biological".............meaninJason!!!!!g that they have a good growth of "good bacteria" growing in them...............the water is crystal clear and perfect all the time..............all I do is wash out the filters once a week and add some water when the pond or tanks are low................water turtles are my most favorite herp to keep.............and they are very easy to keep to if you know how to work with water..................water HAS to become "biological" for it to be easy to maintain...............most people constantly suffer from "new tank syndrome"................cloudy, stinky water all the time............they give up and get rid of their turtles because of this..................setting up a water tank takes time.............most people don't know that you can "introduce" a culture of good bacteria into a tank........doing this will aid in stabilizing the tank..............LOL..........what the hell am I talking about?...............you guys don't care about water turtles.........Philly with his new eyes and teeth........bad ass!!do you?.............so anyway.............I cleaned the rodents and got all the "water work" done..............so all Robot has to do is clean the snakes......................I'm in the office right now finishing up the journal............and I'm early too!!...............you guys will be seeing this tonight!!............so that's that folks.................I won't be writing anymore until next week................we have the party this weekend and a lot of work to do tomorrow.............Have a Great Weekend ...............I'll take plenty of pics at the party...........we are having a contest for the "Best Costume" and the "Best Couple"........ Rock On!!............Don't let your meat loaf!!


Wally-ball was really fun last night!.............poor Fatty got stuck on some crappy teams in the first half.............then it ended up Fatty, Phil and I against "The Brothers".The kiddies at Spring Meadows in the pumpkin patch..............we held our own against them...............:)..........it's killer exercise!.........good for the heart........Poor Big Lou loves to play............BUT he went off to China..............I'm sure he is having a fun time...............I think they are staying at a hotel together for 30 DAYS instead of at her parent's house?...............GO BIG LOU!!.................LOL ...........Survivor was " over the top" lastThe hay ride........out to the pumpkin patch night!!............That little witch Trish is GONE!!!...........I was a total wreck!!.............I was so afraid that Rupert was going home..............he's got balls, that's for sure..............he tells it like it is at Tribal Council...........good or bad..............and I like that about him..............he is brutally honest...........the best way to be!!...............Trish flat out lied about what her "true feelings" were about Rupert..............she lied right there at Tribal Council................and it cost her thGumpe game..............but she was going home anyway..............I will say that Rupert is scaring me more and more each episode ..........I can tell that the other players know that he is "too powerful"...............and that makes him dangerous..............but it's really not his fault............he's just being himself.............and that is working great for him!!...............so win the million RUPERT!!...........ROCK ON!!!

Today Fatty, Phil aBrookiend I took off "real work" to get the place all set up for the Halloween Party..........we had a lot of stuff done during the week............so today wasn't to bad at all..........Phil drove to the airport around lunch time to pick Rene up and brought him back to my place..............we never told Rene that Mojo was coming to town.............I had asked them both to come............Mojo couldn't make it ( at firsYep..............LMAO........you look just like a hog!!t )..............so we didn't tell Rene otherwise................he just figured he would be a "Lone Injun"..............so Phil brought Rene back and we all worked on setting everything up for the party................it got later in the day and Phil left again .................saying that he was going to pick up his wife Robbin and bring her back so that we could all go out and get something to eat...............BUT he was really going back to the airport to pick up MOJO!!..........Just like pop..............Rene, Fatty and I were just hanging out and shooting the poop when Phil pulled up and came into the house..............he told Rene that Robbin wanted to see him out in the garage..............so Rene went out only to find MOJO!!..............we fooled him!!...............he really thought that Mojo wasn't going to be able to make it.............so that was funny.............I know he was surprised..............:)............So we all hung out, I showed them around the house and let them see the snakes...............Robbin shBrooke, Kalli, Izak and Gumpowed up and T got home from work...............we all went out and had dinner.........it was great seeing them again..............the last time we seen Rene and Mojo was way back in August at the Daytona show.........LOL.............I guess we missed them.............SWELL GUYS they are..........:).......after dinner we all went to the Halloween Shop ( yes AGAIN ).........Rene bought a really cool monster costThe little piggies..............:)ume........Mojo picked up some "accessories" for his costume.............and I think Fatty and I did good and spent under a hundred bucks this time??............we came home after that and watched some TV............had some wine that Mojo had sent to my house before he flew out to MD..............it was a nice night!!...........Rene and Mojo got to share a room for the night...........T set them each up a snug little bed to crash in...........YES I drank wine!!...............and it was good!!...........I had to open the damn bottle with a three inch drywall screw too!!...............Mojo finished the bottle and hit the sack!!..............Damn WINO!!!


