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Labyrinth Jungle Ball PythonScientific Name: Python regius
Common Name:
Ball Python
Labyrinth Jungle
Genetics: Unknown - I have produced "hets"

At this time I do not know of anyone who has proved the "Labyrinth Jungle " to be genetic. I know that very few people posses this "Morph" also. This variant is not just a "busy zig zag patterned ball python". There is a lot more to them than that. The head and eyes alone make this snake look incredible........ and the "Labyrinth Maze Pattern" is a major eye-pleaser!!!! I see many resemblance's between the "Labs" and the "Classic Jungle" and the "Woma/Tiger" balls, especially in the head and eyes..........and they all seem to share white bellies also.

Against a normal patterned ball python, Labyrinths stand out tremendously......... their color is fairly standard ball python coloration..........but the pattern is ALIVE!!!!! If the "Labs" prove to be genetic they will make a huge impact on the ball python market. I want to see one of these guys as an albino!!!!!!

All of the "Labs" I own are imports..........they were all either hatched in Africa or collected in the wild. Time will tell if this is a co-dominant trait or simple recessive.........or nothing at all?????......I sure hope it is genetic though, because they are not just "slightly" a mutation..........they are completely new and unique!

~~ Update ~~ I did produce babies from a "Laby" pair in 2003..............all look totally normal??..............are they double hets for two different "types" of Lab trait??.................who knows??...............stay tuned.

Labyrinth Jungle Ball Python Labyrinth Jungle Ball Python White bellies Labyrinth Jungle Ball Python pair Labyrinth Jungle Ball Python pair Labyrinth Jungle Ball Python and a "Bumble Bee" Ball Python Labyrinth Jungle Ball Python This is a KILLER female Labyrinth Jungle Ball Python Labyrinth Jungle Ball Python Labyrinth Jungle Ball Python Labyrinth Jungle Ball Python Labyrinth Jungle Ball Python Labyrinth Jungle Ball Python Labyrinth Jungle Ball Python Labyrinth Jungle Ball Python Labyrinth Jungle Ball Python Labyrinth Jungle Ball Python Labyrinth Jungle Ball Python Labyrinth Jungle Ball Python


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