are reading the first journal of it's kind anywhere
in the herp world!!.............no bone-heads
were killed or injured while testing this product............make
no mistake............what you are about to read
is "the original"...............anything
else is a fake...............Ralphie......:)
you "Mouse Over" the pics the descriptions
will pop up*.............also
"refresh" this page often.......and
don't forget that all past month's journal entries
are in the archives*
Saturday_November_01 |
I have been writing the journal now for
one FULL YEAR!!...............there were
plenty of people how said I wouldn't be
able to do it?.............that I would
run out of material and get stagnant?...............LOL.............well
that did happen, and the journal is still
here!!.........I myself think it is a masterpiece...........but
that's just me being bias.......;).............I
know I would read the hell out of it if
somebody else wrote it........" The
lif e
and times of a Boner"..............I'm
thinking it would be easier to do some type
of streaming video for you guys next?........."
Ralph's Reality Show"............or
maybe talk to the producer of SURVIVOR and
get my own show..............LOL...........GAWD!!.............anyway...........I'm
very happy to be able to entertain all you
guys and gals reading the journal.............I
appreciate all the positive feed- back too.............yes
this makes "others" jealous as
all hell of Ralphie.............but that's
not why I'm doing it...........I do it because
I enjoy it.............it's not that hard
once you "master" working with
all the pics and know how to work with your
web-site..............the writing can sometimes
be hard to "get started"............but
once you get rolling...........it flows
with ease............I gotta BIG MOUTH people!!...............I
always have something to say!!...........and
most of all..............my life is full
of cool stuff!!.............so here it all
is ( most of it anyway )...........this
journal is not just for the "snake
world".............i t's
here for anyone who knows me and just wants
to know what I'm up to................I
always wanted to keep a diary and never
did..........after looking back at a year's
worth of journal entries ............I have
to say that I'm pretty taken back as to
how much I have written............I've
pretty much documented everything in my
life for the past year in this jorunal...............and
you guys are seeing it all!!..........It
feels weird when I take a call and the person
on the other end is telling me about things
that they read about me in the journal................they
say they "feel" like they know
me............I like that.......;)..........OK............enough
of the sentimental "patting of the
back" crap...............lets get on
with November!!
finished up cleaning all the snakes on Friday,
I got all my paper-work done and started
working on some "computer stuff".............and
then it happened.............yepper..............T
comes down and wants to do some more photo
work on my PC..........."why did I
ever tell her about printing pics"????............so
I stopped what I was doing and let her "do
her thing"..........some of "the
gang" were in RDR chat at the time.............so
T and I were "chattin" with them.............T
has never been in my chat room...........she
said it was pretty " neat".............I'm
hoping that I'm not creating a monster now????............That's
all I need is for T to know how much "trash
talk" goes on in the chat room...........did
I just say that?..........nahhhhhhhhh.........LMAO!!...............so
don't be surprised if she stops in on Tuesday
nights!!.............after she printed all
her pics and we said goodnight to everyone
in chat............I figured it was time
for her to have her own password for the
RDR Forum..........LOL........MAN...........for
three years I have "sheltered"
her from all the evilness of the internet
...........especially all the "ham
bones" that visit my site.......:P........well
that's over now............I think her meeting
everyone in Daytona kinda "broke the
ice".........but "it's all good"..............maybe
she will boost me sales??................LOL.............hell......maybe
I'll let her take over on the sales?..................NOT!!...........she
is happy that "I'm Happy"...........but
she could care less about the snake biz.............and
I like that!......;)........plus she knows
that I'm a total ass and that I live for
this stuff!!.............I guess it's from
getting beat up so many times in school?...............LOL.......
( Saturday )................Phil and I met
up this morning to run a bunch of errands.........we
did some shopping for supplies, went to
the dump.............then we went down to
Liberty Reservoir to pick up my boat.............my
uncle and I keep a boat stored at the reservoir
for when we want to go out on the water
and fish.............it's by permit only..........the
park police make you take the boat away
during the winter months............so we
loaded it up and took it up to Mr. John's
place for storage...............we seen
Mr. John while we were there and he asked
me if I wanted to rent his Mom's house?...............she
just died
recently............he told me I cold "gut
it" and put all my snakes inside..............it's
zoned agricultural, sitting smack dab in
the middle of a huge farm.............so
that gave me something to think about............I
know eventually I will build a huge building
for my wood shop, and storage..........maybe
rodents and snakes too??...............but
I want a building...............not a house...............so
I told Mr. John I would be more interested
in buying the house with a few acres.............that
way I could maybe let Robbie live in the
house, and I would build my building out
back...............who knows?...............I
already picked up the acreage down the street
from Mr. Johns..........it's more than enough
room and we will be putting Fatty's house
there...............and hopefully a building
in the back...............so I'll have to
see how it all pans out................if
Mr. John wants to sell.............I'm buying
it........;)................so we shall
Phil and I finished up all the things we
had to do we went and grabbed some lunch..........we
took lunch back to my place where Fatty
was working on taking down all the Halloween
stuff..............He got there while we
were out running around...............so
we ate lunch and started dismantling everything.............and
what a job that was...........I didn't realize
how much stuff we actually had..........so
we got everything tore down and packed up........then
we humped everything up to my attic.......that's
where we will store everything until next
year.............."The 2004 Halloween
looking for your costumes folks!!..........
finished up everything, Fatty rolled out.......Phil
and I hung out and watched some TV..........we
both took a little nap.......;)...........we
are all going to The Colonial tonight for
a Halloween Party............they are giving
out prizes for "Best Dressed".............it
is also Karaoke night.............so it
should be fun.......and now that they made
the place bigger...........we will be able
to play shuffle board and "spread out".............I'm
glad that they made the place bigger........now
there is something " to do" while
all the bumpkins are singing all that "country
crap"................no offense to
all the "bumpkins" out there.............but
I'm a "Rock n Roll" kinda guy!!...........The
eighties RULED!!!..............so that's
it for today............we got a bunch of
stuff done.............and tonight we are
going out to relax and have fun.............:)............
Sunday_November_02 |
last night was pretty damn cool...............it
was Fatty, Sandy, Phil, Robbin, Theresa,
Linda, Bill and me ............everyone
dressed up except Bill and Phil..........Phil's
excuse was "he wouldn't have time to
take off his make-up"................lame
excuse!!.... ........we're
glad Phil is nice enough to go and drive
us all home when we are feeling a little
"woozie"...........eveyone was
doing Kareoke..............Fatty and I signed
up for "Talk Dirty To Me" by Poison............we
did get called up to sing it.......I was
horrible...........my voice has not been
right since all the yelling at Fatty's party
last week...............but we got through
it OK.............I was signed up for a
few more songs...........I told Don ( the
Karaoke dude) to take me off the list...........my
voice was shot............and it was too
damn hot in the place............it was
making me feel sick............I felt like
I was suffocating in my mask and costume...........Sandy
sang one song...........she did great..........Sandy
has a great singing voice................we
played shuffle board the whole night...........our
group had the table all to ourselves.........the
place was very crowded because of it being
a "party".............we were
all in the new section that just opened
up........so it wasn't too bad..............but
damn was I hot!!.............I really wanted
to leave............but Linda and I were
kicking total ass on the shuffle board table.......;).............we
were partners most of the night............and
we KICKED ASS!!............
time had come for all the prizes to be given
out..............so they started announcing
all the winners.......... ....and
would you believe it??...........they started
calling out our names!!...........They did
the awards for best "male" costume..............Fat
Ass won second place male..............I
won first place male...........and Don (
the guy who runs the karaoke ) won "Best
Overall Male"..............Don was
dressed up as a women...........and he did
look damn good........LOL................I
was a Vampire ...............Fatty was the
"Evil Clown"...........so then
they announced the lady winners..............Robbin
won second place female..............some
other chic won first place female..........she
was ZORRO.............I thought her costume
sucked................and Theresa won "Best
Overall Female"...........so "the
gang" took away most of the prizes...............damn
right!!.............so it was worth staying
there and being hot and miserable ..............I
was just a total wuss with the heat??.............and
heat usually doesn't bother me at all.................after
the awards were given out and we snapped
the pics, I went in the bathroom and peeled
my "face" off...........I stripped
down to my pants and a shirt............it
felt much better!!................we stayed
until the place closed...........2:00 am...........it
was a fun night!!
T and the kids are going to see "Monster's
Inc. On Ice"..............T's Mom,
Kalli and Izac are going too............I'm
going down to Big Rock................:)..........it
is 80 degrees today..........it's unbelievable!!............we
may get to play volley-ball up until Christmas
if the weather stays like this??..........whooooowhooooo!!............we
had some great games.............the games
are always better when it's not as crowded....... ......so
we played until dark............T and the
kids got home a little before I did.............and
T was making a home cooked meal..............holy
shit!!................what was the occasion??.........we
rarely eat at home............and if we
get a home cooked meal it is because we
went to T's Mom's or my Mom's house to eat......;)...........we
have a hectic schedule around here...........and
we've been eating out pretty much seven
days a week for the past ten years easily.............that's
the price of both of us having our own businesses...............it's
not a bad thing............I'm sure it's
not very healhy though......and after ten
years.............everything that you eat
"out" tastes the same.........I
remember as a kid thinking it was the best
thing in the world if my parents would take
me out to dinner just once a month.............now
that's all I do............and if
we don't eat out...........we order in or
bring it home........LOL............T works
until 9:00 pm most nights...........she
usually does not even get home until 9:45
pm..............so dinner is pretty much
"up for grabs"...........we all
eat together on Mon, Fri, Sat and Sun............the
kiddies are with my Mom or T's Mom on the
other days at dinner time............so
they are getting fed well.......;).............especially
at my Mom's place.............that's all
they do around there is EAT!!...............how
the hell did I get on this topic??..............
went to KS and seen a post there getting
started on the "Snow Ball".........there
were already some posts there responding
to the thread .............basically the
topic was " how the snow ball project
was a failure"............so naturally
I was upset by it.............nobody knows
more about the snow project than I do...........I
have produced two male Snow Balls from two
different "strains"............the
VPI line and the Jolliff Line...........I
have more different "types" of
white snakes in my collection than any other
breeder in the world.............I figured
if a nyone
should join in on the thread.......it would
be me.....;).....plus I was way over-due........it
was your typical bullshit posts as usual
.........somebody is slammin' this project............the
other guy is agreeing that the project sucks............then
you got a guy who knows nothing at all about
the project "claiming" he knows
what the hell is going on?.........at this
moment in time there are 6 Snow Balls in
existence ...............I produced two
of the six............and these other Boners
think they know what's going on with the
project??.................give me a beak
please............."Failure" they
think huh??..............lets break it down..............there
is ONE VPI Snow Ball in the world ( RDR
)................ONE Snake Keeper Snow Ball
in the world ( SK )................and FOUR
Jolliff Snow Balls in the world ( Jolliff,
RDR, VPI and Adam )................this
is to the best of my knowledge as of today
anyway...............so how in the hell
can anyone say it's a failure??..................sure
they are not exactly what we expected...........that's
what refinement means!!............it ain't
the end of the line.........hell it's only
the beginning!!..........they sure do put
good money in the bank for being "failures"...........do
these Boners expect me to be selling my
Snow Balls??.............or any other breeder
for that matter...............the Snow Ball
like any other double homo snake is damn
hard to produce..............once you hatch
one............your on "easy street".............having
a double homo snake like the Snow Ball or
the Caramel Glow means one thing!!..............KaChing!!...............and
Props to the breeder who produced it................it
seems to me that there are more and more
jealous people in the hobby now more than
ever.............but it's understandable.............the
breeders keep producing more and more killer
mutations to drool over and they keep putting
more and more money in their pockets.... ............because
they DESERVE IT..............so naturally
there will be people out there jealous and
pissed off that they can't do the same.................so
in turn they just shit on everything they
can't have or do??...........but they like
to disguise it by saying that it is just
their "opinion"..............LMAO...........give
me a break people!!...............There
are no "Failures" in the ball
python world...............only jealous
people who slam each other when they can't
have what they want................I know..............cause
I do it too!!............I'm as big of a
baby as anybody else..............but the
difference is that I do something about
it...............NOTHING is unreachable
if you really want it people!!...............NOTHING!!...........so
anywho..........I posted some pics of my
adult VPI Snow Ball male with one of those
cute little "Lucys" I produced
this year...............sure the VPI Snow
is not as white as the Lucy is...............but
it's overall appearance is patternless and
pale white...............yes there is some
yellow...........BUT again..............the
overall appearance of the VPI Snow Ball
is exactly what I would have expected...............is
the yellow disappointing?..............sure
it is..............is it the snake's fault?..............NO...........it's
nobody's fault..........."it is what
it is"................am I going to
breed an d
refine the VPI Snow Ball??..............duhhhhhhhh.............sure
I am.............it will get better and
better through refinement and selective
breeding.................who in their right
mind thinks that the very first morph you
produce of any type is "the end"................what
BONERS!!............real breeders know that
it's just the beginning.............it will
take up more room and time..............it
may take years to get the end result...........but
that's the nature of the beast when your
working with color mutations...............so
to everyone who says the Snow Ball sucks!!............I
say "what's the damn rush"............it's
the best damn "Pale Albino" on
the planet...............show me a "Pale
Albino" that is homozygous for both
the albino and the axanthic gene..............you
watch............as much as the axanthic
gene has been shit on..........it WILL produce
some phenomenal mutations one day..............I'm
thinking the "True Ghost" may
be next..............it's like anything
else................it will make a huge
come back..............just like the Ghost
did...............NERD has resurrected the
Ghost into a very popular
and expensive mutation again ...............the
way it should be..............I could kick
myself in the ass for selling the Ghosts
that I had in the past..................so
the lesson learned as T Barker always says................"It
ain't over till the fat lady sings"...............and
that's the truth............the only thing
stopping most of us from seeing these projects
to the end of their potential is TIME!!.............this
stuff takes time.............and lots of
room to start more refined groups year after
year.............get out of the BIG RUSH
people and stay focused.............who
cares what the other guy is saying................so
that's my "bit" on the Snow Ball
project...........the thread was fun.............it
really didn't get out of hand..............I
got a lot of positive responses to the pics
I posted..................and I got to have
some fun.......;)
I was there I replied to a post about the
"first morph"........I put in
the post how Bob Clark imported in the first
Albino and he started the proejct..............also
how VPI started the Axanthic and Clown line...............and
Pete with the Pieds......yada,yada,yada........it
was a very "broad" statement basically
giving "props" to the people responsible
for bringing the project mainstream.............and
that was that..............I would have
never ex pected
some ass-wipe to pick it apart word for
word and call me out on it...............but
somebody always does...........they wanted
to prove the point that Bob did not import
the Albino himself..............that Bob
bought it and the original Striped ball
python from an importer in Florida...........I'm
like........."who cares"............all
breeders do that?..........Bob Clark IS
Albino ball pythons..............as he IS
Striped ball pythons.........it was a crock
of shit if you ask me...........Bob did
email me and thank me for sticking up for
him..........yep.............even Bob reads
the crap...........I should have just let
it go............but being the ass that
I am.............I continued on..............and
I really didn't have the time.........and
believe me...........it takes time to go
out on the forums and get all wrapped up
in a thread............I love it............but
it can waste an entire day.............then
it gets out of hand............and you get
pissed off...............and the worst thing
that can happen is that you get pissed off
.............because then you start to dwell
on it and really make it ugly...........when
it doesn't even matter..............it's
just people typing words in a forum..............I'm
going to go way out on a limb right now
and say that 99% of the people who start
shit on the forums are just having a bad
day..............so they figure they well
spread the miserable-ness around...........that's
how people are............it could be in
a fourm............at school or in the office.............when
your having a bad day............then the
people around you will suffer for it...............my
problem with the whole "nasty thread"
thing is that I just want to kick the person's
ass after awhile...........as I'm sure some
would like to kick mine.....;)..........it
would save a lot of time and energy if you
could just go up to the person and kick
his ass..................LMAO!!!..............this
is great stuff!!.........so bring it WUSS!!!.......talk
about an immature statement I just made.............but
that's just me being a "dude".............most
dude's are like that............they are
all mouth until they are face to face..............then
one ends up being a real wuss..........thank
God this ain't the days of the "Wild
West" .................but the thought
does cross my mind during a "flame"
what can I say?.............HOW MATURE RALPH!!................Jesus!!.............hey
ladies ............aren't you glad that
you are so much more mature than a man?................I
mean come on.............this is school
yard crap..............but it's so damn
fun!!..............Right Guys??................LMAO!!.............now
I'm going to have people standing in line
at the shows to kick my ass............LOL............maybe
it will be profitable??...............hmmmmmmm..............but
really folks..............people really
do act "more brave" behind a screen
than they will " in person".............and
I know some
are just "opinions"..............I
don't expect people to kiss my ass just
because of who I am.............hell............I
probably have more of a following than most
breeders and I can't get but one or two
to stick up for me in the forums??................so
that right there shows you how "weirded
out" people get on the net during a
"Flame"..............it cuts both
damn ways..........I don't care though..............I
understand that most people do not want
to "look bad" in front of thousands
of readers and members.............ME............I
could care less.................what ever
pops into my feeble little brain comes right
out of my mouth the next second ...............I
pay for it later............;).............Let
me tell you though.............it is wonderful
having so many friends and people showing
me support ..............I respect everyone
in the business...............especailly
all the Big Breeders who started it all.............you
guys all know that "I'm all show and
no go"..........." The Wuss of
Wusses"................I'm your huckleberry.......;)............
