are reading the first journal of it's kind anywhere
in the herp world!!.............no bone-heads
were killed or injured while testing this product............make
no mistake............what you are about to read
is "the original"...............anything
else is just another ass-wipe copying yet another
one of " RDR's signature ideas"...........Ralphie......:)
you "Mouse Over" the pics the descriptions
will pop up*.............also
"refresh" this page often.......and
don't forget that all past month's journal entries
are in the archives*
Monday_March_01 |
barn today.......we got done around 2:30........Bob
and Robot started an hour earlier than they
usually do?.............works for me.......:).........T
called me on the cell as I was leaving the
rat barn and said that Brooke was anxious
to get a ferret....... ..I
had already stopped by the pet shop this
morning before I went to the rat barn and
bought the two ferrets they had left............one
was the ferret that Brooke wanted...........the
girl at the shop said that the two played
together well........that meant that I should
buy them both LOL........I was going to
anyway.......I kept a few ferrets back in
the day and never had just one............so
I told T and the kids that I would meet
them at the pet shop.............T was already
out on the road because she picked the kids
up from school.............so we met at
the shop...............Brooke was so excited...;).........we
bought the two ferrets and all the accessories
that they need............the big ferret
condo, hammocks, sleeping bags, food, water
bottle, food dish, litter pan, treats.........yada,
yada,yada..........it was $350.00 worth
of stuff when we were done shopping.........so
we got home and set the ferret condo up
in Brooke's play room............she has
a book that she has to read and she was
told that they are her responsibility
to play with and keep clean.............she
named one Tigger and the other Piglet......both
are little baby girls.........her and Gump
played with them for hours............I
have to say that they are potty trained
pretty good..............they actually ran
into their cage to poop..........so now
Brooke has her ferrets..........now lets
see how long she stays "a good girl"
and takes care of them............T thinks
she will lose interest ...............I
think she is ready for them, but she may
need a few reminders to keep them clean...........we
all were kiddies once right?.........
Tuesday_March_02 |
school today...............so the kids are
going to be playing with the ferrets all
day long........I'm glad I got two...............now
Gump feels like one is his...........but
Brooke says "no"...........they
are both hers and he can "borrow"
one..............LOL...........Gumps a riot!!.........today
T and the kids are giving the ferrets baths
in the tub..........yeah we got some "ferret
shampoo"............and even got some
"ferret perfume"............ferrets
do have a funky little "stink"
to them............I've always like the
smell though.........hehehe...........:P
is here feeding...........I'm on the phone
setting up shipments to go out tomorrow.
I got lots of emails and "phoning"
to do today..........Brooke came down while
I was in the office and asked if she could
use my Nikon 5700 to snap some pics of the
ferrets.........I figured she can't do anything
to the camera that I haven't done already......LOL...........after
all.........this is my second one.........I'm
a little too rough on digital cameras............or
are just too damn sensitive??..........so
I gave her a crash course on how the camera
worked and she said " I got it Daddy"............LOL...............she
will probably take better pics than some
of the ones I've seen on the net...........it's
so easy people!!!...........;P..........the
T-shirt place called me today and said that
the new shirts I ordered are done.............I
ordered 165 new shirts with MIDAS...........70
of the shirts are all different kid's sizes...........I
had to pay to have the logo shrunk so that
it will fit on a little kid's shirt.............I'll
go get them later when I run out to do some
got all my work done and told Robbie I would
see him later..........I went out to get
some stuff done............I picked up the
new T's first...........they looked great............the
little kid's sizes are a riot.............MIDAS
is half his size on the back.........they
really are cute!...........so now Gump can
wear an RDR shirt too!...........after that
I went up to the rat barn to check on things.........T
took the kids to my Mom's on her way to
work............the ferrets needed a break
anyway.......LOL..............Brooke was
upset because she read in her ferret book
that ferrets live to be 8 to 10 years old................she
said that wasn't long enough. I felt bad...........I
told her that ten years was a long time
to have fun with her ferrets..............Brooke
is very emotional about that kind of stuff........when
she is up-set........."we all pay"..........yepper.........WOMEN!!........
Factor was all girls last night..............the
first stunt all the women QUIT except for
one,,,,,,,,the girl I was pullin' for the
whole time.......hehehe............and she
did end up winning the 50 grand............all
the girls quit the first under water stunt
because it was "impossible"...........the
last girl whizzed right through it like
get on the damn show if your gonna QUIT!!.........sheeesh!!..........Then
Average Joe..............I could not believe
that she picked the stud "Gil"????..............I
was shocked that she picked him after meeting
him and he told her he wanted
to be an actor..............she just seemed
turned off by him and what he was saying??............but
she picked him in the end..............poor
"Average Joe" was devastated............that
show is pretty cruel..........it just goes
to show ya............it AIN"T what's
inside that counts to all the beautiful
that "twist" at the end of the
show??..............she tells Gil that her
"ex" was FABIO???............unbelievable??...........I
think Fabio is a total BONER............he
can't possibly have a brain in that big
Lion head of his..............how the hell
did she hook up with him anyway??................what
is she doing on Average Joe??...............slumming??...........I
agree with the way Gil acted..............he
was PISSED OFF!!.............who the hell
want's to be dating Fabio's ex when they
are just a "nobody"???..............well
if he really likes her I guess he will get
over it.............but he will always know
in the back of his mind that Fabio was hittin'
it first...............are you hearin' me
GUYS???................am I right or what?........LMAO!!................Reality
TV RULES!!!!!.........FABIO!!...........You
Suck!!!..... |
Thursday_March_04 |
LMAO!!......... ..I'm
just starting today's journal entry.........it's
5:37 pm...........Fatty is here in the office
with me ( he stopped by after work ) .............he
is laying back in my lounge chair snoring
his ass off!!............I don't have the
heart to snap a pic of him...........but
I should.........LOL............he is snoring
like a GRIZZLY!!...........Brooke was down
here doing her homework and had to go upstairs...........she
said he was scaring her.......LMAO!!.........
was cleaning today...........he marked down
a bunch of copulations for me..........I
told him that if he observes a pair locked
up that it was OK for him to mark down the
date and who was breeding on the record
card...............I give Robbie a little
more stuff to do each month............last
season I didn't let him clean any of the
breeder snakes during breeding season..............I
did them all so that I could monito r
what was going on.............this year
I let him help me do the adult breeders
and I show him what I expect him to do...............he
is doing fine ..........basically I tell
him to keep an eye out for pairs locked
up..............and not to disturb them
if they are breeding...........and to keep
an eye out for pre-lay sheds if the female
has a "follicle sticker" on the
front of her cage..............once I feel
follicles I know I'm gonna get eggs............I
just wait for a shed after that...........I
don't even worry about catching ovulations........if
I do that's great............but it doesn't
really matter..............if I feel big
follicl es
I I know I'm getting eggs...............I
know the female will ovulate and I will
get a shed three weeks or so later...............and
30 days from that I usually get eggs.........so
all Ralphie really thinks is important is
follicles ...........meaning I mark down
when I feel small ones...............and
as I feel them growing I know I'm done..................pretty
simple huh?............that's the way I
do it!!............it's all in the fingers
baby!!!.......maybe I'm just lucky?..............T
says I got good fingers though?.............who
picked up a Spider ball female today that
was sent by NERD.............NERD, Pete
Kahl and I have a shipment of high-end stuff
going out to England in the next few weeks............I'm
doing the shipping for us..............:).............the
little Spider female is very nice and chunky..........I
wish he slipped me a freebie in there for
all my hard work and support .............again
Ralph's undying devotion goes un-noticed
( waves to NERD ).............HA!!............Phil
me today to tell me that he found an electric
winch for me to use out at the shop............I
asked him to find me a winch that I could
hook up in the barn and use it to pull my
Sea Doos off the trailer and on to the dollies................yes
I'm a genius................and too damn
lazy and hurt to keep pulling those thousand
pound beasts off the trailer...............so
now I'm gonna have me a new spiffy winch
to do the work for me...........I could
use a "spiffy wench" too..............hehehe,,,,,,,,,,,ASS!!.........T
called me today and said that the dude we
are buying our new shuffle board table from
wants to deliver it on Saturday.........so
now I gotta find some "helpers"...........Fatty
can't help because his nuts are still sore...............Bob
may be out of town?...............hopefully
Phil will be around............it's gonna
take four of us to get that big ass table
up to the third floor..........;).............I
can't wait to get it though..........we
are gonna have a shuffle board party the
first week-end after it gets set up.
rolled out....he will finish up cleaning
tomorrow...............Fatty finally woke
up...........he has no ide a
I'm writing about him snoring........LOL..............he
said he isn't going to play wally-ball tonight.............he
said he wants to take one more week off
while his nuts heal..........that's two
weeks off Fat Ass!!!.....................so
anyway............I'm gonna put a couple
pics in the journal of Brooke and her new
ferrets............and maybe get done in
time to see the first 50 minutes of SURVIVOR!!............as
fishtail and loneylady would say............peace/out................sizzzzzzzzzzz................HA!!............
is another one from "Crazy Gary".............link |
Friday_March_05 |
finished cleaning today...............I
think he was a little sore too.....LOL...........he
played wally-ball with us last night............Big
Lou brought him along...........wally-ball
sucked last night too................BLAH!!................Phil
jammed his thumb real bad..........Lou and
I had to yank it back into place..............you
should have heard it POP..........hehehe..........Phil
called this morning and said that it was
hurting pretty bad.............so he went
and had some X-rays taken...............they
say it is not broken.............it is more
than likely badly sprained.............:(.............after
playing last night I came home and lounged
on the couch............I watched Rocky
III...............God I love Mr. T............."CLUBBER"..........."
I pity the FOOL".........BITE ME!!!...............I
didn't watch my Survivor tape...........I
may watch it tonight?..............I do
know that Sue QUITS!!..............I'm sure
she has some master plan of suing Richard
for swingin' is pecker at her................who
knows??...........she wouldn't have won
the million anyway?............and she is
a real BITCH!!...........ahhhhhhhhhhhh..........;)
cranked up my incubator room today ..........actually
I turned it on late last night and made
sure the high and low temps for the alarm
system were set correctly .............today
it is running fine.............89.2 degrees
...............I have several females going
into their pre-lay sheds right now.............so
now is a good time to make sure the incubator
is working correctly.............I should
start seeing eggs in the next 40 days or
so..........how many clutches will I get
this year?................any guesses??...............I
finished palpating today..............I
finally got to settle down and concentrate
on what I'm doing..............." I
have a few"..........hehehe.............so
I got my "first wave" of feelin'
the girls up done...............I'll go
through again in three weeks .................depending
on how things are going in three weeks will
help me decide whether or not I'm gonna
turn all the heat back on at the end of
March.............or extend the breeding
temps a couple weeks into April..............I
doubt I will do that.........things are
good enough right now..............:)
had a short day of Construction work............he
stopped by my place just as I was finishing
up the last of my work..............he said
he would help me get the rest of my work
done..............what a guy!!................we
went to the dump and got rid of a load of
trash............then we went up to the
rat barn to gas a few hundred small rats..............yepper..........Stu
and Amy are coming up this weekend to get
a bunch of frozen rats...............they
should be in sometime tomorrow afternoon..............they
will stay one night and head out on Sunday............people
come from miles and miles away to get some
of those
"RDR Rats"..............I'm glad
they are coming too...........I have tons
of surplus rats right now................after
we got everything bagged up and put in the
freezer I tested out the swamp coolers to
make sure they were running OK...............it
has been unusually warm here the past few
days..................Winter may be over??................I
don't mind..............but I wouldn't be
surprised if we get one more good snow.