Rene and Mojo woke up too early this morning!!.............I finally got up and showed them around the snake room some more..............they snapped some pics of the This goat has to be prego?snakes..............Fatty showed up and started working on the "finishing touches" before the party..............Rene, Mojo and I headed up to the rat barn..........they wanted me to show them the rodent set-up.............and I needed to water some buckets and check for floods................I think they were pretty impressed with the place.....;)...............I showed them around the barn and Mr. John's property...........I introduced them to " The WardenBrooke feeding the goats......."..........Mr. John..............Mr. John told me that his mom passed away on Thursday...............she had a stroke eleven months ago, he had been taking care of her in her house at the farm ever since.............she died in her sleep.............I think Mr. John was relieved that she did pass, because her quality of life the last couple of months was really bad............she went blind and really couldn't move or do much of anything............she just laid in the bed...............

I showed the guys my Sea Doos.........which are in Mr. John's Mom's garage..........I asked Mr. John what he was going to do with his Mom's empty house?...............he said hThese two little goats were playing "king of the hill" all day...........they were a riot!e was probably going to rent it out..........Mojo's eyes lit up when he said that........LOL...............Mojo really wants to come to the east coast in a bad way and work with FAT ASS..........LMAO.............ya never know????...............so after I gave them the tour of the farm, we went to Micky Dee's and got some lunch..........we got a bunch of burgers and fries and brought them home............Fatty hit me on the Nextel and said to hurry because hGump in the "hay maze".........e was hungry..........we got home with the food and Fatty pretty much had everything done for the party...............it was finally done!!............and boy did it look fantastic ...............people are going to shit when they see this place!!.............Phil and Robbin showed up later in the day...............all we had left was to stake some signs in the ground for "parking"..............after all that...............it was time to start putting on our make-up and costumes................Fatty, Phil and I were all wearing pretty elaGump coming out of that "balloon tunnel thingy"??????...........borate facial appliances.............and they take a good bit of time to glue on and get fitting right............the party starts at 7:30 pm.............we started putting our make-up on at around 3:00...............I glued Phil's and my pointed ears on first..............then I worked on getting my make-up done completely............I painted my finger nails black an hour earlier.........LOL............I got my "face on".............then I helped Phil glue his face on and cut him loose to apply his own make-up...............he is going to be a Demon..............Fatty is going to be an Evil Clown.............and I'm going to be a Vampire..........Mojo and Rene where down in the basement with us goofing off while we all put our make-up on.............they were snapping pictures and laughing at us..............it did look pretty funny.............all of us " primping" for the big party!!.......I helped Fatty paint his Clown Face on...Brooke doing what she loves to do...........DRAW........he looks so eveil!!............I loved it!!..........Rene got suited up............Mojo got his Pimp outfit on..............Fatty, Phil and I got all of our stuff done............All three of us were wearing cool monster contact lenses........T also was wearing really cool contacts.............we looked awesome!!...............it was time for the party!!