Monday_November_03 |
of emails this morning!!.............that
will be the last time I "chime in "
on KS for awhile..........why am I still
writing this crap?..............this will
o nly
encourage people to piss me off..........LMAO!!................BRING
IT!!!...........it's breeding season ..............and
I have some extra time on my hands............;).............so
I answered some mail and got a few things
done around the office..............Robbie
is up at the rat barn cleaning..........today
is another gorgeous day too!!.............I'm
taking advantage of the "hot spell"...........I'm
actually going to get off my ass and put
some snakes together to breed............YEP!!
got every male that I want to use for breeding
this year out and ready to be with a "lady"
........today is officially the day "before"
I start breeding for 2004.........LOL.............yes
folks...............I'm going to breed all
my ball pythons so that ALL of my clutches
are produced in 2004...........most of the
eggs will be produced from May till September
...........a very few may be a little earlier
or later..........but not many...............I
like to breed October through April...............I
like to hatch eggs May through September...............6
months on............6 months off..............I
don't do this ( breed ) all year round like
some.............not like a "pot luck
breeder" somebody said awhile ago.............I
thought it was pretty funny...........and
very true for some............but hey............what
ever gets you eggs is fine by me.........when
I write my 2004 potential
offspring page............it will have snakes
listed that "I know" I will be
producing in 2004................sure it's
"Potential"..............but here
at RDR it's better than that.........I won't
write it until I know what my girl's follicles
are doing.........;).............my 2004
season is exactly that.............the 2004
season...............not the 2003 season
draggin' ass over into 2004................and
I'm not knocking that at all............it's
just not for me.............I like NOT BREEDING
snakes for 6 months out of the year.........it
must be an "East Coast thing"...............so
now I'm all geared up..............hopefully
all the snakes will cooperate with me and
produce some nice clutches this season.................and
NO, I'm not sure how many clutches I will
be producing..............I'm still thinking
about not trying to go crazy and get every
female I have bred this year...............too
many eggs........I have enough inventory
to last another season..............I don't
mind selling 03's in 2004.............and
neither will the customers.............my
snakes will be bigger..........:)..........
Factor was great tonight.............I was
hoping that little "surfer chic"
would win the whole damn thing........and
she did!!............it was an "all
chic" show.............and man were
the "nails out"..................I
could only imagine a "chic thread"
on KS going bad.............that would probably
be one of the most entertaining threads
Vegas was sexier than ever.............the
best new show out in my opinion...........and
don't disagree with me or I'll have Big
Lou kick your ass........LOL.............man,
I just can't drop that subject can I...........I'm
over it.............I'm just having fun
with it now................ since
I can't reach through the screen and ring
his skinny little neck!!...........LMAO!!...........I'm
obsessed!!..........no folks............I'm
fine.............I'm just putting a spin
on it as to the way most dudes see it..............we
see "being wrong" as a challenege
to our "manly-ness"...........so
we rip right into defense mode and that's
when it gets totally out of hand............the
subject matter gets forgotten and all you
have is two dudes playing reindeer games...........didn't
I read somewhere that dudes have like a
million more brain sells than chics??.............I
have no idea why we would though?.........it
has to help us in some way I would think?..............there's
one for you ladies..............tell me
why men have more brain cells.................and
be NICE!!........;)..........Monday's are
turning out to be sweet for watching TV..........now
we have the new show "Average Joe"...........a
beauty who gets to pic through all the "Average
Joes" to be her soul mate..........LOL..............GIVE
ME A BREAK!!.............she sent four dudes
home tonight...............and guess what??..............it
looks like she may like fat guys!!.............I
Love It!!............she let all the fat
guys stay...............Fat guys try harder
ladies........;P........this show is "more"
than we think though...........I have a
feeling that there will be some kind of
"sick twist" as the show goes
on...............anyway,I'm out............and
of course no hard feelings to the people
who made me look "less manly"
on KS.............I'll kick your asses later!!................ |
Tuesday_November_04 |
is up at the barn cleaning........day #
2..........he made a couple rat deliveries
yesterday. I worked on getting all my breeding
pairs set up today.........I got a great
"game plan" for the 2004 season.............now
all I have to do is stick with it and I
will be in good shape.............I'm thinking
of more "Quality Stuff " this
season...............and less eggs all around...........but
that's me "just thinking"..............I'll
know more as the season goes on..........I
can't believe I'm breeding again so soon,
I swear breeding snakes shortens your life
somehow??..............but it could be worse.............I
could be a breeder who breeds all year round.................nadda!!.............that
would just be a total pain in the ass for
me and the way I do things around here.............Pete
Kahl and I do it the exact same way............and
we pretty much get the same exact results.............give
or take...........EAST COAST weather baby!!............it's
a no-brainer for breeding ball pythons................so
there's my secret folks...... .....I'm
dumber than shit!!...........and a little
lucky too.....;)..........LOL..............but
really......being able to take advantage
of all the wacky weather patterns that come
through Maryland in the Fall and Winter
time is most excellent ............I can
almost guarantee when I will walk in the
snake facility and find ALL the pairs are
locked up or breeding, just by the way the
weather patterns change................A
"front" of any type stimulates
balls to breed like horned toads!!........sometimes
breeding will slow down and become stale...............that's
when I open the doors and windows and crank
up the big ole' barrel fan............I
let the fan pull cold air from outside into
the snake room...............I let it blow
all over the place and really cool the place
down fast, then I shut off the fan, close
the doors and leave the windows "cracked"...............the
next day...........everyone is breeding
again..........I made a "Ralph Front"........this
temperature change is what stimulates them
to breed..............why??..............I
couldn't tell ya.............I'm sure that
Africa does not have drastic weather patterns
like this...........but here at my place,
the balls react to it almost instantly and
breed!!..............so that's just one
of my little tricks.............I'll let
you guys know more as the season goes on..............I
gotta have some material left for future
journal entries..............it can't all
be Robbie cleaning, paper-work and naked
women now can it??................so stay
tuned............I'll let out some nice
little "tid bits" here and again..........
not play around with low temperatures with
your ball pythons with-out watching them
like hawks...............low temps are just
inviting respiratory problems............it's
happened to all of us...........and it sucks............it
can mess up your entire breeding strategy
to have sick snakes............I have messed
around with temps for a long time and I
feel that I know just "what's right"
for my facility and what the snakes can
comfortably handle..............don't ever
just drop temps and forget about the snakes ...........they
will get too cold at night and develop respiratory
problems.............some people don't even
mess with their temperatures and do fine..............I
believe in dropping the night time temp.............I
do it for almost six months............I
believe this is why I get so many fertile
clutches.............and also why over 90%
of my females lay eggs ...............BUT.............I
watch my snakes very carefully for six months............they
always have heat to go too.............it's
the actual room temps that I manipulate............so
find what gets your balls horny and stick
with it..........:)
came by later in the day...........he and
I went up to the rat barn and gave Robbie
a hand cleaning for awhile............Phil
loaded up some rats for deliveries tomorrow...........Robbie
was having a very slow day.............I
had to be home for the kiddies or I would
have stayed and helped finish..............he
said he was OK and that he would get it
finished ............everybody has a slow
day sometimes.............excpet me!!!...............Rock
On!!!.............I came home and got the
kids in bed............then I went into
chat for awhile ............T came down
to see what I was chatting about!!................see
guys!!..............it's starting already!!...............Theresa!!!.................get
out of my office!!!...........LOL............we
hung out in chat for awhile and called it
a night........ |
Wednesday_November_05 |
the idea of Ralph Davis "Bobble Heads"
came up in that thread at KS a few days
ago..............and damn if it didn't "spark"
some ideas ........thanks Mark......;)............now
I'm getting emails and phone calls about
how I really should start a series of RDR
Bobble Heads................LMAO!!.............naturally
we would start with mine...........so I
have to say............I'm looking into
it, and I have some friends looking into
it for me as well...............as much
as I like toys and action figures.........it
just "seems right"..........I
ac tually
started thinking about what mine would look
like................and the rest of "The
Crew"..........hey Mark!!......if your
reading this...............once I go into
production of these things............I'll
have to send you a case "on the house".............you
can have a hundred little Ralphie's bobbling
their cute little heads at you in your snake
room..........LMAO!!.............you started
it man!!...............anybody out there
with any idea or info on manufacturers please
feel free to email me...........I have one
lead myself.............the dude who plays
Gene Simmons in the band KISS Nation............his
name is Carlos..............he has some
major connections in the toy industries...............so
I'm going to give him a call and tell him
what I'm after.............I'm sure he will
point me in the right direction...............and
then it happened.............one of our
beloved RDR Forum members did some "mock
ups" of RDR Crew Bobble Heads...........one
of me, Big Lou, Fatty
and Mojo...............just seeing them
in a pic made them seem so real..............so
this is majorly "doable"............
Todd McFarlane...............look out bro!!................I'm
coming to a store near you!!...............maybe
I'll ask KISS when I meet them on the 20th
if they can give me any pointers...............I
adore my Kiss Bobble Heads................maybe
Gene would like one of me?................just
maybe............Fatty even got in on it
and posted "his version" of a
Bobble Head..............he didn't like
his "Cheer Leader" rendition so
well..................so he made up his
own "Terminator Fatty"..............it's
all in fun...........so something good did
come out of the shitty thread on KS.............eat
your heart out Matt!........who's got all
the "wit" now...............BONER!!!....................don't
you just love to hate me??.................awwwwwwwww........:)...............so
where was I?..............Oh yeah..........if
any of you would like to help out or give
me some ideas.............I would greatly
appreciate it and make it well worth your
trouble ...........maybe even send me some
drawings ..............everything will be
put up on the journal............I'm thinking
"me" with no shirt on of course
( gut hanging out )...............tan shorts................hat
on backwards ............tattoos..............holding
a cool little snake.............not sure
what the text should read??...............maybe
"King Boner"..............."Ralphie".............."Rub
me for luck"..........." Bit Me".......just
some ideas.............but I will get them
made............for me and my friends if
nothing else................it was a brilliant
Idea!!.............am I just totally full
of myself or what?.................and Dan
Sutherland calls this "rambling".................you
wish you could ramble like this BUD!!!............I'm
providing a service here!!...................now
I just pissed even more people off...............:)................I
love each and every one of you.............and
so does BIG LOU!!............he sends all
of his love from China..............I'm
not sure he's coming back either folks??.................I
think Lou wants to start a factory over
there and start manufacturing reptile racks.................I'm
serous too!..............he emailed me and
said that he has found some sources to do
the work..........I know Lou well enough
to know that he is seroius.............so
maybe we all will be using snake racks that
say "made in China"...............just
like everything else!!.................Rock
On Lou!!...........Get'er done!!.................
and I fed the snakes today............he
fed all the young snakes, and I fed all
the adults..............now that I'm in
" breeding mode" I will be spending
more time with the adults............I feed
breeders all year long..............sometimes
I will feed a female that is in a cage with
a male if she is at the front of the cage
waiting for a meal..............this is
tricky..........and I do not recommend it..............feeding
while two snakes are in the same cage is
not a smart thing to do............But if
you know your snakes like I do and you
can see that the male is not interested
in eating...........you can do this............plus
a male totally loves seeing his lady eat.............that
is yet another little trick to get a male
interested in his girl again................so
on feeding days during breeding season I
take my time and feed all the "singles"..............then
I go back through and see what pairs are
at the front of the cage wanting to eat..........if
they are "locked up" or courting..........they
will rarely be interested in eating...............most
of the time it's just the female at the
front of the cage and the male is in the
back sleeping..........zzzzzzzzzzz..............that's
when I will let a female eat while she is
in the same cage as the male..................I
just keep an eye out so that the male does
not try to come up and eat her meal..............and
this rarely happens................the female
kills and eats............and that's that............the
male doesn't even care................but
once the female goes back to her heat after
eating...........the male gets excited and
starts courting...........dont ask me why?............I
know I like watching everything Theresa
does...............so maybe ball pythons
are the same way?.....................so
we got everybody fed............George and
Mel came down to watch us feed and to pick
up some rat pups for George's new snake
"Lester".............George is
"hooked" now.............and so
is Mel.............now Mel wants to keep
turtles and fish..........:)...............while
I was feeding the small rats off to the
snakes, Mel found one in the tub that she
liked.................so I didn't feed it
off...............and it really was a cute
little rat...............she ended up taking
it home to be a pet...........LOL...........George
was telling her "NO"...............he
didn't want any rat as a pet.............I
told him that they make great pets.............and
they really do..............now I'm sure
she will want another one next week to keep
"Earl" company................yes
I name everything "Earl"...............James
came by to get his rats too.............he
comes all the way from the eastern shore
to pick up rats from me...........plus he
buys snakes from me too..............he
works at a place where all the fresh seafood
comes in off of the fishing boats each day
.. .........sometimes
he will bring Lou and I fresh tuna to cut
up for sushi.............well today he brought
me a big slab of haddock and four lobsters
...............traded me the seafood for
the rats................I gave the haddock
to my mom and I kept the lobsters ................T
loves lobster.............so I'll be cooking
dinner tonight!!...........that's a scary
thought................but it's just boiling
water.........LOL.............George brought
by a guitar for me to get familiar with
for a couple weeks................he will
be giving me guitar lessons in two weeks.................I
have always wanted to learn how to play
guitar.............and now I'm ready ............I
have a great ear for music............and
I can play the piano "some".........and
I always wanted to be a "Rock Star"...............maybe
I'll get really good and start my own band............."The
sure George is going to want to pull his
hair out after these lessons..............but
I can't wait!!..............I know I can
do it.............I just hope I don't loose
interest.................NERD plays all
instruments ................I have heard
his music..........he played one of his
CD's for all of us while we were on a "four
day herping expedition" one summer....................he
really is talented..............much better
than I would have ever expected ...............I
think Kev could be a Rock Star if he dropped
everything else and really tried to get
signed...............Kev is surprisingly
talented in many things............he's
a "Thrasher"................I'm
just gonna settle for being a "Goober"...............
marked down a few copulations today as I
was going through and feeding all the adults..............my
VPI Snow male was breeding a DH female...........it
seems like he was just born............and
now he's already breeding................where
the hell does the time go?.............he
ain't my "baby" anymore..................Mom
called me and told me that she cooked the
haddock..............she said it was the
best fish she has ever tasted.......she
wants me to get more...............I told
her it tasted so good because it was so
fresh..........the fish James brings me
is always caught that same day................so
I guess that is about as fresh as you can
get............I added a bunch of new faces
to the RDR Members Pics page tonight...............I
moved some people around too.........man
are there some "ugly mugs" on
that page...............I love it!!...............I
really wish some more people would send
me their pics and BIO..............it ain't
a beauty contest!!!...............it's just
nice to put a face with the name you see
posting on the internet all the time................and
you guys who are "holding out"
know who you are!!..............I have pictures
of you myself that I'll put up if you don't
get off your asses and send me something!!...............I
just added Fatty, Big Lou, Phil, Eric, George,
Robbie the Robot.....and last but not least.............Jen............what
a little cutie she is...........and she's
CRAZY!!!................I'm off to go boil
some water for the lobsters now................T
just called and said she is bringing home
the butter....................:)............... |
Thursday_November_06 |
lobsters went well last night..............but
it took the water an hour to boil??...........it
was a big pot.............and I was dumb
enough to put cool water in it.............but
and hour to boil??...........what do I know
about boiling water?.............it's an
electric stove............maybe they take
longer huh?..............but the water did
eventually boil...........and I plopped
the four lobsters inside the pot...............yes
I hurried and shut the lid............I
can't even imagine being boiled to death............damn............they
were delicious..............11:00 pm we
finally ate the lobsters with butter.............yeah
I know...............bad for the heart.............tell
me about it.............I do a lot of things
that are bad for my heart............but
eating late at night has to be the worst
thing I do.............that and smoking...........I've
been thinking
more and more about making some changes
in my life............my kids are the ones
who make me feel the way I do............I
figure I have to be around for them as they
grow up..............and a heart attach
ain't going to fit into the picture very
well..............I'm just stuck in my ways.............it's
a total "cop out"..........I'm
sure everyone does some things that they
would like to just stop doing..............I'm
able to do it for a short time...........then
I just fall back into the same groove as
before..............it's like I'm "programmed"...............I
can "over-ride" it for a few months..........and
then one day I don't give a shit anymore
and just go back to my bad habits?.................I
guess that's why all those crack-pot motivational
speakers will always have a job................LOL.............anyway............I
ate the lobsters and they were damn good..............and
yes the butter kept me on "the pot"
half the night..............I knew it would.......;)............
is cleaning the young snakes today..............I
doubled up on a bunch of snakes...........we
had a bunch of left over rats from yesterday
and I could still see adults at the fronts
of their cages today wanting more food................so
I obliged them.......:).............Today
I'm pretty much just doing office work...............I
got two sets of blue prints for two construction
jobs I have to bid............it takes a
good bit of time to accurately estimate
a price on a construction job.............I'm
sure I won't get it all done today.............We
got wally-ball tonight.............I think
it's going to be seven of us playing.............my
brother finally said he's going to show
up and play................I think the only
reason he is coming is because he wants
me to burn him a disk of all the unedited
pics from the Halloween Party.........LOL................and
believe me............there were some great
a night!!..............Phil will be over
soon and we will be heading out to go play................I'll
watch SURVIVOR and CSI when I get home............who
out of the "Out Casts" will be
voted back into the game??.....................