new shuffle board table gets delivered tomorrow
..............I have Fatty and Phil lined
up to help get the damn thing up the steps.............Phil
probably won't be able to do much with his
hurt thumb?................he is also doing
some plumbing repairs for me around the
house...........we already have called some
people and invited them to play shuffle
board tomorrow night..........I can't wait!!.............I
hope this table is nice?..............it
better be for the money it cost.........it
was hand made in Canada and shipped to the
US............. .those
Canadians know how to work with wood for
sure...............they ain't much on breeding
snakes though.........heheheh............HI
Corey and Mark...........( Ralph grins )..........j/k........note
to Ralph ~~ "Don't piss off the Canadians
when your about to come do a ball python
talk" ~~.........FREE T-SHIRTS while
supplies last!!!...........so anyway...........that's
the plan................get the shuffle
board table set up..............get some
plumbing work done...............then Phil
and I will go up to the shop to install
the electric winch I just bought for pulling
my Sea Doos off of the trailer...............Fatty,
Mr. John and I tested the winch out today
while we were up there..................it
worked perfectly.......:)...............all
we have to do now is permanently mount it
and I'm all set........;)
came home and got showered ...............I
helped Brooke clean out her ferret condo
...........actually she helped me............I
just wanted to show her how to do things,,,,,,,,,,,she'll
get the hang of it.............they are
little poopin' machines!!........then we
played with them for awhile.........they
are funny as hell once they get all wound
up............and when they get tired.............they
go right in the cage and lay down.............that
fast......."lights out"........BAM!!.......I
wish I could "crash" like that.............I
got a few emails today and some phone calls
pointing me over to KS...........the "Voice
of Truth" started an interesting thread
..................som ehow
my name got started in it..........I think
somebody posted that VOT was me...............or
sounded like me??...............I read it.............didn't
sound anything like me..................sounded
like VOT............so let me see here?................we
got VOT........then we got fishtail................and
looneylady...............The Three Amigos!!!...............boy
do they know how to get the party started!!...............I
will say this.............they are damn
well informed.............they remind me
of "me"..............but I must
say.................none of them are me...............I
ain't got the time to be anonymous..........I
want full credit for being a BONER!!!...........I
think all the breeders are assholes..........and
I'm the BIGGEST one of all...............and
with that you get my undying dedication
and customer service!!!...........10-4 that!!!!...............You
ALL SUCK!!!.............but have a Great
Week-End anyway...................Rock the
@3%! ON!!!!!....................I'm going
upstairs to watch some tube............I
got a busy day tomorrow .............I would
like to thank everyone for all the joyous
emails and phone calls ever since the "Lucy
War" shit hit the fan.............it
has been interesting to say the least............"The
King" is signing off now................you
can hate me all week-end because I'm such
an ass.........Karma, Cuff and Link say
KISS MY ASS!!!.........Lilly is "undecided"..............LOVE
do men whistle when they are on the crapper?"..............It
helps them remember which end to wipe..................LMAO!!! |
Saturday_March_06 |
shuffle board dudes showed up around 10:00
am............three guys came..........they
brought it on a trailer ..................naturally
it was raining.....;)...........Fatty and
Phil came over to help out............Phil's
finger is pretty messed up from that wally-ball
accident, so he couldn't help...........it
was cool though............we had plenty
of "muscle".. .......Phil
did some work replacing some parts on all
the toilets in my house while we worked
on the shuffle board table.............the
board was crated...........so the first
thing we did was get it into the garage
and uncrate it all...............the playing
board is one solid piece............14 foot!!.............the
rest was in pieces..................The
guys that came to deliver it were pretty
nervous about how many flights of stairs
we had to go up........and all the twists
and turns............Fatty and I told them
not to worry.............we had carried
a smaller "version" up there with
no problems......hehehe......it was a piece
of DUU~~~~~~~and way lighter than this new
we got it all uncrated.............Fatty
and I took the front of the baord.........and
the other two guys took the back...............we
made our way up the steps...........this
board was heavy as all hell!!.............a
real BEAST!!..............up two sets up
winding stairs!!..............we got it
to the second floor and rested...............then
we humped it up to the third floor..............I
DO NOT want to do that ever again!!..............If
I sell the house, the shuffle board table
goes with it........hehehe.........so Fatty
and I did our part.............we hung out
while they assembled the table............the
guy that owns the biz explained a lot of
stuff to me about the board..........he
even let me do some of the leveling and
board adjustments so that I would be familiar
with the way the board works if I ever needed
to "tweak" it in the future...........the
board is awesome!!.........I'm very pleased!!!
the board got all set up we helped them
pack up their equipment and they headed
down the road...............Fatty went back
home to baby-sit......;).................Phil
and I went to the dump.............then
we went and got some supplies we would need
to install the electric winch at the shop..................Stu
and Amy called from the road and said that
they were getting close to the rat barn...............so
I told them I would meet them there...............(
turns out they stopped by Mickey Dee's while
Phil and I were getting some grub )...........so
Phil and I went up to the barn, we did all
the "rat work" first...........by
that time Stu and Amy showed up...........they
came up to visit for the week-end and to
buy a bunch of frozen rats..........S &
A hung out while Phil and I mounted the
power winch and the pullies...........Stu
was snapping pics of us while we were working..............here
is the link to some of the pics he took.......LINK..........we
finished up and went back to my place...............Phil
rolled out to get a shower and pick up Robbin............they
would be coming back to play shuffle board
tonight..............Fatty, Sandy, Phil,
Robbin, Stu, Amy, T and I with ALL the kiddies
went out to the mall to eat........LOL................yepper...............we
went to the "food court" and had
a smorgasbord...............then we all
went back to my place and played shuffle
board...........my Mom and Dad showed up
a little later......one of T's cousins stopped
by and T's Mom's boyfreind..............that
new board is attracting them all like flies...........we
played until 2:00 am or so..............we
had a blast!!...............Stu and Amy
didn't do bad at all for it being their
first time lathering...........LMAO!!...............did
I just say that?.............HA!!............so
anyway it was a full day...............we
had fun.............
Sunday_March_07 |
got up pretty late...........Stu and Amy
were up with T and the kids early...........they
all had pancakes ..............I woke up
and had to fix my own damn Sunday breakfast
..............I was beat!!........Stu and
Amy were hungry for the sausage I was making.......so
I fixed them some too...........:)...........we
watched a little tube ( Scare Tactics )..............that
show is way over the top............I suggest
you watch it when it comes on.............NERD
recommended it to me...........I don't get
to see it every time it comes on............but
there are plenty of re-runs .............after
some tube we went down and checked out all
the snakes............Stu snapped some pics
and I showed them some of my newer stuff.
we went up to the rat barn and loaded Stu
up with 450 frozen rats!!............I think
he is gonna be opening up some kind of "frozen
rat stand"................LOL...........I'm
glad to get rid of the frozen rats.............I'm
almost to the point where I need to get
a second freezer..........there is always
a huge excess of rats in the winter months,
because my snakes and many of my customer's
snakes are off feed................so I
get stuck with tons of rats............ and
I run out of room quick...............so
in order to have room for each weeks "new
pull" ( smalls weaned from their Moms
) I have to gas off a few hundred each week...............I
usually do it on Sunday's.............in
the Summer I don't have to do as much gassin'.............Stu
took 450 rats and I know there was at least
that many more left in the freezer ...........anybody
want to come get some frozen rats?.............so
they got all loaded up..............we iced
them down real good in coolers ...........after
that Stu and Amy headed back to North Carolina............it
was fun guys!!..........always a pleasure.......;).......DO
they left I fine tuned some stuff in the
rat room and headed back home..........I
answered some emails and got a little bit
of paper-work done............Phil called
me and said he was on his way up to the
barn to fill his rodent orders for tomorrow
..............I told him "I just left"..........he
was cool..............he didn't have much
to load up.......T ordered some Chinese
food for delivery.............we all ate
and hung out watching the tube..............tonight
is the BIG NIGHT.............The Sopranos
season starts.............YEAH BABY!!.............who's
gonna get clipped this season??..............I
say Christopher ................I just have
a weird feeling about it.......I can't wait
to see Carmela..............Tony is a rat
bastard for cheatin' on her!!...............she
is the BOMB!!!!........... |
Monday_March_08 |
barn today.............we got done around
4:30............I was driving home and received
a call on my cell asking what the hell did
I post on Kingsnake??...........I had no
clue??.............I was out all day and
KS looked pretty tame before I left.............well
below is what some BONER posted on the ball
python forum at Kingsnake.........I log
in on Kingsnake with Ralph Davis..........so
this person had to log in as "ralph_davis"..........what
lost journal entries"
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Posted by: ralph_davis at Mon Mar 8 14:13:55
2004 [ Report Abuse ] [ Email Message ]
just hatched a white snake with a yellow
stripe.... wow how lucky.... I just don’t
know how it could have happened.... must
be karma…. i think I’ll name
her that.... what if I could convince people
that my lesser plattys have something to
do with the lucy.... I have to be careful....
tell everyone I just can’t figure
out these genetics.... its complicated you
know.... maybe say that when the platinum
and the lesser come together lightening
strikes and white snakes are made.... but
we just don’t know.... i need to play
this like my favorite game.... survivor....
outlive.... outlast.... deception is part
of the game.... if I have to lie to win....
its part of the game.... hope nobody seen
me talk about having produced a lesser platinum
phantom.... that could be bad.... yepper....
that would prove that when a lesser and
a phantom come together there is no snake
of white.... only lesser phantoms.... oh
well there too stupid to figure that out....
.... i can just tell them I don’t
know.... these voodoo genetics are complicated
you know.... i have a ton of these lessers
sitting around that nobody wants to buy....
but if they think that there is a white
snake in there.... i will sell them....
i feel bad about this lie so I will not
sell them for any more money.... nobody
can get mad if I sell them for the same
money.... right.... but if I thought that
the leucy gene was in there I would never
sell them for the same price.... hope no
one figures that out.... they won’t
there too stupid.... and I will just say
I just can’t figure this thing out....
what happens when they breed their lessers
and never get a white snake.... oh well
I told them I hadn’t figured it out
yet and I didn’t charge any more....
maybe I should say that no one can figure
out their genetics to help cover my lies....
this plan is pure evil genius.... I am going
to sell a lot of lesser plattys now....
.... well im off to count my millions....
screw my reputation.... i have millions
to count.... ....
is an email I had waiting for me when I
got back in the office.............
is hard to track by IP but this person made
a classic mistake. He posted more than 1
post without logging off AOL then re-logging
to get a new IP number. I took the IP from
that post (cache-dp10.proxy.aol.com at
and compared it to several other posts made
at roughly the same time (Fri Mar 5 3:23:16
2004). Nothing matched in the ball forum
that I saw, but I had a hunch that it might
be someone that also visits the python,
boa, or feeder forums. Richard "amazoa"
matched the exact IP number (cache-dp10.proxy.aol.com
at at about the right time
(Fri Mar 5 04:55:47 2004)... http://forums.kingsnake.com/view.php?id=376364,376602
. Not 100% reliable (99.99999999%) but I
think you know the odds of someone logging
off, someone else logging on and getting
the exact same cached IP number, going to
the same forums, posting within 90 minutes
of the first person, etc... A check at the
BOI says "amazoa" Richard's last
name is Rooker.
knows??.........I have no clue who it is.............but
he reads the journal........LOL......it
sounds exactly like some of the shit spoken
from one of the people involved in the "Lucy
Wars"...........so maybe somebody was
put up to it??...............hmmmmmmm..............just
goes to prove Ralphie's point ............JEALOUSY
drives some people mad!!..........I'm not
even going to challenge the post............other
than to say this............real simple............yes
I bred Lesser Platty X Phantom twice............yes
both times I produced white snakes with
blue eyes ( 2.1 total from two different
clutches )...............yes the white snakes
have faint yellow broken stripes.... ..........yes
I produced normal looking babies, Phantoms,
Lessers and some type of cool "cross".............is
the cross a Phantom / Lesser?................I
would assume that it is...........who the
heck knows??............you guys know as
much as I do...............so who ever this
BONER is I say just hold your horses and
let Ralphie work a couple more years.............of
course I'm going to make millions to add
to all the millions I already have..........it's
from hard work and honesty ASSHOLE!!!!..............YES............a
Phantom OR a Lesser COULD
get you in the "white snake game"............I'm
two for two.........is that a crime?.......so
if you want them.............ya better get
them before I find out for SURE what the
hell is going on.......LMAO!!................Damn
It Man!!!............I'm surrounded by BONERS!!!
has volley ball tonight.............Mom
called me and said that my Dad would baby-sit
the kids for me if I wanted to go see "The
Passion Of The Christ" with her.............I
have heard a lot about the movie..............and
I was about half scared to go see it.............but
I told her that I would............so poor
Dad has to deal with Brookie and Gump tonight............hehehehe............T
is taping Fear Factor and that Charlie's
Angels story.............I just loved Kate
Jackson's character........:)........... |
Tuesday_March_09 |
movie last night was unbelievable ( The
Passion )...........it was a typical Mel
Gibson "style" picture...........the
man had some balls putting a movie like
that out...............I was "moved"
to say the very least ...........everyone
in the theater was either crying or sitting
there not being able to blink.........it
was the most shocking movie I have ever
seen in my entire life...........no doubt
at all about that..............I'm not sure
I could watch it twice??.............you
will either love this movie or hate it...............either
way you will leave the theater thinking
about what you just saw............I felt
very guilty and uneasy............this movie
paints a very horrifying picture of what
Jesus went through in the last twelve hours
of his life............FOR US!!!