People started showing up right on time...........I had the camera " rolling" right away.........I wasn't the only one snapping pics.............Phil, Rene, Mojo...........and a lot of the guests were all shooting pics of everyone's crazy costumes .............50 people ended up coming to the party.............we had the place done up great.............there was Phil's daughter Kaci's boyfreind "Danny".............I gotta get me one of those coats!plenty of room for everyone to spread out and have fun...............we had tons of food.........and even more to drink...........the girls were making mixed drinks and shooters...............people were doing a "beer bong" out on the "porch from hell"..............people started to migrate up to the third floor game room and hang out...............it was great!!...............Fatty and Sandy announced the winners of the "best costumes" for the night..............a guy wearing a huge penis costume won first place.............Sandy's sister Ginger won second place.................she was a Chia Pet............I was surprised at how the votes turned out?............I really didn't think either one of their costumes "were all that"...........Phil's daughter Katilyn and her freind Chelsie dressed for "home coming".....but hey..............it's the people's choice right!!................The Penis won!!............LOL...........it was a cool costume..............it had a small fan in the back constantly blowing air into the costume to keep it "up".................I guess??..........it was an adult costume for sure..............and so was the party.........everyone laughed when he walked through the front door..............that's for sure................Fatty was greeting everyone at the door..............and he seen the guy coming in Katilyn is on the left.........Chelsie is on the right...........you look great girls!!the penis outfit.............he said " no dicks allowed"........I thought that was pretty funny.......;).............so the house was packed with people in costumes..............too many costumes to even mention .............I snapped tons of pics, so you will get to "see" what I seen and how everyone looked..........of course there was alcohol and girls there..............that could only lead to some crazy sights...............yepper................it got quite "out of hand" as the party went on..........but in a very good way...............everyone left happy and said that it was one hell of a party!!..........Poor Fatty had a little too much to drink..........the "beer bong" was the culThe "Porch of Pain".........prit.............he passed out pretty early in the night..............but not before he scared the shit out of everyone with that "Wicked Clown" costume he was wearing..............he looked so damn scary in it!!............Mojo was a great Pimp.............he was shoving money down the fronts of all the pretty girls shirts all night...........Rene's costume was too damn hot for him to keep on..............but he did pose for some pics..............I was the fattest vampire I think anyone has ever seen?................LOL............but I was told that I looked really good!............You'll see the pics of everyone else and the "caption"Hellraiser".........." I write for each pic................it was a huge success ...........people were leaving asking if we could do it again next week............LOL................I don't think Rene and Mojo ever want to go back home...............so the party winded down................some people stayed behind to help us clean up most of the stuff that was laying around in all the rooms.............cups, plates, underware....Mojo, Me and Rene.........we were "chillin'" before the party..................the usual party junk that people leave laying around...........LOL...............thanks for helping out at the end of the night Jimbo...........and Fatty and I would like to thank everyone who helped us out and came to the party.............I'm sure we are all looking forward to next year's party in 2004!!...............you'll have to do better next year girls!!............What a party!!!


Phil came to the house early this morning to take Rene and Mojo to the airport...........I think he was here at like 6 am or earlier??...............all I know is that I'm damn glad he offThe ceiling in the "Porch of Pain"ered to take them to the airport...........I would have made them catch a cab............too damn early for me........:)............we are all very thankful to Philly for all the things he does around here..........so he dropped them both off at the airport...........he was back at my house at 7:30 am and started cleaning the kitchen??.................what a guy!!..............Fatty, Sandy, my brother and his buddy all slept over................I got to bed around 5:00 am this morniMe, Rene, Mojo and Fatty.........ng..............I was totally "toasted".................I woke up sometime earlier in the morning and took some Advil...............then I went back to bed...............I think I woke up today sometime after lunch??.................Fatty and Sandy had gone home.............so did Philly..............I got up the energy to clean up all the mess in the basement where we all put our make-up on.............and even worse!!...............where we took it off..............:)............I got all of our costumes, facial appliances and make-up put away ................scrubbed the floor and the sink................vacuumed the Fatty in deep thought.........place up and headed for the third floor game room................and surprisingly that was not as bad as I thought it would be............Jimbo and I I had got most of the junk cleaned up last night...............so I straightened stuff up and vacuumed...........I love vacuuming the floors!!..............Lou emailed me from China.............he says all is well and told me to tell all our friends that he says "hello"................I started coming back to life "finally"................I was hung over pretty bad.............T wasn't in that bad of shape...............but I was........daStandard Proceduremn!!..............the family got all cleaned up and we decided to go to the "Fall Fest" again................it was T, me and the kids, my parents..........and we also took our Niece and Nephew.............Kali and Isac.............

We got to "Spring Meadows" and bought the tickets so that the kids could run around like goofs...........the kids all had fun in this big "blow up" tunnel that you can climb through and bounce around in...............then they did the maze that is built out of hay bales.............Brooke and Gump "mastered" that maze last SundaPorch of Painy when we visited...............we looked at all the farm animals............I just love the little piggies............then it was time to do the hay ride..............so we all loaded up on the hay trailer.............it was a big trailer with hay bales on it for all of us to sit on...........it took us out through the corn fields and stopped in a huge pumpkin patch.............we all hopped off of the wagon and the kids each wHow do you like my art work?ent out and picked a pumpkin or a goard................it was pretty cool...........