I'm still here...............yepper................we
played wally-ball from 9 till 11:30ish..........eight
of us played...........two four man teams.............it
was really fun!!.........we haven't had
two four man teams ever since we have been
playing...........I can't sleep after playing
wally-ball................I'm just too "wired"...........we
got home......Phil rolled out............I
went up and popped in the SURVIVOR tape..................what
a show it was tonight!!..........they finally
merged........and guess who's back??....................Burton
from Drake and Lillian from Morgan.........they
were the best people to come back to the
game in my opinion.................and that
immunity challenge was off the hook................Rupert
amazes me with his strength and indurace............he
makes "fat guys" look good!!...............Burton
won immunity by a
fraction of an inch against Rupert..............but
he already had immunity granted to him from
being voted back into the game.................at
tribal council Burton gave his immunity
idol up to Rupert............what a smart
thing to do..............I have a feeling
they may "bond" now...........but
I'm not totally sure...............Rupert
knows people will kiss his ass to be on
his good side...............I want Rupert
to go all the way so bad!!!!.................and
Savage was voted off??...............I never
seen that coming.............I knew votes
would go to Jon the ASS!!............but
I didn't think Savage would be who got all
of Drake's votes..............like they
said though.........."cut off the head
and the rest will follow"...................Savage
was the tribe's leader............so now
Morgan is out-numbered ..............Lillian
has gone to Drake's side..............Morgan
needs to form some alliances and get things
stirred up if they want to stay..............I
love this stuff!!!..................CSI
was all about Grissom...............I guess
some of the cast took a vacation?.............it
was a great show..............and Cathy
better keep that $250,000.00..................damn!!.................forgive
and forget girl...............that's your
Friday_November_07 |
have not slept since yesterday morning!!......I
watched all my shows last night............worked
on the journal...............watched more
TV...............and laid in bed all night
"wired as all hell"............no
sleep.......zzzzzzzzzzzz...............I feel
like a Zombie today.............I'm glad I
don't have to do anything too difficult....;)..............I'm
going to have to figure out a way to fall
a sleep on Thursday nights??...............I'm
grouchy when I don't sleep.........LMAO!!.............I
took T to pick up her truck from the repair
shop today............she thought she had
some ignition trouble..............but they
couldn't find anything wrong?..........so
she got the oil changed..............I came
right home after that and started working
on finishing up the journal..............Robbie
is here finishing up the cleaning on the adult
and boas.............he said he seen a lot
of pairs breeding today..............so I'll
be going back through later on and marking
down all the copulations I see...............the
temps outside are much milder today than the
earlier part of the week..........we had a
major warm front come through ..............I
hope it comes back this weeke-nd..............but
I doubt it .............hopefully we will
get to squeeze a few more week-ends of volley-ball
in down at Big Rock before it gets too cold..............we
don't have any major plans for tonight or
the week-end.....................I'm sure
we'll be going out to eat tonight and probably
come home and watch some TV ...........tomorrow
I will go up to the rat barn and check things
out, shoot the poop with Mr. John, load up
all the trash and head out to the dump............I'll
probably spend the rest of the day with the
adult balls "fine tuning" my breeding
strategy for this season .........everyone
have a GREAT WEEK-END................don't
fry bacon in the nude!!.......and Rock On!!!..................later!............. |
Saturday_November_08 |
We ate at home again last night!!..........if
we do eat at home.............It's gonna
be on a Monday or a Friday anyway.............that's
T's days off of work....;)......yes eating
at home is very unsual for the Davis Family........Fatty
stopped by yesterday after work and brought
down a package
from upstairs........T must have given it
to him?.............or she put it on the
steps so that I can trip over it when ever
I come up from my "dungeon"............or
back down to it, next she'll be sliding
food under the door.............LOL..............well
the package was my OFFICIAL KISS shirt!!............."Platinum
ISSUE"...............and the instructions
for getting my "ALL ACCESS PASS"
at the show...............I was not really
thinking much about the KISS show anymore
until the shirt arrived ( yeah right ).............then
it started to "sink in" a little
more that I'm really going to meet
these guys!!.............Fatty and George
watched movies and had a "Quiet Friday"
at home..............I liked it fine.....;)
went up to the rat barn today to load up
trash ( empty bedding and rodent chow bags
) and to check the place out............Mr.
John stopped in while I was there...............he
helped me load up a bunch of wood pallets
that I had laying around from a Freedom
Breeder rack delivery awhile back..........after
we got everything loaded up for the dump,
I went over to the garage where my Sea Doos
are stored.............I disconnected the
batteries for
the winetr...........Mr, John asked me to
walk over to his " other" garage
to see what his Son Mike bought..........Mike
has been admiring my Sea Doos ever since
I bought the new Super Charged one.............so
he went out and bought a used pair, to get
his " feet wet ".............he
got a double trailer and two Sea Doos "used
" for $5,500.00..........thats a great
buy!!........they are not as SUPED UP or
as powerful as my new ones............but
they are all he needs for his family and
friends to play around on.................not
everybody has to have 185 horses!!..................which
reminds me.............Sea Doo has a new
two seater that is 215 horse power.............I
haven't decided whether I want to buy one
or not yet?............I can't give up the
ones I have now.............I like them
too much...;)..............so if I get the
two seater I will have three!!..............that
means a new trailer that can hold four boats!!..............and
that will be a big trailer...............but
I do have the truck to pull it..............so
we'll see.............I went to the dump
after that..............I always feel so
clean after I take trash to the dump??................I
must be weird?..........It just feels good
to get rid of clutter....; )...........I
went down to T's shop after the dump..............LOL...............I
don't visit her much at work..........but
if I'm in the area I will usually stop in
and harass her. I came home and checked
on all my breeding pairs..............I
marked down some exciting copulations............Pieds,
Snows, Platty Daddy!!..........then I moved
a bunch of males around into other female's
cages.............I will allow a pair do
do "nothing" for one day............then
I take the male out and put him with another
female.............or two.....or three...........when
I say "nothing", I mean no breeding.............they
just lay there and look at each other...............I
can't expect them to be horny all of the
time...........but I hate seeing "down
time"............so I'll move males
around everyday if need be to get some "action"
started...............I'm glued to the balls
during breeding season.............yes I
was slow getting started this season...............but
"I'm all over it now"...............if
feels "comfortable and right"...........I
check the breeders every day, sometimes
twice a day to see who is "frisky"
and who ain't.............it's like a game..............you
start out with "X amount" of females.........the
object of course is to get as many of them
bred as you can by March 31st.........so
that's what I do............I interfere
with their poor little lives for five or
six months, moving males around............trying
pairs.......trying multiple males .............multiple
its nice to have a single pair breed like
mad......it's easy too..............but
then you get those stubborn breeders that
fight you tooth and nail it seems.........like
they have not one" single horny bone
in their bodies!!...............they always
end up"cracking" though.............you
just got to find out what makes that particular
breeder "tick"...............once
you figure it out.............your "
Golden "............most of the time
for me, placing two males in with a
few female will get things going...............I've
had success in every little thing I've done...............I
know my snakes..........especially my breeder
males...........they each have their own
personalities when it comes to breeding..............they
are all good studs...............just some
are more bashful.....;)..........I can't
tell you how many times I have had females
ovulate and lay eggs, and I had not marked
down one single copulation..........it's
because some males like to work in the early
hours of the morning.............and they
"un-hook" by the time you get
to check on them................when you
finally do check on them and see "no
action".............what your really
seeing is a pair that are " damn tired"
from breeding all morning.........LOL.................so
don't get frustrated.............keep mixing
it up and find out what works for you................write
everything down that you can...............each
one of my snakes has a record card.......this
is the prefect place to keep info about
them and what " they like in the sack"..................Rock
and Mel stopped by tonight...........George
knew my guitar was way out of tune so he
stopped by to tune it up for me and hang
out awhile............T was working on her
picture albums and the kids were with her
..........George tuned the guitar and then
we sang some KISS songs................Gump
was doing a fine job at "Shout It Out
Sunday_November_09 |
No Big Rock today..............I think it's
"officially over" now.........;(..............and
it wasn't bad out at all..............we
could have played damn it!!.........T worked
on her photo albums..........the kids played
all day.............and I worked on getting
some ball python collection pages started..............I
got three new pages started today...........Pinstripe,
Jaguar and Cinnamon Pastel.............I
got the pages done and the pics in place..............I'll
write the text later..
went over to Kingsnake and posted a couple
pics on the BP Forum.............the VPI
Snow male breeding a DH Snow female, the
Jolliff Snow male breeding a DH Snow female..............and
a couple new pics of "Lilly"..............and
for laughs, I posted a pic of my Platinum
Issue KISS tour shirt!!.............The
one I'll have on when I go to see KISS front
row and then go back stage to meet them................DAMN
RIGHT!!!!..............I'm getting nervous
now..............I'm scared to death to
go back stage!!.........what a WUSS!!!
for Ralphie out on the net on Sunday's .....:)..............I
get bored as all hell!!.............anyway.............some
posts got yanked from Kingsnake AGAIN today..........I
didn't see anything wrong?...........it
amazes me what has to be "pulled off
of forums".........Lord knows I've
had some pretty funky stuff said about me
on there that made me look
childish and immature ( which I am totally
),,,,,,,,,,and I brought it all on myself.............Jeff
won't get a call from me asking for it to
be pulled down............"I might
look bad to the rest of the board"............."
OMG.........I may lose sales"..........come
on people............it's the damn internet............it's
a ball python forum.........it ain't like
it's some "pumped up" Forum for
the Medical Field............do I want to
see my Doctor flaming people and acting
like an ass on some Medical Board?.........NO!!
( although it would be cool to see a Doctor
just "go off" on some other quacks...........maybe
that's just me? )............but this ain't
a Medical Board...........it's a reptile
site.............Whop de Frikin do!!............people
take it way too seriously!!........yeah
I like to win and look good in public...............but
is it the end of the world if I don't??............sure
there are people on the board that I would
just love to crack in the back of the head........real
BONERS!!............they drive me crazy!!...............would
I love to slam them..............your damn
right..........do they know that they are
"protected" on KS..............yes
they do................so Kingsnake is actually
a "safe haven" for an ASS to go
to and aggravate the living hell out of
everyone...............now some of you guys
may not know what I'm talking about here................but
most of you do...........Rickie knows that
me and a lot of my friends totally despise
him..........he know's what gets under our
skin.............and he uses it in his posts
at KS ( real cryptic shit )...........he
is totally guilty of it and he knows it..............why
does he do it at KS?........because he knows
that we all value our " un-banned status"
a t
KS...............so we have to walk on egg
shells and try all the "read between
the lines" tactics................which
really suck!!............he hasn't the balls
to come over to RDR where he was banned
for a very short time.............his Password
works there................and he knows
it..........what a total COWARD!!!............so
yes posts were removed.........who asked
for them to be removed, I have no clue?...............I
don't really care..............but I will
say that KS was way more fun a couple years
ago before everyone got so "thin skinned"
and "Sue Happy"..........."You
hurt my reputation at being an honest ball
python breeder on KS"............LMAO!!........"I'm
calling a lawyer!!"..............give
me a break.............you know what I say
anymore...............SCREW IT!!.........some
people just gotta learn the hard way ( That's
me.........and I gotta be me!! )............it's
so un-natural to have to bite your tongue
when your a Boner like me............I know
some of you understand totally where I'm
coming from..........if I got something
to say I'm gonna say it...............if
your feelings get hurt than consider yourself
"blessed"..............it's total
bullshit that somebody can't be yanked up
and called out for being a total ASS!!.............that
goes for me
too!!.................did I inspire anyone
to go out and kick some ass yet??...............LMAO!!!........are
you getting all of this?................yes,
even Ralph has enemies and people he doesn't
like very much.............should he ignore
it's impossible sometimes........so find
your "mark" people and let'er
rip!!................bring it to RDR if
you want to...............I want the good
ole days back........not all this politically
correct BULLSHIT................I mean come
on................how friggin long can you
look at a message board with the same old
shit day after day after day before you
crack? ( your human ain't ya? ).............so
just don't go back to the message board
you say, don't read the "crap"...............yeah
right!!...............it's like a drug!!...............you
just gotta get some!!.............I say
STOP BEING AFFRAID PEOPLE!!................say
what's on your mind.............you know
damn right well what I'm saying here................I'm
talking about every time you bite your lip,
when you probably have something great and
stimulating to say...................so
SAY IT!!!................If Ralphie is on
the "receiving end" so be it............don't
get all jammed up with frustration by turning
the other cheek...............KICK SOME
ASS!!................lets see the posts
fly and how fast they get "yanked"................lets
see who the true culprits really are...............do
you see where TV and Radio are going now?..............it's
OPEN SEASON!!.............and it sells BIGTIME!.................can
you imagine if Howard Stern was a ball python
breeder?.................people will "bicker"
no matter where they are.............it's
totally natural............... I think it's
said it folks!!...........I'm only human................people
piss me off!!!!................and this
ain't about the morphs and the jealous people............this
is about the instigators!!.................so
it's time to mount up................REGULATORS!!!!......................
after all the fun and BS at KS, I posted
a link up "calling all bad people"..............inside
I had a generic user ID and password to
come over to my Forum and " get rowdy".............people
from KS did come over............but they
didn't post...........they would have been
logged in as "Outcast"..............LOL.............it
was all in fun...........sure I was "
stirring the p ot"
a little........:P.............then I put
up a post in my Forum.............."
$1,000.00 prize".............I offered
a thousand bucks to the person who could
write the best "reason" on why
I should keep writing the RDR Journal..............again.............all
in fun..............trying to pump some
life into everyone.............it's been
very quiet and unstimuating lately on all
the Forums..............and I was feeling
generous...............so let the games
begin!!................who's gonna win the
bucks??.........I'm not sure how many people
will respond to it..............most will
probably feel uncomfortable about the money
being offered..............or they just
don't want to look like a "Ralph Groupie"
in public..........I hope that's not the
case with anyone...............we're all
just one big happy family here at RDR..........and
I'm Ralph!!..........I write the journal........can
I get some love or what?......................below
is my post in the RDR Forum to start the
Posted by Ralphie on 11/9/2003, 9:56 pm
Message modified by board administrator
11/10/2003, 3:45 pm
gonna give somebody a thousand bucks and
make them famous!!
All you have to do is write down in 100,000
words or less why I should continue the
RDR Journal for all you Boners?........TELL
contest will run for three days........10th
through the 12th.........midnight on Wednesday
the 12th..........we go to the judges...........the
winner will be announced on my Journal at
the end of the week.
have to post it right here under this heading
for everyone to see!!
much ass kissing is a plus!!!
Monday_November_10 |
Robbie is up at the rat barn.............and
yes I'm gonna say that every Monday......:)........you
never know?...............he may call in
sick one day?.................Fatty and
Rick are at my electrician's ( Jody ) house
building a custom fire place mantel...............Jody
and I are trading carpentry work for electrical
work.............We have had a "break"
in regular construction work.............so
today and tomorrow Fatty can work on the
fireplace...............I'm sure he will
do a super swell job!!..........we always
do the small jobs I have on the "back
log" when we are slow with "Real
see that my "calling all bad people
post" got yanked??............wonder
who that pissed off?...............it's
cool.........I only had the RDR Forum open
to the "Outcasts" for that night
anyway............it did drum up some interest
for new folks to get a real RDR password
for the fourm................so I guess
they liked what they saw................and
that's one big group of BONERS having fun............as
came over today to work on my computer network..............we
had to go out and pick up some supplies
first...............yes I bought Theresa
a killer new printer for her own PC.......so
now she can
print pics until the cows come home..........and
best of all..............she won't be bothering
me!!..........;).............we got all
the supplies and came back to get everything
set up.............the network will allow
T and I to share files on each other's computers............she
can print to mine............and I can print
to her's................sounds Kinky!!!..............and
she will have her own internet connection...............so
now I think I have my PC back all to myself..........we
got the wireless network up and running
like a champ!!..........I'm happy as all
hell about it...............I'm not sure
how I feel about T sitting upstairs at her
PC reading my journal though??...............already
some of the girls from her shop are reading
it and telling her what I write..............but
don't worry folks................I won't
hold back a thing!!.............and T..............who
loves ya baby!!.................even if
you are just a "green horn" to
the internet world!!.............so now
T is all set up..............she has a password
to the RDR Forum...............she has administrative
access in chat...............LOL..............she's
"Journal Contest" is going well
over on the RDR Forum so far..............looks
like there will be plenty of "entries"
( 18 so far )..............people are having
fun with it, and that's what I wanted it
to do................I wanted to bring in
some "fresh air"..............Fear
Factor was pretty lame tonight............the
first stunt was awful..........five out
of the six people totally quit!!............they
were dropped into the water in a body bag..............of
course they were handcuffed..............all
they had to do was unlock the cuffs and
unz ip
the bag..............swim up and grab the
flag the fastest................everyone
was talking smack...............and they
all QUIT!!............I can understand that
they were "out of air"............but
this was just like any other under water
stunt ............finally the last guy did
it............and he did it with ease.............what
was the big deal people?...................then
there were bugs ( as usual )................it
was a good show........and the dude who
completed the first stunt won the whole
damn thing..............."Fear was
not a factor for him"......:)................Vegas
was good...............but Wayne Newton
scared the hell out of me................does
this man age??................he looks plastic!!................Rock
On Wayne!!!.............I wish I had your
talent and money!!................then we
have "Average Joe".............she
got rid of all the fat dudes tonight............damn!!..............I
was just starting to like her too...........LOL..............but
really.......she seems to be a nice chick...............her
pickins' are damn slim is all..........T
says she wouldn't pic any of them...............so
naturally that makes me feel like "Mr.