I'm in the office working on a bunch of
CITES applications and all the paper-work
that goes with them........Robot is feeding
the snakes................BIG LOU had some
bad news.............his Father died early
Monday morning while in the hospital...........Lou
has lost both his parents inside of 3 years........he
was 82 years old and died from organ complications...........I
feel sad for Lou...........he seems to be
taking it OK............he just needs his
posted in the RDR forum about a new brand
of rat diet that he found...........it's
called KENT........he says that they sell
50 pound bags for eight bucks a bag...........that's
better than what I'm paying for Ziegler.............I
pay $11.40 for a 50 pound bag delivered..............that
is a very good price.............but I'm
always looking to save some dough on rat
food..............so I went to Kent's web
site and it looks like they don't sell in
my area...........but one of their "sister"
companies does.............Blue Seal.............so
I put in some calls today to see if anyone
will contact me about the product ...............eight
bucks a bag is a killer price as long as
it is a quality diet of at least 18% protein............if
any of you local to me have checked on Blue
Seal to see if they even have a rat diet
.............please email me and let me
know what you found out?
finished feeding and rolled out..........I
double up on feeding some snakes a couple
hours after he left...............then I
went and checked for some pre-lay sheds
and did a little more palpating.....;).............good
things are happening here FOLKS..............very
good things.......;).......I worked in the
office the rest of the night until it was
time to pick Brooke up from church...............I'll
watch my Charlie's Angels tape tonight............. |
Wednesday_March_10 |
met George and Mel this morning at Bob Evan's
for breakfast ........Brooke has a doctor
appointment.............she is coughing
and has a sore throat AGAIN!!............this
year has been brutal on my kids for sinus
infections and colds............I still
have a little cough that I can't shake from
a month ago............and I went through
a bottle of antibiotics?...........I have
my annual "complete physical"
set up for Friday of this week.............I'm
gonna ask the doctor if he can run me on
some more antibiotics ............I need
3 cc of Baytril every day for nine days!!..........LOL.........and
crank up my heat tape!!............after
breakfast I took a couple hours to shop
for supplies and run all my errands........Robbie
is cleaning cages today............I still
have some CITES work left to do.......Tracy
Barker called me today to remind me about
her and Dave visiting me next week..............I'm
glad she did, because it totally slipped
my mind.............her and Dave will be
in town visiting her family this coming
week.............she asked if they could
stop by and tour my place while they were
here.............I said sure........I'll
try to get some good pics of them with their
guard down.......LOL......WOW..............VPI
coming to see little ole' Ralphie's place..............ROCK
said Dave is bringing all his "equipment"...........so
that means that he will be taking a bunch
of pictures I'm sure..................it
should be a great learning experience for
us. I worked on getting all my ball python
pics together for the "talk" I'm
giving in Canada next month...........I
think I have all the pics I need..............it's
very hard trying to assemble a list of all
the ball python
morphs..........but I think it's complete
...........I went in and answered a couple
questions on the "Ask Ralphie Page"..........I'm
getting a lot of positive feed-back on the
page saying that it is a great idea...........I
like it too................I just won't
be able to answer the questions immediately...........it
all depends on how busy I am..............just
MORE work............who luvs ya??.............huh?..............yepper...........My
Dad dropped the kiddies off here at 8:00
pm............I had enough of the office
anyway...............so the kiddies and
I went up and played with the ferrets for
an hour..............they are damn cute.............I
love it when they get all goofy and start
running backwards.........Brooke loves them.................Gump
ain't sure about them yet he says...........LOL.............KIDS!!......... |
Thursday_March_11 |
finished tweaking my "walk in"
incubator room this morning............I
have had it running for a couple days now...........I
changed the direction I circulate the air
in the room and that messed with my temperature
reading............so I had to adjust the
HELIX a little until I got my 89.2 in the
room.............so now I'm ready for eggs..............all
20 clutches of them right!!............hehehe.......shhhhhhhhhhhhh.............:P........Robbie
is still cleaning...........I'm doing payroll
and paying bills.................The lady
from the Sea Doo dealer called me today
to tell me that my new 215 hp Super Charged
Sea Doo will be in very soon...............I
can't wait to see it....;).............Mine
will be green............Phil's will be
yellow............his should be arriving
a few weeks after mine..............whooooooowhooooo!!............I
also got a couple calls from Blue Seal people
today............they basically collected
some info from me as to what product I was
interested in and said they would get back
to me................so hopefully Blue Seal
does make a rat diet.............I'm not
even sure that they do?.............Robbie
rolled out, Brooke got home from school
and wanted a snack.............she always
eats a microwave "kids nugget meal"
after school.................so I went up
and ate a late lunch with her........... ..I
can't eat or drink anything at all after
7:00 pm tonight...............yep...........I
got a physical tomorrow morning at 6:50
am..........too damn early!!.............I
try to get a physical every year just to
make sure I'm half way healthy..............so
far so good..............I think my cholesterol
is high?.........it was the last time I
had blood taken...............and I will
be giving some blood tomorrow ............SUCKS!!...........but
it's nice to know your healthy...........and
if your not...........well the earlier you
find out the better............I burn the
candle at both ends 24/7..........so I'm
always a little worried about my heart and
stuff like that..............the doctor
says my heart is in great shape..............at
least it was last year?.............right
now it is 7:15 pm..........T just got home
with dinner.............LOL.............all
I can think about is FOOD right now because
I know I can't have any...........I play
wally-ball at 9:00 pm.............so that
will take my mind off of food for a little
while anyway..............but I know I'll
be up all night "thinking I'm starving"...........all
I can have is water.........BLAHH!!!!!!!!!!.............I'm
done all the writing I can do for the night............hell
I'm gonna be able to watch Survivor...........all
but the last 5 mins............I leave just
in enough time to get to wally-ball...............so
I end up missing tribal council.......:(............but
T tapes it for me.....;)............. |
Friday_March_12 |
was NUTS last night.............did you
see that 94 foot yacht!!!...........Ethan
screwed up BIGTIME............Boston Rob
was smart enough to use the damn machete
to cut the rope instead of trying to untie
the damn knot........I told T as soon as
I seen Ethan get to the rope first that
Rob would still beat him back to the beach.............and
sure enough Rob comes running back with
the two oars still tied together........LOL...........poor
Ethan.........and what a reward that was.............I
had to starve all night because of my doctor
appointment this morning ............watching
them all on that yacht pounding down on
burgers and fries was killin' me......;)............and
then Tribal Council...............holy shit
did Colby get blind-sided ............I
didn't think Lex was going to pull it off...............but
he did..............now Colby is gone instead
of Jerri...........those two had it in for
each other anyway.............but the team
is weaker now.............maybe a merge
is close??.................damn that was
a great show!!............and next week
it looks like Rob and Amber finally hook
up..............hehehe.........right now
I say it could be Lex or Boston Rob............but
I really think the ladies will team up and
a woman will win this one..............hopefully
Cathy.............I watched the whole show
before I left for wally-ball.................we
had some outstanding SWEATY games last night.
got up at 6:00 am this morning.............zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.........SUCKED!!.........starving
my ass off too!!.............I couldn't
wait to get the physical over with and go
grub out......:)..........the physical went
fine..............blood pressure was perfect...........heart
tests were great ............vision is like
a HAWK!!..................they don't even
test my hearing anymore because it's so
bad..............I'm looking into finding
out whether a digital hearing aid would
help me or not??................I'm pretty
used to being deaf, I've been reading lips
for years now. So the physical was over..............then
they sent me over to the lab to get my blood
work done..............so in a few days
I guess I'll know how my blood tested?...............I
think my cholesterol will be bad................it
has been in the past..............the doctor
said that if it is bad, he will put me on
medication. Other than that I'm in fine
shape.............well maybe I'm a little
too fat.........hehehehe............HA!!..............My
family doctor has been doing my physicals
for many years.............and he knows
how hyper I am..............he is always
shocked that my blood pressure and heart
rate are "text book"...............I
told him he should come do the tests when
I'm reading a public forum.........LOL...............so
I got my blood drawn and headed straight
to Mickey Dee's...............I called Robbie
on the cell to ask him if he wanted anything...........he
did.............I told him I would meet
him up at the rat barn............I wanted
to go up there and load up some rat fuzzies
to feed all the 03's again this week...........I
gotta get rid of these rats!!
we watered the buckets and loaded up the
rats we needed and headed back home..........Robbie
finished up cleaning for the week while
I fed all the snakes.........he got finished
and rolled out..............he is helping
Big Lou the rest of today and over the week-end
at Lou's father's house...............they
are trying to clean the place up and sort
through all of the valuables................so
I moved a few males around in the breeding
groups and checked for pre-lay sheds.............OZ
is meeting me up at the rat barn soon to
pick up some mice and a ball python he is
buying from me..............I have to wait
for Brooke to get off the bus before I can
leave................so I'm gonna finish
writing for the day. T is at Gump's school
helping the teachers...............all the
Mom's have to help out at school I think
once or twice a month...........Gump loves
it when his Mom is at school............:)........we
might be playing some shuffle board tonight
with some friends ( my place )..............I
know we are all supposed to go to The Colonial
tomorrow night for some shuffle board and
got and email from John last night with
a little story about a striped boa that
was poss het for albino I sold him a few
years back...........Man I love hearing
the stories of when a poss het proves out...........I
love possible hets!!!.......His little story
is below.......
Ralphie The Story
I purchased the Male striped boa 66% possie
het albino from Ralph Davis at the Mars
Show in 2001after first seeing it at the
2001 Daytona. I couldn't believe no person
had scoffed it up yet. Ralph had it hidden
at the bottom of the pile and even made
the remark I was trying not to sell that
one. Well it was the best money I had ever
spent and I love striped boas. I also had
four het albino's that are also possible
het striped from an unrelated line produced
by a guy here in NJ. Well I have been waiting
to breed the Kahl line of striping into
that line to see what would happen and even
though the clutch was small only 10 babies
I got two albinos proving the Striped male
I got from Ralph was Het for albino and
it proves the het albino mother is also
het for stripe and that the lines are compatible.
Ralphie you rock...
I hope this doesn't bounce
On Grassy!!..........producing morphs is
the best feeling...........but producing
them when your "not sure" is the
ULTIMATE!!!..........I'm gonna do my usual
"half assed" spell check and get
this baby uploaded..............you all
have a Great Weekend!!.............I'm not
sure what I'm getting into tomorrow?..............I
may work on the 2004 ball python PO page
some more?............remember VPI will
be here at RDR on Tuesday............it's
gonna SNOW!!!..............
do female black-widow spiders kill the male
after mating?..................to stop the
snoring before it starts".........LOL................ROCK
ON!!! |
Saturday_March_13 |
were all in chat late last night................"FRIDAT
NIGHT LOSER CHAT"....................:)...........Phil
got here this morning and we went up to
the rat barn to show my "new Saturday
rat checker" ( Chad ) "the ropes"...........he
is doing all the "Saturday rat stuff"
for me in trade for feeders that he needs................. ..THANKS
CHAD!!........so we got up there and I just
asked Chad to watch everything I did and
to take notes...............he said he can
handle it just fine.............that will
be a big help to me when I go away in the
went to the dump after that, then we went
up to the Sea Doo shop and picked up my
spare tire that I ordered for my new trailer.................we
went back to the shop an installed it..............Mr.
John stopped by to harass us...............he
was full of piss and vinegar today..........he
is looking forward to taking some Sea Doo
trips with us this Summer.........:)
we got the spare tire done, we came back
to my place..............Phil did some more
plumbing work and I moved all my males around
in the breeding groups..............then
I palpated all the girls I
have had with males to see "where I
was at?"................it's looking
very good................:)............I
see a " rack order" in the near
future........hehehe.......who knew?
all are going to The Colonial tonight to
shoot some pool, play shuffle board and
sing kareoke.................Fatty, Sandy,
Phil, Robbin, T and I..............and some
of T's family will meet us there..........I
think Phil and my new Sea Doos will be ready
to pick up sometime next week...........I
can't wait!!..........
