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Banded Ball PythonsScientific Name: Python regius
Common Name:
Ball Python
Genetics: Pattern Mutation - Dominant as of 2003 ( RDR Line )

I have been collecting really nice Banded Ball pythons since 1999, and slowly putting together a nice breeding group of snakes that "seem" to look the same as far as their "banding". At this time, I do not know if this is a genetic trait or not? I and some others have reproduced Banded ball pythons from breeding Bandeds to Bandeds and Bandeds to normal patterned snakes......I would think that if we see baby Bandeds that look like the parents.........then it has to be inheritable somehow?..........maybe it is a dominant trait..........co-dom..........or a "local" thing??? It will take more years of breeding to get them figured out.

A banded / reduced pattern ball python is quite different looking than a normal patterned ball...........having less markings in black make the snake's contrast that much more eye catching..........They lack the "alien heads and eyes" on the sides..........this is probably a locality pattern more than anything else. I think a great banded ball python should be 50/50 in sharing the black and brown coloring............is it banded in black........or is it banded in brown??????............you decide.

~~UPDATE~~ I bred a pair of gorgeous Banded / Reduced ball pythons in 2003...........ALL of the babies came out beautifully Banded!!...........I would say that this is definitely an inheritable trait and using the "right lineage" will consistently produce more baby Banded ball pythons..............now it's time "combine" the Banded trait with other mutations.......;)

Banded Ball Pythons Banded/Reduced Pattern Ball Python Banded Ball Python Banded Ball Python The Sire Banded Ball Python Banded Ball Python The Sire Banded Ball Python The Sire Banded Ball Python Banded Ball Python Banded Ball Python
A cool 50% poss het for Clown that is Banded F-1 Banded Ball Pythons I produced in 2001 F-1 Banded Ball Pythons I produced in 2001 An F-1 Banded Ball Pythons I produced in 2001 A nice pile of 03 Banded / Reduced baby balls!!

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