Wonderful".............. |
Tuesday_November_11 |
is up at the rat barn ( day # 2 ).............this
will be his last week working on the rat
barn by himself............I want the place
done in one day............that will be
Monday ...........George works until noon
on Monday's, he offered to help after he
gets off work.....:).............my buddy
Bob ( The landscaper ) said he would work
too................so it will be four of
us working on Monday's................and
Mr. John may even chip in!!.............It
will be a full house!!...........Robbie
said he didn't need the help............and
that's cool........but I want it done in
a day.............no need for two days.............and
it's all because I was keeping my own schedule..... .......so
now I will change my Monday schedule to
do rats............yepper...............back
in the trenches again!!............Bob and
I hooked up this morning to go buy some
new Leland Cypress trees..............I
lost 20 trees through the Summer and from
hurricane Issy..............Bob was away
for awhile..............and now he's back
and ready to work............so I'm gonna
keep him busy planting trees and working
on my yard for a few weeks.................he
keeps trying to talk me into putting in
an in ground pool, so that he can do all
the cool landscaping around it..............I'm
still not sure if I want to put one in or
not?.............the Sea Doos are more fun
for us..............but I know my kids want
a pool.............Brooke is practically
a "fish" in the Summer time.......and
Kyle will be swimming in no time...........so
who knows??.................My mom has a
pool............so it's not like the kids
don't have a place to swim....;)............we
got the trees and loaded them up............we
bought stakes and "chain-lock"
for supporting them while they "root"................Bob
started planting trees as soon as we got
home.................I came in and started
separating all my breeding pairs so that
I can feed them all tomorrow ............I
will feed them all tomorrow and let them
rest until Saturday................then
I will put all the pairs back together again
for a week...........I'll probably skip
next week's feeding on the adults.............it
really depends on how many are breeding
come next Tuesday ..............I like to
feed all year long............and I like
to let my snakes rest..........I pretty
much got everyone seperated...........there
were a few pairs "locked up".............so
I let them alone..........they will be un-hooked
by tomorrow I'm sure..........
did a count on all the rats I will need
for feeding tomorrow ..............I called
Robbie and told him that Bob and I would
be coming up to help him finish............he
said we didn't have too..........Bob cleaned
up what he was doing and we headed up to
the barn..........we worked a few hours
and got it all done................we have
tons of small rats right now!!................good
thing too because I'm feeding off 500 of
them tomorrow.............not to mention
400 pinks and fuzzies......:)............it's
so awesome to be able to produce your own
rats!!... ..........It
costs me a couple grand a month to keep
the rats............that is my rent, electric,
rat food and bedding..............Robbie's
pay is not included in that............Robbie
gets a salary for the week............no
matter what he does.............rats or
snakes.......so I have a couple grand in
expenses per month...............I'm able
to sell at least $300.00 of rats per week
between Phil's sales and my sales..............and
that's a very low figure............so the
rats pretty much pay for themselves ............I
may come up short a few hundred bucks a
month if we don't sell many rats............but
the main thing is that I have all the rats
I need and I don't have to depend on somebody
else supplying them for me, and delivering
them to me............it works out very
well...............and the rats actually
only really take up one day of work..........one
day to clean and feed............the rest
of the days we are in there for fifteen
mins. to a half hour just making sure everything
is OK................even if I didn't make
the $1,800.00 or so in rat sales to re-coup
my expenses........I would still breed the
rats myself........I would be paying a couple
grand a month to somebody else to feed my
snakes anyway...........I love it!!...............my
rat colony comes from a bloodline of hooded
rats that I started back in 1993!!...................good
stuff!!............after we got done and
blew the place out, I drove Bob home........after
that I had to get Brooke from Church.................I
called Gail and talked to her for an hour
on the way to pick up Brookie...............thanks
Gail!!.........I always kill a battery talking
with you girl!!............I got Brooke
home and put her to bed............I went
down an caught up on some emails .............tonight
is chat night.............I'm gonna see
if I can get T to stop in and chat with
us for awhile............?
came home with some dinner.........we ate............then
I went down to chat...........T went into
her office and started reading my journal!!..........can
you believe it!!........that's not what
her internet connection is for!!..........damn!!........I
went up and told her that chat would be
much more entertaining......LOL................so
she logged in and hung out with us for awhile
..............I have it set up so that her
text when she types is 'hot pink"..............sexy!!..............so
we all chatted for awhile.............the
place was still "out of hand"
even though T was there.......LOL..............we
had fun..............T said she enjoyed
it...........and now I think she understands
why "way back in the day" I would
come to bed so late on Tu esday
nights..............chat is fun!!.............the
"Journal Contest" is still going
on............I'm gonna have a hard time
picking just one winner...............I
don't want to hurt anyone's feelings...............but
I'm only gonna pic one winner............there
will be other contests folks!!................some
of the chicks are talking about a "bobbie
contest"............it will have to
be edited of course...............but damn
man!!........it works for me!!!........LMAO................why
do the chicks even read this crap...............I'll
never know.................I'm totally harmless
ladies!!..............but the mentioning
of Boobs gets the juices flowing!!..............but
seriously.........I do want to do another
contest.............not sure what the topic
will be yet?................but I think
I'm going to do a few of these a year...........can't
keep all the bucks around here right?........... |
Wednesday_November_12 |
We fed the whole damn place today!..........I
separated the few pairs that were still
breeding first thing this morning...........I
fed all the adults and Robbie fed all the
younger snakes..............George and Mel
stopped by too...........I put them to work...........they
helped me mark all the record cards while
I fed..............T had stuff to do before
work........so that meant I had to take
Gump to pre-school at 12:30..............I
was running l ate
as I usually do when it comes time to take
the kiddies to school.............George
and Mel were here.............Robbie was
still up at the rat barn.............we
were all "pre-marking" the feed
cards..............that way all I had to
do was put the rats in the cages and roll
with it.........so I gathered up Gump and
all his school stuff and headed down the
road............the road I use as a short
cut always has cops set up on it shooting
radar ( see where I'm going yet? )...........and
I know about the radar trap...............it's
a 25 mph zone...........T has been "picked
off" there speeding a few times since
we have lived here..............it's a perfect
spot to catch speeders.............well
you guessed it............I was flying down
the road and got nailed by radar..............the
c op
flagged me down and told me that I was doing
56 mph in a 25 mph zone...............I
said "I know"..........he didn't
care that I was late getting Gump to school.......LOL............so
we had to sit there on the side of the road
and wait..........Kyle's school is like
three mins. from our house too..............this
really sucked!!...........I was thankful
that the cop did not notice that I had Kyle
in the front seat.............he was wearing
his seatbelt............but Kyle is too
small by law to be in the front seat...........I
was just in a hurry..........and I paid
for it....;)...........I was getting pissed
off waiting .........I was saying "Come
on dude"...........kinda to myself.............and
Gump would repeat it too.........LOL.............he
didn't want to be late for school either...........then
all of the sudden a Suburban comes flying
up the road going way faster than I was............the
cop stopped her briefly and let her go??..........he
gave me a big fat ticket!!.............$270.00
fine..............and 5 points!!...........I've
never been in that kind of trouble before........WOW!!..............he
said that I should go to court and that
the points would probably be reduced or
even dropped if my record was good...........which
I don't think it's bad?..............but
after this I might as well be a damn murderer..............FIVE
POINTS!!...........in all my life.............this
was the worst fine of them all...............and
I was totally guilty ..............I was
flyin'...............I did ask the cop why
he let the women in the Suburban go?..............he
said her kid was in the front seat with
a nasty gash in his head................she
even ran straight through the stop sign............I
could understand why she was speeding............I
would have been too...............hell I'm
flyin' down the road just because Kyle was
late for school..............if he was hurt
I would have never stopped............the
local hospital is also on this road.................it
did give me an idea though..............next
time, God Forbid this happens ..............I'll
have Gump act like he is injured so that
the cop will let us go.........LMAO!!.................so
I took my ticket "in shame" because
I'm such a bad Father,,,,,,,,,,I got Kyle
to school and went back to feed the snakes............the
whole time I was thinking that "it
wasn't my day to take Kyle to school"............and
it wasn't............that should have been
T's ticket damn it!!..............isn't
it funny how things go??............I guess
it was just my turn..............but really
............I wouldn't have even left the
house today if it weren't for having to
take Kyle to school .........unexpectedly!!.................I
did get a free pizza today though....;)..............George
and Mel ordered us a pizza and had it delivered
here.............so the day wasn't "all
fired up the web cam today while we were
feeding the snakes..........you may have
caught a glimpse of us running around like
goofs.............I finished up the feeding
.........George and Mel rolled out............I
sat down and got a bunch of my paper-work
done............I put the web cam right
on my big ole behind to...............did
you guys see me trying to balance checking
accounts and pay bills?...........I had
a pretty impressive "role call"
on the forum this week...........36 people
" rang in".........we only have
800 password's issued..............so to
see 36 people lower themselves to post that
they were actually present was great!!.............the
rest of you guys are BONERS!!............there
are many benefits to making yourselves'
"know" on the board .............there
will be valuable cash and prizes given out........ .......and
you gotta be "present" to play..................so
let's see some more posts from all you lurkers
...............I'm taking notes............:)........you'll
never know what Ralphie has in store for
you unless you participate .........anyway............I
worked some long hours in the office tonight.......the
whole time the web cam was running I was
trying not to pick my nose or scratch my
ass................guys do stuff like that
all day long...........LMAO!!..............I'm
sure somebody grabbed a few "stills"
from the web cam and will do some editing
on them to make me look like a total goober.............it's
just a matter of time before those pics
will be "played"...........:P
worked until midnight .............midnight
is the end of the "Journal Contest"...........I
went in and announced that the contest is
over...........looks like 25 people posted
to the contest thread..........I read all
of them and saved copies of each post............no
matter how small it was..............I got
it!!...........I thought everyone's entries
were great!!.............even the one's
that didn't have many word's came across
in "that person's" own unique
style..........I enjoyed reading what you
guys had to say................some of them
were very heart warming and serious, some
were funny as hell, ALL were masterpieces
in their own way............it was a good
mix of e ntertainment............now
I have to pick one winner from the bunch???.............I
will pic a winner and post their winning
entry here.............I will also post
the "runner ups" because there
are some really "original" and
"well though out posts" there...............to
everyone who contributed I say THANKS...........It
was really fun and I appreciate you guys
showing me all the great encouragement and
support..........and too the people who
did not post...........I totally understand
why you didn't........it's cool......;)...............but
remember that the people who entered this
one already have scored some major "brownie
points" with me...........LOL.............no
matter who wins............I hope nobody
gets their feelings hurt...........there
will be more fun to come............I also
asked in the forum for people to cast a
vote on who they think should win?............I
knew that would not get a great response
because they are majorly being put "on
the spot".........I think I know who
the winner is.............I just wanted
to see some other input!!...........It was
a great success guys!!..............I'm
feeling good about myself now and I'm all
"pumped up" for another 12 months
of RDR Journal ...........don't worry.........the
Journal ain't going anywhere.............and
either am I....................You guys
for "Gump's Version" of the speeding
ticket............T came home and told me
that Kyle couldn't wait to tell her the
story of me getting the speeding ticket
after school..........Kyle told her that
I was driving fast..............I hit a
tree and a Cowboy was mad about it........LMAO!!.............he
was paying attention pretty well .............because
we did have to stop near a tree in somebody's
front yard.............and the State Trooper
was wearing a hat like a Cowboy............and
yes he was pissed!!...............so that
was Gump's version.......... |
Thursday_November_13 |
is cleaning the snakes..............Bob
is out in the back yard planting and staking
trees..............the wind is unbelievable
today??...............all Bob could do today
was dig holes..............it was way to
windy to put the trees in the ground............he
staked all the trees that he planted yesterday
and he staked all the trees that were blowin g
over today.........LOL..............I took
my stakes away from the trees way too early
in the season............everything was
fine in the wind until I decided that the
trees were ready to be " un-staked"...............and
that's what did it.............the damn
ground is so saturated with water from all
the rain that the roots of the trees just
pull right out of the earth when the wind
blows..............so it's "back to
stakes"...............I don't care
how long they need to be staked.........I
love my trees!!............I'd say the wind
got up to 50 or 60 mph today............super
nasty gusts................and it snowed!!...............yepper..............there
was a very short snow squaw here...............it
was nuts!!................our power flickered................and
yes I was working in Dream Weaver on the
web site when it did...............the damn
computer re-booted and I lost some of the
stuff I was typing ................ye p...........I
need battery back-up for that kind of stuff.....:).............I
lost a few hundred words.........it was
easy to remember what I was writing..............so
I would type a few sentences and then press
"save" ( just incase )................LOL..............I
didn't want to lose info again.............but
the power stayed on after that.................we
did lose my internet connection ..............I
had the web cam running..............so
the last image you guys see there is when
the internet crapped out on me.............many
people in Maryland lost power and are still
out of power today because of all the high
winds knocking over trees, telephone poles
and power lines............today took a
very unexpected twist with the weather for
sure.............poor Bob stuck it out though............he
worked in the crappy weather all day..............and
it was COLD!!
Robbie started to clean, I went and doubled
up a bunch of female ball pythons that I'm
trying to fatten up with small rats...........my
snakes are still destroying food.........even
the ones that have been breeding..............I
love it!!............Bob went and picked
up some lunch for us and we all stopped
and had cheese steak subs.................with
HOTS.............and the hots are talkin'
to me right now as I type................I
think my body is finally too old for hots?...............and
I love hot stuff!!................so does
Big Lou!!........I watched a show last night
on OLN I believe..........it was a half
hour show on the
"Booger Monster" in Alabama.................it
is supposedly a Sasquatch that runs around
in the swamps...............the same story
you hear from everyone down in the s wamp
lands........you guys all know how I love
Sasquatch!!...........If I were single............I
would give up everything I had to be one
of those poor Sasquatch Hunters..........LOL..............I
really would!!.............unless you have
seen a Sasquatch............you wouldn't
understand..............I've been total
fan of Sasquatch ever since I seen him................yepper...............I
seen a Sasquatch when I was young...........hooking
school with a freind................but
that story will come another day...............my
close friends know about it................I'm
not sure they believe me at all..............but
they know the story..............so anyway.............this
show sucked!!.......it was way "over-produced"........but
I watched it anyway...........I watch all
the Monster shows whether they suck or not...........I
just love Monsters!!......Bigfoot is smarter
than all of us............
internet connection came back up......it
was out several hours............people
are still with out electric all over Maryland...........I
was lucky............today anyway..............LOL.............I'm
scared to leave the house now......I sent
Bob for lunch...........not really though..........a
ticket is a ticket.............we all speed
sooner or later.........I got caught.......at
the worst possible time I could be speeding
too!!..............If I do it.....I do it
BIG!!...............so now I wait for my
court date and then I will through myself
at the mercy of the sweet loving judge........LOL..............we
shall see....;)..........I've been working
on the web site and the journal most of
the afternoon until now....... ......it's
7:30 pm...........I read the responses the
RDR Forum members wrote on "who should
win the contest".............they told
me what I already knew.......:)........I
had a winner last night.............:)................and
Perry!!.............this dude is "off
the hook" with his crazy "Sasquatch
stories" he writes............Perry
writes short stories and sends them to me
though email ( about all kinds of cool stuff
)...............he posted one Wednesday
and one Today in the RDR Forum..............both
were about a "Killer Sasquatch".............great
stories..........the kind that you hang
on to every word until the very end...............I
posted a few of Perry's stories on my "Ralph's
Word's " page so that others could
read them that do not visit the fourm..........Perry
will be a mega-bucks writer one day............he
has to be!!
is the latest story that Perry posted in
the RDR Forum..........
more for the Bigfoot Boners
Posted by Perry on 11/13/2003, 12:10 am
User logged in as: PerryC69
Rubber touched the pavement with a screech
as the Boeing 727 landed at Baltimore/Washington
International. A reunion of sorts was taking
place as friends from around the country
were joining together to remember old times
and to invent a few new memories. For Ralph
Davis, it would be bittersweet. Two of his
long time friends, Mojo and Rene were flying
in from San Francisco and Wisconsin, but
he knew only to well that they would have
to leave again in only one short week. They
were childhood friends, buddies that shared
everything, but jobs and family obligations
had torn them in separate directions. At
least he would have this week and he was
bound and determined to make it as memorable
as possible.
The drive from the airport took milliseconds
compared to the grueling time it had taken
Ralph to get there. Traffic into the city
was backed up for miles. An eighteen wheeler
had swerved into another lane, crushing
a small compact car making it even smaller
than when it had rolled off the assembly
line. Ralph had wondered if anyone could
have survived such a crash. His question
was answered as the three men traveled west.
Three bodies covered by rain ponchos lay
lifeless on the concrete next to the wreckage;
one appeared to be a child.
“I hope that isn’t anyone I
know” Ralph quietly murmured.
Mojo and Rene rubbernecked to catch a glimpse
but were only too sorry they had.
Attempting to change the mood, Rene bellowed
“So what do you have planned for us
Ralph… keg parties and strip joints?”
Ralph smiled as did Mojo, remembering the
days before they were married and had no
care in the world except partying and then
partying some more.
“Actually, I thought we would spend
a quiet week fishing. I know a great spot
that is miles from everywhere…and
more trout than you can imagine.”
The idea sounded good to Mojo. He dealt
with high finance, although lately, his
thoughts had drifted elsewhere. After suffering
from a mini heart attack at the age of 34,
he had taken up photography. He had plenty
of money in the bank and could retire if
he wanted. It was tempting.
Mojo confirmed his thoughts aloud then said,
“how’s that sound to you Rene?”
“Fine with me…I am sick of looking
at people, especially women.”
Ralph laughed then said, “Oh I feel
for ya Bro…a gynecologist…must
be tough.”
Rene smiled then replied, “well ya
know, it’s not all eighteen year old
hotties that come in for exams…imagine
having to see your grandmother naked from
the waist down. I have nightmares. I can
relate to Vietnam vets that still sleep
with there rifles.”
Ralph and Mojo looked at Rene, seriously
for a moment, then shut him down in a barrage
of laughter and heckling. Who was he kidding?
Before the three men had noticed, they had
arrived at the campsite high atop a mountain,
smack in the middle of the Appalachian range.
Ralph’s new Dodge pickup easily maneuvered
the rugged terrain that led them up to the
twenty acre pond and the sparse campsite
that Ralph and his friends Lou, Fatty and
Phil had previously constructed. As Ralph’s
truck pulled in, Lou greeted them with a
wave, and then dropped his load of kindling
for the camp fire; Phil and Fatty were fly
fishing from the bank of the pond. No introductions
were needed. Mojo and Rene knew all the
guys well.
“Holy smokes…how long has it
Big Lou greeted the newcomers with an outstretched
“Ages Lou…you look good. Married
life agrees with you I see.” Rene
patted Lou on the belly. He always poked
fun but knew where the line was. Lou had
a temper and when he unleashed, it was like
a grizzly mauling a freshly caught salmon.
“Hey you two…get over here.”
Lou motioned to Fatty and Phil who promptly
ignored him. Fishing was more important
than sappy long time no sees.
Ralph helped Mojo and Rene set up their
tents then they strolled around the pond.
The sun set over the blackening mountain
behind them sending pink and yellow brush
strokes throughout the early evening sky.
Trout rose on the pond to greet the mayflies
that were hatching. An occasional splash
could be heard, echoing off the forested
hills around them. After a hearty meal of
fresh trout and beer, the men settled in
for the night.
hear that?”
“I heard something.”
“Of course you did. We are in the
woods dummy…go back to sleep.”
“No…I mean I really heard something.”
“There it is again.”
Fatty spoke up. “I heard that too.”
“What is that smell? Smells like…wet
The six men were all up on an elbow, half
in and half out of their sleeping bags.
The fire had soothed itself into a crisp
glow; the embers shimmered in the darkness
flickering a calming sensation over the
grassy surroundings. Rene peered at Mojo
then over to Ralph.
“Someone poke Lou!”
Big Lou was famous for his sleep marathons
and could shake the bark off a tree with
his freight train snore.
Mojo whispered only too loud, “wake
him up already!”
Lou, startled from his slumber, reacted
with an unconscious mind.
“Shhhhhh……..Rene pointed
into the brush beyond the two trucks only
barely visible in the firelight.
Silence enveloped the friends as they strained
to hear any noise that did not belong, but
no noise came. Only the heavy sound of darkness
and the crickets chirp could be heard, but
the men did not sleep, except for Lou. He
was out again in no time.