Tuesday_March_16 |
got up early and went out to get some doughnuts
for us to munch on today while we are taking
pictures..........it is snowing and icing..............BLAHH!!............I
called Tracy on her cell to see if they
left yet?............they were just leaving
and I expected them in a half hour or so............Tracy
grew up around here.........her and Dave
are staying at Tracy's Mom's house which
is a half hour away..........VPI, Pete Kahl
and RDR all from the same stompin' grounds..............The
East Coast Kicks Ass! ( yeah NERD is East
Coast...hehehe )!..............they got
here right when they said they would...........9:00
am............I showed them around my place,
showed them all my cool stuff and then we
got down to business...............Dave
and Tracy are going to be publishing a new
ball python book..............very similar
to their "Pythons of the World"
book that they did many moons ago................it's
about time too!!..............they asked
me if they could take photos of my collection
to use in their new book.............I said
it would be an honor!!......:)
has a very impressive photography set-up
to say the least..............he brought
in all his equipment and went right to work
setting everything up to take pics..............Tracy
and I were going around my collection like
chickens with our heads cut off...............she
knew exactly which snakes she wanted to
get pics of................so we went around
and marked all the snake's cages that we
would need to get pics of for the new book.. .........Dave
pretty much just "manned the camera"
while Tracy brought him each mutation..........Dave
took at least a hundred pics............he
got pics of everything I have here............it
felt good knowing that they wanted to use
my snakes to feature in their book, they
said that what they "didn't have"........."RDR
did"..........the timing was perfect
because I had proved and produced so many
cool new mutations last season.............all
the snakes were plump and happy.............Dave
made it look so easy while he was taking
the pics...............the snakes were on
their BEST behavior .........I was glad.............I
know how frustrating getting just the right
"pose" can be............I watched
him snap all the pics and the way he had
arranged the group shots and singles were
perfect!!............so I guess I get to
put my ball python book back on the shelf
AGAIN!! ( STU ).............we took pictures
of it all!!...........I can't wait till
the book is published...........Dave said
it will be in the $80 to $100 price range...............and
FULL of great images and info...............I'm
just happy to be part of it...... ...:)
stopped for some lunch, T went out and got
us subs................so we went up to
the kitchen and ate...............we talked
about the " ball python world"
while we ate..........Dave and Tracy view
ball python market the same way that I do.............they
have been around since the very beginning
..............I bought my very first mutation
from them.............a VPI axanthic male
in 1996............he is my biggest male!.......after
lunch I showed them around my house..........then
we went back down to the snake room and
got back to business............they will
be leaving to go back to Texas tomorrow
and wanted to make sure that they got every
pic they needed..................Dave ran
out of film!!...........LOL..........he
was not shooting pics for his book with
a digital camera...............but he ended
up using his Nikon 5700 for the last few
pics and some "candid" shots towards
the end...............I had a great time...............there
was no pressure and the " vibe "
was nice...............:)
we got done with the pics..............Dave
packed up his stuff and we chatted about
stuff for awhile................They told
me that I had the best ball python set-up
they had ever seen...........and to "not
change one thing"...........I was glad
that they were impressed ............I work
very hard to keep my collection as nice
as it is.............and gettin g
a compliment from people that have "seen
it all" makes me feel great!!.............this
is the first time that I have had any real
"one on one" time with the both
of them................it felt good and
I was happy to find out that they and I
believe in the same things as far as the
"ball python market" goes............it
was a great visit!!!................Thanks
again Dave and Tracy................I'm
so glad that the VPI Snow was everything
and MORE than what you expected.........don't
forget to send me some pics!!.............:)
they rolled out to go get ready for their
trip back home tomorrow ..............I
thought about them when they left and the
things they said to me...........it was
a nice shot in the arm of encouragement.............RESPECT........:)
I relaxed awhile waiting for the second
wave of "Mega Breeder" to come
over.............and that would be Pete
Kahl................he came up to drop off
a female Pied and to check out my collection..............he
wanted to see how all the new babies are
looking.............so he showed up and
we BS'd awhile about stuff............I
haven't seen him in a long time.........he
has been busy building his new home and
I have just been "busy"..............so
I showed him the three lucys and Lilly...........he
asked to see the Lessers and the Lesser
Crosses...............then he seen the three
"Platty Daddys".................his
jaw hit the floor!!.............he said
that had to be the pretties t
mutation he has ever laid eyes on.............LOL.............coming
from Pete, that is a huge compliment.................Dave
and Tracy agreed that the "Platty Daddys"
and the "Black Heads" were awesome
snakes!!.............a Platty Daddy in person
blows away any photo I have ever published
of one...............so Pete has out the
Platty Daddys, Lessers, Butters, the Blonde
and Pastel Lesser Crosses, he has them all
laid out on the cart just staring at them...........LOL...............I
though he was gonna try to hit me over the
head an run............I was "two for
two".................VPI and Pete Kahl
both at my place drooling over snakes I
produced.............Lord knows I have been
drooling over their animals ever since I
started in the ball python world.............I
finally made it huh?..................ROCK
ON!!!!.............what a day!!............I'm
Wednesday_March_17 |
got a great email from Pete this morning
telling me how proud he was of me and what
I have accomplished with the ball pythons.............he
said that he was so impressed with the way
I built my collection and my name in the
business.............what a sentimental
week this is turning out to be huh?..............anyone
who knows me "knows" that Pete
Kahl inspired me to do what I'm doing now...............Pete
and I are close in age........ ....and
we are good freinds..........Pete started
in the "high-end" snake market
way before I did..............I had always
just " watched him".................finally
I broke down and bought some albino boas
and some DH stuff from him 1995..............I
ended up spending more and more time with
him and his "collection"............I
seen what kind of money he was making and
how exciting it was to "be Pete"...............I
wanted it very badly!!..............I had
a successful Construction Company, The Green
Iguana and T had her hair salon..............but
the high end snakes were "callin me"
Pete started getting very interested in
these weird looking ball pythons called
started collecting some from Africa and
some from other breeders here in the States
that "didn't think they would be genetic"????.............I
absolutely fell in love with them when Pete
started bringing them in............he started
a small breeding group in the spare bedroom
of his house..........making hets, and then
poss hets...............I knew it would
"prove out"............it just
had too!!...........well we all know that
it did prove out, and it put the "$25,000.00
price tag" on new morphs..............I
was able to get a pair of some of the first
hets he made
available once he proved it to be a simple
recessive trait..............and the rest
is history!!!.............Pete and the Piebald
got me started in breeding ball pythons
on a large scale............I decided that
I was going to do it and KICK ASS!!..................so
I starting buying up everything that was
a mutation..............which at the time
was not much at all........Albino, Pied,
Ghost and Axanthic...............the Clown
was just about to be proven simple recessive........NERD
had tons and tons of cool stuff........he
was just starting to produce all the crazy
stuff that is his "trademark"
now.............I made it to the National
Breeder's Expo in 1999 in Orlando Florida
( the last year it was there ).............that
is where I bought my first pair of Clown
hets and my first pair of Caramel Albino
hets ( NERD had Spiders there that year,,,,,,,,I
was blown away.........and BHB had his original
baby pinstripe male there on display )................I
also had good contacts in Africa by this
time...............I was building a great
collection slowly but surely.................just
making sure that I got every mutation as
early as I could possibly get it from the
breeder........... .we
all know the sooner you get "in"
on a project the greater the rewards..........at
this time I was building a group of poss
het Pieds from HELL, I had my VPI Axanthic
project well started............I was also
at Pete's place picking through all of his
poss het Pied females looking for the ones
with "the look".................and
it paid off..............most of all the
poss het Pieds I got from Pete produced
Pieds for me.......;)...........so anyway...........this
little ditty is basically about what started
that little ball python "sparkle"
in Ralphie's eye...............it was Pete
Kahl...........then I met VPI and NERD through
Pete...........and started going to the
shows where I seen the Bells, BHB, Clark,
Snake Keeper, Graziani and Sharp...............I
just waited until I knew I would have animals
to sell...............and BAM!!................RDR
was born..................born into the
brand new world of selling snakes and promoting
them on the INTERNET.............what a
ride it has been so far.........the timing
couldn't have been any better........HOLY
SHIT!!................and it feels damn
good hearing it from Pete that he is amazed
at where I am in the business now...............I
was lucky.................for the two or
three years I was scrambling to get everything
I could get my hands on in Africa ................the
rest of the breeders were "sleeping".................that
would include Pete and Clark for sure...............there
is no way I could have gotten as many "signature
snakes" as I did if everyone ( breeders
) were as "hungry" as I was at
that time, they surely had the dough to
spend..........maybe they were in "make
my money back mode"...............and
I was in "spending mode"................I
guess I can count my lucky stars, because
those few years of collecting in Africa
put me on the map...........Africa was so
easy at the time................no competition
at all.............there was me and BHB...............that
was it, if others were there they were not
spending $$$$$ like me.................Its
all about the timing ..............I don't
ever "see" another person being
able to do this again ( like I did ), just
because the market and the "players"
have changed so much.............I feel
like I helped bring this market to the level
it is at today...........BRUTAL.......the
beauty of it all is that I have a great
name and a reputation for spending money................so
when something expensive does "pop
up" I do get
"the call".................maybe
not every time and maybe too late sometimes...............but
I'm at least aware of what is out there..........not
that I even want anything else at this point.................but
it still is nice to know it's there and
I'm one of the key "big players"
in buying expensive new mutations when they
do pop up............a lot of folks don't
realize the amount of money it costs to
get a project started............that money
is well spent "if" you can reproduce
the trait............that means keeping
your snakes healthy and producing eggs...............all
of these factors work hand in hand from
the minute you wire the bucks to Africa.................the
money is the easy part................keeping
the snake alive and producing is the STRESS!!..............so
your damn right a breeder wants big bucks
on a new proven mutation .............a
breeder spends 25 to 50 K on a new snake................then
they want that money back ten times..........it's
an investment..............your investing
in the snake and yourself................your
buyers are investing in you!!..........high
prices should be respected period. If you
really sit down and think about it................how
many people / breeders do you know that
are willing and CONFIDENT enough to spend
a hundred grand a year to stay on top?..........that's
right ..............there ain't many of
them...............so hate the breeders
or be jealous of the breeders all you want..................with
out them spending the money and bringing
these new mutations to the market................"
There would be no market"................BLAHHHHHHHH..............Ain't
it great!!!!...............BREEDERS SUCK!!.......this
whole week's journal makes me want to RALPH!!!........hehehehe...
met up with George and Mel for some breakfast
this morning...........Robot is feeding
all the 03's............after breakfast
I came home and helped Robbie feed.............I
fed the "Platty Rack"................yepper.........then
I went and got all my stuff together for
shipping to England..............I had to
be at the US Fish and Wildlife Office at
2:00 pm.........I got inspected with no
problems ............I gave each of the
inspectors a new RDR T-shirt while I was
there.....;)................then I went
over to British Airways to ship out ...........shipping
over-seas is getting easier and easier for
me the more I do it.... ........I
used to dread it.......:(.............I
left British Airways and called Pete on
his cell phone............he gave me directions
to come up and see his new log "mansion"
he is building.................I got there
and was totally impressed with it............he
has a beautiful 6,000 sq. ft. log home sitting
on a hill that over-looks a pond with a
big water fountain in the middle.............he
has over a hundred acres of land!!...........it
is his dream home for sure............I
will get some pics of it the next time I
visit..........I told him that it was an
"arrogant display of wealth"............LOL...........SWEET!!.............Pete
the "Rock Star".......and the
best part............I didn't have to build
showed me around and then we went to get
a bite to eat at a little tavern close to
his house.........we talked about his house
and our ball python production this season............we
didn't hang out long because I had to be
home to get the kids and watch SURVIVOR!!..........so
i I rolled out............it just started
to snow again................which reminds
me that Gail and Nigel are getting a blizzard
up North today.........10 inches plus!!............make
sure your generator is working..........LOL..........I
went to Mom's and picked up the kiddies............then
we came home and watched SURVIVOR...........what
a show!!...........Ethan got voted off...........Lex
is the master-mind of his tribe...........he
had Colby voted off last week and Ethan
this week............so all the previous
winners ( millionaires ) are off the show
now............that "WITCH" Jerri
is pissing a lot of people off............how
she is still there I do no know.............but
I understand why Lex is getting rid of all
the "dudes"..............even
if it does make his team weaker............he's
thinking that there will be some type of
merge soon, and that it will go
to individual competition instead of team
competition soon.............I hope he is
right..........cause his team is weak!!...........Boston
Rob kicked everyone's ass on the "
log roll " challenge........I loved
it when Rob "face planted" Lex
on the log...........it was great!!!..........Rob
and Amber are getting hornier and hornier
each episode............next week it looks
to me that they will be re-mixing the tribes
or merging? ...........I bet Rob and Amber
get split up.........hehehe............wahhhhhhhh!!.............after
Survivor I came down to the office and banged
out some work .............answered some
emails, made sure all my shipments were
delivered.............then I went and read
the RDR Forum and answered a few questions
on the "Ask Ralphie" page..............LONG
DAY it was...............zzzzzzzzzzzzz |
Thursday_March_18 |
is cleaning today.............The guys from
Blue Seal are still working on finding out
whether they can or can't get the rat diet
I enquired about being milled??.............I
think it's gonna happen...........I will
just have to buy a few tons at a time, which
is not a problem...........the mill will
be making it "special" for me.............others
here in my area have inquired about the
diet so now the people at Blue Seal know
that they can sell it............I hope
it ends up being 8 bucks a 50 pounder.............that
will be great!!...........My blood work
came back from the physical I had last week
...........everything was normal except
for my cholesterol..........my good cholesterol
was BAD............and my bad cholesterol
was even WORSE............the doctor put
me on medicine and wants me to do the blood
work again in May.........I'm on a medicine
called Crestor.........do any of you have
cholesterol trouble?.........damn I'm starting
to feel OLD..........:(
did some more work on the ball python 2004
PO page............it's pretty close to
being done.........and it's a pain in the
ass!!!............TOO MUCH STUFF!!.............but
that's a good thing..............not bad
for twenty clutches right?...............HA!.............I
got a bunch of office work done and did
some "phoning"..............I
worked until it was time for Brooke and
I to go meet my parents and Gump for dinner............my
Mom had Gump today.............she took
him to the doctors to get his sinuses X-rayed............he
has been battling head colds and sinus problems
the whole winter...............the doctors
are wondering if maybe he is allergic to
something..........right now it's "mold
season"..............and they say Kyle
could be having trouble because of that?................I
don't see an over-abundance of mold in my
home though?............so hopefully the
X-rays will show something??..... ........as
far as finding out what a three year old
is allergic to?.............the doctor said
that is hard to figure out when they are
that young. We just want him to feel better...............the
medicines are not doing much for him............so
we all met for dinner..............then
we went to Brooke's school to watch her
in a play...............the entire second
grade class put on a play for all the parents
called "Get Up and Grow"...............It
was pretty cool..............the kids all
sang terrific ...........I thought Brooke
would be shy............but she wasn't at
all..............I forgot the camera too...........
home now..............the first thing I
did was go to all my furnaces and change
the air filters in them..............Mom
and T grilled me about changing the filters
more often.............I figured once a
year was good...........now I have to do
it once a month..........we are in "paranoid
mode" now that there is a chance that
Gump has allergies.............they were
very dirty when I changed them...........I
was embarrassed to show T how bad they looked.............naturally
she looked at me and rolled her eyes.........yes
I'm a BONER...........damn!
got wally-ball tonight...........Phil called,
he ain't gonna make it because he and Robbin
have to get up early tomorrow for her last
"Boob Consultation"..............yepper..............Robbin
is gonna have brand new boobs on April first..............wonder
if she will enter the RDR Boob Contest?...............look
out ladies!!.................relax Tegan...........hehehe........;)...........Then
Big Lou called and said he was stuck at
work.............so I'm not sure how many
of us will be playing tonight?............I'm
ready!!.............After wally-ball I'll
come home and get some of the pics that
I took when VPI were here sized and uploaded...............Dave
and Tracy have the better pics.............they
have not sent them to me yet............when
they do I'll get them up on the journal.............I
got a guy driving all the way up from Miami
to pic up some snakes this week-end............OUCH!!...........that's
a haul in a half...........and he is just
gonna turn back around and head home after
we do the deal...........double OUCH!!.............the
Sea Doo dealer called and said that Phil
and my boats will be ready to pick up on
Saturday..............I'm stoked!!!................I'm
off to go play some ball!!...........
