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Clown Ball PythonScientific Name: Python regius
Common Name:
Ball Python
Genetics: Color / Pattern Mutation - Simple Recessive ( VPI )

The Clown is just "crazy" like a Clown should be.............there is nothing normal looking about this mutation ........typical Clown characteristics are the very vaguely patterned sides and the awesome dorsal stripe..............this mutation was proved to be simple recessive by VPI..........I have been fortunate enough to produce this mutation here at RDR........as you can see in the pics below............the Clown mutation can be very variable........I have hatched out a few Clowns with hardly any side pattern and a KILLER dorsal stripe.........this "type" looks totally wicked!!..............The Clown offers a ton of fun in the "combo department"...............I can't think of any mutation that would not look good " as a Clown"...........This is a color and pattern mutation.............the colors of babies are sharp and crisp tans, rusty orange and "earthy" browns..............as they mature, they become much more subtle in appearance ( hypo with blushing patterns ), the colors tone down a bit and your left with a big chunky "wacky sided, wacky striped and wacky headed" snake.......;)...............This is the Clown!!

A sweet little Clown hatched here at RDR in 2003 This is what I call "The Wicked Clown"........... 03 "Wicked Clowns" The Clown's stripe is it's "signature" Clown Ball Python
Clown Ball Python produced by The Snake Keeper The Clown's head is like no other ball python's head............great name!! "Clown in the hand"


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