Morning came late, taking forever to arrive
for the sleepless men. A heavy dew had landed,
soaking everything and everyone to the bone.
Phil shivered as he stoked the fire and
put water on for coffee. Within minutes,
all were up, except for Lou. Five of the
six men hovered around the fire, rekindled
from its near extinction. Steam rose from
the long underwear clad men as they sipped
there java.
“What do you think that was that we
heard?” Ralph said, holding onto his
mug tightly.
The others just shook there heads.
“Well I say we look around.”
“Look around for what?” Big
Lou said, rising from his catatonic state.
“Phil and Fatty…why don’t
you two look over that way…”
Ralph pointed towards the towering pines.
“Rene and Mojo can come with me. We
will search the area around the trucks and
up towards Towpath Bluff.”
“What about me?” Lou said, not
wanting to be left out.
Ralph thought for a moment then decided
it would be best if someone remained in
the camp. Lou was fine with it. It took
him awhile to get moving anyway.
Fatty and Phil walked off towards the stand
of pines as the other men headed in the
opposite direction. Ralph walked carefully,
eyeing the ground for any visible clue.
As they reached the pickups, Mojo motioned
to Ralph and Rene and then pointed towards
the hood. A large dent was prominently featured
on the edge of Ralph’s hood. Part
of the grill was broken as well. An angry
path led away, trampled by someone or something.
The three men followed as it led towards
the bluff. Rene was the first to find her.
He stood gazing in horror, unable to mutter
a word. Mojo and Ralph called for him yet
he said nothing. He couldn’t. He had
no spit.
“There you are…we thought…what
the ####?”
She hung from one leg which was wedged in
the crook of a tree. Her hair covered her
face but no clothes covered her disemboweled
torso. The remnants of intestines reached
for the ground which was soaked in blood.
A ravaged backpack lay strewn about the
forest floor. She was alone and appeared
to have been there for a few days. Whatever
had done this was an animal, human or not.
The scream shattered the early morning.
The voice was Lou’s but sounded nothing
like him. By the time the men could get
back to camp, Lou was a fury of arms and
legs, covered in ten feet of hair and spit.
“GET IT OFF OF ME!!” He screamed
in terror.
The animal stopped its molestation and dropped
Lou’s big frame to the ground. It
stood half upright then fully erect. The
men shuddered in place, beholding a creature
that defined reason. It quickly moved towards
Mojo who backed away then tripped over a
log. It stopped again, displaying its arms
that stretched on forever. Its eyes penetrated
and its teeth froze the men solid. Without
warning, it sprinted off into the bush,
following the trail that led to the girl.
Lou lay on the ground panting. His chest
and stomach were torn as was his face. Blood
gushed from a wound the size of a grapefruit.
“We gotta get him outta here”
Ralph said. No one argued.
Ralph sat in the hospital chair, tending
vigil over his badly wounded friend, he
read the paper. The headline read “Lone
hiker missing”.
He read and re-read the story and thought
of her family. They never did find her body.
It surely was a vacation to remember.
I'm sitting here finishing up the "Thursday
Journal Entry"...........Phil is on
his way over, I called him and he said he
was detoured because of fallen power lines...........it's
still horrible outside.........then we will
go to play wally-ball............I have
to stop at the rat barn first to drop off
some extra rats...............T will be
taping SURVIVOR and CSI for me tonight .............I'm
sure I will come back from wally-ball "wired"
like I usually do.....;)..............it's
been a very fun and "stimulating week"...............I
enjoyed hanging out with all you guys again
on-line...........it was such a great success
that I will have to think up another "contest".........
more week till KISS!!!.................:) |
- Fatty's Birthday!!
- Happy Birthday To
You!! |
We have a winner folks!!..........and it's
my buddy Dan Wagoner!!...............below
is what "Danny Boy" wrote that
just knocked me on my butt.......to think
that a " dude" could express like
Journal: A Diamond in the Rough
Posted by Dan Wagoner on 11/10/2003, 3:05
pm, in reply to "$1,000.00 prize!!"
User logged in as: DanWagoner
Journal: A Diamond in the Rough
All of us here at RDR have immediate family
and friends that are a part of our everyday
lives. These individuals are who we work
with, who we live with, who we spend our
free time with, and whom we see day in and
day out. In many cases, they play a critical
role in who we are and how we function.
And while these people are often active
figures in our lives, in many cases, they
are not meeting a very important and basic
and every one of us has the basic need and
desire to belong. We want to feel like a
part of a community. We just want to feel
loved. We need to have some type of outlet
in our lives that supplies us with this
vital need. If this basic need is not met,
we feel isolated and bored. For many of
us, the RDR Journal is the outlet.
whether you know it or not, you are providing
thousands of individuals with the basic
need for an intimate and personal relationship.
It is this type of personal interaction
that enriches our day-to-day lives and can
assist us in times of stress and crisis.
This is the exact reason why people e-mail
you in a panic when the journal is posted
a day late. These people have gone their
entire week without any type of intimate
connection with another individual. Over
the course of their week, they become stressed
with work and life and they begin to feel
emotionally isolated and bored. By opening
up your life each week, you are offering
many individuals the only true sense of
belonging they will encounter in their daily
who speak out against you, Ralph, and the
RDR Journal feel threatened and separated
from our established community. They see
all of us here at RDR interacting and they
want to be a part of it. But for some reason
or another, they react in a negative way,
when all they really want is a personal
relationship that makes them feel loved
as well.
are the common connection that has brought
us all together. RDR is an extraordinary
place to share and exchange information
about our animals. But it is the personal
relationships and sense of belonging we
receive from the RDR Journal and the RDR
Forum that bring us back, time and time
I know what you have established here provides
you with the same basic need and, as a result,
it drives and supports your business. Those
who take part in this community are receiving
a huge service from you. When considering
the $1,000 prize, I begin to feel like I
owe you something instead. I couldn’t
even begin to comprehend how to repay you
for what you provide us with.
know I may catch some crap for analyzing
things from this angle. All the talk of
personal and intimate relationships, emotions,
and feelings...it all sounds a little fruity.
However, I think deep down, each and every
single person who reads this will understand
where I’m coming from. I greatly appreciate
Ralph being real. In turn, I felt I should
reveal the real reason the RDR Journal is
such a success and why it should remain.
whole reptile industry can be pretty discouraging.
So while there are jerks taking out their
anger and aggression over at Kingsnake,
and other breeders trying to shake things
up in the market or run a cut throat business
to make a few extra bucks, it is nice to
come home to RDR and have a breath of fresh
air. The RDR Journal is truly, a diamond
in the rough.
[email protected]
it is folks...............the WINNER of
the "RDR JOURNAL CONTEST"............one
thousand buckaroos!!........as I said earlier
this week..............I though ALL of the
entries were great...............Dan was
the tenth person to post..............and
I knew it would be tough to beat ............Christy
and Gail came in right behind him.............I
loved both of their entries as well................then
you have Peter Frost's " Ode To The
Journal"...............and Hungry Medusa's
"RDR Journal version" of the KISS
Classic " Rock and Roll All Night"................getting
back to Christy's entry ..........I have
to say that it was the most entertaining
of them all...............the RDR Journal
causing the world "havoc"...............a
true masterpiece!!................and sweet
Gail.............her and Dan were on the
same "wave" I think...............both
of you guys made me feel all warm and fuzzy
- Suicidal, Bonerific.............and Insanely
Fatass - # 1 baby!!.............and
Happy Birthday Again!
MikeB - KISS RULES!!...........Chester
needs a women!!
Mojo - I'm flaunting it
bro!!...........now get over here and work
for Fatass!!
Celia - Here is your name
Perry - We consider you
"one of the gang"...........now
start writing another Sasquatch story!!
Shawn - We'll shake one
Phil - At least I blocked
out Robbin's boobie..........;)
Snowboner - Judgment Day
is far off man.......thanks!
Dan Wagoner
- You won Danny Boy!!.......haven't you
won a grand before?.............DAMN!!
Chuck - That pic of Stu
getting humped by the Lion is priceless!!....can't
wait for the Baboons!!
JakeS - Ever read "Biggins'"??
Stu - You watched The Shining
didn't ya.......LOL...Does Amy know about
the jello?.. AMY!!!
Casey - Handsome??...........am
I really?.....awwwwww.......:)
Luke - I'm your "Happy
Pill" or your Huckleberry........;)
KyleH - Glad you didn't
kiss any ass!!
Jarosh - SURVIVOR RULES!!......and
so does Mare!!!
Safranski - We all want
to see your BOOBS!!!
Ken2 - Journalholic you
- I loved your post, it will become an RDR
classic for sure.....ROCK ON!!
Charles - Mississippi Mad
Man!!............I'll keep you connected!
- Sweet Gail.........I always say that "your
too good to me".............Thanks!!
AlexB - Pics of snakes
my ass!!.......LMAO!!
- A brilliant piece of work..........you'll
win the RDR poem contest for sure mate!
- "My Girlie".........the most
"original" entry of them all............you
are way under-paid girl!!.............I
have read your's more than any of the others
just to soak it all in..........your the
Rene - I know how you really
feel bro.............your a damn good Injun.....we
ALL love ya!!!
to everyone of you guys who posted and contributed
in the fun...........we will definitely
do it again..............I've had my "pumpin'
up" for the year..........so I won't
need to be fluffed up again for another
12 months......;)................There ain't
a better bunch of people on any other forum
anywhere on the net............it's totally
impossible!!............YOU GUYS RULE!!!
you can see up at today's heading.............it's
Fatty's Birthday.............so make sure
you all wish him a great day..............I'll
have him working somewhere ( poor bastard
)........LOL.......Happy Birthday Fatass!!..............Dinner
on me for you and Sandy both..............Sandy's
Birthday was on the 11th.........and their
wedding anniversary is on the 17th....................what
a busy month for you guys!!.............:)..... ...........wally-ball
was great last night.............we played
three on three.................Fatty, Phil
and I lost every game but one to the "Evil
Brothers"..............but the games
were close.............:).............Big
Lou has emailed me from China and told me
that he may not see me until 2004??................I
hope he is kidding..........but I wouldn't
put it past him one bit..............Lou
is the kind of guy to just take off and
never come back...............not until
he is done exploring and investigating.............he
loves to "snoop around"...........he
also said he bought me and the family some
great gifts from China.............his problem
now is that he says all the stuff is too
big to ship to the US......so I'm gonna
wait patiently Big Boy!!.........say hello
to Xulin..........oh that poor girl.....;)
got up this morning and Robbie was already
here cleaning the snakes.............Bob
is out planting and staking more trees,
the wind kicked ass last night!!...........it
was BRUTAL!!...........Robbie was talking
on his cell phone to Big Lou when I came
down.............so I talked to Lou for
awhile.............it was good to hear his
voice.............he sounds happy as all
hell..............he says he will be back
in the early part of Decemb er..............he
says that Xulin is great and he would expect
her paper -work to "come to the US"
to go through in another month or so............he
is happy as a hog in shit!!.............did
I mention he was happy?..........;)..................he
says he has plenty of pics..............he
didn't take a digital camera.............he
did take his camcorder and a regular camera................so
I'll scan his best pics and get them up
on the journal when he gets back................I
still don't believe he's coming back so
soon?......we all miss him.
spent an hour or so on the phone this morning
with the ticket company that I bought the
KISS tickets from................I bought
3 tickets way back when?.................well
they only charged my credit card for one
ticket?...............supposedly my credit
card company did not allow the other two
tickets to be charged??............remember
I had all that trouble with my credit card
getting "froze" the last time
I ordered all the Halloween stuff on line.............so
I called the credit card company today and
asked them if the two tickets were declined
by VISA.............VISA said that they
had un-froze my card the last time I called
them ( the first KISS ticket) and that there
were no more problems?..........they said
that all they seen on my statement was one
ticket............they never even seen the
other two tickets attempted to be charged??...............so
somebody is bull-shitting me??...................so
VISA said all is well...............they
would accept the charges...........no probelm...............so
I called the ticket company and told them
they better be charging my card and getting
me the other two tickets ASAP!!............they
said everything would be fine...........and
to call back Monday to make sure the charges
went through..............what a bunch of
crap!!...........I just received the first
ticket confirmation this week with the T-shirt
and all the info.................we figured
the other two shirts and tickets would be
right behind??.................so
George made a call today and found that
they only had one ticket listed for me??............so
we are all in "panic mode" today..............I
did all I can do ...........everything should
be fine now ................worst case they
don't get the other two shirts ( George
and Fatty's ) out to us in time............but
that's OK...............we just want our
tickets and back stage passes!...............it's
always something!!..............I told VISA
that they don't even want to be the reason
why I don't get those tickets ...........a
card member since 1986..............and
this is what I get?.............so anyway.............as
Dan would say ......"I'm rambling"..........you
ramble too buddy!!.................just
nervous and excited at the same time......................KISS!!!!................
was great as always last night...............Rupert
won the reward challenge with ease..............I
think he was actually thinking about "holding
back".............he won a big breakfast..............and
he could take a freind..............OR............he
could pass the reward over to another tribe
member...............and that he did...............he
let Burton have his reward.............and
Burton took Lil with him...............I
think Rupert thinks that may be "good
strategy".............but I don't..............I
hope Rupert knows that Burton wants him
gone!!............but that's how it went
down.............Burton and Lil are both
"Outcasts"................I guess
they will try to stick together and make
history ...........although I still don't
agree with letting a tribe member that his
been voted out to come back in..........I'm
still a RUPERT FAN!!...............I know
it's gonna be hard for him to make it to
the end though...........he's just too perfect
for the game................I would want
him off the show if I was up against him
too!!...........then Rupert wins immunity.......easily
too!!.................Ryano got the boot
last night...............he is the first
person on the jury now.............he was
doomed..........and pretty damn lazy...........everyone
from Morgan is lazy................so we
are down to nine people...............who
will be the Sole Survivor???...........GO
RUPERT!!!...............and watch your back
bro!!.........they are plottin' against
ya big boy!!...............win all the immunities
that you can!!!!............CSI was OK............nothing
special...............but damn do I like
Catherine's cloths!!...............:)
, Phil and I have all emailed RicK for a
password to his forum...."Rick's Place".......I
never got a response?................Fatty
was turned down and so was Phil??.................RicK
says that the forum is welcome to all RDR
members..................have any of you
gained access to his board?...............I
have a feeling he has no users yet and don't
want us to see that his board is so lame............I
just wanted to check the place out and see
who is actually using it................it
says it's a good place to relax...............maybe
people are sleeping in there?.... ..........who
knows................RicK knows I can't
stand him anyway...............I emailed
him awhile back wen he posted that pathetic
picture over at KS of the two albino ball
tails together.............LMAO!!............talk
about the worst pic I've ever seen posted...........so
I emailed him and asked him what kind of
camera he was using.............I think
he uses a NIKON 5700 now.............a total
"no brainer" camera..............well
I guess he ain't quite figured it out yet?..............your
pics suck RicK!!............I was gonna
give you some valuable pointers and teach
you a thing or two.........I was trying
to be a nice guy.............so anyway.............I
got no response...............he just went
up on KS and in his own smart ass way started
responding to other people's posts.............he
would write "what camera do you use"...............because
that is what I emailed him...............he
knows that I would read it and get ticked
off...............that's how he does things.............really
cryptic and subtle............he will read
my journal and that do a "spin"
on it at KS.............like the Halloween
Costume contest!!......so take notice to
those stupid little "digs" he
makes on KS against me or some of the RDR
users.........now that you know what to
look for you'll spot them easily...............and
yes I'm just as immature as he is...............you
see...........RicK still holds a grudge
against me for banning him from my forum............then
I took his buddy JY out soon after...........he
desperately wants to " belong"
over at RDR..............he would never
admit it..............but he does...............he
lived on my board .............posted the
most of anyone.............he even posted
to his own posts...........nobody minded
really................he just started to
get really weird............then he said
I lied about something or another and wanted
me to apologize publicly to him...............then
he wanted to tape my converstaions on the
phone.............you heard it all before...............he's
so paranoid.........he is the only person
that I really have no problem "not
liking" for the rest of my days............and
I'm not alone...............most people
totally ignore him.............but I watch
him when I'm around KS................remember.............he
did get me banned from KS awhile ago.............what
a wuss!!.............he has talked so much
smack about other breeders in the past to
me directly ................breeders that
he is "sucking up" to on KS now...............he
used to think I was the best.............I
was the only breeder that would even give
him the time of day, I sexed his snakes
for him and always helped him out..............so
now he gives all the other breeders "props"
that he used to talk shit about .............knowing
it will get und er
my skin.............which it does at times................especially
when he kisses the Snake Keeper's ass.................he
had nothing but bad things to say about
them in the past.............Pete Kahl,
and NERD too................so my hands
are tied at KS............and he knows it..............I
was told in Daytona that he is trying to
find a lawyer to sue me...............a
lawyer that will take the case and not get
paid unless they win?.................win
what BONE HEAD!!!???..............LMAO!!...............ahhhhhh...........the
stuff I hear.......and the emails I've saved.............so
watch yourselves' out there folks...............this
guy is a real pro............people are
scared of him and what he will do................he
has nothing but time on his hands........who
knows what twisted things he thinks up??................but
as I said earlier...............SCREW IT............why
hide your real feelings................let'er
rip..............the majority rules!!...............one
man's word against against thousands .............we're
getting lazy..............isn't it time
to take out the garbage once and for all??..................his
fifty years on this planet speak loud and
clear don't they??.....................LOSER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
is the first runner up's entry for the RDR
Journal Contest by Christy............I
feel so bad not giving this "first
place"...........but "Danny Boy"
made me cry damn it!!
Just In!!!!!
Posted by Christy on 11/12/2003, 6:44 pm,
in reply to "$1,000.00 prize!!"
User logged in as: Christy
Washington - Disaster struck Wall Street,
the Fed, and the entertainment world this
week, due to a bizarre chain of events rivaling
the plot of a Grisham novel.
all began late Thursday when python mogul
Ralph Davis, of New Windsor, Maryland, announced
the permanent dismantling of his popular
“Journal,” featured on the web
site RalphDavisReptiles.com. “Ralph’s
Journal,” reportedly was read by more
than 50,000 hourly, including influential
world leaders, entertainers, and religious
followers of Davis’ journal, known
as “Ralphettes,” claim to have
realized immediately that anarchy would
follow the reptile magnate’s bombshell.