1:44 am right now.............we had some
smokin' games of wally-ball tonight..........I'm
wired as all hell..........so I decided
to get Ron and Violette up on the RDR Member's
pics page...........while I was working,
Dave Barker and I were emailing back and
forth..........he sent me some pics of the
snakes he was photographing here on Tuesday.............all
I can say is I wish I could take pics like
that...........Dave does not shoot digitally............he
shoots conventional film and has the pics
made into slides I beleive.............then
he must scan them into the computer ..............Digital
sucks compared to the quality of these pics.............my
animals actually look in these pics "exactly"
the way they do in person..........I'm so
impressed and happy that the pics look so
awesome!!.............thanks again Dave
and Tracy...........ROCK ON!!..............below
is a nice email Tracy sent me tonight..........:).........
really enjoyed our visit! You have in my
opinion the perfect set-up. The animals
are immaculate, the collection a dream.
It reflects a lot of dedication and hard
work. You have the foundation of some amazing
projects and a lot of people will be enjoying
animals in the future because of your efforts.
I am crazy about the platinum project. It
is mind boggling, and I’m particularly
fascinated in a designer morph being found
in the wild. You really nailed that one
right-guessing a “hidden” something
was going on. Of course I am totally confused
on how those white snakes with the blue
eyes came out of two totally unrelated lineages
of snakes!! Hopefully your follow-up breedings
will give us insight into this fabulous
mystery! On my list is the black-headed
ball. I just absolutely loved that look!
The VPI snow, far exceeded my expectations,
I think that it is hard to argue that the
VPI axanthic isn’t the real thing
after seeing that snake! The patternless
girl is a gem, I could go on an on. What
I’m doing now is getting myself back
in my snake room and producing some good
trade material!!! Loved the pigs, loved
your place, and hospitality.
for a great year!!
Friday_March_19 |
is finishing up cleaning for the week...........I
didn't get to bed last night till 3:00 am
( this morning I should say ).............a
few of us ended up chattin' for awhile LATE..........I
didn't chat much but I was watching.......:)...................Jody,
my electrician came over to
work on all my Freedom Breeder snake racks
( finally )...............I had him ground
each rack...........I was tired of getting
the shit shocked out of me when I touched
Breeder racks RULE!!............BUT they
will shock you if you do not have the rack
grounded.............OR.......buy a HELIX
system that is grounded .............I didn't
want to buy all new HELIX, so I had Jody
ground them............just a little "tid
bit" for ya...............I'm sure
some of you know exactly what I'm talking
is not sure he will get them all grounded
today or not?...............what he is doing
is grounding the rack to the electrical
outlet in the wall and then running a "jumper
ground wire" from the rack to the power
strip that all the heat panels are plugged
into. The racks had anywhere f rom
70 to 90 volts running through them!!???!!!................OUCH!!.........I
had to run out to the store and get a bunch
of male plugs for him to attach the ground
wires to.............when I came back he
had some of the racks done..............and
they were humming after he grounded them
to the outlet, humming loud!!..............that
is when he added the "jumper"
from the rack to the power strip............the
"jumper" took the "hum"
away..............I guess it was back feeding
too much?.............needless to say the
voltage running through the racks went down
to nothing on most..........and very low
voltage in some.
rolled out when he was done, Jody did too..............he
will come back tomorrow to finish the rest
of the racks............after they left
I drove up to the barn to meet Phil and
Mr. John..............yepperooooooooo!!.................we
are going to pick up our two new Sea Doos
today............I called Mr. John and told
him that we would be up at the barn lat er,
and that I had to move some stuff around
to get to my "two boat" trailer
...............I was just going to take
that up and load both of our boats on it
( I have two trailers .....a 4 place and
a 2 place )............well I got to the
barn and " naturally" Mr. John
had already moved my 4 place out of the
way to get the 2 place out................then
he put everything back..............all
I had to do is "hook up"............damn
I love the old dude...........:)...........he
is the biggest help!!................so
Mr. John, Phil and I headed up to PA to
get our new boats.......;)
got there and checked them out...........the
technician had checked them out and said
they were ready to "get wet"............we
each bought a cover and a fire extinguisher
for our boats while we were there.............the
dealer almost talked me into a used quad
runner..........I was tempted............LOL...............Mr.
John wanted me to buy it so he could buzz
around the farm on it..........so we rolled
out and headed back to the barn.............we
unloaded my boat onto my 4 place trailer
and then we loaded Phil's new boat onto
his trailer.............we farted around
there awhile admiring our new boats........ahhhhhhhhh.........;).........Mr.
John went home to eat.... .......then
Phil and I gassed 600 small rats to go in
the freezer......:(..............our first
freezer is filled to the top right now with
frozen rats..............so if any of you
guys reading this need frozen rats............please
contact me...............only if you are
close enough to come get them though......;)...........we
have a second freezer that Mr. John gave
us.............we cleaned it all up and
got it running for the next batch of rats................we
are over-run with rats!!!............eeekk!!..............it's
only because my stuff and most of our customer's
stuff is not eating right now...........it
will pick back up in another couple months................I
all the gassin' and rat baggin' we came
home..............I moved a bunch of males
around in the breeding groups..........Phil
watched me and was laughing about all the
females I have marked down as being pregnant
.............you'll see why he was laughing
soon..........:P...........all I can say
is "I tried this year".................hehehe.........Don
from Florida called on the cell and said
he was close to getting to my place...............so
Phil and I hopped in the truck and met Don
at a local restaurant for some dinner.................he
drove 17 hours in two days...............SUX!!..............so
we ate and shot the poop..............Don
was glad his trip was over..............then
we went back to my place, unpacked the sn akes
Don brought me and went up to play some
shuffle board..........we watched the movie
"Wrong Turn" while we were playing
in the game room............all you horror
junkies HAVE TO SEE this movie.............it
was awesome!!.................and it has
the gorgeous little hottie ( brunette )
from "Bring It On" in it...............watch
"Deliverance" first.............then
watch "Wrong Turn"...............so
we hung out awhile .............everybody
was tired............Phil, T's Mom and Bill
went home...............Don went to bed.............I
stayed up to watch Friday The 13th part
III..............then I hit the sheets ................scared
out of my wits!!!...............ROCK ON
all you BONERS!!!
a damn great week-end everyone!!!..............."what
does a spider eat at McDonald's?"................"a
burger and flies"...................LMAO...............I'm
ate up with it PEOPLE!!!............ |
Saturday_March_20 |
and I woke up and went down to check out
all my snkes...........he wanted to get
a bunch of pics...............so we did
that for about an hour............he was
eager to get started on his trip waaayyyyy
back home to Florida........he has a busy
week coming up and he has to be "sharp"
on Monday morning.............so we bagged
up his snakes and he rolled out...........he
drove 17 hours to get
here and stayed 15..........LOL............that's
the snake biz for ya.....;)...........Jody
came over and finished grounding all my
racks..............so now I'm done.............I'll
just ground the new ones as I get them...............or
buy a grounded HELIX system...........I
worked on some paper-work and emails while
Jody finished up..........then I went to
the dump ( yes I always have to write that
)..............:)...........then I went
to the store to get my 2004 fishing licence
and my "trout stamp".............Fatty
and I will be fishin' for trout next Saturday...........YEPPER!!
bought a bunch of new lures and some pinch
weights...............Fatty and I fish for
trout with ultra light gear...............its
a ton of fun hooking a trout with ultra
light tackle in the fast water.............I
love it!!..............Fatty and I have
been doing this together since the late
eighties....;)..........Rock On Fat Ass!!.................pack
your lunch!!...............I picked up some
new ropes and hooks and a whistle for my
new Sea Doo................law requires
a whistle and a small fire extinguisher
onboard...........the ropes are to tie the
boat up when we ain't haulin' ass on it!............then
I went up to the shop and rigged up the
ropes... ..........I
had to put hooks on the ends to attach to
the hooks on the boats......I didn't see
Mr. John today?..............he must be
out catin'.............or as Lou says "scoping"..............LOL..............ahhhhhh.......the
PUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!..............( got
your RDR de-coder ring yet? ).........so
I got my "boat fix" and headed
home.............Sea Doo time is getting
very close.........one more month and we
should be in the water!!.
I came home...........and finished my paper-work.............T
is doing her paper-work now too.............that's
because Gump is taking a nap.........:)...........we
might be getting together with my Mom and
Dad tonight..........not sure yet?................Mom
is excited because her friend "Tommie"
( yes she is a "she", and has
been my Mom's best friend since they were
little kids )..........is moving back up
to Maryland from Florida.............her
and Mom are the "bestest " of
freind s.............and
I know they have missed each other...............Tommie
moved to Florida three years ago I believe?...............it
was sad, because she was always over at
Mom's, or they were doing things together...........I
like Tommie a lot............well now she's
coming back to Maryland!!.............now
I'll eat at Mom's more often because her
and Tommie always like to cook together
on the week-ends..............just like
old times.................:)................that's
about it for today.................Gump
will be waking up soon, then we are gonna
grab something to eat somewhere.........I'm
gonna try to get the pics done of our new
Sea Doos real quick...............get'er
done............... |
Sunday_March_21 |
Brooke and Kyle are at Fatty's daughter
Holly's birthday party..........My Mom and
Tommie took the kids to the party.............Tommie
has her granddaughter Dakota with her visiting
my Mom this week...........Dakota is Kyle's
age............he just loves to play with
her..........it will really be nice watching
them grow up together when Tommie finally
gets settled back in Maryland ( Ralph waves
to Tommie - hint,hint ).............yes
she reads the journal, and so does my Mom.............:)
.............T and I are knocking out office
work today..........T does all her payroll
and hair salon stuff on the week-ends...............I
palpated for a couple hours today.............March
is the month where my females wish I would
just leave them the hell alone I'm sure......hehehe..........but
I GOTTA KNOW!!!..........I put a "second
wave" of females online to breed in
mid Feburary..............yes I did!!
stopped by as I was finishing up with the
females ( we counted all my green "F"
stickers ......shhhhhhhhhhh......just watch
the 2004 BR page ) ............then we went
up to the rat barn and loaded up his orders
for delivering tomorrow.............does
anybody need rats!!!??...............if
you can drive to my place.......I have plenty
of fresh frozen rats for you!!!!............after
we loaded up the rats I came back home and
grabbed a shower.............then we went
down Mom's and had dinner...........my parents............Tommie
and her daughter Terri........and Terri's
daughter Dakota............and my "tribe"...........just
like old times................KICK ASS DINNERS!!.............we
hung out and talked about stuff..............Mom
made some delicious chocolate covered strawberries..........YUM!!............then
we had to head home to get the kiddies in
bed for school............T and I watched
The Sopranos............I just loved it
when Paulie knocked the crap out of those
two guys trimming the trees..............I
see some major "whackin" coming
soon...............damn I love that show!!...........I
wish Tony and Carm would get back together
though.........Tony don't seem to give two
shits?............damn ITALIANS!!..............and
yes for any of you that don't know or remember.............I'm
Italian...............born Raphael Joseph
Liberto............."forget about it"..............then
we watched the new series on HBO called
Deadwood..............it wasn't bad if you
like westerns ( and I do )..............but
for being the first episode it was pretty
damn slow...............I'll give it a couple
more weeks and decide whether it sucks or
not?................Wild Bill Hickok was
pretty cool..............other than that
it was BLAHH...........it ain't "Tombstone"
that's for sure.............and did they
cuss like that way back then??.............I
couldn't believe some of the cuss words
they were using........LOL.........
Monday_March_22 |
barn today..............Bob was a "no
show"............what a wuss............"sick
again"............he's killin' me!!...........Mr.
John stopped by while we were cleaning and
seen that Bob did not come to work...........so
Mr. John put on a pair of gloves and helped
us finish.........he was faster helping
me than Bob was??...............let's see........Bob
is 35.............and Mr. John is 72........hmmmmmmm.............and
that's a fact.............a row of racks
that takes Bob and I an hour to do, took
Mr. John and I 45 mins...........the difference
was that I wasn't waiting on Mr. John..............he
was dumping the soiled bedding and re-filling
the tubs as fast as I needed him to..............I
didn't have to wait.........damn I hope
he ( Mr. John ) comes back..........I think
he will................:).............I'll
still keep wussy Bob............Mr. John
likes to "rag on" him anyway...........LOL..............you
know the talk..........."back when
I was your age..........................".....Mr.