After that we all came home and crashed.............the party kicked the crap out of me............I know that!!.............but it was well worth it...............the party was great!!.............people called us today and told us how fun it was and that it was done so well..............see ya next year!!..........errrrrrrrrrrrr


Well I think I've finally "recovered" from the party? .............between setting it uprops...........p and cleaning it up, the make-up and costumes..............and taking all those pics.............I was mud!!......yeah I had a few drinks too..........:).......but all for a great cause!!...........Fatty and his two helpers are heading off to Ocean City this morning to do a two day job..................Ocean City is where all the Marylander's go for vacation during the Summer.............it has a great beach aThat damn bat again!!nd a board-walk..........it's a really cool place to visit...........as a kid my parents took me there every Summer for vacation.............They will be staying over night at a hotel because the job is a few hours away from home.............I got a bunch of paper-work done early in the day.........I still haven't really started putting any of my ball pythons together..............talk about "draggin' ass"!!.................I will soon..............LOL..............I say that every Monday................I'm late.............there ain't no doubt about that!!...............after I got my work done..........I loaded up my One of "Pin Head's" victims.........cool!!!chest waders and hedge clippers and headed off to Mom's place to help her crop down all of her pond plants for the winter.............and it rained all day!!...................Mom has a very large pond in the back yard that I put in for her several years ago...............she has to do the same thing as I do with my pond.................all the plants need to be cut back.............and then screening has Pin Head had many victims..........to be put over the pond to keep all the leaves that fall off of the trees from going into the pond.................so it rained.............it was damn cold...............but we got'er done...............now Mom's happy for another day................:)...............T went out shopping today and got some color printer cartridges and photo paper so that she could print off all the pics I snapped at the party..................all 150 of them!!.................sheeeeeewwwwwwwieeeeeeeee!!...............What would a party be with out a OUIJA board?T loves to take pictures.............she loves working on photo albums and stuff..........she has never printed pics from a digital camera .............I've been keeping her away from all that............only because I don't want her down at my computer all damn day and night!!...............she has her own work station...........but she has no printer or photo software..............I do all her printing from my computer.............so anyway..............she wants to print all of these pics and show the girls at the hair salon............most of the girls that work for T came to thGhouls on the walls..........e party............some of them were "the life of the party" too.................Rock On Ladies!!..............after I left Mom's............I went to my PO Box that I visit once a month..............threw out all my junk mail............that's all I get in it anyway.............Junk and Bills............

Robbie is up at the rat barn cleaning today.................you guyThis "couple" greeted everyone as they entered the front doors know that though don't you...............:).............after I got home we all loaded up and went out for dinner..............after that we came home, T gave the kiddies a bath................she left for volley-ball..............the kiddies and I watched Fear Factor...............a "Halloween Episode".................and man was it gross!!..............eating stink beetles and "mouthing" through the muck of cow eyeballs to retrieve those pig hearts??..................yummy!!...............it's the first episode I've seen in a long while where two of the stu"The Crime Scene"nts were "gross outs".....................and as annoying as that little hottie "Lexi" was................I wanted her to win so bad..............but she didn't...............you gotta love an annoying babe who wears red eye make-up................I know I sure do!!............LMAO...............Las Vegas was not on.............there was some music awards show on instead ...............T came home and decided she wanted to print out pictures all damn night!!.................so I came down stairs with her and watcheSparky is up in "doggie heaven" now............:(d her pick all the pics she wanted to print and organize them in neat little folders according to who she was going to give them too................:)...............she ended up printing every pic I snapped............and man was it sloooowwwwwwwwww.................printing pics on photo paper sucks!!.............The front sidewalk to the front door..........it looked great at night!!......Fatty had a fog machine working.......the pics look awesome................but who wants to wait??.................T had no problem waiting..............she just loved it!!.............it must be a "Chick Thing".................so we stayed up half the night printing and cutting out pics................it was fun to look at the pics again..............you notice something new each time you look at the pics................there were so many people there...............zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz............Enough pics already T!!!!