Davis has been the stabilizing force in
the lucrative ball python market for more
than five years, often using his journal
to “rant” about the disastrous
pricing policies of others in the field.
of the Journal’s demise spread like
wildfire through the industry,” said
Jeff Barringer, owner of Kingsnake.com,
a large reptile website. “We closed
Kingsnake immediately. Unfortunately, it
was too late. Within an hour of Ralph’s
announcement, the ball python market collapsed.
Animals previously valued at $10,000 were
selling for $250. Other reptile prices plummeted
as a result. It’s a nightmare!”
Unfortunately, this was only the beginning.
Within two hours of the announcement, the
dollar was being devalued worldwide.
Alan Greenspan refused to confirm or deny
using Davis’ Journal and the ball
python market as economic indicators. In
what proved to be a ruinous delay, the Fed
did not freeze interest rates at earliest
signs of nationwide panic. Pricing soared
out of control, with retailers selling cans
of Coke for $125.95 by Friday, 10am. “It
appears I underestimated the effect of Mr.
Davis’ journal on the world economy,”
Greenspan admitted during the Friday, noon,
press conference. He also announced his
immediate resignation, and plans to spend
more time with his family.
were strong on Wall Street, where Microsoft
stock spiraled to $.0034/share. The plunge
was due to a rumor (later proven false)
that Internet Explorer was unable to handle
the high traffic on the RDR site, leading
to Mr. Davis’ decision to discontinue
the journal. “Microsoft is up to the
task,” insisted Bill Gates, who is
pictured on Microsoft.com sporting an RDR
T-shirt and ball cap.
control further damage, President Bush ordered
the stock market closed at 11am EST, Friday.
In an emergency press conference, the President
urged the financial community to remain
calm and stated that solving the Davis Disaster
is his “first order of business.”
already under siege from the worst fire
in a decade, were further endangered when
a blackout consumed the entire west-coast
power grid. Although details remain sketchy,
a man that Pacific Gas and Electric identified
only as “Mojo” mistakenly set
his reptile enclosure’s heating device
at 9500 degrees Fahrenheit. The ensuing
power drain caused the largest outage in
California history. Sources close to the
investigation report that Mojo is cooperating
with Homeland Security. His lawyer issued
a statement early today saying, “Mojo
regrets that he did not have Ralph’s
Journal as a reliable source of herpetological
information.” It has not yet been
determined whether charges will be filed
against Mojo or the fourteen-year-old Internet
user who advised him about the snake enclosure’s
temperature controls. More than 80,000 homes
remain without electricity.
a related freak accident, Gene Simmons,
legendary star of the rock band Kiss, nearly
died in his home today as a result of choking
on “fake blood.” Allegedly,
Simmons was sitting at his computer eating
potato chips when he began to gag. In his
distress, he mistook a container of fake
blood for water, took a large gulp, and
aspirated the thick concoction. “It
was really gruesome,” said an attending
paramedic. “There was blood everywhere.
Fortunately we were able to revive him,
although his makeup was beyond saving.”
Band members refuse to say whether Simmons
was on the RDR site when the incident occurred,
but a shaken emergency room technician confided,
“Mr. Simmons was wheeled in muttering
‘No, Ralph, No!’ blood still
spurting from his nostrils. It was horrible!”
in entertainment news, Rupert Boneham, the
beloved Survivor star, removed himself from
the competition after a teary farewell.
“Nobody wanted him to go,” said
a fellow tribe member, “but after
hearing about Ralph’s decision from
a cameraman, he felt he had no choice. He
said his fellow Americans needed him, and
he had to go talk to Mr. Davis. That was
Rupert, always looking out for the good
of the tribe.” In an emergency Tribal
Council, cast-off tribe members voted ex-Survivor
Osten Taylor to replace Rupert. The tribe
has spoken.
more on the Davis Disaster, see related
stories, “Pope Suffers Heart Attack,”
and “Dozens Report Bigfoot Sightings
in Maryland” on page A-3.
is the second runner up's entry for the
RDR Journal Contest by Gail...........she
is so sweet to me..............why I have
no idea?.......;)
you go Ralphie..............................
Posted by gail on 11/12/2003, 11:49 am,
in reply to "$1,000.00 prize!!"
User logged in as: Gail
know you can't stop writing your journal...you
love your journal and so does everybody
else. Others can write their own type of
journal, but your journal will always stand
alone. It's totally unique and totally you.
Everyone knows you spend a lot of time on
your journal and I'm sure that is one of
the reasons people love it so much. You
aren't writing it to brag or to boast....you
are just writing what is going on in your
life...be it about Brooke and Gump.... an
incredible new snake in your collection.....or
how much you appreciate your family, friends
and workers. That is what makes it special....you
are not marketing yourself or your animals....you
are just giving people a peek at your life.
You are having such a good time living you
want to share it with whoever wants to read
your journal. You share even the bad things
like when Gump broke his arm......everyone
that has a child or niece or nephew could
feel themselves going through what you and
Theresa went through. I know that when you
wrote your experience with the hurricane
a couple of months ago.....I could picture
all of it.....like a movie in my head....sort
of like the old silent movies.....and I
thought ....."sh!t, poor Ralph, that
could happen to any one of us¨ and I'm
sure a lot of people decided to check out
their emergency plans..
wasn't going to write anything, mainly because
I don't really like writing mushy stuff......I
don't and won't kiss ass....and I don't
care about the money.....I just think that
maybe once in a while you need people to
let you know how your site has added to
their lives. Some may look to your journal
for advice on breeding snakes, because as
we all know, you are very forthcoming in
giving out your recipe . Others just enjoy
reading what is going on in another persons
life....and knowing you makes it more fun
to read the day to day journey of Ralph
Davis and company......... How would everyone
know what Lou is up too....or Fatass, or
Phil, or Robbie the Robot..... .
Like we were saying the other night.....you
bring some fun into this business/hobby.
This business can be a bit depressing.....there
is a lot of lying and backstabbing that
goes on .....and people afraid to talk to
one another for fear of what they are working
on getting to someone that wants to beat
them to it and break their bubble......you
give people hope.....hope that there are
other people out there just like us that
just want to have fun and enjoy breeding
the animals they love and meet some great
people at the same time. You are a CHARACTER.....
you bring some excitement and laughs into
the reptile world....and without your journal
a lot of people will lose their enthusiasm
that they have towards breeding snakes.
You let people know that you can make some
decent money at it, but it takes work and
a bit of luck.... You let people know that
everyone in the business is important, from
the little boy next door saving his money
for some het Albinos, to the big guy that
buys 10's of thousands of dollars worth
of incredible morphs.....and whether people
have bought animals from you or not, they
are all welcome to your forum, to send you
emails and to read your journal.
you better keep writing or you will be one
sorry bone head and you know it
is the third runner up's entry for the RDR
Journal Contest by Pete Frost ..........great
work Pete!!..............I loved it!
Ode to the Journal!
Posted by Pete on 11/12/2003, 1:55 pm, in
reply to "$1,000.00 prize!!"
User logged in as: Frosty
Ode to the Journal!
got some things I want to say
On why your journal has to stay
That $1000 dollars would be a perk
Even for those of us that Lurk
love to hear about your snakes
& all the hard work that it takes
You've got the coolest morphs in town
Upon your head I place this crown
its not often, I have to say
that I give out such praise this way
We have to keep the 'stiff upper lip'
Well, after all I am a Brit
You hold no punches, you tell it all
We see the pics of the biggest free-fall!
Brooke, Gump, T and big Lou,
Robbie, Phil, to name just a few
Ode is coming to an end
That 1000 bucks I would like you to send
Ralphie-mate your not a wanker
For your Journal, I’ve got to thank
is the fourth and final runner up's entry
for the RDR Journal Contest by Hungry Medusa.........how
did you know I liked KISS??.........Rock
and Roll all Night!!!
you ROCK!!
Posted by HungryMedusa on 11/12/2003, 12:41
am, in reply to "$1,000.00 prize!!"
User logged in as: HungryMedusa
the tune of. . . well, you'll figure it
You show us everything you’ve got
You keep on writin' and the Ralphettes get
You drive us wild, with your great balls
You say you might stop writin’?
The party’s just begun, don’t
be a dink!
You drive us wild, we’ll buy your
Just keep on writin', and keep on writin'
want you to write the the journal all nite
We’ll read it every day
We want you to write the the journal all
We’ll read it every day
We want you to write the the journal all
We’ll read it every day
We want you to write the the journal all
We’ll read it every day
You keep on producing what no one else can
You’re kickin’ ass ‘cuz
you are da man
You write that thing, we’ll read it,
You show us everything you’ve got
Ralphie, baby that’s quite a lot
And you deliver the goods, we’ll drool
like crazy
Just keep on breedin', you keep on breedin’
want you to write the the journal all nite
We’ll read it every day
We want you to write the the journal all
We’ll read it every day
We want you to write the the journal all
We’ll read it every day
We want you to write the the journal all
We’ll read it every day
We want you to write the the journal all
We’ll read it every day
We want you to write the the journal all
We’ll read it every day
We want you to write the the journal all
We’ll read it every day
We want you to write the the journal all
We’ll read it every day
We wanna read the journal!!!
it for this week folks!!...............I
hope I didn't bore anyone ............everyone
who participated in the contest will get
RDR T-Shirts the next time I see ya................and
ALL of you are right here on the Journal
for all to see..............see that CELIA!!!!..........;P..........have
a great week-end PEOPLE...........email
me for a password for the RDR Forum if you
wish.............ALL are welcome and you
don't have to call me for a "consultation"..............what
a sicko!!...................It's 2:50 pm
and I see some good stuff getting started
over at KS............looks like RicK is
taking some heat...........I hope it lasts
till Sunday......it won't though..............it
will get yanked...............if RicK has
any balls he'll let it stay up...........plus
he just edited his Forum Page and took off
the part about "Welcoming all RDR Forum
Members".......am I a total goob or
what??........man it's great to feel ALIVE!!.........Have
a Great Weekend Everyone!!..............
Saturday_November_15 |
had a really nice Friday night "Loser
Chat" last night.....;)........Danny
Boy called me yesterday too and thanked
me for awarding him the GRAND PRIZE for
writing about the Journal...........he didn't
take the bucks either............he took
the credit instead............he has previous
credit as well..............So Dan is working
his way up to a Platty I think.....;P
and I hooked up this morning to run a bunch
errands ........stuff I had to do and stuff
we had to pick up for all the trees I'm
having planted ( by Bob )............stakes
and chain-lock...........we picked up all
the landscaping supplies first.......... .then
we went and got all my stuff done..........I
had to go check the rat barn out and load
up two rodent orders..........Robbie or
I deliver rats to a local pet shop..........that
was one of my orders...............and the
other was a local "snake dude".............Chad..............I
brought the rodents back to my place and
Chad stopped by to pick them up............he
wanted to see all the new snakes too.............so
I showed his around...........I picked up
a patch kit for my turtle pong today too..............my
turtle pond is inside the house...........800
gallons maybe?...............anyway...........it
sprung a leak!!..............a small leak.............but
enough to keep the floor around it wet all
the time............I had been putting off
fixing it , hoping it would stop on it's
own........no chance............it was a
small hole near the top of the water level..............the
hole has actually always been there..............I
had a dab of silicone on it to keep it sealed...............one
of the turtles must have ate the "
it opened the hole back up.............I
drained the water level below the hole and
patched it up.................of course
I had to climb in the pond to do the work................the
turtles were fascinated with my toes........;)..............so
I got that fixed.................Bob finished
planting all the new trees.
I was up at the barn I seen Mr. John............he
asked me to come up to his son's Glass shop
( above the rat room ) and check out a little
"project" that he and his son
did...........Phil and I installed an exhaust
fan up in the glass shop this summer............it's
in the side of the building...............well
now it is letting the cold air in during
the winter..........the built a nifty box
around it with a door and weather stripping
to keep it sealed up for the winter..........they
had a gate latch on it...............it's
pretty high up on the wall so they were
using a broom handle to un-hook the latch
and open the door when they needed to..............John
wanted to know if there was a better way
to open it.................and me being
the genius that I am ( and knowing about
gate latches )............I knew that there
is a hole on the gate latch to attach a
wire of string so that the gate can be opened
by pulling it.................so I fixed
him up with a piece of string attached to
the gate latch..............the string hangs
down and all they have to do is pull it
to open it...............yepper..................."Don't
try this at home"................LMAO!!..........always
gotta keep Mr. John happy.......;)
rolled out after the trees were planted.........Chad
rolled out after the "grand tour"..............I
fixed the pond..........then I started all
my paper-work that I have been falling behind
on..........this was not a normal Saturday
for me..........I usually have all my "paper"
done by Friday................I'm just behind..................get
side-tracked and the work piles up!!.........Tracy
called me today and we were talking about
the Snow Ball project.............it's surprising
that a VPI Snow was not hatched this year
( yet )...............I feel pretty lucky
about that............she made me laugh.............she
said that Dave had some advise for me..............he
read on the journal that it took an hour
for me to boil the water to cook the lobsters
on the stove..............he said next time
use a "turkey fryer".............the
are heated by a flame ( propane).............I
should have know that...............that's
how we cook all the shrimp and crab legs
for our parties...........it never even
crossed my mind do do lobsters in...............so
no matter how lame you think the journal
is or that I may be "rambling on"
.................you just might find something
you need to know................or even
something that you can help me with...........so
THANKS VPI.............I would have never
expected to get advice on cooking lobsters
from you two........LOL..............I'll
do that the next time for sure..............and
thanks for reading the journal!..............on
a side note......... Dan says that I "ramble",
then copies my journal idea............but
I take that as a compliment...........the
journal has and will go "where no man
has gone before "........soon there
will be more journals to read from other
reptile breeders............and I know this.........I'll
be one step ahead though..........I don't
mind being a leader.............where I'm
going some may not follow.................from
"Rock Star".........."get
your own life. stop trying to be bloody
elvis. except elvis was the king. and i'm
just the queen. very funny. ha bloody ha.
bastards. you bastards."......
watched "Dreamcatcher" on pay
per view.............it was pretty good.....kinda
reminded me of "The Thing"..............but
"The Thing" was way better.............that's
one of my all time favorite movies.............it's
hard to watch an alien movie where the alien's
look like what we are all taught to think
they look like..............big egg shaped
heads and bug eyes...........but the story
wasn't to bad................Morgan Freeman
should have "passed" on this movie...............what
a joke his character was...............do
any of you remember way back when watch
the show "The Electric Company"..................I
watched that in the third and fourth grade
I believe...............Morgan Freeman got
his start on that show...............just
a small trip down memory lane................I'm
out................oh yeah........I know
what's missing here in the journal...................a
"for sale" plug every entry................tacky
or classy??..............you decide..........I
guess I am different..........
Sunday_November_16 |
went to a "girls party" today...............you
know what I mean right?...............kinda
makes a man feel reel insecure when they
do that don't it?.................LMAO!!