John loves to brag about how much work he
did in his younger days............I can
only imagine ...............I believe every
So we got the barn done............and headed
out..............Tommie, Dakota and my parents
came up our house to eat steamed crabs..............Dad
picked up a few dozen on the way up to my
place..........Mom made crab cakes..............so
it was a "seafood fest" at my
place...........T went to play volley ball..........the
rest of us ate and watched Fear Factor..............damn
did any of you see that huge "muscle
chic"??..............that was just
"scary".............I can't imagine
how she could ever find a man that would
want to be with her?............I'll pass.........:)...............Then
we watched Average Joe..............what
a crock!!...........Adam sent the bus full
of "babes" back home.............talk
about a "set-up"...........that
was BOGUS if you ask me..............I say
let the skanks stay a week or so..............and
damn where they rough looking...............poor
Adam can't win...........LMAO!!.............yes
I think they could have had some better
looking women on the show..............it
ain't called "Average Jane"..............sure
Adam is "average".............RICH..........but
average looking.............so get the man
some hot chicks to play with..............this
shit doesn't last anyway............so why
not do it up right!!.............HOT NAKED
BABES!!!!.................Rock On!!!!............
got a shocking email from Dave and Tracy
when they got back to Texas, after visiting
me.........below is what Dave sent me.............
intended on telling you about this in person,
but we had so much fun and we just wanted
to do snakes and not dwell on this. I have
just posted the following message on our
Mailbag, but I don’t know if you even
look at it and we wanted you to know what’s
up with us for the next few days.
know there are many people active on your
forum, including a lot of women, and Tracy
does want to spread the word, sort of a
health alert for women herpers and herp-guys
with girlfriends or wives, too. Maybe you
might want to include some mention of this
on your forum, or direct your readers to
our post in the March 04 MailBag.
keep you posted,
Family news:
haven’t contributed to the MailBag
this month until now, three weeks late,
because my attention and my heart have been
directed elsewhere. This month has brought
to our family unexpected news, sort of a
“life goes on and then someone throws
a monkey wrench into it” event. It
came about this way.
late February Tracy found out that a friend
back on the East Coast had breast cancer.
This news was a shock, and it prompted Tracy
to immediately schedule a mammogram. Since
turning 40 she has been diligent about annual
mammograms. This one, however, was overdue.
days after the mammogram, Tracy was contacted
by our doctor saying that the x-ray had
revealed some possible anomalies and that
she had been rescheduled for another set
of mammograms the next day. This time the
radiation oncologist, Dr. Andrea Crouch,
came out from San Antonio to our local clinic
to do the mammograms herself and then read
them at that time.
news wasn’t good, not at all what
we had hoped. Dr. Crouch warned Tracy the
original suspicious area and a smaller area
in the same breast, previously overlooked,
were both very likely to be cancer. A biopsy
was scheduled two days later, also performed
by Dr. Crouch. Two days after that we got
the pathology report—both areas were
indeed cancerous, a type called ductal carcinoma
in situ.
as it is commonly referred to, is a form
of breast cancer in its early stages; it
is believed by some researchers to be the
earliest stage of IDC (invasive ductal carcinoma)
the most common form of breast cancer. In
Tracy’s case, both tumors are very
small, far too small to be detected by self-examination.
That is very good news.
of this, of course, set in motion our visiting
and talking with doctors, surgeons and oncologists.
All agreed on two major points—one,
the recommended course of treatment for
two tumors in one breast is mastectomy and
two, we have every reason to be optimistic
about Tracy’s complete recovery.
is scheduled for tomorrow, 22 March. During
the surgery there will be a lymph node biopsy
and treatment beyond the surgery revolves
around the results of that.
has been incredibly strong and balanced
about this whole business. Let’s face
it, this whole thing really sucks. I mean
I was shocked by this—the woman has
never smoked or drank, she’s fit and
her weight is perfect, she works hard every
day, cancer is rare in her family—neither
of us ever anticipated that she would have
to deal with this. I guess that’s
the point of posting this.
is dealing with it—heck, she’s
down in the snake house right now putting
away a big clutch of ball python eggs. She’s
going to be OK and she’s planning
on making lots of ball pythons, blood pythons
and boas this year.
decided to make this public news for one
reason. Life can turn on a dime, life is
not fair. No one deserves breast cancer
and science and medicine cannot predict
who won’t be afflicted. Tracy wanted
me to tell all of you--mammograms are important!
I really don’t know what the recommendations
are for scheduling mammograms for women
of different ages, but if you should have
a mammogram or if your wife, mother or girlfriend
is due for her mammogram—DON’T
early detection of breast cancer provides
the greatest chance to survive breast cancer.
We heard it in every medical office that
we’ve been in—“thank goodness
you had a mammogram when you did.”
care of yourself and of your loved ones.
We appreciate all good wishes, kind thoughts,
and prayers. Thanks.
did announce this on VPI's web-site and
I'm sure emailed as many people as he could...............I
emailed him back and told him that everyone
is praying for Tracy and to let us all know
if we can do anything to help. Tracy will
be fine.............she has to be...............no
other women could EVER take her place in
the snake world..........I know she will
be just fine.............:).......... |
Tuesday_March_23 |
had her surgery yesterday and from the looks
of this email from Dave...........she didn't
"skip a beat"..........:)
is a quick message to all of you whom we
have contacted about Tracy’s surgery.
We went to the hospital early yesterday,
Tracy was prepared during the morning, surgery
was at 1:00 and at 2:30 the surgeons came
out to the waiting room to talk with me.
They reported that the surgery had been
uneventful and that they found nothing that
would change their prognosis that her recovery
would be speedy and complete. They did take
several lymph nodes that looked good, but
the final pathology report on them will
not be back until later this week.
was in recovery for several hours and then
spent a fairly comfortable night in a room.
She woke this morning feeling some minor
pain and discomfort, but she was bright-eyed
and cheery. We ate some breakfast, the surgeon
came through and after a quick examination,
discharged her. We were home by noon. We
stopped first at the snake house and had
to put away a big clutch of ball python
eggs (she supervised, I put up the eggs.)
She favors her left arm a little, but is
generally feeling good and getting around
are both very grateful for your support
and prayers and we’ll keep you posted
if anything comes up. Right now it looks
like she’ll be a little slowed down
for a week or so, so please be patient if
we’re late to complete any obligations
of promises. This past month has been a
blur and I’m sure that there are things
that I’ve neglected.
you all. She’s doing good. We’ll
keep you posted.
News!!............one thing that is great
about keeping animals is that they have
a way of "taking your mind off your
own problems".......we all wish Tracy
a speedy recovery!!
have to be at court at 9:00 am this morning
for that 5 point $270.00 fine ticket I got
for speeding a few months ago...........I
don't care about the fine.............I
don't want all those points!!............and
I'm guilty as hell!!...............so I'm
just gonna say I'm guilty and hope I get
the points lowered down...........( I'm
off to court ).......?
it went well..............I got the five
points reduced down to two points and paid
the $270.00 fine..........I was in court
45 mins...........all the cases before me
were going "well"...............meaning
that the judge was reducing everyone's points
or giving them "probation before judgment".................which
I didn't want............so my turn came
up and I pled GUILTY...............he lowered
the points down to two.............I was
happy with that.............I paid the fine
to the clerk and hauled ass back home..............LMAO!!.............right
past where I got that embarrassing ticket
of 56 mph in a 25 mph zone..................believe
it or not I am trying to slow down now......;)
is feeding the snakes.................Rick
is here painting and hanging wallpaper in
the formal dinning room.............T finally
picked out a color for the walls and a wall
paper border to match.............it looks
great so far........I got back from court
and started playing "catch up"
on all my emails from the week-end..............then
I noticed that my Spam software grabbed
a few emails that were "legit"......so
if any of you reading this have emailed
me and got no response ........please email
me back..............I adjusted the sensitivity
on my Spam software.............plus I double
check it to make sure it all is SPAM.
building partner Bob Bowers stopped by today
( he and I do a lot of building together
)............we had a meeting about some
land we purchased and what we intend to
build on it?.............it looks like we
will build a half million dollar two story
house on it and sell it.......:)..............then
we will build on the other lots.............the
building industry is HUGE right now...........it
is a total "Seller's Market".........people
are begging to buy houses and building lots..........then
I showed Bob an idea I have for an addition
on my home................so we did some
measuring and figuring to try and come up
with a price it would cost me..............I'm
basically going to put a "wing"
on my house that is 800 to 1000 sq. ft...................why??................cause
I need the extra room in the basement!!.........hehehe................so
the part above will either be a HUGE entertainment
room............I would move all the stuff
in my third floor game room to this new
room............and include a bar this time..................OR
it will just be a big room for lounging
in and watching TV..............a PLASMA
TV!!..............so if any of you people
out there have a PLASMA to sell or trade...............shoot
me an email......;)..............I've had
my eye on a Plasma............I just haven't
bought one yet..............I think if I
do this, I will move the game room to the
addition and let the kiddies have the third
floor as one huge play room.....;)
rolled out after our meeting................then
I went to run some errands ...............I
found a place that sells un-printed newspaper
in big bundles .............single sheets.............no
rolls........no sorting through the newspaper...............just
nice white clean individual sheets of un-printed
newspaper.................they had two sizes..............one
of the sizes fits perfectly in a 64 qt.
Rubbermaid or an IRIS CB-70 ( adult ball
box ).......the smaller size ( when cut
in half ) fits perfectly in the baby boxes
I use.................Robot and I are stoked!!.............no
more sorting through the newspaper ...............I
believe this paper is used for wrapping
sub sandwiches...........if any of you are
interested and find another source with
more sizes .............please let me know.............it's
great stuff!!........and no ink!!..............so
I went to this place called Holstein Paper
and bought 8 bundles of the paper..................it
was $135.00 for it all................I
would think it would be a couple month's
worth of paper................we waste $135.00
in time just sorting paper each week............so
I think it will work out great...............I'm
slowly going to be totally "mulch-less"
here at RDR...............I'm done with
the messy fiber beddings!!
came home with the paper...............Robot
and I unloaded it and have it stored in
the snake room............Fatty was here
when I got home.................he was upstairs
practicing shuffle board............LOL...............he
stops by after work when he is running early...............he
usually has to pick up his kids at 6:00
pm after work.............so if he is early,
he will stop by her to BS and kill some
time.................he and I are stoked
about trout season opening up this weekend!!....................I
can't wait to hook into a nice rainbow trout
this Saturday.....:)............I worked
in the office the rest of the night until
it was time to get Brooke from church..............we
came home and played with her ferrets awhile................she
really is doing a great job caring for them.................then
we watched a little tube and called it a
Wednesday_March_24 |
is here cleaning..........I have a bunch
of office work to do before I leave to go
meet Phil at his work.............I'm going
to meet him around noon............he and
I are going to the DNR office in Annapolis
to get our boats registered............
rolled out at 11 and got to Phil's at noon........we
went to get our boats registered..........so
now we are legal.....;).............the
DNR place was pretty cool...........they
had a 75 gallon tank set up with a Diamond
Back Terrapin in it............it was being
kept in brackish water with an oyster shell
substrate .............there were live minnows
in the tank and some really cool green algae
growing............it was a great set-up..........they
also had some tanks set up with indigenous
fish, like blue-gill and river chubs.............after
that we went and had some lunch.
