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Ringer Ball PythonScientific Name: Python regius
Common Name:
Ball Python
Genetics: Unknown - I have produced "hets"

Don't ask me........I've been buying up all the nice ones that are females that I can find. I know that I and other breeders have produced these "Ringers" from breeding normal ball pythons together. Where does it come from? Is it genetic? Is it "The Poor Mans Pied"?

I don't really think that reproducing plain old ringer balls is really worth much, but it would be nice to know if it can be done consistently. I collect them because I'm hoping that something "Wild" will come of it! I think just about every ball python breeder has a nice ringer or two in his or her collection, hoping that it will produce something unexpected........I know I do! ........Worst case.........you have nice "unique" females to use in other projects.

As far as what makes a ball python classified as a "Ringer".........most will have a white section on their body ( sometimes two or three white sections ).........usually down by the vent.........sometimes it will start at the belly scales and wrap all the way around the snake's body ( That is a really good Ringer )............but most of the time........the white just creeps up the sides of the body. Also the white is usually bordered in a really pretty orange color...........just like the Piebalds?

Who knows why this happens?..........I think it is just the way some babies end up in their egg........maybe they get "pinched" during development.........depending on their position in the egg.........and from this happening...........the color and pattern gets messed up in that area?..........just a theory........I have produced several "Ringers" that are 100% het for Piebald from the Kahl strain...........out of the " clear blue"...........who knows??

At the bottom row I have four pics of a really nice imported Ringer male...........he is one of the best I have seen...........and has most of the typical Piebald characteristics...........the white patch..........bordered by the orange..........and the "signature" double dorsal striping on the back.

Ringer Ball Python Ringer Ball Python Ringer Ball Python Ringer Ball Python Ringer Ball Python Ringer Ball Python Ringer Ball Python Ringer Ball Python Ringer Ball Python Ringer Ball Python
Imported from Africa 2000 Imported from Africa 2000 Imported from Africa 2000 Imported from Africa 2000 Ringer male breeding Ringer female 2002
Ringer male breeding Ringer female 2002


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