..........the kiddies are with me...;).............The
first thing we did today is get all the
males set up back with the females...............I'm
letting them breed all week!!...............Brook
and Gump helped me...........they usually
do if they are around...............I have
all the males set up in a room that is slightly
cooler than the rest of the facility ...........anyway..............I
go back and get the male out of his cage,,,,,,,,then
I schlep him back to the breeder room and
put him with the appropriate lady....;)..........having
Brooke and Gump do it with me lets me do
it three times as fast!!.............we
would go back to the "male room"...............I
would hand each of them one male and his
record card................then I would
grab a male myself... ...........so
we were moving three males out at a time................worked
for me!!..............Brooke could care
less..............but Gump thinks "he's
the man"..............I forgot to give
him a card with the male a few times...........he
made sure that he corrected me on it too!!.............ROCK
ON GUMP!!!.................so we got all
the males fixed up nice with the ladies...............I'm
not telling you guys how many males I have
in the breeding program yet...............you
might be surprised..................shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...........:)................after
that I took the kids down to my Mom's house............Mom
is learning the computer and the internet
very slowly.........so today I decided to
give her some email and internet lessons...............she
wants to know how to save pictures of Elvis
off the web............LOL...........and
she has some friends on line now that she
can email with...............so it's time
to bring her up out of the dark ages...........:)...........The
kids played while I showed Mom some tricks
with the computer..........my dad got home
from his furniture store and we all went
out to a Japanese Steak House to eat.............if
you ever get a chance to go to a Japanese
Steak House............you should go...............the
food is fantastic and most of all..........it's
very entertaining............they cook the
food right in front of you...........and
they do all kinds of knife acrobatics.............it's
a really cool time.................I talked
to Brian from BHB Enterprises today............we
just talked about this coming breeding season
and what kinds of projects we are working
on................Brian tells me that he
has never seen somebody explode into the
reptile world as well as I have.............that
makes me feel pretty good..............:)..............even
if I haven't been breeding snakes for 20
years...........like some of the nasty jealous
people who like to take jabs at me...............I
tell these people to "keep trying".......if
your truly meant to succeed.............you
will...............if you just plain have
shitty Karma..............then forget about
it.............YOUR DOOMED!!!...........it's
all about karma people!!............try
it once in awhile................just totally
floor somebody by doing something unexpectedly
nice to them.................BHB sounds
like he has some great plans for 2004...........I'm
very glad I was able to pick up the group
of Pinstripes from him that I did...............Brian
is really down to earth and is well aware
of what is going on in the BP market..............he
just likes to keep a low profile ...............unlike
me!!................so bring it on BONERS!!.............getting
back to my Mom............she was telling
me while I was teaching her about the PC
that some of her customers were reading
my journal??................My mom is a
hairdresser............she has her own shop
like my wife T does.............anyway..............my
Mom's customers have been with her ever
since I was a real little boy.........all
of her customers have been with her for
almost 30 years..............they all have
watched me grow up from a really little
Boner to a great big Boner.............so
I guess you figured out that these ladies
are "older"............sorry Miss
June!!..............and they all knew that
I was into all kinds of creepy critters
when I was little.............and they all
know I'm still into the same stuff now.................critters,
KISS, Star Wars...............nothing has
really changed.............I'm still the
Goob I've always been as long as I can remember...............it
seems like yesterday I was in my bedroom
with my hamster's habitrail running around
the entire perimeter of my bedroom...............I
had a major habitrail system going on..........glass
aquariums all over the room filled with
critters..........KISS stuff..........Star
Wars stuff...............and look at me
now..............the same stuff as I had
30 years ago...............it sure does
pay off if you do it long enough don't it...............not
to mention I've been dreaming of going back
stage with KISS for almost 30 years..............and
I'm going to be doing it this week!!!!............now
I have no idea where this bit is leading???...........oh
yeah...........my Mom's customers are reading
my journal................and they are telling
my Mom about it while they get their hair
done..............well Mom does not know
about my journal.............yep.............ain't
I bad................so she goes on line
and starts looking at my journal................my
Mom's neighbors even read my journal??................NUTS!!.............then
mom gets a look at the Halloween Party pics.................thank
GOD she was out of town that week-end...........her
customers had seen them too and thought
they were a riot...............Mom does
have cool customers....;)................so
now my poor Mother has to listen to all
that "did you see what Ralph did?........and
did you see what Ralph wrote?".............while
she is trying to do hair!!..............LOL.............anybody
out there want to take this to radio??.............I'll
bring in the sponsor's dollars!!!!................so
what ever the hell all that was...............bottom
line is that I go a lot of people reading
my journal now that are family or close
to the family..............I told T today
that I would not be home during the day
tomorrow because I will be cleaning the
rat barn with Robbie................she
said "I know.............I read it
on your journal"................LOL.................I'm
screwed now people!!!............T is emailing
me messages to take out the trash on Tuesday
we can make this into a movie one day?..................Howard
Stern did............ |
Monday_November_17 |
was my first day back in the rat room "cleaning"
in a long time............Robbie, Bob and
I met up at the barn this morning and cleaned
the hell out of it!!..............we started
at 8:00 am and finished the place at 3:00pm..................7
hours DONE!!.............it felt damn good
too.............Robbie has been doing the
work by himself in two long days ( Mon and
Tue ).............I got tired of it.............Robbie
would keep saying that he didn't mind..............but
I did.............it's just too damn long
in the room!...............so I went and
helped him get the place knocked out.............Bob
was a big help too................Bob helped
me do all the rat breeder groups, mice and
feeding while Robbie did all the Mom tubs
and weiners..........it worked out fine.................George
even stopped by to water all the buckets!!............talk
about a lot of help!!..............SWEET!!...........so
we got the place done, swept up and blown
out.............we loaded all the trash
on my truck.............Bob and I went to
the dump to get rid of it all.............we
backed up to the dumpster like I have done
a thousand times ...............unloaded
all the trash.......as I was getting back
in the truck I noticed that my front driver's
side tire was flat??...................totally
flat??...............it was fine when we
came into the dump?...................so
we drove down very slowly to a flat spot
and changed the tire............which was
a task in a half!!.............I had to
look at the damn truck manual just to find
out where the jack was?................then
I had to read the manual again to figure
out how the spare tire dropped down from
under the truck?............I would have
been screwed with out the manual ..........I
even called my buddy Jimbo who works as
a mechanic at a Chevy dealer to ask how
to release the spare tire...........it takes
a key!!!............talk about complex!!...............we
finally got it all figured out and got the
tire changed out..............there was
a slice right in the side of the tire.............I
must have run over something.............I
have no idea what though?................I
didn't even bother putting the jack and
all the other funky tools that come with
it back where they came from...............it
was too much of a pain in the ass just finding
where they were hiding.............then
they are all clamped down in a "special
way"...............I just said "screw
it" and threw all the stuff in the
back of the truck.........LOL...................I
went to the place where I always get my
tires and dropped off the bad tire.............they
will replace it and call me when it's done..............we
ate at home again tonight!!......whowhooooo..............you
guys could probably care less..............but
believe me..........it's a big event here
when we eat at home...............T had
no volley ball tonight ............there
is a light fixture damaged and hanging from
the ceiling in the gym that they play at..............so
they can't play there until it is repaired.............and
T loves her volley ball..............she'll
be moody tonight!!........:P.........we
watched Fear factor, Las Vegas and Average
Joe............Fear Factor was pretty good.............until
that big muscle bound beef cake lost??..................damn............he
was trying to be the first "muscle
dude" to take the cash............but
he lost...............pretty bad too...............guess
he had "fat fingers"..................Las
Vegas is just the BEST!!.............Nessa
" Ice Queen" Holt is the foxiest
Chick on TV for me right now............ggdddderrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!............yeow!......and
Average Joe............they were doing so
good...............and they blew it.............they
had to bring the good looking studs onto
the show..................they ain't "Average
Joe's".............they are mindless
model boys.................TRUE BONERS!!...............I
was just thinking how nice it was that the
beauty might just hook up with one of these
normal guys..............and then "they"
walk in...........and boy ole' boy did the
beauty's eyes light up...............damn!!...............I'll
still watch it...........But I'm pissed................just
like I'll be if Rupert doesn't go all the
way on SURVIVOR!!..........I added "polls"
to the RDR Forum............it's a feature
that I never turned on before.............I
got some emails about it , so I turned that
option on............it's pretty cool ..........basically
there is a question in the post.............and
there can be up to eight categories to vote
for...............kinda breaks up the bordem,
and gets people involved..............Im
sure there will be plenty of very entertaining
polls once everyone's nasty little wheels
get turning...................:)................I've
been handing out passwords to the RDR Forum
left and right................800 users...............and
do you know that out of 800 people on the
board, I've only had to ban three of them................two
were related ....................Majority
Rules!!..................... |
Tuesday_November_18 |
and I fed the whole place today..............now
that the rat barn is getting totally cleaned
on Monday..............we can move everything
up a day.............so now Tuesday's are
feeding day............ we took our time
feeding today..............Robbie has been
working on switching a few of the mouse
eaters over to rat pups.........and I fed
all the adults .............including the
pairs that were still together ................which
again I say is risky business............you
have to know what your snakes are going
to do when you feed them together...............the
main thing to know is if they both want
to eat or not?...........usually the male
don't want to eat..............and the female
is up at the front of the box acting like
she is starved...............but sometimes
the males do show interest in eating...............so
if they do you "should" separate
them to feed..............I do not...............I
will feed them both together.................I
will actually hand them each the prey item
off of a pair of hemostats................once
they each coil the prey..............I pick
the snakes up and place them at opposite
sides of the cage from each other..............they
will usually get done swallowing at the
same time and not give you any problems...............but
you need to watch them.................even
if you feed a female and "think"
the male is not interested in a meal.................he
could come up and try to eat the prey item
while the female is trying to eat............bottom
line.............if you ever do this..............make
sure you are paying close attention to what
your snakes are doing.............I have
become a master at this from feeding adult
boa constrictors together...............and
they are quite easy due to their ferocious
feeding responces................so Robbie
was working on the babies.........and I
was working on the adults..............taking
my time...........plus I really think pairs
kick into the "funky monkey" right
after a good meal........;)...............after
feeding, Robbie took off..............I
worked on the computer the rest of the day
until it was time to pick up Brookie from
Church.............I called Gail on my way
there ...................battery died again
too!!..............;P..............we had
a great chat tonight...............the place
was packed...........Tracy Barker even stopped
in and talked with all of us.............the
chat seems to be more popular now than ever...............tons
of gossip to be told!!.............and "Loser
Chat"..............perfect!! ................breeding
is doing well...............I'm not going
"hog wild".............I'm actually
going very slow..........I'm trying to control
my urge to put every possible pair of snakes
I have to breed together!!................breath
Ralph..............just try to relax and
ain't a contest........everyone already
knows that your The "King of all Boners".................just
relax and take it nice and sloooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww..................LMAO!!..............what
a GOOF!!...............I'm out..............
Always know what breeding pairs are actually
"locked up" on feeding day............a
female won't think twice about ripping herself
off of a male to have a meal if she is hungry
( damn women )...............and if she
does this..............the male is more
than likely going to end up with an injured
hemipeen..............and if that happens..............your
boy will be out of commission for the rest
of the breeding season................ouch!!...............be
careful...........don't even go near the
cage with food if the pairs are locked up
and the female is alert enough to smell
food in the air.......you can just look
at a snake and know if they are "interested
or not"...................and email
me if you notice that your snakes like to
"lock up" after a meal.................:) |
Wednesday_November_19 |
got her this morning and we both pulled
rat pups from the snakes that didn't eat
over night ...............then Robbie started
cleaning snakes...........he's liking this
new schedule ( me too )...........:)..............I
did paper-work and worked on the web all
day.............phone calls and emails...............The
other two Platinum Package KISS shirts came
today!!.............so now we got all three
...............everything is a GO for tomorrow
night!!..........I can't wait!!..............Fatty,
George and I will have a night that I know
we will never forget!!............We are
having wicked winds today and major rain..............very
odd weather for this time of year?...............but
it's good because it will stimulate the
hell out of the breeding pairs................they
love rainy weather...............why?..............I
have no idea..............I don't think
they get much cold rainy weather in Africa............but
if it works..............I'm lovin' it..............ball
pythons and my boas for that matter start
breeding like "clock work" when
ever there is a quick drastic change in
the weather..............that's why sometimes
if the weather gets "stuck" in
one pattern and the breeding slows down............I'll
open the door and blow cool air through
the room for a few minutes..............this
works like a charm!!..............but don't
do it to the point where you chill the place
down so much that the room can't recover............you
just want to thin out the hot humid air
and freshen' the place up................your
snakes will understand ................trust
me.....;)..................I opened up a
new ball
python room today.............it is
not password protected...............so
anyone can see it, post on it or read it............yes
I'll ban your ass if you do stupid shit.............use
your common sense and you'll be fine...............and
don't try to sell any snakes!!............that
means linking up to a "for sale"
page too...............no threats..............no
porn..............and no language that you
can't hear on TV...........pretty basic
stuff to the average normal person................just
a new place to have fun...............it
is by no means taking place of the RDR Forum............that
is the "real deal".........everyone
is "family" there...........the
new forum should do well................enjoy
it and be helpful!!............ |
Thursday_November_20 |
the new ball python forum is kicking ass!!................it
looks like people are really enjoying it
and having fun.............it also has "polls"...............people
seem to love polls...............:)............I
see a few new faces in there...............most
are already RDR Forum members...........but
some are new.............that's good to
see.....:)..........Robbie is here cleaning................he
decided to cut out of here early yesterday
to get some personal stuff done he had to
do.............he asked if I minded if he
came back Thursday and finished up on Friday............I
had no problem with that...........he has
a week to do his work...............as long
as the rats get done on Monday and the feeding
gets done on Tuesday...............I don't
care how he divides up the work of cleaning
the snakes............Bob is here staking
more trees today.............that wind storm
we had this week did a number on some of
the ones he just planted............but
they'll be fine once they are staked..............he
is going to stake every tree on the property
for the winter to give them a chance to
settle back in ...............hurricane
Issy kicked the crap out of my trees!!.............Today
is the day PEOPLE!!.............today is
the day that my dream will finally come
true.................meeting KISS back stage!!!!.............up
close and personal!!..............I'm still
a wreck.......I haven't eaten all day............I'm
scared to.....I'm afraid that I will either
puke or crap my pants at the show.............so
I figure I better go there "empty"................yep.................a
true BONER!!..........I did office work
all day............and took a bunch of calls...............Fatty
and George will be here soon............we
are leaving here at 4:00 pm..............the
concert starts at 8:00 pm.................there
will be an opening act.............then
KISS...............and then back stage!!...................HOLY
SHIT!!!............I think Aerosmith will
be playing too.............but who cares.......;P
and George are here.................we are
heading out to fulfil our dreams.............I
think this means more to George than any
of us.............he "Lives KISS"..............from
having one of the best KISS collections
on the east coast............to playing
Ace in the KISS tribute band "Love
Gun"......to having his own tribute
band dedicated to Ace called "Loaded
Deck"............to running the Baltimore
KISS Convention each year.................I'm
glad he's doing this with us..................Fatty
and I are just along for the ride.........LOL................NOT!!................I'm
out people!!................I'll be a "changed
man" when I get home................if
I even come home?..................I may
talk to Doc McGee and get a job picking
out all the hottest looking babes to come
back stage with KISS ..................doubt
that would work very long though............not
unless the guys from KISS like big butts!!!...............later
people!!..................ROCK ON!!................. |
Friday_November_21 |
we did it!!...........it was everything
I could have wanted and more!! .................we
left my place yesterday at 4:00 pm.............it
took us a couple hours to get to the MCI
Arena in DC.............we took my dually
and that wasn't the smartest thing to do............the
streets in DC are pretty narrow and "Mable"
was tight!!.............we got there and
found a parking garage..........so we drove
down inside of it and were stopped by the
attendant...............he said that the
truck was TOO BIG to park in their garage............it
was 20 bucks to park there...........so
we told him that we would pay for two parking
spots...........and he agreed......40 bucks.........LOL..............so
we made our way down into the parking garage...........the
ceiling was very low................we kept
poking our heads out of the truck to make
sure we were not going to rip the roof off................there
was one spot in the garage that there was
one inch of clearance between the ceiling
and my On-Star antena............it was
crazy!!............we found a spot to park
........gathered up all our gear and headed
to the arena ........Ge orge
had his bag of " Kiss Goodies"
a bunch of stuff that he brought to get
signed..............I had my bag of goodies
too................four cameras.............my
digital, Fatty's digital and two disposables
...............I had a pair of KISS shorts
with all the members faces on it to be signed
and the original KISS comic that was printed
with some of band member's blood mixed into
the ink..............Fatty had a vintage
pic to get signed.............I was a wreck
going in because I knew that we would be
searched...............and I didn't think
that cameras would be allowed in the arena..............so
we got to the main entrance where they stopped
you and searched your body and bags..............the
dude stops me and asks to look in my bag.............he
asked if I had a camera?...........I was
sooo busted!!...........so I opened my bag
for him to
look in............I had the KISS shorts
on top and some other KISS stuff scattered
in the bag..............he looked right
at FOUR CAMERAS and said OK.........me and
Fatty just looked at each other in disbelief??.............George
came in after us and breezed right through..............the
guard had to be blind?...............or
just didn't care??...............so we made
it through the "search"............then
we had to go to this special ticket window
to pick up our Platinum Passes and information
about the "meet and greet" after
the show...........that went smoothly...............we
each got a back stage pass to hang around
our necks............and we each had to
sign a waiver releasing any liability from
the band if we get injured back stage............from
tripping, slipping or getting electricuted!!.............stuff
like that............we all signed with
pride......;)..............we were early.......and
we were hungry.............so we went to
our seats first
to check them out.............they were
in the second row!!..............maybe 8
feet from the front of the stage.............we
were so happy to see how close we were...........we
were on "Paul's side of the stage".................I
was totally stoked!!...............we were
so close!!..............so we seen our seats
and headed up to get something to eat..........I
was afraid to eat but I did anyway..........we
got pizza,sodas and soft pretzels.................we
took them back to our seats to eat...........the
first band went on ............they are
a new band out of Philly called "Auto
Matic Black" ............they were
great!!..............a very young bunch
of guys..........I was surprised that they
were so good.............their families
were there up at the front of the stage
cheering them on and taking pictures............I
snapped a few pictures of them too..............I
looked at Fatty and George and said "
They are allowing u s
to take pics"...............SWEET!!.............there
were security guards all over the place............one
every 6 feet at the front of the stage and
a ton of them running around the concert
hall..............I was scared to death
to take my bulky digital camera out..........but
when I saw everyone taking pics of Auto
Matic Black I figured it was cool..............I
couldn't wait to get some pics of KISS.............so
the opening band went off stage............then
the KISS crew came on and got the stage
all set up for KISS to play...............they
dropped this huge curtain with the KISS
logo on it.............I snapped a practice
pic of it to see how it would look shooting
from the angle I was at...............I
didn't want to be "obvious" that
I was taking pics..........it wasn't going
to work...........to get good pics I would
have to flat out take the camera out and
expose it to anyone who was watching............so
the time came for KISS to come on.. ..............we
could see Paul though the curtain checking
his guitar and amp..............it was so
spooky.............he was right there!!................we
could have touched him................then
they announced KISS................"You
wanted the best!!..............you got the
best!!.................the hottest band
in the world!!...................KISS!!!".........the
curtain dropped and they opened the show
with Detroit Rock City.............George
and I each had our cameras out...........he
was using a very small disposable..........I
was using my Nikon 5700............so we
are hearing the intro to Detroit.............and
the stage is empty??...............KISS
was above us!!.............they were lowered
down on a platform with cables!!.........I
felt like a BONER.............I didn't even
see them at first...............so I hurried
up and snapped a few pics...............so
did George...........the guards were watching
us the whole
time giving us the "evil eye"
.............earlier while the opening act
was playing, the guards told us that they
didn't "think" we could take pics??.............."Think"
was the "key word"..........LOL...............so
we would snap a few shots and then hide
the cameras ..................George was
way better at it than I was................my
Nikon was just too damn big and bulky to
hide.............they looked awesome .............these
guys are in their fifties!!.............Paul
was in unbelievable great shape..............and
so was Gene..............they were so close
and playing perfectly............they made
eye contact with all of us down in the first
few rows............it felt very "personal"
to be so close................Paul is an
incredible front man..............he had
the crowd in the palm of his hand................I
was screaming my ass of at the band and
singing every song as loud as I could...........it
was so loud!!!...........so we were snapping
pics ever so often, w hen
the coast was clear.............I had just
snapped one of Gene when I felt a tap on
my shoulder..........yepper..............it
was a security guard..............asking
me to come with him.............he said
that I was not supposed to be taking pics
and that I had to come with him...............so
being a nervous wreck I followed him for
a few feet.............then I said "screw
this".............I told him to just
take my pic disk from the camera................so
he took it and I turned to go back to my
seat..............then I said "screw
this" again!!..............I went back
to the guard and told him that I was not
the only one snapping pics............Gene
and Paul seen me pointing a camera at them.............they
did not seem to mind..............so I took
my pic disk out of his hand and put it back
in my camera.............he was pissed!..........I
told him that I would delete the pics in
front of him..............so I switched
the camera to "vie w
pics mode" and deleted the last pic
I took.................he thought I wiped
out the whole disk and was satisfied ..........LOL....................SUCKER!!!........:P.........so
I got out of that one smelling like a rose..............and
yes I put the camera back in my bag and
let George take the rest of the pics with
his disposable camera...............he was
a master at it!!..............he would hurry
up and snap a shot............with the flash
too!!.............then he would stuff the
camera down in his pants!!................we
got some great shots!!....................so
we watched the whole show...............they
did all my favorite songs..............Gene
breathed fire at the end of "Fire House"...............he
spit blood before"God Of Thunder"................Peter
did " Beth" and "Black Diamond"..................Paul
was just amazing to watch.............he
was right there in front of us...........cool
as a cucumber ...............hardly any
sweat...............Gene was sweating like
a pig...............the show was totally
awesome!!...............The best show I
have ever seen KISS do........... .and
the closest I've ever been to them...............I
was totally satisfied just to be that close
to the stage.................but it was
gonna get better!!.................they
ended the show with ole faithful......"Rock
And Roll All Night"....................Paul
broke his guitar at the end..........I moved
up close hoping he would toss it out to
me................but he didn't toss it
out at all................must be a liability
thing?.............everyone wants to sue
everybody else over something lame............Paul
did do a really memorable thing during the
show...............there were two girls
right behind us..............both blondes............they
were "Rocker Chicks"..............Kiss
groupies for sure.................well Paul
got one of them to pull her boobs out............and
she kept them out for the whole song .........b ouncing
them all around..........I could barely
notice though.........LOL..................yeah
right!!.............I turned around for
a free bobbie shot again and she is passed
out on the ground??...............her friend
didn't even try to help her..............this
girl was passed out on the floor laying
there with her boobs hanging out!!............I
could tell that she was OK.............she
was just messed up on something?...............so
she laid there a little while................then
she got back up................now here
shirt was ripped and the buttons were all
busted off..................so what does
she do??...................she let them
boobs of hers hang out and she watched the
On Girl!!.................she was kinda
skanky...........but hey............bo obs
are boobs................Paul seen the whole
thing and was laughing up on stage..................I'm
sure he get's to see stuff like this everyday
of his life..............so the show ended............we
had instructions on where to go for the
"meet and greet" after the show.............we
were to immediately go to the other end
of the arena and meet some dude named Jeffrey...............he
was the Kiss hospitality dude................
