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Black Backed Ball PythonScientific Name: Python regius
Common Name:
Ball Python
Black Back
Genetics: Unknown.........the only "reliable" Black Backed ball python to my knowledge is from the Red Axanthic line ( Corey Woods )

I have built up quite a variety of different kinds of Black Backs through the years.I have yet to breed any together or get any kind of project started with them.........but I will one day...:) I know that some breeders have produced Black Backed ball pythons at "random" and I also know that some have been produced from Black Backed parents.........so this could be like the Banded ball pythons........who knows?? I would hope that this morph is genetic because I really think the "Black Back" really sets the snake off! I have noticed that there are some different kinds of black striped or black backs..........some seem to have pure black stripes and some seem to have a more brown/burgundy color stripe. I think it is important to try to match up the animals that share the same characteristics when breeding these........ ultimately it will come down to line breeding them. Its hard to try to match up what snakes you feel may be compatible from the wild????? I have 2 different groups that share the same markings, so hopefully I will get lucky. These will make nice looking ball pythons at fair prices.

Black Backed Ball Python Black Backed Ball Python Black Backed Ball Python Black Backed Ball Python A Black Back in Africa
A Black Back in Africa " Bad Pic " A Black Back in Africa


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