Name: Python regius
Common Name: Ball
Morph: Patternless
Genetics: Unknown
the "Patternless" ball python...............this
is the total BOMB for any serous breeder
who wants to make some killer combination
snakes............the Patternless
ball can be crossed with other mutations
to make incredible new morphs!!!.............Imagine
an Albino Patternless ( Banana Ball
)..........or better yet...........a
Lavender Albino Patternless.............this
is just nuts!!............the Patternless
snake allows us breeders to make our
favorite snakes ONE SOLID COLOR!!
got a call about this little gem being
hatched in was
hatched in April of 2003...........I
heard about it, then I was sent a
pic...........the rest is history.............I
was lucky enough to get this snake
into the country before it's first was that young.
When it arrived it didn't even look
real?.............and it was tiny............about
40 was one of
the smallest baby ball pythons I had
ever was proportioned was just
so small.
was so happy to get a nice surprise
like this offered to me.............I
actually was "laying low"
and not really paying attention to
what was happening in Africa at the
time...........I figured "I seen
it all"...............well that
was not the case .............bringing
this new snake in just "jump
started" me back into the game
again.......the "Spending Game"..............but
no complaints here............if you
want to continue to excel in the ball
python MUST
produce new mutations!!.............and
as far as I'm concerned............the
Patternless Ball Python is the most
important "trait" a breeder
could want for combinations...........VPI
also has a Patternless Ball Python.............they
actually hatched one in
they have the parents and siblings..........they
have a very SOLID project and I would
expect they will be able to prove
this trait to be simple recessive
in a couple years..........PLEASE
GOD, let it be simple recessive!!............I'm
sick of co-doms bringing the market
down!!!.........;)......just when
you think you have seen it all??............The
Patternless Ball Python shows up and
brings all of us simple recessive
lovers "new hope"..............Rock