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Albino Ball PythonScientific Name: Python regius
Common Name:
Ball Python
Albino ( T- )
Genetics: Color Mutation - Simple Recessive ( Bob Clark )

Albino ball pythons lack all dark pigment, they are amelanistic ( containing no melanin )........a normal colored ball python is brown, black with some hints of white.........take away the dark pigments........and the brown turns yellow..........the black turns white...........and the white stays white.........throw in some cool pink eyes.............and you have the "Classic" Albino Ball.
The Albino Ball Python market has really held it's value over the years, in fact the price has held pretty well over the past several years where other high-end snake projects have dropped in price more rapidly. One of the reasons due to the success of this project is the number of Albinos being produced. Since Ball Pythons lay relatively small clutches, it has been hard for the breeders to meet the public's demand. Remember.........Albinos were one of the first simple recessive mutations of ball python to be produced and offered for sale.........almost 10 years ago!........I have built up a very large and diverse group of albinos, hets, and possible hets through the years. I take pride in the fact that most of the albinos produced here at RDR have been the results of "Out Crossing".......ALL the het males and the het and possible het females used in producing MY original albinos were unrelated. Out crossing is accomplished by obtaining "LONE" males and females from different bloodlines. Now out crossing is not always an option when dealing with the newer mutations.....but as far as the albinos, it took some time.....but I feel it is well worth it in the long run..............stronger bloodlines!!!! I also have acquired several "imported" albino ball pythons......I consider this to be like starting with a "Clean Slate"......this assures a stronger bloodline in my opinion.....even though there is probably only ONE strain of T- albino. I have what I consider several albinos here that are "untouched" gene pools. Look how long albinos have been bred in captivity..........many years have gone buy since they were first produced in captivity...........now........many years later..........they are still fairly expensive....and still on everyone's "wish list"............using the albino as a reference................think about how long the ball python "mutation" market will survive...........we are just getting started.............the ball python market will "RULE" for the next decade!!!!!!!

Albino Ball Python Albino Ball Python Albino Ball Python Albino Ball Python Albino Ball Python Albino Ball Python Albino Ball Python Albino Ball Python Albino Ball Python Albino Ball Python Albino Ball Python Albino Ball Python Albino Ball Python Albino Ball Python Albino Ball Python
Albino Ball Python hatching Close up of the skin Albino Ball Python hatching Albino Ball Python clutch hatching Albino male breeding a het female

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