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Tiger Ball PythonScientific Name: Python regius
Common Name:
Ball Python
Genetics: Unknown - I have produced "hets"

The "Tiger" is a snake that has had it's name bounced around a few times. It all started with the "Woma Ball"........the Woma was named by "Upscale Reptiles" several years ago...........and the name fit well...........then NERD produced a new trait and called it the "Woma/Tiger" ball............so Upscale reptiles changed their name from the Woma ball to the "Bengal Ball"...........so now we have The Bengal Ball ( that used to be the Woma ball ) which I believe has not been proven to be genetic yet.............and we have the Woma/Tiger ball which Nerd proved............and the plain old "Tiger Ball"............which is what is pictured in this series.

The "Tiger" I would say is the less extreme of all three.........but.......it's a very cool looking ball python. It has a very nice banded pattern............the bands seem to be very hazy and faded out............these snakes look electric!!

I produced "hets" from my Tiger female for the past two breeding seasons........2001 and 2002.........the first year she was bred to a really nice banded male.........the babies came out banded like the father...........but they did not look like the Tiger mom............the second year I got a male that looked very similar to my Tiger female...........he was on breeding loan from VPI..........babies were also produced that year..............and they looked totally normal...........so I'm hoping that this is a simple recessive trait...........God knows it would be nice to see a new simple recessive trait again............it seems like everything new is Co-Dom????????

I'm raising up "hets" and will hopefully see if this is an inheritable trait or not in the next year or so...........stay tuned!

Tiger Ball Python on eggs Tiger Ball Python on eggs Tiger Ball Python on eggs Tiger Ball Python Head shot
Tiger Ball Python Tiger Ball Python Tiger Ball Python Tiger Ball Python Tiger Ball Python

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