of the other highlights of the show were
watching how much Gene spit on the stage
...........besides having one of the longest
tongues in the world...............I think
he could kick
ass in a lugie spitting contest...............I
bet he could spit a hefty lunger twenty
feet!!.............I guess he works up some
good spit from spitting the fire and blood..............he
is AWESOME!!!....................my HERO!!!
we packed up our gear and made our way back
to meet Jeffrey ...........there were probably
forty people lined up to meet KISS backstage
...............twelve of us had paid the
thousand bucks to get the Platinum Package........Fatty,
George and I were three of th e
twelve ..........Jeffrey collected everyone's
signed waivers of release..............and
had us all follow him back through the corridors
single file.............I was scared to
death!!...............we all ended up in
a wide hallway where he lines us up against
the wall and told us what to expect...............he
said that the band would probably sign anything
that we asked them to sign and to be courteous
to others and not "hog up" the
band members..........some of the people
back stage waiting had already met KISS
before at other shows and said that they
were totally cool and that they would sign
autographs and talk with us all one on one...............I
was so stok ed!..............I
was shaking...............so we waited there
and Jeffrey talked with us telling us what
to expect..............he was a really cool
guy.............he told us how we would
get all the "picture taking" over
with first.............each person got two
professional pics taken with the band...............the
pics would be super high quality for printing
and blowing up...............he said that
we would get an email notification to a
link where all of our pictures would be......we
could save them to disk right off the website.................that
sounded great.............and very simple.............so
we were just waiting some more when all
of the sudden Peter Criss comes around the
corner.............then Gene.......then
Paul and Tommy Thayer ( Ace's replacement
)...............Peter was all happy and
laughing............he said "wow.............you
guys paid a thousand bucks to see us?"................he
seemed surprised that a fan would pay that
to see them................then Gene had
a mouth full of fruit juice that he spit
on the floor towards us as he came in........they
were all smiling and ver y
relaxed................they didn't seem
larger than life...........just normal people
hanging out.........much smaller than I
would have expected too..........and they
were in full make-up and gear.............Gene
was by far the tallest one..........so we
went right into taking pictures as soon
as the band settled .........George was
second to pose with the band............I
was third and Fatty was fifth............I
get up there with the band and Gene took
notice to my Kiss Shorts.............he
reached down and asked me "what I had
in there?"..........he touched my balls
people!!........I swear to GOD!!.........I
waited 30 years for that!!...............he
was totally cool............I don't think
he had seen these shorts before...............so
then I asked him to choke me for the first
picture...............he obliged....;)............I
could feel the sweat and sticky blood on
his hands as he put them around my throat................I
was in pure heaven!!..... ...........Gene
Simmons actually touched me!!!................the
second shot, Gene took it upon himself to
put his finger in my ear...............he
was great!...............I was so pleased
with the way they acted.........I was just
totally "star struck" after the
second pic...........but I was more relaxed
too..........Fatty came up and got his pics
taken...............then we we all waited
and watched as everyone got their pics taken
with the band...............just watching
them pose and goof off with each person
was great..............Gene changed his
pose every pic...............he is the greatest!!!...............he
had a towel that he was using to wipe his
sweat, blow his nose and wipe all the excess
blood from his chest............George was
eyeing it up too..........:)..............so
after everyone got their pics taken .................Jeffrey
cut us loose and let us all mingle with
the band ...............everyone had stuff
to get autographed................and the
band signed everything.............Fatty
and I each got our T-shirts that we were
wearing signed.............I got and extra
pair of KISS shorts signed...........and
comic book.............George got a bunch
of rare KISS memorabilia signed................Fatty
got a rare picture signed..............each
member was outstanding ...........Tommy
Thayer was very eager to sign stuff..............he
wasn't very famous before replacing ACE.............it
was a shame that ACE quit the band............he
is George's Idol...............My favorite
was Gene...............he was the best and
I felt the most relaxed talking too...............then
Peter...............George and I "pitched"
to Peter that we want him to come and do
the next Baltimore KISS convention...............he
said we couldn't afford him, in a joking
way................he said he wanted to
do his own convention............we said
we would pay him a lot of money..............he
said " I already have a lot of money"............LOL.............but
he was totally cool the whole time.............Paul
seemed a little "distant".............almost
shy............but he signed everything
for us with a smile............these guys
are PROS at autograp hs..........they
are fast...............and each signature
looks the same every time they sign.............I
brought my own pens for them to use................I'm
gonna have them framed...........along with
everything else I got signed at the show............the
time was way to short............it all
lasted about an hour...............it would
have been nice to talk with the band more............but
everyone was hurrying around trying to get
stuff signed ................I think the
"meet and greet" would be better
before the show..............I'm sure the
band was tired after the show............after
all............they are all old enough to
be my pop!!.............so Jeffrey told
us all that it was over............that's
when I noticed that Peter had signed his
name on my KISS shorts over Paul's face??..............they
each sign according to where their face
or body or what ever pertains to them on
the merchandise................well Peter
messed up and signed on Paul's face...........so
I had two signatures on Paul's face and
none on Pete r's.............they
were leaving and I asked Peter to please
sign the shorts...........he said "I
did"..............I said you did it
in the wrong spot................he laughed
and said "give me the pen"................then
as Gene was leaving I asked him to hit me
in the head for good luck...............he
obliged again................WOW!!..............and
just like that..............they were gone............a
dream fulfilled people!!................I
know a lot of you thinks KISS sucks.............but
they have been my idols ever since I was
in the fourth grade..............I looked
up to them and have respected them my entire
life................I like what they stand
for..............and I love the way they
promote themselves.................KISS
RULES!!............it's a total way of life!!
gathered us all up and lead us back out
to the arena..............we each got a
signed tour guide for the show...............hand
signed by all four band members.............we
also got signed guitar picks.............so
for a grand each...............we got a
hell of a lot of stuff.............it was
worth it just getting to see the band so
close on stage and be back stage for me...............a
moment in my life that is totally burned
into my brain...............Life is good!!...............so
after that we went
out to the arena........Aerosmith was on
stage singing "Toys in the Attic"..........we
went back to our seats and watched them
for a few minutes............we looked at
each other and said " lets get outa
here"....................we rolled
out...............the whole drive home we
were remembering things and saying"
Aerosmith Who"..................LOL...............I
like Aerosmith..............we were just
ready to leave after that awesome experience!!...................Oh
yeah.................that girl who pulled
out her boobs.................she was back
stage too...............and she got pics
with the band................she didn't
have a Platinum Pass?.................so
I have no idea how she got back there.................but
she got to do it all just like we did................it's
good to have BOOBS!!..................I
was watching as Paul signed her Boob...............he
drew a star around her nip and then signed
her Boob!!............what a night!!..............then
George was talking with Gene and noticed
that Gene
threw his towel on the floor...............George
asked Gene if he could have it............Gene
said "sure"............so George
had Gene sign that bloody, boggered up nasty
towel........LMAO...............that towel
is worth thousands now!!!................also...............nobody
even thought to take any pics while we were
back stage??...............It never crossed
my mind until I got in the truck for the
ride home..............the rules said no
video cameras...............but nobody was
taking pics?...........it would have been
good to get a pic of George getting Gene
to sign that nasty towel for authenticity
know it's Gene's towel George!!...........boggers
and all!!
far as today...........like you even care
now after reading all this garbage about
KISS..............my ears are ringing pretty
bad..............Robbie is finishing up
all the snake cleaning................Bob
is out working on more landscaping for me..............I
received the link to the KISS pics from
last night...............they turned out
awesome..............I saved them all to
disk and pr inted
Fatty's, George's and mine out using T's
picture printer.............they look really
good..............George stopped by today
and gave me a present............he had
a shot that he snapped of Gene last night
blown up and framed for me.............what
a guy!!..............I love it George!!.......Thanks!..........he
had all the pics he snapped on that disposable
camera put on a disk..........so I copied
all the pics onto my PC so that I can put
them in the journal...........you guys are
going to see some great pics.......some
from George............some from me..................and
the professional quality ones from back
stage.............Fatty stopped by after
work ...........we printed out his two pics
to take home.................I have to say
that T's printer kicks ass!!...........I
knew I should have kept that one and given
her my old one........LOL........;P.................
noticed that my Paradox Albino male was
breeding his mother today while he was cleaning
( man that sounded sick? )...............I'm
also trying to breed him to his albino sister..............it
sure would be great to prove out the "Paradox
Gene"...............I wanted to snap
a pic of it real quick and forgot..............I'll
catch them next ti me..............this
is the first time he has locked up with
his mom since I started breeding..............he
has been a slow starter..............I guess
all that rain and wind got him horned up!!...............I'm
way to far behind on my paper-work this
week..............I had so much other stuff
"come up" this week that I just
got "swamped"..............it
is 11:49 pm right now...............and
I'm pretty close to being finished all the
writing of the journal..........I got plenty
of KISS pics to re-size and get in here..........I'm
still a wreck just thinking about what we
did..............it will be so much easier
next time we go back stage....................right
I'm going to cry like a big baby!!.................last
night was one of the best nights in my life..............and
I come home and it was also the worst (
kinda ).............I was so wired last
night that I came home and posted a couple
pics of KISS up on the RDR Forum before
heading up to bed...............so I did
that........then I went up to bed and couldn't
sleep.............so I popped in the SURVIVOR
tape.............I'm sick about the whole
damn thing people !!................RUPERT
is Gone!!...............he got voted off
last night........I wanted him to win so
damn bad............I knew he probably couldn't..............but
I did expect him to get further than being
the second member of the jury??.................It
was a conspiracy!!.............Rupert was
getting "cocky".............but
not really to the other tribe members...........only
to the camera..............and Burton!!..............he
makes me sick!!..............he shouldn't
even be on the show!!.............and that
goes for Lil too!!..................Rupert
got outsmarted big time last night..............I
know he was surprised.............and so
was Christa and Sandra.............Lil totally
turned me off last night.......she stabbed
Rupert in the back!!...........and Jon.............what
a total LOSER!!!............how this man
has stayed on the island this long is beyond
me??..............every damn thing he says
"happens"................he knew
Rupert was going home.............I was
shocked..........I expected Lil to be on
Rupert's si de...............she
is going to get crapped on now............just
watch.............Burton will kick her to
the curb............I'm just totally shocked
and pissed off............I get to meet
KISS............come home wanting to see
Rupert kick some ass...........and he gets
voted off???..........that's OK though............shit
happens!!...........Rupert will be the "All
Star Survivor"................he will
get his own survival show and make millions
from all of this................I love ya
RUPERT!!............you were just too damn
strong for your won good BIG BOOYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEEE!!.....
there it is guys...........I swear this
journal is getting longer and longer each
month...........and I'm becoming one hell
of a typer...............with only two fingers!!...............so
copy this all you want BONERS!!,,,,,,,,,,,,,,why
don't ya come up with something good that
I can copy damn it!!..........we're all
the same.............pics, lists of morphs
and prices..............blah, blah, blah..............soon
it will be pics, list of morphs, prices
and journals...............LMAO..............what
will Ralph come up with next?...........well
don't you worry folks............it's already
done.............ain't nobody gonna "out
wit or out last" me......................Have
A Great Weekend Everyone!!..............and
when Gene Simmons touches your balls..............you
better damn right appreciate it!!...........Rock
On!!.................and thanks to everyone
for welcoming the new forum..............
Tuesday_November_25 |
is feeding the snakes today............Bob
is out working in the yard................man
it's great to hav e
a "yard keeper"......LMAO!!...............not
really.............but it sounded good..........I'm
just keeping Bob busy during the cold months
until he can get his Landscaping business
started back up in the Spring...........so
that means lots of new stuff planted in
my yard!!............I separated all the
breeding pairs first thing this morning
so that we could feed them all...........there
were a few pairs still "locked up"
so I let them be............but everyone
else got separated.........I had a lot of
work to do today............bidding work
and making phone calls.................you
guys don't hear much about the Construction
Company..............it works like this............Fatty
and his two helpers ( Rick and Dougie )
do all the work in the feild..............and
I do all the work in the office.............I
used to be in the field and the
office..............as the reptile business
picked up I need to be in the off ice
and around the snakes more often...........and
now that it has become so successful and
is actually a "daily job", I rarely
go out into the field unless it is to help
Fatty stay on schedule.............it works
out great ...........although it was a heck
of a lot easier when I went to work every
day with Fatty..........:)...............So
I got my office work done, then I went out
to get all my errands done............I
went to the dump, got my spare tire put
back on down at the tire place...............then
I went
up to the rat barn to set up a bunch of
new mouse breeder groups................yepper..............the
mice are doing so well that I can start
new groups from the "wieners"..............George's
wife Mel stopped by on here way home from
work while I was working...........I think
she has found her second home............"The
rat barn"..........she just loves rats!!.............and
it's all because George got that baby ball
python from me ( Lester )..............if
he wouldn't have done that, she would have
never seen all my rats!!................once
she seen the barn she was hooked...............I
think she wants a job?..........LOL ...............she
hung out for awhile , then left.............I
got all the mice set up, I packed an order
for a guy who would be stopping by the house
later,,,,,,,,and then cleaned up my mess................then
I road across the lane to Mr. John's..............he
was working on his Mom's place............he
has people moving it to rent soon.............he
was in the bathroom stripping glue off the
floor with gasoline!!...............the
house reeked of GAS.............damn farmers!!..............that's
what I call "farmer mentality"............the
gas did work.............but the house will
probably need to be aired out for a week!!.........LOL.................I
think I'm coming down with the flu????........ |
Sunday_November_30 |
I got the journal done yesterday, I got
off my ass and pulled all the breeder males
out and set them up with the ladies, I'm
going to keep the pairs together until next
Tuesd ay
morning ...........I ran my big barrel fan
for 10 mins to pull some crisp air into
the room form outside..........I love doing
that!!......;).........we ordered some Chinese
food for delivery..........then I decided
to go over the Phil's last night and finish
the last coat of drywall mud ( skim coat
)..............after that we installed two
new windows in his basement.................that
"flu bug" has left my body!! (
I think? )..............maybe it's in Phil
( Sun ) I feel a lot better...............I
got up early and cooked Brooke some eggs............then
Mom got to my house to pick the kids up
for Church..........I moved some males arou nd
this morning that weren't doing a damn thing...............I
have some lazy boys here this year!!...........I've
been taking it easy on them so far this
season...............I'll crack down harder
after the first of the year.....;).............I
did catch a lot of pairs locked up............so
I snapped some pics..............I'll get
them in December's journal..................after
that I sat down at the puter and answered
some email.............I got two new pages
done on the RDR
Member Pics Page..............Al and
Sarah...............Al is a buddy of mine
from Canada..............and Sarah is a
new member to RDR.............she is an
artist................:).............I did
all this while the kids were at Church..............after
Church T and I went down to meet my parents
with our kids at my Mom's house.................we
are all going to a Christmas Expo.............zzzzzzzzzzzzzz..........:P
Expo was pretty cool..................they
had a bunch of vendors there selling Xmas
stuff and crafts............the whole place
was done up with Xmas trees and Xmas stuff..............you
know the drill..............:)...............I
snapped some pics of these really elaborate
ginger bread houses...........they really
were done well and were amazingly detailed.............they
had a bunch on display that people had made................I
think there was a c ontest?...............some
of the houses had prices on them......I
guess you could buy them?................The
kids got to sit on Santa's lap...............and
their Highlight of the day was getting their
faces painted...............Brooke got her
face all done up as a Tiger..................Gump
got done up as Spider Man...............the
lady doing the make-up always had a line
of kids in front of her waiting to get painted................she
never took a break!!............there were
also wildlife rescue people there displaying
their animals.............animals that were
injured and could never be placed back in
the wild...........they had owls, vultures,
hawks ...............turtles and snakes
too..........I loved the Turkey Vulture
..............I snapped some pics.....:)................so
we checked the place out........we stayed
a few hours................then we went
home and had dinner at Mom's.............it
is my father's Birthday today................so
we had cake and sang to him too.................November
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