Robbie is up at the rat barn......he will be finishing up all the cleaning today...........Mr. John has the funeral for his Mom today too.............she wanted to be cremated and spreRene watching one of my BigFoot tapes...........he believes!!ad out over her husband's grave site...........Mr. John is an "only child"..............both of his parents lived into their upper eighties...............good hard working farmers...........Mr. John works his ass off around the farm............he maintains it all by himself.................I think all he does is mow grass.................it seems by the time he is done mowing.............he has to start all oMe painting Fatty's "Evil Clown Face"ver again...........but it keeps him busy.............I'm very glad that I met the old dude..........;)

Boy did I screw up "Royally" ............I shipped some snakes out to EBN yesterday..........3 female 66% poss hets for Clown..............I produced six 66% poss het for Clown females this year from two differenThe fat Vampire man...........yep........that be me..........LOLt clutches ( # 12 and # 23 ).................3 were from clutch # 12........and 3 were from clutch # 23...........well Sean bought the 3 females from clutch # 23.............the clutch that my "Wicked Clown" male was produced in.............I had the inventory sheet marked correctly as to what snakes went to Sean...........these were females # 4, 5 and 6..............welI I marked on Phil and Robbinhis invoice females # 1, 2 and 3??..........and females 1, 2 and 3 are the ones I shipped to him.............he paid for females 4,5 and 6.........all from clutch # 23.............soooooooo.............he got his snakes and knew that I screwed up as soon as he seen their record cards and invoice..........he emailed me and asked me "what the hell I was doing??.........and how "shotty of a breeder I was"...............but in a " nice way".......;)..............so I called him up and said that I woulFatty and Sandyd send him the other 3 females ASAP...............he was also interested in these females anyway...............I told him that he didn't have to pay me for them............he just had to send me a baby Clown when he produced one from the poss het females................he liked that!!.......;)................so Sean...............get your ass in gear bro!!..............make me my Clown!!..............who's your daddy now huh?...............sorry for the screw up.................I'm sure it worked ouSandy, Fatty and "The Pimp".........Mojot in your favor.......:)..........everyone's brain farts on occasion.........;P

The boys are on their way back from the job in Ocean City today..............they did the job in a day and a half...............The builder that contracted us to do the work had already set up hotel accommodations for the boys to spend the night..............great!!................NOT!!.............Fatty and the guys got there.............he said when they walked into the room that it stunk like hell...............the floors were all dirty and nasty.............there weRene is under there somewhere??re nasty stains on the furniture, beds etc..............and the bathroom was awful!!...............they each looked at each other and said "lets find another place"................LMAO!!.............you know the place is bad when some tired grungy construction dudes don't want to stay there for the night............so they did find another place to stay..............it was a "palace" Theresa and I..........damn right!!compared to the other "hole"...........so they got settled in and went out for a seafood dinner while they were there.........Phil stopped by today on his way to the rat barn................we finally have some "over-flow" on the rat production..............so he is going to load up an order of small rats to deliver tomorrow.............Fatty showed up the same time as Phil did...............Phil snapped a bunch of pics at the Halloween Party too................he brought his picture disk over so that I couldShe is such a bad girl too........... copy them all onto disk................we were laughing our asses off looking at the pics...........there were so many people at the party and so many things going on, that it was easy to miss some of the action.............I'm glad cameras were there!!............you guys will notice that some of the pics are a little "out of hand"...............I assure you that nobody had any pics taken of them that they did not want taken...............it was a crazy night, and everyone Ricky, Kristy and Mae........had a blast!!.............between everyone there taking pics............there were well over 300 individual pics taken........it was nuts!!...............I sorted through each and every one.............I picked out 100 pics to post on the journal for you guys............I'm sure you will like them.......;)

After the boys left...........I finished up some paper work............I had some shipments to set up, snakes to pack...........and some CThis is the "wild one"...........Michelle...........I loved her costume!!...........Snow WhiteITES permits to apply for ...........business is OUTSTANDING!!............the ball python has to be setting some kind of "record" for being the most popular and the most expensive species of all time!!...............Is there any other market?............so anyway.............I will be working my butt off this week sizing down all the pics from the party and getting them up-loaded to the net............I guess a Christmas party is next??.................LOL................I sure hope so!!..........I'm glad you didn't catch "crabs" Fatty......;)