had to be back home at 4:00 to meet with
a RADON contractor............Phil's wife
Robbin works for a Radon Gas Inspection
company...........she had done a Radon test
up in my area and the results came back
positive for Radon gas...........so she
suggested that I test my home.............Phil
brought over a test kit and let it sit in
my basement for 48 hours..........the results
came back positive for Radon gas............the
levels were very low............but I figured
it would be a good idea to have the problem
fixed...........so the Radon Contractor
came over and looked around..............it's
gonna cost me $800.00 to have a venting
system put in that will pull the Radon gases
out from underneath my basement concrete
slab............not bad if you ask me for
a piece of mind..............my levels were
6.4...........anything over 4.0 they suggest
you fix the problem...............I have
heard of people having levels in the hundreds!!...........so
my problem is not bad..............but it
could get worse, so I'm fixing it now. All
the new homes I build or work on now already
have a Radon pipe installed......that way
"if" the house ever tests positive
for Radon, the pipe is already in the home
and all you have to do is have the fan installed
to draw the gases out.............so just
a little :tid bit" for ya.............you
may want to test your home for Radon gas...........:)
the Radon Contractor left I decided to clean
out the garage ........AGIAN!!...........I
don't know where half the shit comes from
that is in my garage............LOL..............so
I just keep throwing it all away.........I
hope T doesn't find something "missing".............it
will be at the DUMP if she needs it......:P...............then
I took the protective netting that I keep
over my outside pond off..............the
netting goes on in the Fall to keep all
the leaves out of the pond during the fall
and Winter.............my fish all survived
the Winter..............they came up to
see what I was up to .........so I gave
them some food.............they were very
sluggish...........but they did eat............a
few more weeks and I will get the pond all
cleaned up and ready for the warmer weather.............I
transplanted a bunch of really cool moss
last year form "Big Rock"............and
it all survived the Winter............it
should really take off and spread this year...........it's
cool watching a Koi pond mature each year..........very
relaxing .........after that it was starting
to get dark.............so I went in and
got caught up with the questions on the
"Ask Ralphie" page..............that
page is doing well............I enjoy answering
the questions...........plus it will be
a great resource to use when I get asked
the same questions in the future...........it
will save a lot of repetitive typing...........I'm
actually going to re-format the board so
that I can archive all the questions and
response...........that way i never have
to worry about the page getting full and
"bumping" good info off the board....I
spoke to my webmaster and we are going to
use a format that we designed for my new
site ( when ever that happens).............I
like my site at the moment ........don't
I got all the questions answered...........Phil
and Robbin stopped by on their way to do
some shopping at the mall near me............Robbin
was telling me how excited she was about
going in and having her "boobs"
done on April the first.............she
says she can't wait!!...........I tried
to get a " before" pic while Phil
was up stairs............."no dice"........hehehe.........she
is gonna be a full D cup...............what
ever the heck that is??............is that
like the size of Pam Anderson or what??.................HOLY
SHIT!!!..............I'm going up to watch
Survivor.....  |
Thursday_March_25 |
is here cleaning............I'm working
on the 2004 Birthing Records pages...........I
re-linked up the "old" 2003 BR
pages and started the new 2004 section..........I
expect my first eggs in a couple weeks................the
first clutch should be from a het Caramel
Albino female bred to a Caramel male..........this
is the same het female that has produced
ZERO Caramels for me the past several years.....at
least she is consistent!!..........she is
so easy to get bred.............I hope to
see some baby Caramels this season..............I
have my fingers crossed....;)
called me today to tell me that she is doing
fine and getting back into the "groove".........she
says that working with the snakes, especially
pulling out baby tubs is great therapy for
her after the operation.........she had
one breast totally removed..........she
is acting totally normal, like she just
had her teeth cleaned at the dentist............no
biggie!!..............Wow women are so much
stronger than men!!.........All ladies should
take Tracy's advice and have yourself checked
out so that if there are any problems, they
can't be treated early............I'm glad
your feeling better Tracy!!..............living
by her own words she likes to reflect on
when talking about the "Ball Python
Market".............."It ain't
over till the fat lady sings"..............ROCK
cleaned what he usually does on Thursdays
and rolled out.........I have been working
on the web-site and doing some writing for
the journal.........Brooke got home from
school.........so I fixed her a snack and
I ate too...........I got a few more pre-lay
sheds today...........I think I'll be turning
the night time temps off in a couple weeks
( back to 90 to 95 24/7 ).............I've
pretty much got everything bred that's gonna
breed this season...............so soon
it will be time to turn up the heat and
watch all the ovulations..........not sure
how many clutches I'll have this season?...........I
have 8 BR pages ready to go...........one
clutch per page maybe?..........hehehe.........Ahhhhhhhhh.....:P........I
have received a bunch of emails from people
telling me about all these new forums up
on "newbie breeder web sites"
and how some are using "RDR Format".............not
to worry folks.............I'm used to it
now..........every great idea gets copied..........it's
just the way it is...........I happen to
be one who can think for himself ( outside
the box ) and develop new ways to do "old
things"............any idiot can put
a forum on their web-site just as any idiot
can have a BR page or a Journal etc...........lets
see how the BONER fills it all up...........that's
where you separate the "real deals"
from the wannabes...........copying somebody
is so obvious on the web...........it's
just a matter of time before somebody "figures
out" that the person they "thought"
was the innovator is just a copy cat..........just
watch and see who can do it the longest
and most of all ..............consistently
surprising people and bringing new things
to their web sites.............it ain't
easy to do..........all ball python web
sites are exactly the same ...........including
mine............snakes for sale, a forum........PO
page.....Collection page.....Contact page
yada,yada,yada.................it's all
cookie cutter crap...........it's the "original
content" that makes any site or breeder
unique...........the rest are just sheep
selling the same "ideas" that
were sold to them in the first place.............I
guess what I'm getting at AGAIN is for somebody
for GOD Sakes do something NEW!!!!.......and
if you can't do something NEW..............then
at least have enough smarts to "not
look so obvious when you copy content and
the BONERS reading this Ralph are gonna
think your taking a stab at them?.............nahhhhh
Ralph............only the ones that know
they can't think for themselves' will"...........LOL.........what
an ASS!!
know what really kicks me in the nuts............is
a new breeder calling a company by the name
of a ball python mutation.........lets take
a Spider Ball as an example .............I'm
not sure if there is a Spider Ball dot Com
out there or not??...........but if there
was it should only be registered to NERD
aka Kevin McCurly or Lindy Johnson from
Freedom Breeders.............why you ask?..........well
maybe because it is THEY who brought the
Spider Ball to the market............so
you get some BONER who buys some Spiders
and decides that that will be the name of
his company?................hell I could
have easily been Piebald.com..............but
out of total respect for Pete Kahl it wouldn't
even cross my mind...............so I did
something super original............"Ralph
Davis Reptiles"...............LMAO!!............hell
it worked for Pete right?.................so
now we have the potential for some ass-wipe
to register each and every mutation of the
ball python as a web site URL................great
idea right folks!!............this is totally
a total lack of respect for the people who
brought you the mutation in the first
place............like it or not.........this
is the way I see it, and any other breeder
who first produced the trait..........it's
their "signature"...........the
ball python market is changing...........the
breeders are younger and cockier.........they
are jumping into the business with their
balls on fire because of the money they
spent to invest in projects that are already
"started".............I guess
my problem with this is that I don't think
anyone deserves respect for the amount of
money they have invested............RESPECT
comes from time invested and RESULTS!!..........do
you think if I set Gump up with two Platty
males and a half dozen normal females he
couldn't produce a couple clutches of Lessers?...........just
having a 50/50 shot he would produce them..........it's
soooooooooooo easy.............but what
did Gump do?..............he produced some
snakes to turn a buck............sure he's
proud............but he didn't re-invent
the wheel............he's working with snakes
I allowed him to work with..............for
that, he should be respectful.........appreciate
the chance to make money..........and not
take advantage of my morphs and name............
starting to feel like nobody wants to do
anything but produce the snakes and make
the money...........and I'm totally fine
with that...........I want you to buy my
snakes and do well................I want
you to make money so that you will spend
more with me in the future............that
is not what this is about..............it's
about RESPECT...........there are several
TOP DOGS in this Biz that will always be
paving the way for the rest.........so respect
it..............if all you want to do is
produce and sell snakes...........GREAT!!...........I
say get off your soap box and come back
down to earth...........stop regurgitating
info that has been in books and on the net
for years................steer people to
where the "original info" is.............sure
if you have some " new findings"
by all means share.............but again..............we
ain't re-inventing the wheel here............it's
the same old shit every year.............the
Big Breeders get bigger and better ............bringing
new things to the table each year.............and
then you have the wannabes............you
want to know how you can tell a wannabe?..............here
are a few clues..............pics of their
snakes every other day on the forums............with
links out the whazoo to any page they can
get you to come to at their site............ads
on the classifieds every other day............same
shit for sale...........just lower prices
each week, " buy one get one free"...........I
don't even need to go on..............a
wannabe totally "over-exposes"
themselves before they even have a damn
thing to sell.............OVER-EXPOSURE
is great when you got the goods!!...............having
a FORUM is great when you can answer ALL
the questions .................taking a
breeder's mutation and using it as your
own is fine if YOU ARE THE BREEDER!!..........Jesus.............has
anybody ever thought of the simple fact
that the money your making is because if
the damn time invested by the original breeder?............stop
and think about some of the personal achievements
by each BIG BREEDER..........are we ( Big
Breeders ) the only ones with the dough
to buy new snakes out of Africa?..............NOPE..............we
are the one's with the BALLS................if
you have the BALLS to copy a website...........then
you sure as hell should have the BALLS to
get your ass in the "real game"
and contribute to something new!!...............Must
I do EVERYTHING!!..............so to all
you wannabes out their............I don't
care if you have bought from me or if your
thinking about buying from me...............hear
this.............show some damn respect
for the breeders who "allowed"
you in the game and most of all................don't
fall victim to your EGO............there
is only going to be a few TOP BREEDERS at
a time................I don't see any of
them " stepping down " anytime
soon.............so take a number and enjoy
the ride...............in the meantime I
think you should maybe "re-think"
how you want the good people of the internet
to remember you...........man why couldn't
RDR be born today..............I'd show
some of you little copy catting bastards
a thing or two about how to get to the top.............There
will only be one RALPH DAVIS.............he
ain't NERD or VPI or Pete Kahl or The Snake
Keeper or The Bells or BHB or Clark..............and
can you believe it..........the folks I
mentioned respect me for what I have done
with ball pythons ...............Imagine
that?............I didn't have to take any
inspired and stimulated...........I didn't
imitate and disrespect..............are
you getting any of this?............right
now all I see are one dimensional web sites
with all the same shit on them................CHIRST
is this all there will ever be??......................Am
I really the King?.............could it
actually be true?.............was I made
to "police" this market and bag
on all the BONERS??............am I the
best there will ever be?................CALGON
TAKE ME THE @&*@ AWAY!!!!!!!..................so
to all you little ass wipes who think you
can slap some flash on your web site and
parade around posting pics of all the mutations
the breeders busted their asses to make...............and
most of all have a forum when you yourself
wouldn't even have half the answers with-out
the breeders to fall back on................GET
A LIFE!!!..............I give out way to
much free information, I have been told
this from very respected people in the biz............maybe
I should start kicking some ass when I run
into a copy catting BONER??..............I
know I could get NERD to back me on that
one, he totally agrees!............no matter
how "funky" the vibe may feel
among the BIG BREEDERS.............we are
ALL united.........sure we may yell at each
other and get jealous............but we
all have respect for each other............and
this is something the " new guys"
ain't got..............the next time you
spend your money "safely" on a
proven mutation from a Big Breeder...............think
about the 50 to 100 grand the breeder put
out to start the project...............think
about the bucks sent over to Africa on sometimes
a 50/50 shot of even getting the snake you
bought for the price quoted ..............think
about the STRESS!!..............think about
all that shit that got you your little "safe"
web site the next time you want to imitate
the BIG BOYS......................RESPECT!!..............it's
time to start knocking some of you little
shits down a few notches........how could
Ralphie doe this you say?..............Ralphie
's ass is backed by the other BIG BOYS that's
how...............something that is very
important............you don't want to be
"alone" in this BIZ.............what
you want to do is find your "place"
and work from there.............it's all
about building a relatioship.........Lord
knows I'm not the best at that.............but
I do know how to show some respect..........I
know my place............and it's UNDER
all the Breeders that were doing it before
me.............it's that simple.................sure
I may be doing it "better" than
them.............but they were my inspiration.............I
did it "my way" from there................and
that's what I'm trying to "spoon feed"
all you newbies................if all you
are in this for is " the bucks".............then
I'm wasting my time, and you'll see soon
enough how tough that route will be...............but
if you really want to get your name in a
book or a video or get some real recognition
from the Top Breeders in this biz............you
gotta pay your dues.............the breeders
don't owe you a damn thing........here is
the number one problem folks!!..................THE
INTERNET!!!..............take it back to
the old days when all you got was a price
sheet mailed to you..............now let's
see you build a name in a week.............ahhhhhhhhhhhh
is a message your loving BONER Ralph Davis
over and out...............imadick.com..................that
pretty much sums it all up don't it?................Flash,
Pics, Forums...........now that's as original
as you can get huh?...................LMAO!!!............be
thankful I'm the only ass hole Breeder who
will say what's on his mind.............even
though I do speak for the majority.........let
the Giants sleep, but believe me............they
are watching..................they are smart
and they know exactly what they are doing.............don't
think they are not prepared for the freindly
compitition..........yep that's right...........you
WILL have to sell your snakes right along
side us one day.............like it or not........so
what kind of "graces" do you want
to be in?................sounds like a threat
right?..............not at all...........it's
just business ...........remember..........their
ain't nothing stopping you from sending
75K to Africa and making a "real name"
for yourself........their ain't nothing
stopping you from gaining experience and
helping others..........do some WORK!!!............make
somebody notice you for what you do.............and
not what you buy!!!....................zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...............
a nice little rant before wally-ball................hehehe...........don't
be mad...............anyone pissed off that
don't want to buy from me............great..............the
people who understand are the people I want
as customers anyway............what other
biz can you rack up a few credit cards and
be in business?...............what other
biz can you swipe content from another site
and "look like a business"?...............huh?................make
sense yet?...............what a joke...............it
takes years and years to develop a customer
base and build a viable breeding collection..............and
lets talk about consistency?.............are
you consistent?.............oh yeah I forgot...........it's
your first year.........LOL...........man
it's great to be on top.............and
most of all.............knowing I contributed
something.........just like many others
that have and will..............don't think
I don't see all the new people coming in
that in my mind are doing it "right".............because
I do............but I also see the BONERS
doing it wrong............and they won't
last..............it takes a lot of balls
for me to tell it like it is and risk losing
customers and money.............but it's
gotta be said..............I feel like if
I didn't say anything.............it would
never get said..............and I know it's
an issue because I talk to the GODS!............I
guess I passed my initiation test five years
ago............thanks NERD, VPI, PETE KAHL,
BHB and The Bells..............what an inspiration
you all have been to me...........and I
really appreciate you all for doing things
your "own way"............that's
why I did it my own way..........variety
among the Big Breeders..............what
a dream!!..............show me some variety
with the new players these days.........you
can't can you?...........cookie cutter crap
is all I see..............nobody has enough
years behind them..............
