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Cinnamon PastelScientific Name: Python regius
Common Name:
Ball Python
Cinnamon Pastel
Genetics: Color Mutation / Pattern Mutation - Co-Dominant or Dominant ( Graziani )

As of 2005..........the Cinnamon Pastel aka Black Pastel have both proved to be co-dom...the "Super Cinny" and "Super Black Pastel" are both dark chocolate colored patternless snakes. The "Pewter" from each line looks different to some degree...........Pewter being a Pastel x Cinny or a Pastel x Black Pastel...........the difference is not extreme in the Pewters..........also the "Supers" from each line are slightly different.........some say that one Super is darker than the other?.........more brown......more black.........

I have noticed many problems with the "Supers" from the year that they were first produced until now ( 05 ).........all that have been produced and that I have seen have face deformities....either elongated snouts.........thin cheeks and heads........a "turned up" snout.........kinks or twists..........I think to solve the problem with the Supers.........breeders need to NOT line breed to make the Supers...........bloodlines need to be mixed.

The "Super Pastel Cinny" aka Sterling Ball is from the Graziani Cinny Line..........the "Super Pastel Black Pastel" aka Silver Streak is from the Black Pastel line............these two snakes are "night and day" in appearance.............so I would think between the differences in the Supers, Pewters and "Super Pastel x Cinny/ Black" it's safe to say that the lines should be considered to do different things.


I hatched out one male Cinnamon Pastel in a 5 egg clutch in 2003 What a cool new mutation The burnt cinnamon color is very pretty The clutch from 2003........ The bellies of the Cinnamons are white
Cinnamon Pastel

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