Robbie is feeding the snakes today..............I'm starting to back off on feeding all the adults...........I just may get off my ass and start breeding this coming Monday .............Sue was a "Pink Lady" from Grease........depending on what is going on Sunday............I may start then?.............I doubt it though......it is supposed to be in the seventies this week-end...........so that means volley ball on Sunday!!...............Volley Ball in November!!.............I believe Fatty and I are going to pack up all the Halloween props on Saturday and get them all put away inA cool skull mask my attic.............I helped Robbie do a little of the feeding........George and his wife Mel came over and hung out while we worked.................they just love watching Robbie feed the babies ..............George just got his first snake a few weeks ago..............now he is hooked BIGTIME.................he is off work on Wednesday's.................so that is the day he likes to come over and snoop around while we are feeding.....:)...The Food!!............I spent most of the day after that on the phone..............my "list" of people to call back was turning into two pages............so I figured it was time to get some phone calls made ............sometimes I feel totally overwhelmed with emails and phone calls.................but that's the way this business is..............and I consider myself to be lucky having so many people showing interest in what I'm doing........so "it's all gLinda and Bill.............Linda is T's momood"...............I may be a little late on my responses sometimes................But I'll get to ya for sure!!...........I'm only one man!!................I worked on sizing some more pics for the journal today...............I find myself laughing as I'm working with them...........some are just too funny.............and it seems like I see something new each time I look at all the pics...........it was really easy to miss things.................but I think we "dFatty, "Kiss George" and his wife Mel......ocumented" most of the action.............Fatty was telling me that he ain't going to drink at the next party.........LOL..........he was "OUT" before midnight .............midnight is when everyone started loosening up and getting crazy!!.................I put a "hip hop" station on the TV and everyone started dancing like fools!!.............including me!!............and I don't dance much.............LMAO!!.................Fatty had a good time while he was conscious..........I did really well considering .............I had soRobbin and her freind Juneme drinks for sure .............mostly "girlie shooters"..............stuff that really doesn't taste like alchohol...............but it does creep up on you later in the night..........but it was creeping up on everyone else too...........so we all looked like asses pretty much at the same time............YEPPER!!...........T came home after work.............and " down the steps" she comes...............with a brand new pack of photo paper to print MORE pics!!.............My "babe" for the evening......;)she's killin' me!!.................my poor printer has never worked so hard!!........I said....." didn't you print enough pics?"...............she said "yes"..............but that the girls at the shop all picked out their favorite pics and they wanted duplicates .............I'm like............well burn a damn disk and let them print their own pics!!............she just told me to Some of Fatty and Sandy's freinds...........the girl in the flower pot is Sandy's sister "Ginger"get my ass up out of the chair............DAMN............so now I share my PC at night..............you can bet your butt that I will have her set up upstairs soon with a printer...........and that's gonna suck, because she will be nagging me all the time to come up and show her how to do something ................I'm just gonna hand her the Adobe manual.............LOL............but like I said............T loves pics.............she has thousands and thousands of pics of everything we do as a family or any special events........Mojo just chillin'............and I'm glad she likes to do that.....................she is just starting to see how cool it is to have a digital camera.............so I guess that will be next..............It's gonna be a great Christmas for her!!..............well maybe not?...................I'll just buy myself a better printer and give her my old one.............LMAO.............:P.............she wants to learn how to do all this "pic stuff"..............well then she will have to start at the bottom like me..................right??.............The ladies right now are thinThe "hotties" have arrived.........:)king of how much of an ass I really am............:P..........I was a little worried when T started sorting out all the pics she wanted to print from the party...............there was a lot of "skin" at the party ........................I mean nothing more than you would see on CSI or Las Vegas these days..........BUT there were some pretty "sexy" shots taken at the party.................she printed them all.................she thought that some were better thHey Nicole!!...........can we see your boobs?..............LMAO!!an others..............and that ALL MEN ARE PIGS...............but besides that...............she was cool.............I'm laughing as I type right now............so that was that folks................my PC has been taken over my my darling wife..................and I DON'T LIKE IT!!......................man, is this journal turning into trash or what??.............why do you guys even come back?.................is it the "reality" of it all?...............is it thSome of the gang........e pure fact that I'm just a normal butt head with a normal life who happens to also have some snakes?..................what is it?.................you decide for yourself...............we all have our reasons for reading it...............hell I even read it again after it's finished ...............sometimes I think that what I wrote was "to extreme"...............I think of editing it.................but I don't................spontaneous writing is the best!!..........T mixing drinks...........all I can say is that if you don't like it.................then don't read it anymore..................just erase it from your memory banks..................but if your one of the thousands of "hits" that I get on this page each week, then you are one of the "entertained people" who love reading this stuff.............and I say..........ROCK ON!!!!..................who luvs ya baby!!!..........That's Entertainment!!