stuff folks...............I want everyone
to succeed...........most will do it right.............they
will sell snakes and make a name for themselves
as they sell and gain more experience..............and
then you'll have the BONERS who ZERO experience.......a
pocket full of money...........a good web
designer..............and BAM!!..............you
got yourself a 100% certified BONER!!!..................I'm
out..............gonna break some fingers
on the court tonight ( Not Fatty's ).......;)........Rock
On ROCK STAR!!!............... |
Friday_March_26 |
I called it right.......damn if I didn't
hurt a couple of one of the player's fingers
last night?.............I didn't mean to.........."it
just happened".............I went up
to the net the same time he did...........the
bigger man won.........LOL.........damn
was frustrating as hell last night anyway............just
a bad night!......Blah!!.........I worked
until the early hours of the morning, getting
all my paper-work and stuff done..........it's
really peaceful working at night..........no
"ring rings" to get ya side tracked....;)
had to be a good Dad and take Kyle to school
today...........T had to go to the airport
with her Mom to pic up a friend ( Chris
) who flew into town from Massachusetts
..........Chris is in town to attend the
wedding we are all going to tomorrow ...........T's
cousin ( Brian ) is getting married..........the
whole gang will be there..........it should
be fun............but I know I'm going to
be very tired.........Fatty and I are going
to be getting up tomorrow morning around
3:00 am to go trout fishing.....;)........and
then the damn wedding...........ahhhhhh..........so
anyway I took Kyle to Mickey Dee's for a
burger...........then I dropped him off
at school and ran a bunch of errands...............Robot
is here cleaning.........
went up to the shop and loaded up the Sea
Doo trailer to go wash my boats...........it's
a terrific day............the sun is shining
and its warm!!.........Sea Doo weather is
right around the corner!!.........I found
a car wash that was big enough for me to
pull my 30 foot trailer in............it's
a "do it yourself place"............rammin'
quarters in the machine and running out
of time!!,,,,,,,,LOL..........I liked the
other car wash I used to use better............but
I can't get my trailer in it......:(.....so
after I washed them I met up with Mr. John
and we "tinkered" on the boats
for awhile.............:)..............He
just loves to be doing something. I got
home in time to get some stuff done with
the snakes.............T, the kids and Chris
went out for dinner..........I had some
people visiting from Wisconsin to do a snake
deal..........they drove straight to my
place............hung out a couple hours...........and
drove straight back...........UNREAL???..........I'd
a been one grouchy little pup after that
ride.........hehehe..........they were stoked
to see my place and to pick up their snakes..........it
was fun...........we snapped some pics..........I
hooked them up with some RDR T's and they
headed back home............it was a nice
time Jim ( with your buddy and his son )........;)...........I
need to get in bed early tonight...........but
it ain't gonna happen........I'm wired as
all hell thinking about fishing tomorrow
with Fatty and my Uncle Joey..........:).
it's after midnite right now............we
all ended up having a late Friday night
LOSER CHAT............I did get my rod re-strung
and all my gear ready to roll...........I'm
hittin' the sheets...........I may just
get 2 hours of sleep?................LOL..............damn
I'm gonna be a GRIZZLY at the wedding tomorrow
night..............maybe I will get lost
on the river?..........I hope I won't have
to poop!!!............Have a Great Weekend
Guys and Gals!!!.......... |
Saturday_March_27 |
and I got on the river this morning at 5:30
am............we met my Uncle Joey there...........fishing
was awesome.............even though it rained
the whole time.........it wasn't too cold
out............but my chest waders were
leaking...........so yes I was freezing
my ass off!!!...........LOL.............we
fished until 1 pm.............I had my limit
and started letting
them go by 6:30 am...........it's the best
I had done in awhile that early in the day............you
can only keep 5 fish on ya............and
it wouldn't have been fair to hang them
on Fatty's stringer...........he was fishin'
too!!.............I didn't mind releasing
them.............we walked down river a
few miles kickin' ass............I ended
up with six fish ( one was too bloody to
release )..........Fatty caught two big
ones........Uncle Joey caught four............he
stepped on one while he was walking in the
river and it came of the stringer............so
he ended up with three...........it was
a swell time......;)
took the eleven fish to my Mom so that she
could cook them for dinner tomorrow ...........I
drove home tired as hell..............I
was hoping to get in a nap before we leave
for the wedding..........I ended up getting
45 mins of sleep...............it just made
me feel worse!!.....BLAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.......so
we got everything together and headed off
to the wedding..........the wedding is going
to be outside over-looking part of the Chesapeake
Bay..........and the reception will be at
the same place...........I guess it will
be fun?.............I just want to sleep!!!..........but
I can't be the "Black Sheep".......I
had fun today FAT ASS!!!............... |
Sunday_March_28 |
wedding was OK.............it was outside........and
at night.............yes it was cold as
hell.............I was "dressed up"
which pisses me off ( I hate to dress formal
)..........basically I was a GROUCH!!..........so
we got through the wedding and went inside
for the reception .......THANK GOD.........the
food wasn't bad.............I was starving
from the fishing trip anyway.........and
as soon as I ate, it hit me............all
I wanted to do was go to bed..........LOL..........T
was dancing with her friends and family..........I
got up for a couple slow dances............but
I was burnt...........I couldn't wait to
leave.......I was a LOSER!!!!!!!!!!!
all got rooms at a hotel near by where the
wedding was at..........we got back to the
hotel at midnite............I got undressed
and crashed..........T went out with her
Mom and the family for a couple more hours
to have some fun...........I didn't want
no part of it...........zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.......grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.........
up this morning feeling much better.............could
have slept much longer though..............we
all went to have some breakfast and headed
back home, we dropped Chris off at the airport
on the way home..........T and I stopped
by my Mom's on the way to pick up the kids..........Mom
watched them for us while we were away................I
was feeling spunky again..........so I put
my chest waders back on and hopped in my
Koi pond.......yepper...........today was
a good day to clean out all the filters
and get some of the GUNK out of the pond.............Gump
came out and helped me clean the filter
sponges...........he loves squirting the
hose.....;)..............so I got the pond
done and called it a day..............I
went upstairs and watched a movie called
"Holes".............I really liked
it...........I heard that it sucked...........but
it was all that was on........so I watched
it...........I like stories like that.............and
I just love Sigourney Weaver.........so
check it out, you'll probably like it too..........we
all just chilled out for the most part today......................we
watched The Sopranos...........Tony took
out some trash this episode ...........I
figured they were gonna kill that old man
............instead they sent him back to
the slammer...........and I watched the
second episode of Deadwood............it
really ain't that bad I guess.............it
held my attention..............so I'll keep
watching it..............Wild Bill is cool.......and
Jane has the worst mouth!!..........damn!!........... |
Monday_March_29 |
Barn today.............Bob worked!!.........whohoooooooooo!!..........we
got done at 4:00 pm..............I came
home and moved a bunch of stuff around in
the breeding groups...........it's getting
close to "the end" for Ralphie...........I
can't wait to get the night heat back up
and start feeding all my yearlings............they
ain't breeding and they ain't eating..........just
sittin' there "in limbo".........Mom
brought over some of the trout she cooked
and we ate them here............they were
delicious ........T went to play volley
ball..............Mom and Dad hung out awhile
and headed back home..........the kiddies
and I watched Fear Factor..........it was
an "all chick" show.............but
it was a repeat....:(........it should have
been called "all boobs".............damn
there are a lot of over-inflated boobs on
TV...........what ever happened to the "little
perkies"??...........ROCK ON!!!..........Las
Vegas was a repeat too ...........Average
Joe is a total joke........."Adam Returns"
just flat out sux.......the producing is
horrible...........the whole story line
is lame...........he really is "average".........BAD
IDEA!!...........but it has suckers like
me tuning in..............I'm out..........I'm
still tired from the week-end...........what
a pansie ass!!!............zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.. |
Tuesday_March_30 |
is here feeding..........yeah I type that
same line every week I think...........but
you'll notice when I don't?..............:P...........I'm
in the office all day doing paper-work..........I
have a settlement to go to later in the
day for a house I sold.........this week
has been pretty boring, as you can see...........I'm
just waiting for ovulations and eggs now...........soon
enough everything will get busy again.
got through the settlement and came home..........Robot
had left a bunch of rat pups here with a
mom rat so I fed them off to my "favorites".........more
POOP!!!...........at least the 03's are
eating...........after that I checked around
for some pre-lay sheds and ovulations..........blahhhhhh............then
I went to do more paper-work..........this
week has been all paper..........I'm working
on my Reptiles Magazine add for my 2004
production.........it gets bigger every
year..........my ad right now costs me $180.00
a month..........I have never ran a color
ad or any other type of advertisement other
than a classified ad in the back on the
magazine...........it works fine.....;).......
Wednesday_March_31 |
got up early today because I have to load
up my new boat and take it to the dude who
does all my grafix............he is putting
vinyl registration numbers and letters on
for me.........they will match the same
color scheme that the boat has now..........and
I'm having "Midas" put on the
rear of the boat for good luck....;).............the
boat is green and black...........Midas
will look swell on it................well
the first thing I discovered this morning
is that one of my yearling Super Pastel
females had gotten out of a tub I had her
soaking in over night............she had
a crappy shed on her, so I let her soak
in a warm room.........the box she was soaking
in has a lid that clips down secure................well
somehow she pushed the lid off and escaped??...........so
she is slithering around the room somewhere
............I looked for her..........no
dice!.......not to worry though...............she
will show up sooner or later............they
always do...........we usually find them
coiled up on a heat panel at the bottom
of a rack.........any predictions?
I rolled out to pick up the boats and Mr.
John...........we dropped the boats off
at the grafix place and then we went up
to the Sea Doo shop...........I bought another
life vest and some little dollies on wheels
that I could rest my snow plow on...........that
way it would be easy to move it around when
I'm not using it..........so we came back
and got the plow set up on the dollies.........then
we rolled it back in the shop out of the
way ( for now )..........after that Mr.
John and I did a little cleaning in the
barn...........we swept up more ancient
cow poop!!...........when does it end!!??..........LOL..........we
are slowly getting the place all cleaned
up and "poop free"..........and
this is just old poop from back when they
kept cows in the barn ...........probably
twenty years ago or more?.................wonder
if it's worth anything?.......bet it burns
that Mr. John rolled out.......he had a
dentist appointment to go to.........I went
to the T-shirt shop and ordered up a bunch
of thongs and baby doll T's.............yepper............black
thongs and T's to match..............white
thongs and T's to match..............with
a "Blue Eyed Lucy" version of
Midas on them..........I did it all for
Mojo............he says all the girls are
buggin' him for them.........LMAO!!..............Rock
On MOJO!!........I get emails for them too!!.........and
never advertised that I had them??.........so
I guess we better keep them in stock huh?...........now
get the damn pics to prove it!!......or
better yet, set up the "RDR thong contest!!!".....really
though ladies...........I did order them............they
are great quality as far as I know...........why
would anyone want that up their ass I do
not know?...........but they sure look good!!..........so
if your interested in them...........just
shoot me an email and I will get you a set
out............:).............wonder how
long it will be before the other GOOBS are
selling thongs??..........it's not the thong
gents!!..............it's the MAN!!...........get
it?............got it?.................GOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!..............lmao!!........I
love it!!!......not to mention that MIDAS
KICKS ASS!!!!!..............and he looks
great on an ass too!!!
looked for the Super Pastel female while
he was cleaning today...........he didn't
see her...............she will start climbing
around in the snake room and knocking stuff
over.............she will definitely show
signs that she has been roamin' around............I
hope she doesn't stay hidden long.............damn
it!!..............The grafix dude called
me and said that the boats would be ready
for pick up tomorrow at 9:00 am...............so
I stayed here in the office and worked on
the NEW
RDR Message Board System............I
worked on this sucker all night!!...........I've
always had the idea for what I wanted to
do with a big message board system ( topics
etc )...........we actually had the software
several years ago to do it...........but
none of the RDR members liked the format.............I
did try an EZ Board format..........it SUCKED!!..........so
we canned the whole idea...........the whole
time though, I wanted to have a system that
would archive posts and not bump old posts
off the board...........seeing valuable
info and fun posts that you want to look
back on, getting "bumped off"
the board sux!!.........so here it is...........if
you get a chance go check it out..........there
is something in there for everyone..........I
know what you guys like...............and
best of all it won't get "bumped"...........I
can't count the times that some cool stuff
was posted in The RDR Lounge and it got
bumped out into siber space after a few
weeks..............well now it won't.............you'll
be able to do a search and find it again................so
let's all try to "get used" to
the crappy format and get the party started!!!.........and
NO I will not be closing down the RDR Lounge,
it stays just the way it has been for all
these years ( HOME )............that's where
it all started and probably where it all
will end.................ROCK ON!!!!
just flew by didn't it?..............that's
because it's my last month for breeding.............YAY!!!!!............... |
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Ralph Davis Reptiles. All Rights Reserved.