Robbie is cleaning the snakes today.................he is only going to do half of the wThe big ROD!!ork today..........he will be back tomorrow to finish up.............sometimes he does all the cleaning on Thursday .............sometimes he splits the work up between Thursday and Friday...............I give him two days to do it..............how he does it is his choice.........he is doing an incredible job with the snakes and the rat barn................Robbie has come a long way, that's for surBottoms up.......e............I taught him how to give an injection today............he discovered a male ball python with a sore lip................it must have snagged it's lip on the expanded metal on the tops of the Freedom Breeder racks................I guess the metal poked into the snake's lip,,,,,,,,,,,,well it got pretty inflamed and swelled up...............so I figured this would be a good snake for Robbie to learn how to give injectiSandy needed me to adjust her tail............I obliged......;)ons of Baytril to................and he did fine............the snake will be fine.............I just want to put some antibiotics in it's system incase of infection..............it's really "no biggie"................but the meds can't hurt...........I give Robbie a little more responsibility each month.............I teach him a few more "tricks of the trade"............I can't tell anyone enough how important Ricky and Cindy..........Cindy is such a cutie.....:0" your help" is in a business situation.............it is the "back bone" of the operation................and if the "back bone" is happy................the whole operation runs smooth as silk...................so take care of your help!!

I had to run out to the airport today around lunch time to ship out some snakes.............I usually ship snakes out really early in the morning............but this flight left BWI at 1:05 pm..............I loved it!!...............I Sandy announcing the costume winners.......hate getting up early in the morning!!............on the way back from the airport I stopped by T's salon and got a hair cut.................all "the girls" were there looking at the pics T printed out...............I asked them all.............."Have You No Shame" ( joke )..............it looked like a "Girls Gone Wild Video" at my house on Saturday night................but I ain't complaining one bit!!................Rock On Ladies!!.............it's great to have a wife who owns a hair salon wT was a plumber......ith a bunch of hotties working for her..................what could be better?................so I got my hair cut and headed back home...............Robbie was finishing up his work..................I have been at the desk finishing up some paper-work........I got all the pictures for the journal done...........in a few minutes I will have the journal writteThe President showed up to............it's good to know people......n...........I'm way ahead of schedule!!.............tonight is wally-ball night................and SURVIVOR!!..............I'm going to be scared to death on every Thursday until RUPERT wins the million!!...............we will be taking the kiddies "trick or treating" tomorrow night..............I think T and I will get dressed up again too................then "the gang" may go to The Colonial in full costume to have some fun that night.................I'm out!!...............RUPERT RULES!!


Happy HallMojo and T..........oween Everyone!!..................we had some killer games of wally-ball last night...............we played until 11:15 pm!!..............I was "wired" when I got home......I can never get "rested" after playing wally-ball...........Phil and I came back to my place after wally-ball and checked the mail box..............Rene sent us his camera pic card from the Halloween party.....;)................so we popped that in the computer and checked out all of his pics...................damn Rene!!...............you got somT was getting paid too!!..........damn!!e great shots!!...........I thought I was done sizing all the pics for the journal until I looked at your pics...........so today I snagged a few of your best shots and added them to the journal.............next time bring Toni!!................Phil rolled out and I went up to watch Survivor ..............I loved how Rupert was chewing Jon's ass for casting a vote for him.............I'm sure it is killing Rupert not to be able to ring someone's neck on the show..............and the challenge was iCall Terminex!!!nsane??.............who would have ever thought that the members that had been voted off would get a chance to get back in the game??................."The OutCasts"...............that was a "twist" that I would have never expected ................I don't like it either................if your voted out..............then you should "stay out".................I was surprised to see Shawn voted out of the Drake tribe last night?................I figured Jon would get the boot...............but it makes sense.................everyfatty is done for the night..........the poor bastardone thinks Jon is an ass anyway................even the other tribe...............I guess they all figure he can't hurt anyone..........and he can't form an alliance................so he is an easy "mark" later in the game...............and Osten...............totally unbelievable???..............this man will go down in history as the first person to ever "QUIT" Survivor................what a PUSSY!!!..............millions of people know that he is a total PUSS..............it's worse than getting slammed on the interent................who in their right mind would give up a 1 in 16 chance to win a million buckThe dancin' area.........s ??..............I'm glad his ass is off the show.............and the host Jeff didn't cut him any slack...............he just said "Go Home"...............what a BONER you are Osten!!...............you win the "Rod of the decade award"................LOSER!!..............OK.......I got that out of my system..............after Survivor..............I watched CSI from last week and this week................last week's show with the little baKristy............another cutie pie....;)by getting locked in the car at 145 degrees was just awful...........that was really sad to watch...........I ended up getting to bed this morning at 3:00 am................I go up to bed and there is Gump...............yepper...............Gump was in our bed...............and man is he a pain in the butt to sleep with...............he's all over the place..............I don't think I got any sleep because of him twisting and turning all night.................T was out like a light............but there was a good BigFooMore "Porch of Pain"t show on in the wee hours of the morning.............so I didn't mind...............Lou emailed me from China and told me that he is getting some great pics of the place...................he can't email them to me..............so I will have to wait for him to get back..............when ever that is??...............you reading this Big Boy??...............Robbie is here cleaning..............he should be done in a couple hours...............we are taking the kiddies "trick or treating" tonight................I'm not going to get dressed up ...................tomorrow morning we will be taking down all the HalloweRobbin up in the game room........watch that Star Wars machine girl!!en stuff and putting it away................The Colonial is having a Halloween Party tomorrow night..............so a bunch of us will be going to that.............and that's about it.............I'm done writing now..................I only have 118 damn Halloween Pics to put in the journal now..............the things I do for you people huh?..............I have a variety of people reading the journal now ................family Fatty showing his goods...........LOLmembers, internet friends, my friends, T's freinds................all kinds of people read it..............half of the ones who read it probably have no clue what I'm talking about when I write about the snakes and stuff................LOL.............I guess they just look at the pics and captions .............anyway...............I'm out for the week.................Have a Great Week-End Everyone!...................and I hope you get more "Tricks" than "Treats".................Rock On!!!.................Flaming bag of dog poop on the front porch......;)

Attention!!..............some of the pics below are in very poor taste due to too much alcohol consumption ............I figure most of you can handle it..............but if you have any doubts............turn back now!!...............You've been warned boners!!

T and her mom counting all the cash Mojo was shelling out all night.......... Nicole, Mae and I Fatty and Sandy Rene and Robbin Goofy shit went on at this party............ Me painting my nails.............I'm silly with it!! Pure Evil people!! Poor Fat Ass couldn't even pass out in peace Phil putting on his mask The beer bong party getting started......... yepper......... Jimbo dominated the ping pong table........ Nicole as Dorothy from OZ..............yeah right!! She did look great!!..........her skirt could have been a little shorter maybe............:P Michelle is the "wild child"......... The damn camera kept falling on the floor and snapping pics.........unreal........Nikons suck!!! Fatty's uppie shot........ Mojo was looking for this million dollar bill all night......... 34 blue.............34 blue..........hut.........hut......... Me in my scibbies getting ready to start my make-up They ran out of beer money......... Got my ears on............now I'm working on the chin GGW!!! Working on my face What the hell is wrong with these people?? Mojo had a bill stashed here too.........he was paying all the ladies....... Putting on my wig Check out those eyes!! Rene with Boba Fett The ceiling of the "Porch of Pain" The "Pimp" shooting pool......... Phil looked great! MC Fatty T helping me get my fat ass in gear....... Rene snapped this shot of T...........I love it!! Rene.............the short BEAST!! Phil before he went "Red" Fat Ass More drinks for the ladies......... We ran out of chairs..........so some people had to share........."it's all good" "Pimp Daddy" and Robbin Fatty was gone.........so I worked "the moves" on Sandy........;) Rene and Robbin........... Robbin and your favorite bone head...... This is what took Fatty's ass OUT!!! Robbin is a pro........:) Michelle really stayed " in character".......LMAO!! The Beast and Robbin Robbin, Rene and Kristy Rene at the ping pong table............he got his ass kicked! Jimbo and Mojo Rene was giving Robbin a wedgie in this pic.........LOL Gump looking up at the bat "The watcher" Pimp Daddy If I knew passing out would be so fun, I would have done it hours ago...........

That's all folks!!...............no harm done here.............just a bunch of friends getting together and having a great time..........I hope you enjoyed October's Journal .............I had a fun time writing it!!




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